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Nomination Process


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The nomination process is real easy.


1) Determine who you want to nominate.

2) Find 3 reviewed matches of their's on prowrestlongly.com or reviews that you did on other sites.

3) Post the nominee and links to the three matches in the nomination thread.

4) Shortly after a the nominee's discussion thread will appear in the nominees forum.


From there you are free to go to the nominees forum to make your case.


Note: If someone finished in the top 25 in the last poll, then they are eligible to be nominated without the 3 reviewed matches.

Note 2: If someone was heavily featured in the 80's project, the review process can be waved.

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Your deal, your rules, so run this however you like, but why the three match review rule?


The purpose it to promote discussion and to re-evaluate. Anyone getting a vote should at least have some discussion on there matches. Also, it means that that footage must exist to be nominated.

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I don't get why you need the three match rule for obvious candidates.


Define obvious. Anyone who finished in the top 25 last time is how I defined it, and it is waived for them.



I assume most candidates are going to be obvious. Looking through the Smarkschoice results, I don't see why we need to provide reviews for the top 100. It's not like we're novices. The majority of us have heard of these wrestlers. It seems silly to provide reviews of Barry Windham or Arn Anderson. I can understand if it's obscure lucha or European workers, but not well known guys.


Also, I know he was in the top 25, but are there even three Destroyer reviews on this site since it changed to PWO?

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I've probably reviewed three Destroyer matches but not in Microscope.


I do see why Grimmas has made the rule though. Some guys have gone under fairly intense scrutiny, so why should some get a free pass.


But maybe expand to "three reviews on PWO"?


I will aim to finish the Harley Race and Dory projects before the year is out. This is proving a great catalyst for footage watching.

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Your deal, your rules, so run this however you like, but why the three match review rule?


The purpose it to promote discussion and to re-evaluate. Anyone getting a vote should at least have some discussion on there matches. Also, it means that that footage must exist to be nominated.


I am completely on board with the discussion/need for video. Just limiting it to matches reviewed here is the part I was concerned with. The discussion will obviously happen once their nominated, and if there is no video available, then eliminate them. I say let the discussion be fresh and with our purpose in mind, not using someone else's/your own older out of context opinions for a starting point.


Again, just my two cents.

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Your deal, your rules, so run this however you like, but why the three match review rule?


The purpose it to promote discussion and to re-evaluate. Anyone getting a vote should at least have some discussion on there matches. Also, it means that that footage must exist to be nominated.


I am completely on board with the discussion/need for video. Just limiting it to matches reviewed here is the part I was concerned with. The discussion will obviously happen once their nominated, and if there is no video available, then eliminate them. I say let the discussion be fresh and with our purpose in mind, not using someone else's/your own older out of context opinions for a starting point.


Again, just my two cents.



The three reviews can be done by yourself anywhere on the board. If you feel someone should be nominated, but nobody has looked at him. Cue up youtube, watch three matches and right something about them. Then nominate them.


Yes, Parv, I meant three reviews on PWO anywhere. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

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Just for clarification purposes: if a wrestler already has three matches reviewed here on PWO we can post those when we nominate the wrestler, but if they don't then we can start a microscope thread for the wrestler and post three of our own reviews so they can be nominated?


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I would add that if there's a guy you want to nominate from the '80s, the overwhelming likelihood is that there are 3+ reviews in the hidden DVDVR nomination folders. So you could just ask one of us to dig a few of them out if need be.


The 3-review rule is a little annoying, but I don't think it'll be a huge practical impediment.

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