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[1995-07-09-WWF-Action Zone] Barry Horowitz vs Skip


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  • 2 months later...
  Loss said:

This was a pretty transparent attempt to recreate the success of the 1-2-3 Kid angle, but it was still fun.

Do you really think it was ? I mean, Kid beat Razor Ramon who was already a powerful mid-carder who had world title match with Bret Hart. Skip was a comedy gimmick who beat no one yet. I don't see it has the exact same situation.

Anyway, it was good to see Horowitz get some TV time, as he was a really good worker (although I liked him better as a heel), but all in the detriment of Candido, who was doomed from day one.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Chris Candido is my favourite wrestler of all-time. He was extremely nice to me when I managed to speak to him circa 1998. When I told him he was my favourite wrestler, he spoke to me for almost an hour. So this era is very hard to watch for me.


Having said that, even at the time of that conversation, with the WWF run fresh in his mind, he had nothing but nice things to say about most of the people I asked him about, Horowitz included.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

Ross and Pettingill are in full-blown comedy mode, almost like Cole, Lawler, & JBL today with fewer product and Twitter plugs. This should have led to a semi-sustained push for Barry Horowitz, who had earned one, but he quickly settled into JTTS-dom soon after. Ross and Todd can't help but yammer while Sunny is talking.

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  • 2 years later...

Other than Vince Russo & Matty In the House, I still have a burning, venomous hatred for Todd Pettingill more than anyone in wrestling history. Losing here actually broke the Body Donnas out of the pack. Instead of being lumped in with all the other new characters getting meaningless TV win after meaningless TV win, we see them now as something different. Sunny is now the bossy, spoiled little brat while Skip is a pussy-whipped little crybaby doofus. Plus, Horowitz deserved some love. Good stuff all around. Except for fucking Pettingill.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1995-07-09-WWF-Action Zone] Barry Horowitz vs Skip

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