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I forgot about Chris Rock showing up. I'm pretty sure he was shooting something that was part of like five seconds of a montage in Head of State.

Yep. There's a brief scene in that movie where he goes to a wrestling show to campaign to the "common folk" and then gets beat down by Truth and a few others.
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Thank God for that blonde cage dancer.

Ah yes, the one and only Lollipop. She was said to be quite popular among the boys.



Yeah, that's her, although she didn't had her gimmick that time. She almost saved those two last shows...


PPV17 was much better, to the point I thought it would actually be really good in the end, but the last part of the show took it down.


Still, AJ Styles vs Syxx-Pac rematch was very good again, this time going for a more all-out style, probably because of the no-DQ stip that wasn't used that much apart from a few spots. Waltman showed again that he's still a crisp worker, and AJ looks better with that kind of opponent than doing over-contrived spots. I kinda fear the Amazing Red match the following week. Finish had the interference of Brian Lawler, as part of the embarrassing April angle, but apart from that week finish, the match was very satisfying. Mortimer Plumbtree was pretty good on color too.


Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki showcased another side of Lynn's work, as he put on a selling clinic since the whole match was based around his injured knee. And he was excellent at mounting offense from underneath while still selling. It allowed the otherwise very spotty Siaki to focus his offense with good submissions and knee work. Very solid match and a feather in the cap of Jerry Lynn.


As far as solid match went, AMW (finally called as such) vs The Hot Shots was good, beginning with a lot of brawling then settling into a classic tag match. James Storm is the best Bart Gunn ever, and I enjoy the Hot Shot's style and antics, especially Cassidy's (who remind me a bit of a young Shane Douglas or an Eddie Gilbert). They really did a good job building AMW thus far.


Scott Hall made his return facing Jeff Jarrett, and this one was also as good as these two can get at this point, and by that I mean much better than most Jarrett's matches in late WCW. Too bad they had to deal with a shit finish (lights going off so Killings can cut a promo and a bunch of run-ins), otherwise this is the second best match they had together in TNA. Jarrett's offense consisted of 90% good looking punches, so people around here should give him a little more credit I think.


Apart from that, a cluserfuck of a match involving all the usual suspects, SATs, Kid Kash & Skipper, another bad main event between Truth & Hennig, who looks like he has nothing left in the tank, and the stupid April angle interfering into Brian Lawler vs BJ James (who doesn't look good again), then later advancing in an even more ridiculous segment where Lawler almost cries, then gets convinced by April that Waltman "forced her" to kiss him (Lawler looks like a complete idiot for believing this BTW). So of course, we get the announcer tell us that "it's all April's fault". Yeah, women = bicthes. In another Russoesque moment, we also get woman abuse in a worthless Ace Steel vs Jorge Estrada match, where Priscilla (who I understand is a former Jerry lawler valet/girlfriend) gets pushed around for basically no reason. So yeah, almost a really good episode thanks to four solid to very good matches.


2002.10.23 AJ Styles vs Syxx-Pac

2002.10.23 AMW vs Hot Shots

2002.10.23 Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki

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The promotion is on its way to Russoification, as showed by most of PPV 18.


So we get a tournament to have a n°1 contender for the world title. First match : Ron Harris vs BJ James, with Don Harris as the enforcer referee (supposed to be there for the entire tournament). Shitty gimmick ref job, shitty match, Bullet Bob runs in in the middle of the match to fire Don. Second match : Curt Hennig vs Jeff Jarrett doesn't happen because Jarrett jumped Hennig earlier on and bloodied him badly. Jumps him again on the ramp, chairshots, the Stroke (I can't believe no one ever told Jarrett how awful the move looks), Jarrett wins. Ok, this tournament sucks already.


Then we get more Brian Lawler & April nonsense. April is clearly depicted as a manipulative bitch here, after being the victim of an abusive Lawler, but she doesn't get any sympathy from the announcers who make it clear that if Lawler is confused and dangerous, it's "because of her" . Yeah, those hot women are all trash, Russo.


