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El Satanico


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I keep saying I'm "running out of old man Satanico" and in a way that's not entirely true. When I think of "old man Satanico" I'm mostly thinking of 2001 and on Satanico. Probably because the first time I saw him was in 2001. I've seen all of his work on the 80s Lucha set and the 1990 El Dandy feud, but anything between 1990 and 2001 is new to me and anything post 2003 has also been new. So when I watch him as a 64 year old in 2014, he doesn't seem quite as ancient in 1994. But realistically he is still 44 years old in 1994. Which is old for (most) wrestlers. Since we have nothing before 1983, and the vast majority of Satanico footage comes from post 1990, I figured it might help to look at how old some other relevant wrestlers are compared to Satanico.


Satanico born 10/26/49

Ric Flair 2/25/49 8 months older than Satanico

Yoshiaki Fujiwara 4/27/49 6 months older than Satanico

Bob Backlund 8/14/49 2 months older than Satanico

Stan Hansen 8/29/49 2 months older than Satanico

Lizmark 9/18/94 1 month older than Satanico

Jerry Lawler 11/29/49 1 month younger than Satanico


Before moving on, I separated all the 1949 birth years because holy shit 1949 was the best year for pro wrestlers being born ever! If someone had a top 5 with Satanico, Flair, Hansen, Lawler, and Fujiwara, I wouldn't argue it for a second. Anyway here's a group of wrestlers within 5 years age of Satanico


Terry Funk 6/30/44 5 years older than Satanico

Perro Aguayo 1/18/46 basically 4 years older than Satanico

Andre the Giant 5/19/46 3 years older than Satanico

Dick Murdoch 8/16/46 3 years older than Satanico


I'm actually really surprised at how close Perro and Satanico are in age.


Genichiro Tenryu 2/2/50 basically 3 months younger than Satanico

Jumbo Tsuruta 3/25/51 two years younger than Satanico

Greg Valentine 9/20/51 two years younger than Satanico

Sangre Chicana 11/30/51 two years younger than Satanico

Riki Choshu 12/3/51 two years younger than Satanico

Villano III 3/23/52 or 1/21/53 (luchawiki had both) 3 or 4 years younger than Satanico


Randy Savage 11/15/52 3 years younger than Satanico

Buddy Rose 11/15/52 3 years younger than Satanico

Best single day for wrestler births ever.


Ricky Steamboat 2/28/53 4 years younger than Satanico

Hulk Hogan 8/11/53 4 years younger than Satanico

Tatsumi Fujinami 11/28/53 4 years younger than Satanico

Tully Blanchard 1/22/54 basically 4 years younger than Satanico

Ted Dibiase 1/18/54 basically 4 years younger than Satanico


So those are the people I would consider his peers.

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Satanico vs Hector Garza 4/25/95

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Title match. This really did nothing to grab my attention. Back and forth mat work for most of the match and it is really uninteresting to me. Nothing they do is bad exactly, this just seems really average and dull to me. I was hoping this would at least be on the level of the Tarzan Boy match from 2000, but it isn't even all that close. I might comeback to this match later and give it another shot. But this is definitely something people can skip.


Satanico, Pirata Morgan, MS-1 vs Atlantis, Lizmark, Mascara Sagrada 3/13/92




My one complaint is that this match had to end because if it had lasted for the last 22 years I would still watch it all. So much fun. Great match with everyone looking incredible (Sagrada mostly stayed outside the ring). Rudo's control most of the first fall and a half with brawling triple teaming etc. They take particular pleasure in beating up Lizmark. Satanico always comes across as the leader of the Infernales but it isn't necessarily because he looks way better than the other two. In every match that those 3 guys have together they all look like fantastic workers. They have a real chemistry that puts them in the conversation with any great tag team in history from a working perspective. Atlantis and LIzmark are so smooth when they take over and start hitting their major spots and dives. The crowd is insanely hot for this. Fucking awesome match that everyone should watch asap.

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Satanico, Fuerza Guerrera, Emilio Charles vs Kato Kung Lee, Octagon, Atlantis 5/31/91


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This had some really good moments but overall I think it dragged on a little too long. This could have given 10 minutes to the 3/13/92 match and the world would be a better place. Still, this had some good stuff like I said. I'm not really a fan of the ninja gimmick guys, but Satanico and Fuerza are great bases for Lee and Octagon to do their spinny kicky offense around. This has some good comedy spots which isn't surprising considering Fuerza is in there. The crowd is really hot for this as usual. Worth watching and a good match but just a touch to long I thought.


