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This thought just crossed my mind. I wonder if Vince has ever seen Beavis and Butthead? I would guess not but if he ever did (which would make sense since other than a brief reboot 3 years ago it's been off the air for 17 years and that's when Vince catches up) he would immediately fall in love. And Butthead loved ACDC

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I got way too much of a kick of randomly walking down a street in DC today and seeing the Exotic Express. I forgot they were here tonight.


Same thing happened to me. I was driving to a pub quiz night with my wife and we saw the bus. The bar is near the Verizon center, and I went "shit RAW is in town, parking is going to suck"

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Speaking of The Exotic Express, I wonder a lot about how many of the current crop of guys ever watch or know of old footage & whatnot. I'm sure they have access to the WWE vault, no? You think Adam Rose has watched any Adrian Street...or Adrian Adonis for that matter? Or even Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant or Jimmy Garvin?

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Guest Eduardo James



Lol Vince Russo killed the Steph/Vickie segment on twitter



Yeh, not nearly as good as the time he booked Keibler to have an abortion in a pudding match. That was some high brow shit.


His ego is one of the things that makes disliking Vince Russo so much easier than if he were a nice guy who had just some really bad ideas.

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I missed all of Raw except for the 2nd half of the Barrett/Ziggler match, so catching up...


- The last major wrestling event that I watched before coming back for WM30 this year was WM20, so clearly I've missed a lot of what's gone on with Vickie Guerrero as a character. But, regardless, that opening segment was a high-wire act and I'm not sure it really worked for me. Even beyond the Eddie stuff, which may never stop feeling exploitative, the "Lie, Cheat, and Steal" catchphrase doesn't really build any sort of babyface sympathy for me but, judging by the reactions online to this and the segment later on, clearly I'm an outlier.

- The Wyatt Family's new music is bad. Really bad. The abbreviated entrances, where they cut the lights and skipped the music, were immeasurably better than this, which reeks of the WWE trying too hard to co-opt the singalong deal. Of course, if they actually want people to stop singing along...

- I never noticed it before, but the tag belts look awful. Good lord.

- The Paige/Naomi "confrontation" after the Alicia Fox match...I have no idea what was going on with that. At least they gave Paige some time on commentary, I guess.

- RVD is officially more interesting on the mic than in the ring. So, it's come to this.

- Rollins smartly tweaks his "I destroyed the Shield" speech that got BO-RING chants a few weeks ago to include direct call outs to the other former Shield members, then goes out and puts together a decent little match with RVD. Plus, the follow-up promo, where he actually rationalizes a surprisingly logical reason for including Ambrose in the MITB match. His strongest night as a heel so far?

- Ambrose is laying on the bug-eyed facials a bit thick, but he's still thriving in the proto-Austin hellraiser role they've given him.

- Barrett keeping his pre-match promos short? Good. Barrett going for the cheap sports heat with the Redskins name controversy? Not a fan.

- Not as impressed with the Barrett/Ziggler match on the second time around, but it was still a better than average match for TV. That bullhammer shot at the end is still great.

- "Mud" wrestling as a blowoff for anything in 2014 is embarrassing, but credit to Steph for making the most of it. Her face before getting thrown into the "mud" was eerily Vince-esque.

- Not as enthusiastic about the "Wish Upon A Star" routine with Stardust, but Goldust's delivery, especially the final line, was hilarious.

- Virtually no reaction at all for Big E in the ring, then even less with the microphone leading up to the Rusev run-in. (Though who knows what in the world he was going for with that speech.) Just turn him heel, stick him with Titus O'Neil as the New Prime Time Players, and put most of your wasted talent in one tag team. They'll be easier to mismanage that way!

- Reigns cocking his fist like a gun and pounding his fist into the ground before the Superman Punch is almost as bad as Orton's "coiling up" routine. That said, spearing Kane after being announced as the 8th participant (why?) was a nice ending.

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The Paige/Naomi "confrontation" after the Alicia Fox match...I have no idea what was going on with that. At least they gave Paige some time on commentary, I guess.

Naomi wants Paige's title. They're both faces so there's mutual respect there. What didn't you get about that segment?

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The Vickie and Stephanie segment was embarrassing. I may be in the minority here but still think that Steph is terrible. Also weird to see her playing smart calculating woman for months and in the last two weeks she’s become Damian Sandow.


I wish you guys understood Spanish because Rush from CMLL is a fantastic dickhead (re: the best heels discussion).

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I wonder if Steph stooging the last month or so was due to the criticism of her not showing enough ass or maybe since Bryan is gone they had her do different things. A poster at DVR mentioned the no man on woman violence and that's all I can really think of. The only male babyface to mock her has been Cena

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I wonder if Steph stooging the last month or so was due to the criticism of her not showing enough ass or maybe since Bryan is gone they had her do different things. A poster at DVR mentioned the no man on woman violence and that's all I can really think of. The only male babyface to mock her has been Cena


I think it's that at some point between Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber (we could probably pinpoint it if we went back and looked at each show), both HHH and Stephanie suddenly got it - it's like it clicked that it didn't matter if they agreed with what their detractors thought, that their best bet was to play that perception up as much as possible. Feed the monster instead of resenting it. Since then, both of them have been terrific TV characters and have seemed much more secure. The difference between Stephanie now and Stephanie even in December is pretty staggering. The difference between Stephanie in recent months and Stephanie a decade ago is that I don't get the feeling she's working out her psychological and body image issues on television anymore. She seems much more confident and sure of herself as a woman, resulting in a much more comfortable viewing experience.

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The Paige/Naomi "confrontation" after the Alicia Fox match...I have no idea what was going on with that. At least they gave Paige some time on commentary, I guess.

Naomi wants Paige's title. They're both faces so there's mutual respect there. What didn't you get about that segment?



Actually, this was my fault, as I missed the Main Event match between Paige and Naomi that apparently sparked this. I certainly got the "mutual respect" intent they were going for -- you couldn't not get that, since that's mostly what Paige was driving home on commentary with the sledgehammer of plot. What I didn't follow was where it was coming from, but I get it now, having seen the Main Event match from last week.

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He can also tell very bad dick jokes. Trips just needs to be regulated, once he goes to far with an act it fails miserably. The second DX run with the hour after hour of horrible, unnatural humour. The cerebral assasin run with lots of endlessly dull bloody brawls where he would be on his knees breathing in heavily to sell the damage. The 'company heel ace' run where he worked for half an hour every PPV in dire matches against mediocre opponents.


He always seems to take his particular trope at the time to the extremes, and he doesn't have the talent to. He is better being less ambitious and more natural, as we are seeing recently.

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Guest Eduardo James

Why does it sound like a work? He has a history of arm injuries and it would make no sense for Bryan to come back that way.

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Well it was from a barricade spot. Seems like a routine way to give a guy a worked injury. Who knows






As reported in the Smackdown taping results, Bad News Barrett was apparently injured during his match with Dean Ambrose. WWE.com has confirmed the injury, reporting that Barrett suffered a shoulder injury.

WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann said that Barrett "sustained an injury to his right shoulder when he was thrown into the barricade by Jack Swagger. After Barrett felt an immediate pain and a pop, we brought him back to the training room and the exam showed a separated shoulder. We're going to do some additional testing this week and then sit down with him and talk about options for treatment for this injury."

The site notes that "no official determination has not been made yet in terms of Barrett's participation in Sunday's Money in the Bank Contract Ladder Match."

Read more at http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/326877/Wrestler-Injured-at-Smackdown-Tapings-(SPOILER).htm#yQ0wKk0oUJBFoAJl.99
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