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It's saying something if Busick's stare gets through to Cornette. 

Tenryu just might work his way to another title shot.

Douglas finally gets the better of Condrey and may even have gotten through to Busick. 

The Dreamboats finally get that one big win.

Yea, I would say Windham has proven himself. 

Cactus sends Soultaker packing but the sinister minister might have something up his sleeve. 

Cow Palace,

Both Regal and Atlas get big wins as they prepare for another collision with each other.

Hart gets the win, but Scotty put up a fight. 

Look at that, Rose has been retaining his title with clean wins. 

Blondes have earned themselves a rematch.

One by one, Steamboat has defeated the Wild Things. Can't wait for his showdown with the Jackal. 


Awesome keeps knocking down the competition. 

Windham and Hall are definitely united.

No doubt about it, Severn has his confidence back. 

The Jackal looks good as he gets ready for Steamboat. 

Austin barely hangs on to retain over Eddie. 

I agree with Kev, the way you use factions, Deseret Storm is the perfect event for PCW. 


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Pacific Coast Wrestling Deseret Storm from the Salt Palace, Salt Lake City


Squadron Battle : Dan Severn, Steve Blackman, Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau), Maxx Payne & Cactus Jack vs. The Blood Syndicate (Genichiro Tenryu & Masahiro Chono) , The Can-Am Express, & The Southern Boys


Pacific Coast Wrestling kicks off its annual Deseret Storm event with a Squadron Battle featuring the newly resurgent Dan Severn leading the Citadel against the Blood Syndicate and their cohorts. The Citadel had been busily training together, along with Cactus Jack, in the weeks leading up to this match, and that work paid off when they drew first blood. Stormfront were able to hit the Storm Warning (modified double Flapjack that drives the opponent down onto his head) on Steve Armstrong, sending him out of the match. It was the Can-Ams who evened things up, with Lafon spin kicking Maxx Payne into a German Suplex by Furnas. It was the Blood Syndicate who then took the lead after Tracy Smothers knocked Alex Porteau out with a spinning backfist, only for Cactus to eliminate Smothers with a Double Arm DDT to level the playing field again. The Can-Ams struck again after Lafon eliminated Snow with a reverse flying body press, but it didn't take long for Blackman to hit the running bicycle kick on Lafon, making the sides 3 each. Both sides really dug in for a hard hitting battle, and it didn't look like either was about to break. Severn finally broke the stalemate by taking Furnas down with a legsweep and forcing him to tap out to a heel hook. Chono charged into the ring and put a real battering on Blackman and Cactus, but after doing a lot of damage, he got reckless and ran right into a thrust kick from Blackman that caught him flush on the chin. It was now Tenryu standing alone against Cactus and two of the Citadel. The Citadel had the numbers, but had been battered and bruised by the Blood Syndicate. Tenryu did much more damage, and came close to eliminating his opponents , only for the count to be broken up by one of the other teammates. Blackman was finally able to make a rolling tag out and bring Dan Severn into the ring. The Beast and Tenryu waged war with several near falls from both until Severn exploded in a series of backdrop suplexes that were finally able to put the Japanese legend down. The first match ended with Severn and his teammates standing tall.


Final Survivors : Dan Severn, Steve Blackman and Cactus Jack.


Squadron Battle : Jerry Lynn, Shane Douglas & The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. Dennis Condrey, Big Bully Busick & The Midnight Express