Satanico vs Kato Kung Lee Hair vs Hair luchawiki says 6/21/91


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Based on some pretty good work together in the previous 6 man, I went from low expectations for this to "maybe it'll be ok" expectations. Awesome spot early on where Satanico has Lee in a wristlock and starts biting his hand. From there this falls off a cliff. The first fall is Satanico dominating with punches, stomps, and chokes. There's a lot of Lee slumped down in the corner and Satanico stepping on his throat or Lee draped over the top rope and Satanico choking him until the ref pulls him off. Finally Lee gets away just long enough to hit Satanico with a 2nd rope tope and a dropkick before rolling Satanico up for the pin. Satanico is pissed and gets in the refs face. Second fall is really more of the same with Satanico mostly dominating with punches and kicks. He turns it up a notch by taking Lee outside the ring and whipping him into the ring post over and over again and we get a little blood. Lee takes a terrible bump for Satanico's bulldog. Lee takes over briefly with some flashy ninja kicks then takes Satanico outside for some face into steel ring post payback. And then the video craps out and goes to black for a solid minute. When it comes back they're still outside and Satanico has taken back over. The video continues to be really shaky but we do get a nice shot of Satanico hitting his awesome apron to the floor senton. Lee hits a superkick then tries the roll-up that he used to be Satanico in the first fall but Satanico kicks out. Lee goes up top for a flying kneedrop but misses it. Satanico punches him twice and then puts an armbar on Lee and Lee submits. Um...ok. Other than that godawful 6 man with Joe Lider, this was probably the worst match I've watched with Satanico. Kato Kung Lee looks really bad in this. Boring work from both guys. Satanico had a pretty easy time controlling this and countering Lee's offense and Lee's selling was really spotty so this lacked the drama of a great hair vs hair match. I do not recommend this unless you want to watch a great worker have a bad match against a bad opponent. So maybe I recommend this to Matt D ;)

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Satanico, La Fiera, Emilio Charles Jr vs El Dandy, Atlantis, Pierroth 11/13/92




This is another new upload from 9/17/14 with 150ish views. Everybody should watch it because it fucking rocks. Total brawling match. Satanico isn't on screen much in the rudo dominated first fall. Whenever we see him he's throwing his great punches/kicks or ripping at Pierroth's mask. When we see more of him in the 2nd and 3rd fall he is mostly bumping or brawling with Pierroth. He looks good and I'm excited for the singles match with Pierroth, but this match was about El Dandy vs La Fiera and it was great. FIera attacks Dandy in the back while Dandy is giving an interview and beats him up for Pierroth and Atlantis make the save. It continues in the first fall with Fiera and Dandy brawling all over ringside and in the ring. Dandy's selling is excellent. 2nd fall picks up even more when the technico's take over and Dandy beats the crap out of Fiera. Fiera blades and the crowd is loving it. 3rd fall is more of the same with everyone fighting all over the place. It ends in a DQ after Fiera brings the chain in the ring to try and beat up Dandy but Dandy gets it and hangs Fiera with it over the top rope. El Dandy is in peak form here. Everything he does is great in this. I wanted to also mention how much I love Atlantis. Everyone took a backseat to Dandy/Fiera in this and let the focus be on them. But in the brief moments Atlantis was in there he was just on fire moving so smoothly and quickly. He was a truly spectacular high flyer.


Satanico vs Pierroth 1992 or 93


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This is a title match. I really like the little things Satanico does. When he's pushing Pierroth back into the corner and has his forearm on Pierroth's face, Satanico takes his other hand and pushes on his wrist to get more force behind the forearm he has shoved in Pierroth's face. Or when he has Pierroth on the ground in an armbar, Satanico takes his free hand and shoves it in Pierroth's armpit. It is the type of stuff Regal would do. Also stuff like rocking back and forth on the camel clutch. This is a really tremendous match that I hope everyone watches. The best match Ive watched for this project so far. Fantastic back and forth mat work in the first fall. Second fall has Satanico roughing Pierroth up a little bit trying to take two straight. But of course Pierroth comes back. Third fall is full of great near falls and near submissions. Really dramatic final fall. I wish you could hear the crowd better because they seemed to be really hot. This is an awesome match. If you are a fan of lucha title matches, you will love this match.

