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[1998-01-05-WWF-Raw] Shaftdust vs Flash Funk


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Goldust comes out as ShaftDust in an afro, bell-bottoms, and blackface. Even Luna is playing the part. The match was really good for the 3 minutes it lasted. Goldust was stiff with some punches and Flash still had a lot left in the tanks with great kicks and aerial moves. He goes up for the 450 but Luna interferes to throw out the match. This results in vader running in and hitting a shoulder block until Goldust bails. (*1/2)

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I am not easily offended (particularly in regards to wrestling) but this was pretty offensive. There is little justification for a wrestler in 1998 to wear blackface, especially when it is being done in part because he is facing a black wrestler. I get that the angle was "Goldust wants attention" but you can't justify a tasteless act in wrestling simply by pointing out that it fits the angle and/or character.


The match was an okay short television match but nothing more. Vader makes the save for Flash Funk and the two hug/dance together about four years before they would be GHC Tag Team Champions together in NOAH.

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Jim Ross giving us the whole psychological analysis of Goldust for all these antics. Piper is probably jealous of this blackface. Vader dancing afterwords was something to see. Glad match with him and Goldust at Rumble made set. Wish we got more from Funk in his WWF run.

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I agree that Goldust wearing blackface to be Shaftdust was offensive and they should have known better than to do this in 1998. Average and short TV match. I always think it makes the WWF look really bush league when they won't fork over the dough for real music. You just don't do Shaft without the Isaac Hayes track.


Luna pushes Scorpio off the top rope to force a DQ. Goldust attacks after the bell until Vader makes a save. I still don't get having Vader around and pushing him as a babyface.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

In real-life this is offensive and would be headline news if it were a celeb, but this is fake 'rasslin and the Vince's think it's LOL funny. This was put on for the Goldust shtick as the match is short and horrible. Scorp's opening punches certainly didn't make me believe he was legit pissed. if he was, this would have at least been interesting.


Rating: Luna can be adorable.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Goldust wears blackface & comes out as Shaft. Good God. Fun little match with Goldust doing the Flair flop on the floor at one point. Luna pushes Flash off the top rope leading to the DQ. Vader runs down & clears Goldust from the ring. I'm enjoying this feud & TAFKA Goldust a lot.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1998-01-05-WWF-Raw] Shaftdust vs Flash Funk

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