Then we get yet another run-in from "Mr. Wrestling III" at the end of Scott Hall vs The Truth, which wasn't good but still better than the Hennig matches. This shitty angle just goes nowhere. And some ff stuff involving Miss TNA & Priscilla in a mixed tag. Not watching this. Kid Kash vs Tony Mamaluke was a bit better than the usual Kash match thanks to Mamaluke working heel and giving the match a semblance of dynamic, but Kash just wants to do spots and can't be bothered to sell. AMW vs the Micheals vs The Hot Spot was a watchable cluster, with a post match beating on AMW by Brian Lee & Slash. That's a match I can look forward to I think.


The show was saved again by Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles. The first in a tournament match against Sonny Siaki, this time worked in a much more classic Lynn way, with a focus by Siaki on Lynn's neck and throat after a hot shot spot. The end was a bit anticlimatic, but it was a good match. Siaki needs to drop the Rock clone image though. Styles defended his X-div title against Amazing Red, in what was a very good indieriffic match. Ok, I'm not a big fan of the style to be honest, and some of the sequences at the beginning screamed choregraphed stuff a-la RVD vs Lynn, but Red makes a good undersize underdog and he can be very fun to watch because of his quickness and execution, although he clearly lacks any middle-ground offense in between his big spots. AJ played heel very well (good facials and maneurisms at the right time) and took the time to ground Red and slow down the pace a bit. This guy already showed me a lot in these few first months of TNA, he clearly was the guy holding things together here.


2002.10.30 Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki

2002.10.30 AJ Styles vs Amazing Red

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I am disappointed you did not mention just how awful Apolo's superkick (and Shamrock's selling of it) was in the run in that led to the title change.


Oh yeah, that was brutal. :) In matches he usually hits them pretty damn good, but this one just was totally off.



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Those Hennig matches are hard to watch. Just looking at his puffed up face you can tell he didn't have long.


Yep. He looked bloated.


PPV19 = one match show. AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn, this time against each other, in yet another terrific match. No gimmicks needed. Played the familiarity well, especially at the beginning and when Lynn tried to do his annoying guillotine spots that was countered (I always love when it happens). They didn't rush things and built to a nice series of nearfalls. I won't go into specifics, but although it's not their absolute best, it's still easily an excellent match. Lynn gets the belt back again. They sure throw this around like a hot potatoe.


Rest of the show ? 5 men table match clusterfuck. Bullshit involving the Rainbow Express. A decent AMW vs Brian Lee & Slash match that ended up in a double DQ. A decent beating by bloated Hennig on Jeff Jarrett. A watchable Sonny Siaki vs BJ James semi-final for the 1st challenger tournament (probably the best James has looked thus far, as his selling of the knee injury was fine).


But most offensively : Brian Lawler vs Syxx-Pac. During which : April was kissed against her will (that time) by Syxx-Pac, in what basically consists of a sexual assault. April was called a cunt by Brian Lawler after he was all sugary in the pre-match. April was forced to follow Syxx-Pac after he won the match. April got "she's got herpes" and "she's a crack whore" chants led by a fat & ugly white trash woman at ringside. And then Brian has a "heart-attack" and April jumps back at his side. While the announcers basically say that April is the reason of all this trouble. Do I need to say more ?


2002.11.06 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

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Those Hennig matches are hard to watch. Just looking at his puffed up face you can tell he didn't have long.

Yep. He looked bloated.


Weird thing is, he was still trying hard to stay in shape. His workout time in the gym wasn't said to be any less intense than all the other guys. And I know for a fact what kind of diet he had, cuz I made at least one or two food runs which included his order: grilled chicken sandwich (with lettuce and no sauce or condiments at all) was his usual go-to.
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Seems like it could be related to a blood pressure/cardiac issue for sure, but the bloated look likely had a lot to do with steroids or HGH or some sort. A lot of guys were still juicing up until the Eddie incident at least. You can even look back at guys like Orton and see the puffy moon face and the distended muscle gut that comes with water retention and 'roid use. It was still a pretty common practice at that point.

