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[1995-11-18-ECW-November to Remember] Rey Misterio Jr vs Psicosis (Mexican Death)


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  • 3 months later...

Not a fan of death matches like this, because the increased number of falls makes no sense when matches without the stip take much longer to get a fall. It's just too convenient that the falls are coming so easily and frequently. Rey also botches an attempt to do some type of highspot on the guardrail. This is worked in a different style than your usual Rey/Psicosis match, and I will give credit to the ECW version of this feud for holding up better than I had remembered, as there is a progression between matches, and Gangstas Paradise is the only that is wrestled in the typical showcase style. This match has Rey doing quite a bit of prolonged selling where he's laid out for a long period of time. It's also funny when Psicosis gets over as a heel by declining to use a chair.


This is more American style than any Rey/Psicosis match I can ever recall seeing, which will make some love it and others hate it. I don't have a problem with the layout -- more "hate", more attempting to get over Rey's guts by having him take a lot of punishment, etc. -- but these two using chairs and tables is beneath their talent and I wish they'd stay away from it, October match being a huge exception. I guess you could cut them some slack because they are in ECW and they're doing what they think will pop the fans, but it's just not the best version of this match, even though there are some positives.

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I always thought the psychology of the easy falls in Texas death matches is that the person who loses the fall didn't kick out so they could have more time to recover from the last move they were hit with.

Heard that before, but it makes no sense to me, because it kinda kills the entire concept. "Yeah, I'm not kicking out so I can rest and pretend I have trouble getting up". Not exactly the making of an exciting match. These kind of matches just don't work well unless you go for knock downs without three counts.

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  • 7 months later...

This reminds me of when Konnan tried to make AAA more hardcore in 96 and you got more ECW type matches in that promotion which caused the riff between Konnan and the older guys. This wasn't that good. Jason gets involved after the match which brings out the Eliminators and 911 makes the save. 911/Rey is one weird team.

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  • 2 years later...

This was good and I understand what they were going for, but yeah, this is excessive in its amount of falls, even if Styles attempts to cover for it by speculating that Rey was playing possum to buy recovery time. Still, Rey doing the huracanrana off the eagle's nest was a pretty balls-out way to finish this and a moment that would be in the TV intro for a long while. Rey kicks Jason's ass after the match when Jason insists on managing him, and gets double-teamed by the Eliminators. 911 makes the save and demonstrates why he should never, ever attempt anything except chokeslamming people. I do like the idea of pairing Rey and 911 up, at least in theory.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1995-11-18-ECW-November to Remember] Rey Misterio Jr vs Psicosis (Mexican Death Match)
  • 1 month later...

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Psicosis - ECW November 2 Remember 95 Mexican Death Match

They go the "I cant believe he kicked out" resilience route, which I have never cared for. I think it undercuts the heel way more than it helps the babyface. I prefer that the babyface shows resilience through hope spots. Psicosis has great offense and Rey is a great seller, but it felt too ragdoll-y for me. There was no struggle. Rey kinda died. He was getting up at 9 after the first fall and he said had three falls left. Then he kinda just sprang into action after Rey positions the chair to have Psicosis land on it. Joey Styles says Rey was playing possum. I dont blame Joey for that he had to call what he saw. I felt like Rey just blew off the heat segment, which was the majority of the match. They did some pretty good crowd brawling. I love Rey throwing chairs around and diving into the crowd. The rana off the balcony underneath the Crow's Nest was a great finish. Easily their worst match together,  but it is Rey vs Psicosis it is still entertaining because Psicosis bumps like a madman in the beginning & end and he does have great offense. ***1/2 


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  • GSR changed the title to [1995-11-18-ECW-November to Remember] Rey Misterio Jr vs Psicosis (Mexican Death)

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