Jim Cornette's side were bolstered by the return of Golden State Tag Team champs the Midnight Express, fresh off their impressive run in the WWF. Even so, all eyes were on Shane Douglas and Big Bully Busick, as this would be the first time the two former friends would be facing each other in an official match. The fans would have to wait a while, as every time Douglas got in the ring, Busick would tag out. The first elimination was a shocker, with the Dreamboats taking down Stan Lane with a double dropkick and getting the pinfall. The rookie team getting a pin on the Golden State Tag Champs caught everyone off guard, and Cornette was livid at ringside. Eaton and Condrey regrouped, working together as though the years of separation had never happened. A racquet shot from Cornette from the outside set up Glamour Boy Shane for a clothesline by Eaton, who followed up with a flying kneedrop and sent him packing. Despite a brave effort from Tommy, Condrey was able to eliminate him with a Full Nelson Faceslam. Jerry Lynn was able to make it two on two with a package piledriver on Eaton, but it didn't take long for Busick to put him down with the Bully Breaker (over the shoulder neckbreaker). Busick immediately tagged out, and Condrey and Douglas battled long and hard, but Loverboy Dennis eventually had to tag back out. Busick briefly hesitated, but then started unloading on Douglas with jarring forearm shots. Douglas fought back hard, not letting his memories of their past friendship hold him back. He did well for a while, but when he tried to take Busick down with a Thesz Press, the Big Bully caught him and crushed him with a spinebuster slam, putting an end to his challenge. It looked like Cornette was about to demand a Bully Blaster (Heart Punch), but the trademark glare from Busick froze Cornette in his tracks. Regardless, for the night at least, the Louisville Lip came out on top.


Final Survivors : Dennis Condrey and Big Bully Busick


Squadron Battle : Bret Hart, Bam Bam Bigelow, Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko vs. Chris Adams, Steve Austin & The Destruction Crew


The focus of the match, unsurprisingly , would be the feud between Bret Hart and his former pupil Steve Austin. Somewhat more surprising would be Eddie Guerrero on the same side as Dean Malenko. The two second generation stars had intensely feuded over the Light Heavyweight titles, but after some initial friction, they started fluidly tagging in and out and working together. They were even responsible for the first eliminations, with Dean whipping Mike Enos into a flying dropkick by Eddie, and then Eddie in turn setting up Wayne Bloom for a brainbuster by Dean. It all came to an end with retaliation from the Diamond Exchange, after Austin took out Eddie with the Stun Gun and Adams eliminated Dean with a Superkick. It was now down to Bret and Bam Bam against Adams and Austin. The Diamond Exchange used every cheap shot they could, but couldn't prevent Adams from being pinned following a slingshot splash from Bigelow. Despite being the rookie of this match, Steve Austin was not intimidated by the prospect of taking on both such accomplished opponents.  He tore into both of them, particularly in the case of Hart, savagely pummeling the Hitman and busting him open. Unfortunately for Austin , he took too long showboating, giving Hart the chance to recover and surprise him with a Schoolboy Rollup. Hart just barely held his shoulders down for a three count, putting an end to the young upstart's challenge. Austin tried to go after Hart after the match, but Adams and DDP held him back. Undoubtably, it is only a matter of time before these two clash again.


Final Survivors : Bret Hart and Bam Bam Bigelow


Squadron Battle : Ricky Steamboat, Steven Regal, Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle), & The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Jackal, Tony Atlas, The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice) , & The Fighting Irish (Fit Finlay & Erin O'Grady)