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You have about 4-5 shows before Don West turns the corner from worst color guy ever to fun part of the team.


I thought it was 4-5 years.


PPV 20


It's interesting how two guys can have a tremendous serie of matches, then you add an element into the mix, and it totally falls apart. The three-way match has always been a bad idea, and it became more and more apparent with time. It's especially true with modern workers who have some really bad instincts of working for spots and nearfalls instead of building to a climax. So, Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles is a great pairing, but put them with Kid Kash and it becomes a sloppy clusterfuck with no pace, no dynamic, and totally uninteresting "nearfalls" which really aren't since the entire match consist of spot/nearfalls/kick out or pin break by the third guy. They don't go as much for cute and idiotic stuff as they did in the three way with Lo-Ki, but the level of pure work is also way way below, in part because of Kash who's an horrible sloppy spot monkey (I seem to remember he was better than this in ECW, but maybe I'm wrong).


What else, well, a decent brawling match with triple blood between AMW & Brian Lee & Slash, with the new valet Belladona playing a role in AMW finally losing their belt. James Storm already looks like one of the best worker in the company, but Brian Lee is still Brian Lee. The announcers are also extremely annoying trying to sell the idea that Lee & Slash are like robots controlled by the mind of Mitchell. Hum… no. Brian Lee works like good old Brian Lee. Which makes this match one of the best DOA match ever, and a no-so-good PG13 match also. Belladonna rubbing her body with Slash's blood gets point with me, that's the freakiest thing this whole stable ever did.


Talking about decenr brawl, Jeff Jarrett vs BG James was just that, for a few minutes before it became a cliché Korakuen Hall like promenade, until they got back in the ring for the predictable finish. Well, James really hasn't impressed me thus far apart from the promos.


Stuff no one should watch include SAT vs Rainbow Express, Harris Boys (oh, fuck, they're back already) vs Hot Shots, more Brian Lawler and April nonsense (this time it's obvious she fucks, well, Bruce, in the shower, which allows a nice boob-covered-in-foam shot) and a squash by the returning-but-not-for-long Malice.


On the positive side, EZ Money made his debut against Tony Mamaluke. Always liked EZ Money both in ECW and WCW. This was a good little ECW on TNN opener.


And thankfuly, Amazing Red vs Jimmy Yang (sporting a classy All Japan jacket), delivered the best match of the show, less spotty than I thought. Red is growing on me, he's really a (way) lesser version of Rey Jr. with a Blitzkrieg outfit, and he brings dynamics in his matches as the undersize super quick and creative guy. Yang was always the best Elvis.


2002.11.13 Amazing Red vs Jimmy Yang

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I always loved Jimmy Yang. If you don't quit on WWECW eventually you'll get to a fun series of matches with Shannon Moore & Jimmy Yang against Miz & Morrison. Which outside of some of the best ECW title matches, are my favorite matches from WWECW.

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There we go. PPV21. The one.


One match show pretty much again, with Jerry Lynn vs Amazing Red delivering the goods although Red's comebacks during the early part were a little bit rushed to me and short on selling. I thought Lynn almost didn't ground him enough (as opposed to Malenko who would have grounded him way too much), but overall it turned into a very good match thanks to an excellent finishing stretch of big nearfalls and counter-spots, including references to the previous match Red had with AJ Styles. Red lacks the intermediary offense, but he's really turning it up in term of super quick bursting spots à la Rey Jr. And it was interesting to see Lynn work with a smaller guy, which he did very well. The final looked deadly, and Lynn really solidifies his stature as the #1 guy in the company with his latest performances.


Meanwhile, AJ Styles was stuck with Chris Hammrick (under a mask) and Jorge Estrada in a clusterfuck of a three-way whose ending was never in doubt anyway, which really makes a whole match about breaking up nearfalls even more pointless. Speaking of pointless, I ffed through the Harris Brothers vs SAT, since it's pretty much a perfect nightmare match to me.


