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Guest KingPK

It really was kinda pathetic watching HHH and Michaels rehash 10 year old DX stuff tonight. I guess Vince thinks he's got a TON of fans that weren't around in the Attitude Era and think that this stuff is fresh. And if I had to see a line of bare midget ass, I should have at least seen some hot cheerleader thong ass as well.


And what the hell is Orton doing back? What happened to "He did something REALLY bad so we're not gonna see him again"?


Oh, and that tag match made for ECW's show tonight just shows you how much faith they have in the brand right now. Three WWE guys and one ECW turned WWE turned ECW guy.

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Guest Primo Matarazzo

Oh, and that tag match made for ECW's show tonight just shows you how much faith they have in the brand right now. Three WWE guys and one ECW turned WWE turned ECW guy.

Sounds like they learned a whole lot from the WCW InVasion angle.
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They are totally repeating the same mistakes, which is insane. The other thing that is driving me bonko, is that they are not treating ECW as a seperate brand. The next WWE PPV has a bunch of ECW guys on it.




On the plus side...Sabu's attack on Cena had me marking out like mad. Damn I love Sabu when he's on.

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People at TSM are still bitching that Jerry Lawler didn't put Tazz over in their program. Just to clarify: Jerry Lawler is so much more important in wrestling history than Tazz that it's an insult to Lawler to compare the two. ECW marks strike again.

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They are totally repeating the same mistakes, which is insane. The other thing that is driving me bonko, is that they are not treating ECW as a seperate brand. The next WWE PPV has a bunch of ECW guys on it.




On the plus side...Sabu's attack on Cena had me marking out like mad. Damn I love Sabu when he's on.


Thank goodness I missed Raw for the millionth time in a row. It sounded pretty bad.


I did see the clip of Sabu hitting the legdrop on Cena though and woah boys did that rule or what? That was a thing of beauty. Sabu's got more of an aura around him than the entire Raw roster put together. Think about that; that's not even an exaggeration.


WP -- Once again marking out for Sabu! :)

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I'm not sure what depresses me most: That the Spirit Squad looked like a million bucks for about 30 seconds before being made to look like total morons, or that the five of them are going to lose the tag belts to two guys.


I mean, I love the friggin' Spirit Squad. Their gimmick may be cheesy, but they play it so well. They're enthusiastic, they're really athletic in their moves; I honestly buy their gimmick. Sure, their actual cheers may be off-kilter (though sometimes I wonder if they don't fuck up their cheers to get more heat - I mean, what's more annoying, a cheerleader, or a cheerleader who sucks?), but they do everything else really, really well for a bunch of 20-year-olds who were just thrown on TV.


And they're getting killed so that HHH and HBK can prance around and make snarky comments even more so then usual. YAY.


Frig, everything DX related last night was AWFUL. Who the fuck wanted to see Coachman's ass on TV? WHO? Midgets? MIDGETS? SLIME?


It was like a bad episode of "You Can't Do That On Television".


But Mickie ripping the clothes off of every other female was awesome. They should play up her lesbianism more. Have her "accidently" grab a boob while going for a move, have some girls refuse to wrestle her, stuff like that.

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People at TSM are still bitching that Jerry Lawler didn't put Tazz over in their program.  Just to clarify:  Jerry Lawler is so much more important in wrestling history than Tazz that it's an insult to Lawler to compare the two. ECW marks strike again.

Eh, Lawler should be putting over Tazz. Nobody really knows about Lawler's wrestling history anyway as he was not in the big leagues. He was never the star in WCW/NWA or the WWF and when he was in the WWF he was a joke wrestler who nobody took seriously.

Tazz has more of a wrestling history that's known to the fans than Lawler does. And their present and past charactors since the 90s should have Tazz destroying Lawler in a matter of seconds.

And if the stories behind the scenes are true about their ECW/ONS II match than Lawler should be losing to Tazz every day for the rest of his life just for the punishment.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I think WP is right; not that Lawler's history is totally unknown, but really, Tazz was still a wrestler up until what? 4-5 years ago? Lawler's been an occasional match guy in the WWE since as long as I can remember.

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Yeah, but it's two announcers fighting. Lawler has done more to bury actual wrestlers in matches than he did with Tazz.


I find the whining about Angle squashing Credible to be more annoying. Credible is a nobody who got the ECW Title because there was literally no one else to give the belt to. On a national scale for any other company he's been a lower mid-card kind of guy. It reminds me of when Mick Foley was a lower mid-card guy and would whine that guys like Sting wouldn't give him much in matches.

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People at TSM are still bitching that Jerry Lawler didn't put Tazz over in their program.  Just to clarify:  Jerry Lawler is so much more important in wrestling history than Tazz that it's an insult to Lawler to compare the two. ECW marks strike again.

Eh, Lawler should be putting over Tazz. Nobody really knows about Lawler's wrestling history anyway as he was not in the big leagues. He was never the star in WCW/NWA or the WWF and when he was in the WWF he was a joke wrestler who nobody took seriously.

Tazz has more of a wrestling history that's known to the fans than Lawler does. And their present and past charactors since the 90s should have Tazz destroying Lawler in a matter of seconds.