The Jackal has been spearheading a series of vicious attacks lately on Ricky Steamboat and his friends of late, which have only gotten more devious with the arrival of the Sinister Minister. Having recently lost the Soultaker to a Loser Leaves Town match, the Minister bolstered his side with Tony Atlas and the Fighting Irish. At first, it looked like his strategy was not working, with O'Grady going down to a Samoan Drop from Spicolli followed by Vic Steamboat pinning Finlay with a Demon Suplex (Tiger Suplex). But then, it showed that the Minister was acting as chessmaster and was simply sacrificing the Irish as pawns. One by one, they started picking off the opposition. First one to go was Candido, taken out by the Juice Crew with the Juice Loosener (Bearhug by Big Juice into a slingshot lariat by Beetlejuice). Spicolli soon followed following a crushing Piledriver from Atlas. After the Wild Things steadily worked over the Demon's back, Atlas then forced Vic Steamboat to give up to a mighty Bearhug. A big clothesline from Big Juice set up the Eagle for the Betrayal (Flying Kneedrop) from the Jackal. Now, the Wild Things had gone from deficit to advantage. The Sinister Minister cackled, as he had sent his men after the Pacific Heavyweight champ in the preceding weeks and felt he had the Dragon well scouted. But while the Minister was scouting the champ, Steamboat had been scouting the Wild Things. Working together, Steamboat and Regal regained their momentum against the Wild Things. Regal set up Big Juice with a schoolboy trip into a Running Cross Body by Steamboat to eliminate the big man. Steamboat was then able to Karate Kick Beetlejuice into the Regal Suplex, and now it was 2 on 2. Things got down to the nitty grit, and the Wild Things decided to go into the gutter. The Jackal pulled out a big mitt full of the Crimson Death Dust and hurled it right at Ricky Steamboat . Steamboat ducked at the last second, and the Dust went right into the face of the referee, who immediately collapsed. Steamboat started to unload on the Jackal with chops, at which point the Sinister Minister took matters into his own hands. He entered the ring and, when Steamboat turned to face him, he hurled a huge fireball into the chest of the Dragon. Steamboat collapsed to the ground in pain, and Regal immediately went over to protect him. By this point, a second referee had come out to take over the match, disqualifying the Jackal and ruling Steamboat unable to continue. It was now down to Regal and Atlas. Atlas did everything to out muscle Regal, but the British Lion used his considerable technical expertise to escape. Atlas did manage to get Regal set up for his deadly piledriver, but Regal was able to counter it with an inside cradle. One … Two … THREE! Regal was able to pull out the victory for his team. But then, out of nowhere, someone entered the ring and attacked Regal from behind. It was "Lethal" Larry Cameron! Cameron hadn't been seen on the West Coast in over a year, but was now making his return to ambush Regal. He worked with his old colleague from Iron & Steel to hit a brutal Spike Piledriver on Regal. The two continued their attack until Cactus Jack ran out with a metal chair to run them off. Cactus then helped Regal to his feet to assist him to the back. Regal may have been the last man standing, but now he was not able to stand on his own.


Final Survivor (?) : Steven Regal


Squadron Battle : Brian Pillman, Shinya Hashimoto, Dragon Azul , & Phoenix Rising (Kensuke Sasaki & Toshiaki Kawada) vs. Buddy Rose, Scotty The Body, Mike Awesome, & The Sin City Superstars (Mark Starr & Reno Riggins)


Ever since winning the Pacific Television Title, Buddy Rose has been reestablishing his power base in the territory he always thought of as his own personal domain. To that end, he has gathered an impressive club around him, which he brought into this Squadron Battle to show what they could do. They had a bit of a rough start when Dragon Azul pinned Reno Riggins following the Asai Moonsault. Scotty and Mark Starr proceeded to gang up on Dragon before Starr took him out with the Starrburst Suplex (slingshot suplex). Starr didn't last long, with Phoenix Rising battering him before Sasuke forced him to tap out to the Strangle Hold Gamma. It was then that Rose decided to let the monster off the leash. Mike Awesome went on a rampage, taking out Kawada with a spectacular top rope splash and bludgeoning Sasaki to set him up for an Inside Out Backbreaker from Rose. This success seemed to go to Rose's head, as he was insufficiently cautious with Shinya Hashimoto. He thought the Japanese star had been sufficiently softened up and went for the Inside Out Backbreaker, only to get a hard elbow smash to his face. Hashimoto then hit a Leaping Spike DDT and got the shocking pinfall on the TV champ. Scotty and Awesome swiftly went on the attack and Awesome hit a lariat from behind to set him up for the Body Shot (DDT) to give the pin to Scotty. It was now down to Flyin' Brian, standing alone against 2 of the rising superstars of the Playboy Club. He did well in the game of cat and mouse, frustrating Awesome by peppering him with moves and then dodging out of reach. He had no one to watch his back, though, which allowed Scotty to sneak up and hit a low blow from behind. This allowed Awesome to hit his patented Awesome Bomb, giving the final factory to the Club.


