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Finally was able to watch Virus vs. Hechichero today after BOSJ Night 1 and it was great stuff. Gritty, glue like sequences with a smooth escalation and some brutal strikes actually to add emphasis. I would love to see a 25 minute tricked out mat classic between these two. ****

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I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'm looking for the entire match (I've got highlights upped on my channel)


Sangre Chicana vs El Faraon

Caballera contra Caballera
07/03/1986 EMLL
Arena Mexico


There's lucha bloodbaths then there's this massacre.

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Rey Hechicero vs Máscara Dorada (Monterrey)


Bonus points for the super scuzzy ring, the VQ straight out of 1993, the dayglo-looking shirt on the ref and the sparse crowd ambling about. The mise en scène of a wrestling match is an underrated element, although I suspect that is a discussion for another forum. Anyway, I absolutely loved this - starts with matwork/pin exchange-type stuff and then ramps up with Hechicero as the brutal power guy and Dorada working all the hope spots. The interplay and the way they worked reversals in that meant something and didn't look too choreographed was outstanding at times. Just a great compact little match that didn't outstay its welcome or overdo the nearfalls.


Carístico vs Máscara Dorada (Lucha Azteca)


Far more of a spotfest, but a really fun one at that. I could live with the early dives as that set up the rest of the match to be the gruelling spot/sell/spot formula. Considering the fuss about certain spotfests in other parts of the world I'm astonished these sorts of lucha matches don't get more love. Saying that, bar a few breathtaking spots my favourite moments were when the HATE came to the surface - the mask ripping, the brawling on their knees. And I think it was that sort of stuff, the emotion over the spectacle, that made this match work. And it would have worked even better with even more of that HATE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Flamita vs. Laredo Kid vs. Aerostar vs. Septimo Dragon: Martinez Promotions 6/3


I'm sure I liked this more than any other human, but I really really loved it. Flamita did flips, Laredo did flips, Aerostar did flips, and Septimo Dragon did flips. That's what this match was and it was great. After going through some lucha this year, I can officially consider Flamita for a spot on my WON Ballot for Best Flyer. He's so crisp in everything he does and it continues to blow my mind. Amazing sprint, clocked in at under 10 minutes. So much fun. I love the little bit of Martinez Promotions that I've seen. ****


Joe Lider, Toro Negro, & Danger vs. Flamita, Crazy Boy, & Super Crazy: Cara Lucha 2/22

Buy it from Black Terry Jr


I guess Cara Lucha doesn't give a shit about disqualifications? I mean this had everything including a staple gun, a kendo stick, and a finish that involved light tubes. More great stuff from Flamita and one of my personal favorites, Super Crazy. There was a little too much standing around in this match for me, which might sound odd, but there were portions in which the guys in the ring were literally just standing around. I really enjoyed it, though. Flamita once again killed it. ***1/2

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What was the story with Rush/Park? First the referee called for the DQ out of nowhere despite it being a no-DQ match, then they kept wrestling for like six more minutes...and then they just walked out. Bizarre all around. With the way Rush was grabbing his hair and then picked up the mic, it looked to me like he was about to challenge Park to a hair/mask match but then thought better of going into business for himself.

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What was the story with Rush/Park? First the referee called for the DQ out of nowhere despite it being a no-DQ match, then they kept wrestling for like six more minutes...and then they just walked out. Bizarre all around. With the way Rush was grabbing his hair and then picked up the mic, it looked to me like he was about to challenge Park to a hair/mask match but then thought better of going into business for himself.


The DQ out of nowhere felt like it was CMLL/Elite's attempt to stop the match when they realised they had completely lost control of Rush and Park. Blood and foreign objects are pretty much banned in CMLL and they have a history of stopping matches from airing when they get out of control, but Rush and Park (and Elite) had other plans. That may have avoided a riot, so it was for the best. According to cubsfan's report, both Rush and Park cut promos in the ring but their mic was cut, so I guess they edited that part out.



With all the talk about that match, I guess no one has saw their June's one ?


The crowd is not as hot, but have a decisive finish. One fall, and has a few minor cuts in the video.



EDIT : Rush/LA Park.


Even with the decisive finish, I liked this one better than the one from Tijuana. Actually, I think a big part of that is the weird DQ and the interruption of the match. Rush and Park wanting to keep fighting despite the DQ, the wild energy of the crowd going from littering the ring to throwing money, the feeling of that style (the one from the great classic Mexican brawls) coming back to Arena México after being kept away from there... those are thing that made it a special match.