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Satanico vs Lizmark 7/17/92




This was a really weird match. Definitely disappointing considering who it is. There are parts of it that are really good. The mat work in the first fall is really good. Lizmark hits his stuff really well when it picks up. Satanico is excellent selling and hits two of his awesome 2nd rope sentons. But this really felt like an extended Lizmark squash. He dominates the majority of the match and escapes/counters Satanico way way to easily throughout this. I typically like Lizmark but I just wasn't into this. This isn't nearly as good as the Pierroth match.


Satanico vs Lizmark 9/17/93


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I have lowered my expectations big time for this based on the last match between the two. This is another title match between the two. First fall is the typical back and forth mat work and like in the previous match, it is very good. Satanico spends a lot more time in control and keeping Lizmark grounded. There is much more of a struggle in applying and countering submissions. Satanico has typically great facial expressions in this. The used the finish of the last match as the finish of the first fall in this one and it works much better than it did there because Satanico hasn't spent the prior 25 minutes getting dominated. Second fall is more good back and forth mat work with Satanico mostly dominating. I love the fact that he wrestles so cleanly in these title matches. He's such an excellent mat worker. It really gets over the importance of the title matches because he's also such a great brawler and excels as the biggest rudo in the game. His selling in this fall is typically great stuff. Lizmark uses his athleticism to take this second fall. 3rd fall is Lizmark doing any and everything he can to put Satanico away. Suplexes, submissions, roll ups, huge dives, anything. Satanico has some really nice counters into submissions or pinning combos in the 3rd fall for near falls and hits his great 2nd rope senton. But in the end Lizmark's athleticism is too much. This is so so so so much better than the first match because it is so much more even. Satanico mostly controls the match when theyre on the mat and Lizmark uses his superior athleticism to come back. Terrific match. Definitely worth watching.

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Satanico vs Jerry Estrada Hair vs Hair 3/23/90


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Wildly disappointing match. There were some things about this that I did like. Estrada took the insane bumps you would expect from him and did some nice dives. Satanico's selling was excellent as usual. But this felt really flat overall. Especially the first fall. It really lacked the violence and hatred of the great hair matches. I'm not a total vampire, but I do think some blood would have helped this. Satanico seems to realize the match isn't as good as it could be and he turns up the intensity. There's a great spot where they're both on the ground, almost in the guard position and Satanico just dives forward and starts throwing punches and headbutting. Satanico actually hit an awesome tope which really surprised me. In all of these matches I've watched the only "dives" Satanico has done are his 2nd rope senton and his senton from the apron to the floor. He usually gets really good elevation on them and them usually look devastating. But I can't remember ever seeing him dive through the ropes before. 3rd fall picks up and there are some good near falls, but there are some moments I absolutely hated. At one point Estrada is going to the outside to go to the top rope. He collapses before he even reaches the turnbuckle because he's so spent. So he goes up top and goes for an enormous senton but Satanico gets out of the way. Considering Estrada could barely stand 5 seconds before, this should have killed him. But he kicks out at 2. Survives some more punishment, and is soon back going for high risk stuff. I may revisit this later because there are a lot of positive comments about it in the yearbook thread and Loss actually ranked it 18th overall for 1990. This didn't do it for me overall even if I did like pieces of it. Not in the same universe as the Pierroth match or the Lizmark match from 93.