Final Survivors : Scotty The Body and Mike Awesome


Squadron Battle : Barry Windham, Scott Hall, Brian Lee, Dustin Rhodes & Billy Gunn vs. Ted Dibiase, Steve Williams, Terry Gordy & The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


The Terror Collective made one of the most devastating debuts in PCW history, savagely attacking Barry Windham and having been a force of, well, terror ever since. Little by little, the Brigade have rallied behind Windham to take a stand against Dibiase's group, but it has still been very rough going. Now up to full strength, the Brigade were now about to enter the battlefield with their enemies. The Terror Collective quickly showed just how terrifying they could be, with Dustin Rhodes being pinned by Albright with a devastating German Suplex and Young dispatching Gunn with a Spinebuster Slam. The Brigade fought back hard, and Lee was able to take out Young after the Prime Time Slam. The Brigade did everything they could to wear down Albright, and Windham was finally able to put him out with the Western Lariat. Things weren't even for long, as Dr. Death crushed Lee with the Oklahoma Stampede, making it 3 on 2. Windham and Hall worked well together, and it seemed for a while like they might just beat the odds. It all came crashing down when Dibiase clotheslined Hall out of the ring. While the Collective distracted the ref by ganging up on Windham, Mike Awesome snuck down to ringside and flattened Hall with a lariat. He then hit a power bomb on the floor before stealing away into the night. The ref counted out Hall, leaving Windham to stand alone. He put up a valiant fight, but three top contenders were just too much to overcome. Gordy hit a huge piledriver on the tall Texan and that was that. The Terror Collective stood triumphant. Will anyone be able to stop them?


Final Survivors : Ted Dibiase, Steve Williams and Terry Gordy

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Awesome visual of it taking three men to defeat Tenryu.

Nice touch having it be the PCW regulars in Camp Cornette be the survivors.

It must have felt so good for Bret to be able to eliminate Austin.

Crimson Death Dust, a fireball and Iron & Steel reuniting? The heels may have lost but they made a powerful statement.

Scotty the Body and Mike Awesome cement themselves as the Club members to keep an eye on. Though Hashimoto pinning the TV champion shouldn't be overlooked.

The original Triangle of Terror stand tall over the Brigade.

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The night starts off with a bang or as Cactus would say "Bang! Bang!" Severn, Blackman and Cactus looked strong. 

The Midnights return but get a fight. Condrey and Busick come through for Camp Cornette. 

Hart and Bigelow survive as each man gets a satisfying fall over their rivals. I can just see Austin's tantrum. 

WOW! A lot went down in the next match! Steamboat gets set on fire and Cameron returns to reunite one of my all time favorite PCW teams, Iron and Steel. Oh and let's not forget that Regal did win the match. There will be a lot of fall out from this one. 

Rose takes a shocking pin, but luckily Scotty and Awesome save the day for the Playboy Club. 

Hard hitting main event. Dibiase, Williams and Gordy are the big guns but Young and Albright were able to shine. Hall's going to be on the hunt for Awesome. Windham gave it all he could, but how can you fly solo against the triangle of terror. 

Fun night of action! 


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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Victoria Memorial Arena, Victoria, on ESPN / TSN, August 2nd


Jerry Lynn vs. Dennis Condrey


Condrey came out accompanied by his manager, Jim Cornette, along with Cornette's bodyguard, Big Bully Busick. Cornette's crew were caught offguard by Lynn being backed up by Shane Douglas. Cornette, of course, protested, but the ref countered by saying that he would send Douglas back to the locker room only if Cornette agreed to send back Busick as well. The Louisville Lip was not about to go without his only protection, so Shane ended up staying. Shane and Busick were giving each other the evil eye throughout the match, but seemed to neutralize each other by their presence alone, so Lynn and Condrey got on with their business of the match. Lynn did very well for himself, all things considered, but the experience of Condrey was just too much to overcome. Condrey planted Lynn with a front layout suplex and got the three count. After the match, Shane got in the ring to help Lynn to his feet, which seemed to be enough to discourage Cornette from attempting any post match shenanigans, but Cornette was clearly grinding his teeth in frustration in spite of his man's win.