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Has it ever been established what connection there is between CMLL and Elite? Konnan when he was working for AAA seemed to be under the belief that that CMLL was secret owners of them or at least enough of a stake to keep them afloat. Plus it seems against everything anyone's ever known about CMLL's business model to let anyone run their buildings and/or use their guys without having control over either.

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Rush vs. L.A. Park Part III



Tremendous performance by L.A. Park. I love that the spot with the storing ice is in every match.


After the match, Rush wants an Hair vs Mask match.


I fired this up last night as soon as I found out it was available, and much to my surprise was wildly disappointed. Absolutely loved the brawl they had earlier in the month and this paled in comparison. Felt like they mailed it in at a smaller show, with much less energy and intensity. The first encounter was essentially a frenetic brawl with proper selling mixed in, but it was almost as if they were working with a really long shot clock and using every second of it in between the action. Park nearly killed himself on his dive this time, and even the weapon shots weren't strongly incorporated.


Hoping they're more motivated if we get a third match. Rush needs to do something about that backne. Better or less pharmaceuticals, a proper dermatologist, something. Its like The Night Of kicked up a notch.

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I did a quick write up over at SC:





This is how to start a morning. I don't think I liked this quite as much as the Elite spectacle, but it was more of a complete match (which in this case might actually be a drawback). The first six or seven minutes was just as good as the previous one, too, probably even better, with Rush having about four minutes of pure heat and then Park mounting a beautiful comeback. The huge highlights here were the tosses into the crowd (initial and then revenge; nothing in wrestling makes me happier than symmetrical revenge spots), the comeback spot itself with the giant cooler and Rush being a cocky asshole and paying for it, and maybe best of all, Rush in the crowd, after being tossed there, looking around, dazed and hurt, and wondering where the hell Park had gone (spoiler: Park had gone to get heavy, dangerous objects to hit Rush with).
The early brawling and one-sided beating was so great, with such personality and a larger than life, visceral feel that you can't help but compare it to the best brawls you've ever seen, be it Park vs Wagner or the Chicana classics from the 80s. That's almost a shame in 2016, because the system is just rigged against something being as good. This would have been better as a 2/3 fall match. It would have allowed for more distinct act breaks and almost forced that initial beatdown to be longer. They fit a lot into a few minutes but this would have been better if it was double the length with some sort of fall in the middle. The comeback would have been better punctuated with a fall as well. Instead, they seemed to make the conscious decision (after revenge weight belt shots by Park) to head back into the ring, to stop everything, play to the crowd, and then reset to charging at one another as they went towards a finish. There were similar self-aware elements of this in the Elite match as well, but there, they didn't halt the match so much as played along with the ref stoppage attempts and chaos of the scene. There they were masterfully conducting the crowd and raising anticipation for when they'd defy the authorities and charge at each other once again. Here it really stopped the flow of the match, and disrupted the feeling of hatred without good reason except for that this is just how things are done in this day and age.
So yeah, you can't help but compare it to what came before, especially the Elite match. I don't think this ever had that crazy, out of control feel. The strings holding up the match were just too thoroughly evident. There was more of a sense of calling spots and sticking to a plan. That worked great when they were brawling on the outside but not nearly as well when they made it back into the ring. For instance, Rush didn't even blink after Park apparently hurt his leg on a dive. He had a momentary advantage that you could chalk up to the limping, but he didn't look at it, didn't target it, didn't deviate at all from what they would have done if Park hadn't started to limp. In some matches, that wouldn't be a big deal, but if you came in expecting something as reactionary and organic as the Elite match (like I did, because that was so much of the draw of this rematch), that wasted opportunity was distracting. I didn't need three minutes of legwork, just a bit of mocking and a few dickish kicks to the leg, something like that, which Rush is so good at, generally. Park, if he was hurt, took Rush's dive like a champ, though. If he wasn't hurt, then his selling, which was great throughout anyway, certainly fooled me.
But anyway, watch this. It's gripping stuff. I'm just not sure it lived up to the level of expectation they set previously. They have amazing chemistry though, and thankfully, they're matched up four more times in multiman or tag matches in the next 30 days.

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I would imagine there are financial issues preventing Rush-Park as much as anything. Hopefully it happens someday.



I know anything said by a luchador should be taken with the largest of grains of salt, but Rush said CMLL kept him off the Anniversary show because of the Park brawl. Keeping one of your top acts off the top show over something petty does seem like a pretty CMLL thing to do though,

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