AMW vs Brian Lee & Slash was decent, but Lee is Lee, and although it's to the credit of Wolfie D that he reinvented himself, he's rather a generic worker with this gimmick. This time AMW lose it and use the spike on Lee and get DQed. And we get man on woman violence with Storm putting his finisher on Belladonna. Before the match he threatened to "break her neck". What a babyface.


And about offensive babyface, BG James said that he was gonna "beat up a faggot" before his match with Lenny. Wow. Seriously ? In 2002 ? And he got cheered for it no less. Before that we had Lenny calling Bruce a "fake homosexual", we had Goldylock say to April that she was disgusting, before actually be all cudly with her after the match and taking her by the hand. Because faggots are bad, but hot lesbian action with two very heterosexual looking hot blondes is always ok for us hetero-trash. This is garbage. Clearly the worst "storyline" of 2002 in this company.


The debut of Divine Storm (basically another SAT-like team, all trained together by Mickey Whipreck) was notable only because of Trinity (yeah, the same who manages the FBI in WWECW), who did a moonsault from the top rope to the outside and a hurricanrana off the apron on their opponents EZ Money & Sonny Siaki. And also took a terrific bump from a clothesline, but I guess she had it coming…


And of course, Jeff Jarrett vs Ron Killings, in what was quite a decent match for a while. It's funny how much pacing, time and presentation goes a long way into trying to make a title match seem important. Jeremy Borash really killed it with the intros I thought. The dynamic was all bizarre, as Jarrett, after working as a chickenshit heel during the first few minutes, switched to fiery babyface 1/3 into the match basically after a rather pointless figure four spot. The match turned into a bloody brawl, and I just noticed that Killings actually had some excellent punches when he wants to. So Jarrett bleeds his way into the crowd up to an unexpected New Jack table spot. And then, well, it kinda falls apart and gets ridiculous when the referee is actually counting them outside after like five minutes of brawling in the crowd. You know the finish. Mr. Wrestling III, swerve, guitar shot (of fuck, the guitar is back), Jarrett wins the title "not knowing what happened", and the KKK looking like guy reveals himself as, yes, *that* complete idiot. "Hey, it's really like WCW in 2000 now, daddy made me a wrestling company, I won myself the NWA title and my imbecile buddy is back on TV, soon to be unbearable with his shitty shooty-shooty angles and woman-abusing crap and awful performances. Ain't I great ?"


2002.11.20 Jerry Lynn vs Amazing Red

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PPV22, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, this was a one match show again. You have two guesses.


So, AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn was the only saving grace of this stupid promotion. This time they went for a more agressive, brawling style with Kynn bleeding a bit after a DDT on the concrete. They make a lot pf effort not duplicating their matches, and being creative without getting cute or awkward. Major props to those two, whose feud is clearly must-see stuff to me as far as 00's stuff goes. It's not that they deliver a MOTYC every time, I'd call this one very good, but it's the consistency and effort to mix things up, playing off previous matches and familiarity in an organic way.


Jeff Jarrett vs Ron Killings was worse than the previous week, with one of the less smooth Eddielenko sequence ever. That's a problem with Jarrett, a lot of his stuff looks uncrisp, flat and harmless. He's probably very safe, but it shows in a bad Lance Storm way, and his tough guy image never worked with me because it doesn't suit his physical skills. Anyway, they do a bunch of cool counters that look way planned ahead, and a not so cool table spot that looked way awkward. Count out, restart, Russo, guitar, swerve, three Stroke (although Killings makes them look better than anyone I have seen) and that's it. A promotion built around Vince Russo as the main heel just won't do it for me.


AMW vs Hot Shots was pretty good but never went anywhere as Lee & Slash attacked them again. And afterward, AMW just jumped on Belladonna and threatened to put her in their finisher. Yeah ! Nothing screams babyface more than woman abuse.