Larry Cameron vs. Steve Morris


Among many of the exciting moments at Deseret Storm, one of the most shocking was the return of "Lethal" Larry Cameron as he attacked "The British Lion" Steven Regal. His Iron & Steel partner Tony Atlas was at his side for his return to in ring PCW action. Poor Steve Morris tried to chicken out of the match, but nothing doing. Cameron demolished Morris, coming in like a wrecking ball before destroying him with the Harlem Hammer (running double axe handle to the back of the head) . He and Atlas high fived in the ring, and things got just a little scarier for the competition in PCW.


Scott Hall vs. Mark Starr


At Deseret Storm, Hall was eliminated by countout from his match after being ambushed by Mike Awesome. An enraged Hall is clearly gunning for revenge on Awesome, but for the time being will have to settle for Awesome's fellow Playboy Club member Mark Starr. Hall quickly trampled over Starr, swiftly dispatching him with the Gator Breaker (fallaway slam) , but certainly won't be satisfied until he gets his hands on the awesome one.


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


The Oregon Wrecking Crew made an impressive debut at the start of the year , but have really started coming into their own since joining up with the Terror Collective. Showing a distinct development in confidence, they easily dominated this match. Despite a game effort from Wings Of Fire, the Crew put them down hard when Young hit his trademark Spinebuster on the Eagle. Despite being the new boys in the Collective, the OWC are not to be taken lightly.


Al Snow vs. Reno Riggins


Although both men are currently known as tag wrestlers, both Snow and Riggins proved themselves equally capable in singles action. This was a fast paced match that captivated the fans, with Snow being able to block the Reno-Plex (Fisherman Suplex) and get the win with a spectacular moonsault.


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Bret Hart


This match never got started. As Bret made his way to the ring, he was brutally attacked from behind by Steve Austin. Hart was knocked hard to the ground and was not able to defend himself as Austin savagely pummeled him while Rose simply stood in the ring grinning. PCW officials tried pulling Austin off Hart, but Stunning Steve just kept breaking loose and getting more shots in on the Hitman. By the time they were able to force Austin to leave, Hart was a bloody mess and had to be helped back to the locker room. The feud between the former teacher and pupil has kicked up into a new, dangerous level.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN , August 3rd


Alex Porteau vs. Fit Finlay


These two took it to the mat early in the match and wound up becoming a gripping technical showdown, with Finlay forcing Porteau to tap out to the Celtic Knot.


Billy Gunn vs. Big Juice


Gunn put in a determined effort and was able to defeat Big Juice with the Sidewinder (Spinning Side Suplex)


Barry Windham & Brian Lee vs. The Miracle Violence Combination


The Brigade were still licking their wounds after Deseret Storm, and despite giving it their all, the MVC still came out on top after Williams crushed Lee with the Oklahoma Stampede.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Chris Adams


Bigelow's momentum just keeps rolling on, as the Beast From The East defeated his British nemesis with the Slingshot Splash.


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Shane Douglas


Austin's rage from the day before continued unabated today, and while this did lead to some mistakes from which Douglas was able to briefly capitalize, Stunning Steve came out on top with the Stun Gun.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : The Can-Am Express © vs. Phoenix Rising


A match that many had been anticipating for a long time delivered a tag team classic that went to a time limit draw after 30 minutes of thrilling action.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Kelowna Memorial Arena, Kelowna,  August 4th


The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli) vs. The Southern Boys


The Blondes gave a fierce challenge to the former champs, but Armstrong was able to get the pin on Candido following a Flying Clothesline


Erin O'Grady vs. Beetlejuice


Two of the most unpredictable wrestlers on the West Coast had a crazy match that went to Beetlejuice with the Frog Splash


