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Here are some awesome looking Lothario matches which you might have



AWA World Heavyweight Title: Nick Bockwinkel © vs. Jose Lothario



Karate Gloves Match: Jose Lothario v. Gino Hernandez



Hair vs. Hair Match: Jose Lothario v. Gino Hernandez



Chain Match: Jose Lothario (if he lost he would leave town) v. Gino Hernandez



Jose Lothario v. The Spoiler



2 out of 3 falls match: Jose Lothario v. Gino Hernandez



Texas Death Match: Mark Lewin v. Jose Lothario



Killer Karl Kox v. Jose Lothario



Butch Reed v. Jose Lothario



Steel Cage Match: Jose Lothario v. Buddy Landell

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There's another match that we are looking for: JOSE LOTHARIO vs. SUPERSTAR BILLY GRAHAM - Arm Wrestling Match - that leads into an actual grudge match between them.


There's also a JOSE LOTHARIO - GREAT MEPHISTO Brass Knuckles match I'm looking for. Both matches took place in the mid-70's I believe.


April 19 1974


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The 82 match from Southwest sure isn't great. Bock was on record saying that he hated working with Brody since Brody wouldn't take any direction on things that would have made him (being Brody) look better. 79 might be early enough that he wasn't as set in his ways though, so we'll see.

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Let me put it this way:


If that was the only Brody match I'd ever seen, I would believe the hype. I've never seen anyone make him look better. It's probably the best Brody singles match I've ever seen and I'd call it legit good. The way that Bock sold his offense and kept the movement constant was excellent and I really liked the variation of the king of the mountain where Bock kept using the ropes, not just as a boundary, a base to strike from, but as an actual weapon.


Very curious to see what other people think.

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Brody has not been a favorite of mine, and many others here on the board. Bockwinkle on the other hand has been loved by me and many others on the board. I've always thought Bockwinkle and Buddy Rose were the 2 best at having different types of matches. Here Bockwinkle has a match that looks totally different than what he has done previously.

This is 2 out of 3 falls. In the 1st fall it's all Brody. He just dominates Bock. Brody uses an incredible looking knee drop. He attacks Bock's neck. He uses the rope. Brody bites Bock's head and attacks it with head smashes. One back breaker later Brody goes over.

The 2nd fall starts with Brody taking it to Bock. An eye rake gives Bock some seperation. In payback Bock goes after Brody's neck. Brody is selling some here. Brody is back to biting. Brody misses a drop kick. Nick follows that up with a back breaker for the fall.

The 3rd fall turns into a spirited brawl. Brody is a bloody mess. They are throwing bombs at one another. A real fun match. 3 1/4*

Some other thoughts. I really liked how snug both guys worked. Brody in particular. I liked how they kept it to bare basics, and the finish seemed perfect with the story they were telling.

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This is a tough one. I'm going to go with Harley Race vs Tony Atlas or Dusty Rhodes vs the Grappler though. They're not the most recent books but from the results we have available, they're the best guesses I have. Tommy Rich vs Kamala would have been another but A) we already got that and B ) 27 minutes? (That makes me doubt the Dusty/Grappler match too, btw).

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Got a great one we are working on for tomorrow . . . approx 27-minute (I think) singles match between two top LEGENDS of wrestling - one a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion - and his opponent just released a great book! Guessing time again!

My last guess would be Jack Brisco vs Mad Dog Vachon. I highly doubt it.

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Watched the Bockwinkle vs. Brody match with Paul last night. Brody must have been an absolute nightmare to work with and is really not good here. Best I can say about him is he hit a nice blade job. Bockwinkle was fine but this didn't have anything that Flair couldn't do with Brody. Also Bronco Luvich automatically deducts half a star. He has dragged down almost every match I've seen where he refs.

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This is exactly the sort of match that highlights the service. Twenty-seven minutes of Terry Funk being awesome, basically. It's actually one of the best Gary Hart performances on the outside I think I've ever seen too. He had his limitations physically, but he was very good at worming his way into this match. Lewin played his part perfectly too, stalling and hamming and being absolutely focused. All of the transitions were great. There's almost nothing I love more in a match than dueling limbwork and that was at play here. Funk is maybe the best limb seller of all time, and he showed the absolute perfect way to fight back from it. Every time he would try to get distance on Lewin, the crowd would react. It wasn't even for him getting a shot in. Just getting distance and trying to work his way around Lewin was enough to be a hope spot. That was amazing. When he finally hits the left hand punch in the third fall, it's a huge moment.


I thought this was great and it probably deserves a better write up but there's just no time right now. There's a handful more of Funk matches that we know about and I can't wait til Bruce gets to them.

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Funk vs Lewin


We get a feeling out process to start. Hart is active at ringside early. Lewin tosses Funk to the outside to a waiting Hart who attacks. This sets up the heat. Funk is back in, but it looks like his arm has been hurt. Lewin follows up by posting the arm. Lewin chops the arm, puts a nerve hold on it, more chops, wristlock with the arm extended, then into a hammerlock. Funk is tremendous in selling this big. Lewin with judo thrusts to the arm, and posts the arm again. Lewin has just destroyed Funk's arm. Funk fires off some jabs to get some seperation to no avail.More arm work, then Funk tries standing headbutts to get seperation, again no luck. Funk with an ankle pick and knee drop, but Lewin catches him with a judo thrust to the neck for a 3 count.

The 2nd fall starts with Lewin on the arm. He puts Funk on a table and slams his head onto the table for a bit. Back into the ring and Terry catches Lewin with the ankle pick/knee drop combo. Funk still slling th damage of his arm big. Big Atomic drop by Funk. Spinning boot scrape by Terry. Terry peppers him with jabs . Then he locks on his spinning toe hold for the fall.

The 3rd fall starts with Terry going after the leg. Hart is massaging Lewin's leg. Funk bites Lewin. We this awesome leg lock by Funk that no one ever does anymore. Funk moves into a grapevine of the leg. Lewin teases a FO, then hits Funk with it. This was timed perfectly. Lewin works Funk over with the FO. Funk goes for the anklepick/spinning toe hold combo. Then he goes after Hart. Bronco calls for the bell for the DQ while Lewin has Funk in the Oriental sleeper. 4 3/4*

Final Thoughts.

I think this is my favorite match that has been uploaded. The limb work and selling is top notch here. The timing of the comebacks and cut offs were tremendous. This was a great Terry Funk performance. Shows why he's the legend . Easily my favorite Mark Lewin match ever.

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