What else, some crappy indieriffic spotfests in Divine Storm vs The Briscoes (and in case you wonder, Trinity hit a good looking quebrada, while Mark did the stupidest plancha ever, landing on his feet and never even touching his opponent) and Sonny Siaki vs Crimson Dragon (Hammrick in a rather cool outfit), a bad and very boring tag team titme match involving BG James & Curt Hennig, more April nonsense for which I have no time left at this point, Brian Lawler crying then grabbing the ass of a former girlfriend of his father. And of course, a long, drawn out, useless, stupid, shooty-shooty Vince Russo promo talking about old stuff from WWF and WCW. Same kind of shit that was old and stupid in 2000, only even way more irrelevant now.


2002.11.27 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

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How surprising. One week into Vince Russo making himself the focus of the promotion, and I guess gaining power backstage although he contributed to that shit since the beginning, TNA becomes unwatchable. Yep. PPV 23 is where the product officially becomes unwatchable. You got :


_idiotic and offensive shooty-shooty promos : check (Piper's was actually pretty decent and focused until the Owen's death mention)

_women geting verbally and physically abused : check (Athena's treatment goes straight into sexual assault territory, while Belladonna getting double-teamed by AMW was downright ridiculous, the "babyfaces" end up looking like dirtbags)

_stupid stipulations and gimmick matches : check (I still didn't get the concept of the qualifying matches for the bullrope match, which itself ended up in a complete cluster and Belladonna working the thing anyway)

_two nazis getting pushed yet again : check (Yeah, the Harris boys are all over the show again, beating on women, injured guys and having awful brawling match)

_oh, and how could I forgot the classic swerve : check (BJ James turning on TNA and pretty much his own father)


And since it's TNA, we also get the worst of the X-division style with SAT vs Divine Storm, an pathetically bad indy match with four guys working exactly like one another. Trinity hits her moonsault BTW. And a double elimination match involving AJ Styles, EZ Money but also, gasp, Kid Kash and Joel Maximo. The Styles vs Money short match was pretty fun, the rest was garbage because Kash & Maximo are just terrible and drag everyone down. It also took forever thanks to the gimmick which only worked the first time around because you had four good/excellent workers. Oh yeah, and the show ended on the first occurence of "we know who that is". Well, not really, they bluntly said "It's Paul Bearer" before correcting themselves into "he used to be…". Oh, the intrigue.


And really, with the limitations of corporate WCW off, Russo's shit is unfiltered and way more smutty and offensive. TNA makes ECW 96 looks like the AWA.


So yeah. The mere few seconds of watchability here : Lollipop.


So yeah : http://prowrestlingonly.com/index.php?/topic/4730-is-tna-the-worst-wrestling-promotion-in-history/

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I forgot to mention the "smart acronym" gimmick too, with Sports Entertainment eXtreme. Well, not really an acronym, but I'm pretty sure Russo can't read anyway. It's amazing to me that this guy managed to stay employed by anyone after WCW, let alone stay for so long in TNA after this kind of shit.

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So, there goes my list of worthwhile 2002 TNA matches, in chronological order. Because I'm not keeping on watching a product involving Vince Russo. Maybe back later. Much later. One day. If I'm still depressed. Meanwhile :


2002.06.26 Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles vs Psicosis vs Low-Ki

2002.07.10 Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles vs Slash & Tempest

2002.07.10 Jerry Lynn vs Kid Romeo vs Elix Skipper vs Low-Ki vs Chris Daniels vs Tony Mamaluke

2002.07.17 Sabu vs Malice

2002.07.17 Flying Elvis' (Estrada & Siaki) vs Chris Daniels & Elix Skipper

2002.07.17 AJ Styles vs Low-Ki

2002.07.24 Low-Ki vs Amazing Red

2002.07.24 Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles vs Flying Elvis' (Estrada & Yang)