Satanico vs Pirata Morgan 11/19/93 Hair vs Hair


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I love when Satanico punches Pirata in the face and then shakes his hand because he hurt it on Pirata's face. Great spot whenever anyone does it. I also really like when Satanico has Morgan in a backslide and Satanico runs in place to create more leverage and ensure the pinfall. I love that Pirata blades basically immediately. I love that Satanico keeps biting the cut until blood is covering his own face. Seriously he looks like Kathy Bates at the beginning of American Horror Story The Coven. I love Satanico trying to win this quickly and cheaply by claiming foul on a kick that clearly hits him in the chest. I love Satanico putting on an armbar and then punching Morgan in the armpit. I love that when Pirata makes his comeback's in the 2nd fall he's still selling his ass off and getting cut off because he's weakened from the blood loss. I love that Pirata's comebacks are surprise out of nowhere dropkicks coming off rope running spots. Satanico has been able to take back over any time Pirata tries to come back with punches prior to this. I love the figure 4 as a finish. I love that Jake Roberts has a front row seat. I love that Pirata finally gets to do some damage on Satanico and bust him open while brawling in the crowd between the 2nd and 3rd falls. I love when they're both on the ground selling and bleeding and Pirata attempts to put the figure 4 on from his knees. Satanico punches his way free before Pirata can get it on. So Pirata pulls him back up, hits a spinebuster and then reapplies the figure 4 trying to beat Satanico with it again. I love the camera angle and the facial expressions on Satanico as he inches his way toward the ropes. I love that he gets there and Pirata say "fuck this" and scoots back, pulling Satanico from the ropes. I love that Satanico had to drag himself to the ropes a second time before PIrata let him up. I love that Pirata follows this up by using submission after submission which forces Satanico to have to crawl to the ropes or try and break the hold by reversing it or sticking his hand in Pirata's cut/eye socket or slyly fouling Pirata out of sight of the ref (Seriously that low blow was done perfectly for the ref to miss it from 8 inches away). I love that Satanico is now weakened to the point where he can't full capitalize on the foul and can't get Pirata over for a sunset flip. I love that Pirata comes back right back and hits his own sunset flip. I love that in the 3rd fall PIrata is able to cut off all of Satanico's comebacks and Satanico is unable to regain control until Pirata takes too long to climb to the top rope (bc of all the damage he's taken) and misses a huge dive. I love that Pirata had to take that risk because all the submissions and MOVES he's trying still aren't able to put Satanico away so he has to try something desperate. I love that Satanico doesn't immediately take over on offense but slowly drags himself over to Pirata to cover him with one arm Hokuto/Kandori style. I love that both men recover at around the same time but Satanico has just the opening he needs and Pirata is hurt enough from missing the bomb that one ferocious punch is all he needs to take back control. I love that Satanico pretty much immediately gets too cocky and starts pandering to the crowd which gives Pirata the opening to hit an enzugiri. I love that Pirata tries to follow it up with a rana but Satanico plants him with a powerbomb. I love that as they're trading bombs down the stretch they're continuing their tremendous selling. I love Satanico. I love Pirata Morgan. I love this match. This isn't just one of the best Lucha matches ever, it is one of the best matches ever. Loss had this #4 overall in 1993. Only behind Hansen/Kobashi, Hokuto/Kandori, and Misawa/Kobashi vs Kawada/Taue and ahead of things like Thunderqueen and Hansen/Kawada. That is tremendous company. Everyone should watch this.

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I will come back to this thread at some point. This was all the post 1990 Satanico I could find online. I'm in the midst of rewatching the Lucha set and will comment on younger Satanico as well as his 1990 work as I make my way through the lucha set.


This was a lot of fun watching old man Satanico. He had some truly great performances from his mid 40s all the way up through the El Dandy singles matches from this year. If you're someone who values the post-peak of a great worker in the context of a GOAT topic, Satanico is someone who you should watch. He ages very well. His athleticism is obviously not what it was in the 80s, but he paces himself and shows great bursts of energy in brawling matches. He also has some terrific performances taking it to the mat. (Someone needs to watch that Pierroth match). I wish more of the feud with Ultimo Guerrero, Bucanero and friends from 2001 is online because from what I was able to rewatch it looks as great as I remembered it being when I watched it 12-13 years ago. The cage match really stands out as a tremendous storytelling match. He is great in trios matches either as the focus of the match or as a background player adding little touches to the match to keep things moving along. Watching the 80s set, I always looked at Satanico as the Jerry Lawler of Mexico. Maybe not the most athletic guy around, but he can still wow you at times with some insane bumps and would actually bring a shit load of stuff to the table. Watching him post 1990 reminded me even more of Lawler. He may have slowed down a bit but he doesn't let that get in the way of his ability to have great matches because he knows more about wrestling and working the crowd than just about anyone. Even before going through all the 80s stuff for a second time, Satanico is pretty comfortably battling Hansen, Flair, and Lawler for my #1 spot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I came across that the other day on but didn't watch it till just now. There were parts of it I really liked. Especially the 1st fall. But I thought it fell apart in the 2nd fall. It picked back up in the 3rd fall but didn't get back to the level of the 1st fall. Overall pretty disappointing because I thought they were on their way to a great match after the first fall. I love the idea of a Satanico/La Parka team. It makes sense to me that they would team up. I did love the spot in the 2nd fall where La Parka is outside and Satanico is helping him try and dust off the cobwebs but Satanico dusts just a little too hard and La Parka sells it like Satanico is trying to break his neck. Genius.


