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Wrestling thoughts that probably don't deserve


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See No Evil made a whooping 4.6 million this weekend.  So how much of a loss do they take on it?

It only took 8 million to make. After DVD sales, they'll end up making a profit. Most movie experts only expected it to take in 3-4 million the first week so it already is a success by horror flick standards.


As far as ECW on Sci-Fi goes, they've already veered pretty far from the science fiction stuff so ECW won't be completely out in left field.

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Guest savagerulz

Dave Meltzer reports that there has been talk backstage of a John Cena vs. Umaga match for Summerslam.


Johnson reports that there is talk of giving Mark Henry the World Title instead of JBL so that JBL can be moved to Raw. Johnson says that JBL has told people he would like to retire within the next year or so but before he does retire there are some people on Raw like HBK that he wants to work with first.


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Guest Cam Chaos

I thought HHH was pencilled in to regain the title from Cena at SS. If Umaga faces Cena... I don't even know what that says about the state of the company's reliable headlining acts.


Mark Henry having a World title for any reason is wrong. JBL retiring is a blessing and a curse as it may be the end of his locker room bullying but it also means one of the WWE's strongest characters will also disappear.

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Looks like JBL is taking a page out of the old Undertaker/Shawn Michaels playbook IMHO. Threaten retirement to get a renewed push, cushier schedule, better pay or other perks that they want out of Vince. It tends to work. Or maybe I'm just a horrible cynic.

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Guest KingPK

So how sad is it that WWE thinks ripping off the main event angle of SummerSlam '94 is a good idea with this whole "Kane vs. Kane" thing on RAW tonight? I guess we'll see Leslie Nielsen and George Kennedy show up pretty soon.

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Guest teke184

So how sad is it that WWE thinks ripping off the main event angle of SummerSlam '94 is a good idea with this whole "Kane vs. Kane" thing on RAW tonight?  I guess we'll see Leslie Nielsen and George Kennedy show up pretty soon.

Lord knows that Bruce Pritchard would love to justify giving himself TV time to claim he's brought back the "real" Kane... (Didn't watch the angle, but Pritchard's fat ass ends up on TV, especially as Brother Love, more than it should be)
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Kane vs Kane is already better than Taker vs Taker, since whoever was in the Classic Kane suit is at least as tall as Glen Jacobs. Nothing was funnier than seeing Brian Lee go face to chest with the real Taker at SS 94.

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TNA is the new Lance Storm in terms of their current target of hysterical over-reaction.


The smarkier-than-thou types are going nuts over Impact getting record ratings when they keep beating the drum of TNA never being able to succeed.


I especially like in the Impact spoilers thread they're all "OMG TNA IZ TEH DUM" over Shane Douglas' "hardcore bingo hall" references as if it was giving free pub to One Night Stand. Someone pointed out that TNA is doing a houseshow that same day at the ECW Arena and got chastised for "grasping at straws here to make TNA booking seem logical" because "this [the TNA houseshow] hasn't been mentioned on-air yet". Which of course is exactly what Shane was doing, making references to it on air. Since smarky-smarks like to pre-judge things, hilarity ensues.

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Maybe it does deserve it's own thread but I don't like Chris Benoit. I never really have. He's certainly had good matches in the past but for the most part, I find him extremely boring. To me, it takes a lot more than having good matches to be a good wrestler. Maybe that's why I'm a WWE fan?


As far as TNA is concerned, I'm glad that the last episode of iMPACT! did well ratings wise. It was a good show. They have a couple of storylines going on right now that I care about. Good word of mouth from the internet (for the most part) is the reason that I went out of my way to watch the show...and I'm glad that I did.


DVDVR makes TSM look like a bunch of Einsteins collaborating on scientific theories.

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Maybe it does deserve it's own thread but I don't like Chris Benoit. I never really have. He's certainly had good matches in the past but for the most part, I find him extremely boring. To me, it takes a lot more than having good matches to be a good wrestler. Maybe that's why I'm a WWE fan?

This does deserve it's own thread. I say start the topic.
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Guest savagerulz

From 1BigPoS:



By: Neal Jones

6/1/2006 8:50:04 AM   


WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik was the guest this week on www.inyourheadonline.com with your hosts Jack, OneInchBiceps and Barbie Richards. IYH can be heard live every Wednesday at 6:00 PM Eastern, and all our archived interviews free at www.inyourheadonline.com.


The hosts welcomed The Iron Sheik to the show. Sheik tells everyone he is thankful to be on the show.


Sheik goes over his credentials. Iron Sheik says he was the first Middle Eastern wrestler to come to the United states and he was a 3 time WWE champion. Sheik talks about winning the Gimmick Battle Royal. Sheik talks about his diversity of fans such as Irish, English etc.


Sheik talks about his bad luck in Boston, with a wrestling promoter. Sheik says the promoter picked him up, left Sheik in car in 90 degree weather and didn't get him a hotel room. Sheik says they went to eat and didn't invite him with them to Applebee's, and they never paid Sheik.


Sheik tells Jack he had many great times in Boston Garden. Sheik talks about his car accident. Sheik then goes back to the "low life promoter". Sheik says his lawyer called him and he is going to sue the promoter and the Dr. for not taking care of the legend (Sheik).


Jack asks about the rumors that Sheik had held someone hostage in his car at this show, and if the promoter had made that story up. Sheik tells Jack he is a United States of America citizen, Sheik starts yelling obscenities. Sheik yells he is not Osama Bin Laden, he is not Saddam Hussein. Jack tries to tell Sheik he was not accusing him, he was asking about the rumors to help clear them up. Sheik says he was 7 times champion, all American gold medalist. Sheik screams and hangs up on the show.


IYH tries to call The Sheik to apologize for the misunderstanding.


Please join us next week for Teddy Hart, starting live at 6:00 PM Eastern on www.inyourheadonline.com

:lol: :lol: :lol:


In a somewhat related story, his old tag team partner Nikoli is running for city council in Washington, and having to defend himself from opponents who claim he used to spit on the American flag. Of course, the closest he ever came was standing next to Sheik as he'd say "USA ptooey!"

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Guest savagerulz

Dave Scherer reports that Vince McMahon didn?t like the way the Kane vs. Kane angle came off on Monday night, so much that there is talk of dropping the angle all together with no explanation.

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I see over at TSM that HTQ and several other posters are still pushing Meltzer's "the fans turned against Cena because he sucks in the ring" mantra. I thought we were over that. It's been said several times by Loss and others on this board, but his talent in the ring has nothing to do with the booing. I give up.

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