2002.07.31 Elix Skipper vs AJ Styles

2002.07.31 Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn

2002.07.31 Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Hall

2002.08.07 Flying Elvis' vs Amazing Red & SAT

2002.08.14 Low-Ki vs Sonny Siaki vs Jimmy Yang vs Jose Estrada

2002.08.14 Jeff Jarrett & Ron Killings vs Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles

2002.08.21 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

2002.08.21 Sonny Siaki vs Jimmy Yang

2002.08.28 Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles

2002.09.25 Low-Ki vs AJ Styles.

2002.10.02 Low-Ki vs Ron Killings

2002.10.02 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

2002.10.16 Syxx-Pac vs AJ Styles

2002.10.23 AJ Styles vs Syxx-Pac

2002.10.23 AMW vs Hot Shots

2002.10.23 Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki

2002.10.30 Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki

2002.10.30 AJ Styles vs Amazing Red

2002.11.06 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

2002.11.13 Amazing Red vs Jimmy Yang

2002.11.20 Jerry Lynn vs Amazing Red

2002.11.27 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

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I guess. Can't get much worse than PPV 23 anyway. I'm actually interested in watching both Raven & Shane Douglas in TNA, since they are old favourites of mine. But clearly not now, and not going through the entire shows (despite the ff), because it's been no fun at all lately. Really, Vince Russo, I'm not going through this again, life is way too short. Basically a comp of AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn & Low-Ki is really the only thing anyone should watch of this promotion in 2002.

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Shane Douglas pukes on camera during his first match there.


Raven's feud with Jarrett is good and then his feud with James Mitchell is pretty good as well. Raven's first 6 months with the company are pretty good.


2003 is interesting in that you never know who's going to pop up on a PPV. All sorts of random people show up. Dutch Mantell shows up in September and the company spirals into a boring mess until the fall of 2004 when they ditch the weekly PPV format and start monthly PPV. I liked the Fox Sports version of Impact a lot as they put time limits on the matches and tried presenting as more of a sport.

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So, there goes my list of worthwhile 2002 TNA matches, in chronological order. Because I'm not keeping on watching a product involving Vince Russo. Maybe back later. Much later. One day. If I'm still depressed. Meanwhile :


2002.06.26 Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles vs Psicosis vs Low-Ki

2002.07.10 Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles vs Slash & Tempest

2002.07.10 Jerry Lynn vs Kid Romeo vs Elix Skipper vs Low-Ki vs Chris Daniels vs Tony Mamaluke

2002.07.17 Sabu vs Malice

2002.07.17 Flying Elvis' (Estrada & Siaki) vs Chris Daniels & Elix Skipper

2002.07.17 AJ Styles vs Low-Ki

2002.07.24 Low-Ki vs Amazing Red

2002.07.24 Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles vs Flying Elvis' (Estrada & Yang)

2002.07.31 Elix Skipper vs AJ Styles

2002.07.31 Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn

2002.07.31 Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Hall

2002.08.07 Flying Elvis' vs Amazing Red & SAT

2002.08.14 Low-Ki vs Sonny Siaki vs Jimmy Yang vs Jose Estrada

2002.08.14 Jeff Jarrett & Ron Killings vs Jerry Lynn & AJ Styles

2002.08.21 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

2002.08.21 Sonny Siaki vs Jimmy Yang

2002.08.28 Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn vs AJ Styles

2002.09.25 Low-Ki vs AJ Styles.

2002.10.02 Low-Ki vs Ron Killings

2002.10.02 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

2002.10.16 Syxx-Pac vs AJ Styles

2002.10.23 AJ Styles vs Syxx-Pac

2002.10.23 AMW vs Hot Shots

2002.10.23 Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki

2002.10.30 Jerry Lynn vs Sonny Siaki

2002.10.30 AJ Styles vs Amazing Red

2002.11.06 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn

2002.11.13 Amazing Red vs Jimmy Yang

2002.11.20 Jerry Lynn vs Amazing Red

2002.11.27 AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn


Can you cut that down to 10?

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