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Guest Alfdogg

Road Warrior Animal Released

June 6, 2006


As first reported on WWE Mobile, WWE has come to an agreement on the release of Road Warrior Animal (Joe Laurinaitis) as of today June 6, 2006. We wish Joe the best in all future endeavors.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

These new legends shirts are pretty cheesy overall, but I'm toying with the idea of getting the Wild Samoans one. Surprisingly, it's probably one of the most low-key of the bunch. I'm disappointed with the Rick Rude one, since I'd totally where a Rude shirt, but not one with his oiled-up body prominently featured. Fat samoans, okay; that, no.


I was gonna get the Dusty DVD tomorrow, but seeing as how WWE.com has the DVD and shirt for like $22 and change, I may be soon seen in a fuckin' Dusty Rhodes shirt.

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Guest KingPK

Wait wait wait wait WAIT A MINUTE here.


I'm reading over the results of the WWE vs. ECW show....and John Cena beat Sabu -- in an "Extreme Rules" match that sounded like anything went, mind you -- by disqualification due to Big Show interference?



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I love how I' m called a "jaded smark" at TSM for daring to say that Tazz came off weak in that segment tonight. Yes, me, I'm that stereotypical jaded smark talking about star ratings, generalizing and making fun of marks. Yup that really describes me to the tee as a poster. I tried giving TSM a second chance, don't know why.

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I agree that was probably the best right cross ever thrown on WWE TV. I liked the special because of all the talking, but hated the special because of all the wrestling. There are so many strong interviews in that group, and it really plays to the strengths of the ECW wrestlers to spend more time talking and less time wrestling. At least, until they get some wonders out of Deep South or OVW or something.

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Something that doesn't make sense.


Most fans who have switched to TNA from WWE have done so because of the lack of good wrestling in WWE. So explain why seeing Impact every week is important when Smackdown has matches every week with better, more experienced wrestlers that are given far more time to develop.

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Because to a lot of people, just because it's not WWE, it's better. Personally, up until about three weeks ago or so, I found iMPACT! damn near unwatchable. The Samoa Joe/Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash/X-Division stuff has helped a lot.


I liked the ECW/WWE show last night. I wasn't huge on the commentary but I did like the insider jokes that kept getting thrown around. Just too many guys trying to talk at the same time to get in their pot shots. It was too hectic.


It was cool to see some old faces again. I was actually surprised that Mickie James went over Jazz. I was surprised that Rob Van Dam beat Rey Mysterio clean, although I guess if you follow Smackdown, it's not that big of a shocker. The match was certainly hindered by the commercial breaks but it was still decent to good.


I liked John Cena's promo. I liked how he acknowledged if he won he'd be in the middle of a riot. Foley's promo was good too...but it's basically the same "serious" promo that he always has.


That blown spot bump that Edge took looked HORRIBLE. My goodness, he's lucky he can still walk. Dreamer was definitely blown up. It's a good thing he's in a tag match where he can brawl because even if his partner is jelly-boned Terry Funk, it'll still give Dreamer more time, or a slower pace at least, to work with. He's definitely not in ring shape.


Sabu/Cena was better than anticipated with the expecting clusterfuck ending. Sabu didn't blow any spots that I can recall and hit a damn good triple-jump Moonsault. That's probably the first time a lot of the fans there had seen that move.


Even though he doesn't have any ties to ECW really, Big Show "turning" made me mark out. It did kind of feel like the old nWo days for a minute. I'm hoping that Show will be booked as the monster that he is in ECW...and hopefully not booked like Big Sal.

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Most fans who have switched to TNA from WWE have done so because of the lack of good wrestling in WWE. So explain why seeing Impact every week is important when Smackdown has matches every week with better, more experienced wrestlers that are given far more time to develop.

I only stopped watching WWE partially because of the low quality wrestling. The main reason I stopped was due to the nonsense that had nothing to do with wrestling. From what I've seen, that hasn't changed. It's not Pro Wrestling, it's Sports Entertainment. Vince McMahon is challenging God to wrestle. Vince McMahon is making people kiss his ass on television. The "Divas" get all sorts of air time, and I don't want to see them. They bore me. But that's the problem. What gets WWE ratings? Ass Kissing segments, and Diva Search segments.


I just don't like the WWE's style of storytelling. The shock stuff stopped being amusing in 99, and I really don't need to see Vince McMahon on television. People can say what they want about Jeff Jarrett giving himself so much time on television, but at least he can still be in a watchable match. His match with Raven last week was hardly a classic, but it was a watchable TV match. I'd take that over seeing Vince McMahon's ass, or over many other WWE storylines.


