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Heyman did a great job of building Brock(not that he needed it) but Reigns and Wyatt/Taker suffered as a result. It did a job of making me want to see the Mania main but he didn't have to go so far in knocking Reigns down IMO.


That's without mentioning the Taker match that he totally shit on haha

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How long was that promo? Five, ten minutes? I'd rather hear a twenty second "blood, urine, and vomit" line from Brock himself.


Also: they know that to get over, Reigns has to say and/or do cool things, right? Which doesn't include getting beaten up by four guys for as long as it takes for Orton to turn face and start RKOing the other three dudes?

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honestly, paul talking about reigns being a savage samoan whose family made him fight packs of football players and muscleheads for acceptance is the coolest reigns has ever sounded


I thought the same. Best part of the segment. Told a story they haven't explored yet: his fam have historically been badasses.

Also, AJ: still always skipping, to convey that her character's a bit mental.

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Then quite franky, you're an asshole. I know that it's all PR on their part but being cynical about honoring kids who died of cancer is a bridge to far for me.


Dude, calm the fuck down.... look at my 1st post... wasn't the original idea about honoring people behind the scenes? Why edit the Warrior speech? Just show Warrior and then give the hero award. No need to edit the speech. WWE does this over and over... create something false when it was never needed. The spirit of the award isn't the spirit of what Warrior wanted.


The 2nd part is nothing snarky or assholish... Chris Masters is a legit hero.


Nobody here is sad that Connor is being honored but with WWe, you can't help but roll your eyes. Look at the part of your post that i put in bold. Is it PR or is it heartfelt? If it is PR, you are being cynical. If it is heartfelt, no need to throw the PR line in to demonstrate how smart you are to their ways.

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