The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. The Sin City Superstars (Mark Starr & Reno Riggins)


The Dreamboats are vying for a shot at the Midnight Express and their Golden State Tag Team Titles, and proved that they are worthy contenders. They took down their old rivals the Sin City Superstars when Dreamer submitted Riggins with the Dream Weaver (modified Sleeper Hold)


Brian Pillman vs. Scotty The Body


This was a ferocious battle between two of the fastest rising young stars on the West Coast. Tina Ferrari was the one who tipped the balance, interfering from ringside to allow Scotty to sneak in the Body Shot (DDT) for the victory


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Dragon Azul


The evening closed off with a thrilling Light Heavyweight match that climaxed with a battle of rollups, ultimately going to Malenko by way of a crucifix.

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Douglas backs up Lynn to Cornette's fury.

Cameron is back with a vengance.

Hall mauls Starr.

The OWC rebound form Deseret Storm.

Riggins shows what he can do solo.

Austin couldn't stand the idea of Bret being a champion.


Finlay with a solid submission win.

Gunn shoots down Big Juice.

The MVC are on a rampage.

Bigelow with a big win over Adams.

Austin's rage was too much for Douglas.

The Ca-Ams and PR put on a clinic.


The Southern Boys remain in contention.

Bettlejuice vs the Leprechaun sounds like it'd be either the worst movie ever....of the funniest.

The Dreamboats are on the way to a title shot.

Scotty continues to shine.

Malenko tames the Dragon.

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Douglas is really getting under Cornette's skin LOL

I'll say it again, Cameron and Atlas are just meant to be together. 

I don't know if the Playboy Club is ready for an angry Hall. 

Dibiase knew what he was doing by acquiring the OWC. 

I'm sure Rose had no problem with what Austin did to Bret. Austin and Bret are heading for a bloodbath. 


Finlay might have his eyes on the submission title. 

Gunn's another young gun making a name for himself here. 

Only a matter of time before the MVC has gold. Jeez, who can stop these guys. 

Another satisfying win for Bigelow. 

Austin's rage is taking over. 

The tag team competition in PCW is unreal. 


The Southern Boys are in the zone. 

I agree, Beetlejuice vs. the Leprechaun is quite the billing. 

The Dreamboats are quickly rising the ladder. 

Scotty's looking for a title shot. 

Malenko keeps the LHW division hot 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Portland Sports Arena, Portland , on ESPN / TSN, August 9th


Cactus Jack vs. Tony Atlas


Cactus may be seemingly done with the Wild Things, he has drawn the ire of the newly reconvened Iron & Steel. As proof of that, Larry Cameron was in Tony Atlas' corner and getting in every shot he could behind the back of the ref. Eventually, Cactus had enough, diving out of the ring with a double axehandle and started slugging it out with Cameron. Atlas soon joined them, and as they brawled outside the ring, the ref called for a double countout. Cactus battled against the numbers until Steven Regal, who hadn't been seen since Deseret Storm but was looking for payback against Iron & Steel, charged out to even the odds. As security separated the two sides, it was clear that a new war had blown up on the West Coast.


Dennis Condrey vs. Dave Cruser


Since returning to PCW, "Loverboy" Dennis has proven himself to be a reliable clutch player for Camp Cornette. Condrey easily dominated Cruser, dispatching him with the Full Nelson Facebuster. Condrey certainly has become a tough man to beat in Pacific Coast Wrestling.


Brian Lee vs. Terry Gordy


Despite the full force of the Brigade uniting behind Barry Windham in his struggles with the Terror Collective, they have found it very tough going. After being eliminated by the Collective at Deseret Storm, Lee finds himself facing the always rowdy Terry Gordy. Despite a gutsy performance, Lee wound up going down to a high angle belly to back suplex, and the juggernaut that is the Terror Collective just keeps crushing everything in its path.


Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Sin City Superstars (Mark Starr & Reno Riggins)


It's a testament to the caliber of competition in the Pacific tag team division that two teams the quality of Wings Of Fire and the Superstars are having to fight their way up the ranks for title contention. The two teams had a tense duel that would end up going to Wings Of Fire when the Eagle pinned Starr after the Screaming Eagle (top rope missile dropkick). An impressive result, we will see how far it can propel Wings Of Fire in the rankings.


Shane Douglas vs. Scotty The Body


Two individuals who are definitely on the rise in PCW are Shane Douglas and Scotty The Body. Douglas has gained a lot of attention with his feud with Jim Cornette's men while Scotty has emerged as a shining star of the Playboy Club. It would be Douglas' feud that spelled the difference, as Cornette and Dennis Condrey came down to ringside during the match. Condrey would jam the tennis racquet into Douglas' back while Cornette distracted the ref, setting him up for the Body Shot (DDT) and defeat. Condrey and Scotty continued to put the boots to Douglas until Jerry Lynn rushed out, leading them to make a strategic defeat. Douglas will need to cultivate that friendship with Lynn, as he clearly needs someone to watch his back.


Dan Severn & Steve Blackman vs. The Blood Syndicate (Genichiro Tenryu & Masahiro Chono)


While much of the focus had been the feud between Severn and Tenryu, it has been Blackman and Chono who have been taking it to the next level. The Lethal Weapon and the Steel Machine have had some fierce battles in the past few weeks, and they carried that into this match. Severn and Tenryu seemed shocked at how savagely their partner's tore into each other , and they were both a bloody mess when Chono pinned Blackman following a Shining Kenka Kick. Both men still tried to go after each other following the pinfall , and had to be pulled away from each other by their partners. It looks like Tenryu and Severn are going to have their hands full keeping their young charges in line.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Portland Memorial Coliseum , Portland , on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, August 10th


Scott Hall vs. Reno Riggins


The Gator has a major mad on for the Playboy Club and Mike Awesome in particular, and is determined to tear through every member of the Club until he gets to awesome. Riggins was the unfortunate sap who got in his way this time, and Hall battered him from pillar to post before polishing him off with the Gator Breaker (fallaway slam).


Dustin Rhodes & Billy Gunn vs. Steve Williams & Ted Dibiase


The Brigade's woes against the Terror Collective continued, as the duo of Doc and Teddy (as I am sure they would love to be called) rampaged over the young duo, with Williams pinning Rhodes with a Doctor Bomb.


Bam Bam Bigelow & Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) vs. Chris Adams & The Destruction Crew


Bam Bam continued his run of success, taking down Mike Enos with the Slingshot Splash.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : Can-Am Express © vs. The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli)


A close call for the Can-Ams, with a very intense challenge from the Blondes, but Lafon was able to counter an attempted Spicolli Drop (Samoan Drop) with a Sunset Flip to successfully defend their titles.


Barry Windham vs. David Young


Windham managed to notch a win against the Terror Collective, taking down Young with a running Bulldog Headlock.


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Kensuke Sasaki


Rose seemed to have a sense he had perhaps bitten off more than he could chew, as he was backed up by Mike Awesome. Even that wound up drawing more trouble. After getting a big scare at how much of a challenge Sasaki gave him, Rose had Tina Ferrari distract the ref to allow Awesome to come in the ring and flatten Sasaki with a clothesline. No sooner had he done that then Scott Hall came roaring out and tackled Awesome. The two were battling it out when the ref turned around and saw the chaos, which led to him declaring the match a No Contest. Buddy has usually been one of the most cunning minds in PCW, but it looks like his machinations are starting to catch up with him.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from McArthur Court, Eugene, August 11th


Toshiaki Kawada vs. Fit Finlay


Two tough men had a hard hitting battle where Finlay was able to force Kawada to tap out to the Celtic Knot.


Maxx Payne vs. Gary Albright


Albright showed he was a force to be reckoned with even on his own, overpowering Payne with a German Suplex.


