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The Honor Roll: ROH's 50 Greatest Wrestlers Ever Project - RESULTS DISCUSSION


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Thanks TPC. It was a good June-February project, good amount of time put in.


One positive was, even with things like Hero #1 (and that guy actually tweeted at a couple of us and explained why - big point was that Sweet n Sour was his favorite company act ever), with 111 ballots it wasn't like it skewed the final results. Same with people inadvertently leaving off Joe (one ballot) or Nigel, Aries, Jay Briscoe, etc. l expect that those were due to people rushing ballots and finding out about the project late (same with if someone listed a wrestler twice, which happened). Other than Jay - who with one more ballot would have finished 5th - nothing was glaring.


CM Punk hit the sweet spot for the votes - a huge proportion of the ballot base were fans from the beginning or golden years and he has three of the biggest company stories/angles ever. Probably most surprising to me was no first place votes for Nigel or Steen, but Punk getting 5 spoke to his importance and company significance.

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That is a good list. Nothing too out of wack of offensive to my delicate sensibilities really. I had the top three in that order and most of the top 12-15 in that zone, just switched up. Bouncing off the early conversation I had Nigel one ahead of Aries and that is how it played out.



This seems like the place to post this. Low Ki vs. Samoa Joe from the first Glory By Honor is probably still my favorite RoH match ever. That the one where they just beat the shit out of each other and Ki wins by knocking Joe out with a head kick.

Yeah, that match is bonkers good. It isn't my favorite ROH match as I have a few pretty highly rated myself, but it is way up there, top 10 for sure, if not top 5. It is probably the most brutal version of Joe vs Ki i can think of. They have other matches later in their careers that are a bit more polished, but this was a MAN contests between these two and it still has me jumping out of my seat when I watch it.

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I wasn't surprised Danielson won, and although I didn't vote for him, I have no issues with him winning whatsoever. I'm mostly surprised at his margin of victory. I thought it would be pretty close between him and Joe, because to me, those are easily the top two guys in company history. I had Joe slightly ahead of Danielson, mostly because I think his matches hold up a little bit better (Danielson as ROH champ would often fall into the "self conscious epic" trap) and because Joe's title reign was so important in establishing ROH as a top wrestling company, especially in the wake of the Rob Feinstein scandal, but that is a matter of taste. I was just shocked that all of Danielson's votes were in the top 10, and that all but two of his votes were in the top 5. It's rare you see anything close to that type of consensus for one wrestler like this. I do wonder if Danielson's post-ROH career going as well as it did, while Joe's was a mixed bag trending towards disappointing, helped Danielson's ultimate ranking here, because based on ROH work alone, I think it's a lot closer than the results bear out.

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My top three would be Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuinness, so the results weren't really far off of what I had envisioned in my mind. I didn't submit a ballot, I had started one & jotted down the names that I thought were worthy. I got to about twenty names - there was no way I could get to fifty, let alone one-hundred. That being said, reading through all of the names was fun and even a little nostalgic. I'm not sure if others feel the same way but reading the list made me genuinely realize how much great talent has come from Ring of Honor. They have had some very strong years over the course of their existence.

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^ FWIW, it was only 50 on each ballot. No way was I asking people to rank 100, felt 50 was perfect, even after voting and tabulating everything.


Yeah 73-25 or so for the final first place votes - this actually mirrored (ratio-wise) what a lot of the feedback and discussion had when debating the two. I thought maybe in the final vote it would be closer (I also voted for Joe #1), but it was pretty definitive.

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