One of my favorite spots in all of wrestling that is super common is when a technico is pinning or submitting a rudo in the corner and another technico dives over them onto a charging rudo. It's all over the 80s set and I love it every single time. They do that here in the first fall and then in the 3rd fall they try it again and Satanico just casually walks away from Santo's dive attempt like "I have seen that spot 10,000 times and I am NOT falling for it this time."


Satanico did a good job with Octagon in the first fall. Leading him through some good mat exchanges and then doing a great job eating all of Octagon's flashy stuff. The Satanico vs Santo match up was very good. It really sucks that they never had a major feud. It seems like there should have been a Santo vs Satanico Mask vs Hair match at some point.

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Matt D sent me this link:



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Of a Satanico vs Ultimo Guerrero singles match from their classic feud in 2001. Starts off as a wild brawl on the ramp leading to the ring. Guerrero gets the advantage and dominates the first fall with brawling tactics and actually uses the old feet on the ropes for leverage on the pinfall. Crowd is really hot from the start. Satanico is terrific selling the beat down and in between falls. He complains to the ref to start the 2nd fall which allows Guerrero to jump him and continue his advantage.Guerrero uses reallly basic offense to control the match. Punches, kicks, dropkicks, boots to the face, etc. Satanico's selling is really great and the crowd is hot for everything. Great transition as Satanico is on the outside of the ring selling and Guerrero leans out to talk trash and Satanico manages to grab Guerrero and rip him through the ropes. Guerrero takes a nice bump to the floor and Satanico takes over with boots to the face and postings. Satanico takes the fall with a rana which you don't see often but works because he's the babyface in this feud. 3rd fall is dramatic with more brawling and big attempts to put each other away. I'm a broken record at this point but Satanico is terrific selling in this match and the build to the big spots in the 3rd fall is very good. Satanico actually hits a tope which is a rarity in his matches compared to every other luchadore I've seen. Both guys end up counted out while brawling around ringside. Post match is Satanico getting some payback on Guerrero and the ref. Tarzan Boy shows up in a neckbrace to distract Satanico so someone (not sure who) can attack Satanico from behind. But then Shocker shows up to save Satanico. Really fun match advancing the feud between Satanico and Guerrero. Great heat throughout this match and Satanico continues to look excellent. I love that he worked in technico staples like Ranas and Topes. This isn't a really great match, but is a good one and important to have for the feud. Good find Matt D!

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Match finder has Four major Casas vs Satanico singles matches


1995-03-05 Arena Coliseo 4 of 4: Satánico © b Negro Casas [CMLL MIDDLE]

1998-10-19 Arena Puebla 1 of 1: Negro Casas b Satánico [hair]

1998-10-27 Arena Coliseo 5 of 5: Satánico © b Negro Casas [CMLL MIDDLE]

1998-12-02 Carpa Astros, Tlalpan, Distrito Federal 1 of 1: Satánico © b Negro Casas [CMLL MIDDLE]


None of them look like they made TV. Were any of them taped somehow anyway?

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I was going through some of the stuff Elliott posted which was awesome, and then I went back and watched some of Satanico's stuff on the 80s set. I'm sure this is pretty well worn territory, but holy shit you guys that 89 match against Chicana is just absolutely bonkers. There are so many matches that have the same basic premise of two guys wrestling or brawling, but it eventually devolves and one or both men must get desperate. I don't think I've ever seen said premise put forth so viscerally. Watching the third fall where they just were punching and kicking and wildly swinging limbs and trying to kill each other gave me that same pit in my stomach I got when I was a kid and saw two people actually fighting for the first time. Even half way through the stuff in this thread, I don't think Satanico can fall out of the top tier of luchadores, and will end up being very high on my ballot.

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I fucking love that Satanico/Sangre match from 89. I'm rewatching all the 80s work in preparation for a monster "summing it all up" post.