All I've been hearing about lately is Finlay. Finlay this, Finlay that...he's the best active wrestler today, blah blah blah. So I watched Smackdown last week. He beat up a jobber, and then threw a midget at him. I don't deny that Finlay is awesome, but seeing him beat up a jobber and then throw a midget? I dunno. Not for me.


Having said all that about WWE, to be fair I don't even watch IMPACT usually, I'm lucky that I am Canadian, so I get to see TNA Xplosion, which highlights all of the angles from IMPACT, plus throws in a bonus match or two. However, if it was down to WWE vs. TNA based on their television shows, you are right Loss...WWE would probably win.


However, I have seen every TNA PPV since they debuted on Spike...and I can say that they have not yet had a PPV that I consider to be a bad show. They've had weak PPV's, but they've also had excellent ones. I would watch a TNA PPV without seeing the month of television leading up to it, out of confidence based on the fact that I have yet to feel ripped off by a TNA PPV.


I have tried to watch WWE television a few times over the past couple of years, and I always get bored or disgusted with what I see. TNA does not bore me yet. (I can see that changing if Scott D'Amore and Team Canada keep getting so much air time.) I don't agree with everything they do...but I still like what I see so far.


For the record, I was also a die hard ECW fan. I used to drive down to Buffalo to see them live, I watched and taped the shows, and collected the tapes. Hell, I even own a "EC F'N W" shirt. So I plan on watching the "new" ECW. I watched the special last night, and I really enjoyed it a lot...although I went to make a sammich during the Jazz/Mickie match. I am going to give the new ECW a chance...which is owned and operated by WWE, so I am not so blind in my WWE hate that I will ignore whatever they do.

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Why is everyone upset about Tazz "losing his cred" because he got punched by Lawler? How long has he been retired? It's been long established that once a wrestler retires he loses his "super powers" as it were and becomes like a normal person in terms of being beaten up by others. Especially if they retire to become an announcer.

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The "Divas" get all sorts of air time, and I don't want to see them.

It certainly doesn't deserve it's own thread but Mickie James might have the best ass in wrestling history. Jesus Christ.


Posted Image


She's just thick in all the right places. THAT is what men are talking about when they say they like women with "meat on their bones."

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The only thing that bothered me about it is how Lawler had like a 10 yard running start into that punch. The old ECW Taz would have ducked that and dropped him squarely on the top of his head with a sick ass suplex.

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Guest Luds

The only thing that bothered me about it is how Lawler had like a 10 yard running start into that punch. The old ECW Taz would have ducked that and dropped him squarely on the top of his head with a sick ass suplex.

He probably wouldn't be allowed to anyways ;)
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Guest Bruiser Chong

HHH is wrestling FIVE guys in the same match tonight? That's like something one of us would've come up with in jest.

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Guest Flyboy

This is my first time watching any part of a wrestling show in about two and half years. Why? I heard RVD won the title. And I just saw "DX" reform. I can't say that I don't feel like a little kid right now.

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The DX reformation makes me think of a promo Edge did on Sean Waltman in the fall of 2001. He ripped on him for still doing the DX act and ripped on that for being out of date. That was almost 5 years ago.


Shawn Michaels is just a sad pathetic little man to me. He's built like an old lady and he's a guy in his mid 40s trying to play a teen heart throb.

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The DX reformation makes me think of a promo Edge did on Sean Waltman in the fall of 2001. He ripped on him for still doing the DX act and ripped on that for being out of date. That was almost 5 years ago.


Shawn Michaels is just a sad pathetic little man to me. He's built like an old lady and he's a guy in his mid 40s trying to play a teen heart throb.

The girls still like HBK from what I've seen though so who can blame him?
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Guest Some Guy

Shawn Michaels is just a sad pathetic little man to me. He's built like an old lady and he's a guy in his mid 40s trying to play a teen heart throb.

Here's a guy who doesn't take steroids and we're ripping him for his lack of build.


He's not playing a heartthrob anymore and hasn't since his return 4 years ago. He still has the same music and nickname but they've marketed him more as the "Show Stopper" than as a heartthrob.


And I believe that he is 40 or 41, not in his mid-40s.


The reformation of DX won't work very well, especially since they have no opponents who can believably beat them. A ten-time champ teaming with a 4-time champ is not going to lose to the fucking Spirit Squad without people shitting on it.

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