And if the stories behind the scenes are true about their ECW/ONS II match than Lawler should be losing to Tazz every day for the rest of his life just for the punishment.

I see you point but I wouldn't call Lawler a total joke. He's still over with the fans left over from the attitude era because of the "puppies" stuff. Also he went over Tazz at Summerslam in their feud in 2000 so he had history with him. Plus, some new fans could have bought the 80s DVD where he was put over as one of the toughest men in wrestling. Older fans could remember his hot feud with Bret in 93. I just don't see the big deal with Tazz anymore. He was blown up more than Lawler was in their brawl and his punches looked weak.
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Tazz also has a bad neck that bothers him to this day, not to mention he's probably a good 50 pounds heavier than when he was an active wrestler. He really had no reason to be in wrestling shape until the ECW stuff started.


Speaking of ECW, that reminds me......I'm watching ECW TV and wondering why Lita is the only one on a WWE payroll who's ECW past never gets mentioned on TV.

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Guest bravesfan

Until they start tuning out, they'll see it as a tremendous success. There's no way to honestly gauge the success of the brand with small house shows (which will sell out) and no pay-per-view until December.

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So let's see... ECW next week should have...


1- A Test match going over an ECW wrestler or stupid jobber

2- A Big Show squash going over ECW wrestler or stupid jobber

3- Kurt Angle

4- Sabu and or RVD

5- Randy Orton who isn't ECW or a wrestler.


Just Fantastic.


Just asking, how long did WWE take to notice that the WCW/ECW angle failed back then?


And now ECW already has HUGE FRIKKIN FAILURE written on it after 8 days...

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Guest HarleyQuinn

Sounds like "Mr. Injury" Randy Orton *gasp*....injured himself again. He was favoring his right arm after the targeting of Angle's leg and was taken to a hospital after the event. Man, this guy just has no luck.

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Guest Big Papi

So let's see... ECW next week should have...


1- A Test match going over an ECW wrestler or stupid jobber

2- A Big Show squash going over ECW wrestler or stupid jobber

3- Kurt Angle

4- Sabu and or RVD

5- Randy Orton who isn't ECW or a wrestler.


Just Fantastic.


Just asking, how long did WWE take to notice that the WCW/ECW angle failed back then?


And now ECW already has HUGE FRIKKIN FAILURE written on it after 8 days...

Failure according to who?


I'm pretty sure being the number 1 rated show on cable is pretty good.


This isn't the same ECW from 10 years ago and nobody ever claimed it would be. I think some people had horribly unrealistic expectations (myself included). Get over it.

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Since we're only 2 TV shows and 1 PPV into the "new ECW" era, I can't judge it as either a success or failure just yet, no matter how good the TV ratings are, or how awful-sounding the show was (I live in Canada, so I've yet to see the TV show, and was busy the night of the PPV). I'm going to wait a month or so from now before giving my opinions on the new era.

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I wish they'd hurry the hell up and work out a Canadian TV deal. It's a pain in the ass having to get one of my friends to download the show and burn it on a DVD...and by the time I get it, the spoilers are going to be all over the net.


Vince is being a dick. The Fight Network wanted the ECW show on their schedule, but he won't make a deal with them because they show so many other feds as well. According to Dave Meltzer, Vince "wants the Fight Network to fail." I highly doubt it will, because they show a lot of stuff, boxing and MMA, and fighting movies on top of just wrestling, it appeals to more than just wrestling fans. Vince needs to accept that it's a good way to get his show out there and stop being a jackass. His not supporting the channel isn't going to break it.


TSN already has RAW, Sportsnet has Smackdown, and in the meantime, we get no ECW dammit.


And I agree that people online need to:


a) Stop expecting the new ECW to be exactly like the old ECW


B) Stop Predicting doom and gloom right away. We're two episodes into the new show, and the ratings for the first one were above expectations. Even the XFL took an entire season to tank...and it's ratings pretty much sucked from day one.


This is SO much like the fucking idiots who hate on TNA and bitch non-stop about how the company is going to go under any day now. FOUR FUCKING YEARS LATER they're still bitching.




Sometimes I hate "smarks."

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Guest HarleyQuinn

WWE has changed the 7/31 RAW/Smackdown/ECW TV taping at The Meadowlands in East Rutherford, NJ. ECW TV will now be taped on 8/1 from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. The Hammerstein Ballroom is where the ECW One Night Stand PPVs have been held. This will be the second ECW-only TV taping, the first being on July 4th at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia. There is slight talk of taping two episodes of ECW TV at the ECW-only TV tapings.


Credit: PWInsider.com


Brings hope that at least there will be some good fan participation in the future at least.

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Failure according to who?


I'm pretty sure being the number 1 rated show on cable is pretty good.


This isn't the same ECW from 10 years ago and nobody ever claimed it would be. I think some people had horribly unrealistic expectations (myself included). Get over it.

Oh I see, sorry, I was actually expecting former ECW wrestlers to wrestle on an ECW program, not losers who couldn't even get over even if they got 839 pushes.


Yep, sorry, my expectations for ECW were that it would be a better show than WCW Saturday Night in it's last year. I was wrong.

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