You should definitely check out the title match they had from 1983 that I posted in the Chicana thread. It isn't on the level of their 89 match but it's an excellent match worked in a completely different style that took place a day after the Chicana/MS-1 classic.

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El Satanico vs Ultimo Dragon SWS




Handheld new to youtube. Anyone seen this before? Title match but its in Japan so they don’t work it like a lucha title match. Satanico mostly dominates with kicking and punching while Dragon uses flashy offense to come back. Satanico is terrific as a base allowing Dragon to shine. He busts out his apron to floor senton and 2nd rope senton to keep the Japanese crowd interested. Match ends rather quickly with a double pin. Dragon cuts a promo and crowd chants for a restart. Match restarts and Satanico is all “I didn’t agree to this shit” which pisses the crowd off. Restart is pretty short and more back and forth. Satanico actually wins this in a surprise. Enjoyable match but not great or anything. Satanico actually takes this which was a surprise going in but with the way the match is worked and the finish, Dragon taking the inevitable rematch will be satisfying.

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I've been periodically doing youtube searches for recent uploads for Satanico matches and this popped up tonight. Cool find alert.


Satanico vs Blue Panther 7/25/2015


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Talk about a dream match from 1992. Small intimate setting for this one and the crowd is pretty jazzed to see these two go at it. Starts with some good back and forth mat work. It’s obviously slow and not really as smooth compared to what these two did in the past. But they get over the struggle of the exchanges quite well and there are some surprisingly quick tumbling routines given Satanico is almost 66. Ok I actually liked this a lot by the end. 14ish minutes of back and forth mat work from two masters. Not everything is as smooth and perfect as it would have been in the 80s or 90s but they do a good job getting over all the counters and not working beyond what they could do (except maybe the surfboard attempt by Panther which Satanico should not have attempted). I should watch the El Dandy match from last year that I liked a lot to compare them, but this is definitely worth watching. I wouldn’t call it great but logical and well worked considering the obvious limitations. I don't think there is a singles match on tape between these two from earlier in their career so I'm glad we got to get this one. I love the internet.

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I'm going to need to see a ton more of Satanico before the deadline since he is a non-factor in my wrestling watching for so damn long. Luckily YouTube exists with more than enough of his stuff.


Two matches I peaked at with him was a wicked fun 8-man match from AJPW in '99 which he wasn't a major factor but he was good when he was in there. At the very least it gave me a look at a lot of peeps that I might wanna dig deeper into. I probably should have just started a thread for GWE watching. We are here there and can't stop, won't stop, ya dig? Him and Casas had a good mat sequence early and since I know so little about Satanico it reminded me I need to give him a gander.


This led to me watching him vs. Ultimo Guerrero from '01 I believe and that match is RUGGED! Both men battering each other for about the entire duration. Satanico takes a beating like a son of gun and evokes that sympathy. Satanico has one of those faces I suppose. When of those faces that you can see years of punishment coming through with every hit he takes. Satanico loves me though and hits a wicked senton in the third just to remind me that I'm going to love him on top and underneath. They did a great job playing with the finishes from the first and second which i'll mark for. The best part of this match though might be that from everything I know about him, this isn't close to his peak YET here he is putting in this fantastic performance.

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  On 7/27/2015 at 2:43 PM, concrete1992 said:
This led to me watching him vs. Ultimo Guerrero from '01 I believe and that match is RUGGED! Both men battering each other for about the entire duration. Satanico takes a beating like a son of gun and evokes that sympathy. Satanico has one of those faces I suppose. When of those faces that you can see years of punishment coming through with every hit he takes. Satanico loves me though and hits a wicked senton in the third just to remind me that I'm going to love him on top and underneath. They did a great job playing with the finishes from the first and second which i'll mark for. The best part of this match though might be that from everything I know about him, this isn't close to his peak YET here he is putting in this fantastic performance.


I would highly recommend anything from 2001 involving Satanico and Ultimo Guerrero facing each other. All of the trios and tag matches are great and the big cage match from the anniversary show is a tremendous performance from Satanico in a MOTYC. He is definitely past his prime by then but 2001 is a pretty important year for Satanico's case because he was a legit #1 wrestler in the world candidate that year.


Based on the footage either 1984 or 1989-90 would be his absolute peak years.

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