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Bob Backlund


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I find Bob Backlund to be fascinating more than entertaining. He's just so weird and idiosyncratic in the ring that even if the match is boring, I can't help but be drawn just to watch him sell weird and make weird noises. It's not that he doesn't have good matches, but that's definitely not what draws me to him. Really enjoy some of his NJ work with Inoki/Hansen/Hogan. The UWF matches are interesting. I think the match with Harley in MSG gets a lot of shit in these kind of circles but I think it is a very entertaining match and Harley's beer gut is in peak form.

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Bob had a crazy amount of good matches. More than dozens of workers who rank above him. I like him pretty much every time I see him (most recently in the Patterson cage match which gets the highest recommendation from yours truly.)  But I still don't feel compelled to vote for him. I think it's because his best stuff is in equal part due to the other guy. Bob is great foil for workers I enjoy , but I'm not sure I'd want to watch Bob against anyone. That's not the case with my favorite workers, But I do respect Bob, and I'd be super excited to see a new match unearthed if it was against the right guy. 

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  • 3 years later...

Huh, the majority of appraisals of Backlund here are pretty negative and yet he finished in the Top 100 last time. I agree with the criticisms to some extent so he is unlikely to be higher than 75-100 if I do rank him. Having said that, I think his goofiness is overstated and his technique and fundamentals were actually very strong. Plus, he was evidently one of the most over wrestlers in US history. 

Moreover, as some people have alluded to, he does have the volume. Not saying that I do, but if someone values most of his stuff vs. Superstar, Sheik, Inoki, Patterson, Valentine, Hogan, Patera, Slaughter, Rose, Takada, Bret etc., I can easily see them placing him astronomically high. 

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