Brian Pillman vs. Erin O'Grady


These two burned up the match with a fast paced match that went to Flyin' Brian with the Air Pillman.


Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Jerry Lynn


Malenko was able to fend off Lynn's challenge by pinning him following a Brainbuster.


Shane Douglas & The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane) vs. Big Bully Busick & The Midnight Express


While there were many tense exchanges in this match between former friends Shane Douglas and Big Bully Busick, it would be the Dreamboats who would spell the difference, as Glamour Boy Shane was able to score the pinfall following a swinging neckbreaker on Eaton.


Pacific Submission Title Match : Eddie Guerrero © vs. Dragon Azul


The evening closed out with an exciting Submission Title match, where Eddie was able to fight out of several attempts at a Dragon Sleeper. He was able to counter the last attempt with a single arm takedown, then force Dragon to tap out to a Wakigatame Armbar.

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The odd couple of Cactus and Regal come together to face Iron & Steel.

Condrey shows off.

Bam Bam bashes the Bulldozer.

Wings of Fire are taking off.

Could we be seeing the beginnings of a alliance between the Playboy Club & Camp Cornette?

Blackman & Chono are in a true blood feud.

Portland night 2.

Hall mauls Riggins.

The TC continue to have the Brigade's number.

Bigelow presses the attack on the Diamond Exchange.

The Can-Am's reign proves to be bombproof.

Windham strikes a blow for the Brigade.

A brawl between Hall and Awesome technically saves Rose's title.


Finlay, Albright & Pillman all with solid wins.

Malenko keeps a firm grip on the LH crown.

The Midnights have hit a rough patch on the west coast.

Eddie with another successful defense in the main event.

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Tenryu/Chono vs Blackman/Severn was a beastly match on paper and it certainly delivered. 

I'm enjoying Eddie Guerrero's title run so far. He's certainly one of the brightest up-and-coming talents in the business at this rate and seemingly can't have a bad match. 

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Common enemies unite Cactus and Regal. 

I'm enjoying the resurgence of Condrey here. 

Gordy shows he's one bad dude. 

Wings of Fire prove they're still in the hunt. 

One thing Douglas needs is a friend. Looks like he found one. 

I like the twist with the supporting players elevating a feud. 


I don't know if the Playboy Club is ready for Hall's rampage. 

The Triangle of terror just keep dominating. 

I think DDP might be regretting his treatment of Bigelow. 

Can Ams get in a hard fought title defense. 

Windham wins a battle. 

If Hall takes out Awesome, Rose is in serious trouble. 


Finlay makes it known he can go for the submission title. 

Albright fits right in with the Terror. 

Pillman needed a strong win and certainly got it tonight. 

Malenko remains on top of the LHW division. 

Look at that, the Midnights take a rare loss. This really catapults the Dreamboats. 

Azul gives the champ a fight, but Eddie finishes strong to retain. 

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Pacific Wrestling Showcase from the Oakland Alameda County Arena, Oakland, on ESPN / TSN, August 16th


Big Bully Busick vs. Aaron Reisberger


Despite his distinctive look , the former Nick Busick has been almost unrecognizable since his return to the West Coast. While in his first run he had been a gregarious and friendly presence in the PCW roster, his second run has been a completely different story. The newly dubbed Big Bully has been surly and brutal, all while being hectored by his always annoying manager James E. Cornette. Lately, this has taken a whole new dimension, with even Cornette being intimidated by his menacing bodyguard. Busick quickly dispatched Reisberger with a series of power moves followed by the Bully Breaker (over the shoulder neckbreaker) , Cornette's call for the Bully Blaster (Heart Punch) was immediately shut down by a stern look from Busick. As the weeks go on, the cheerful and beloved Busick from his first run becomes more and more a distant memory.


Brian Lee vs. Reno Riggins


After the high point of ridding PCW of the Undertaker, Brian Lee has struggled of late. Some disheartening losses at the hands of the Terror Collective have not helped, so the big Bulldozer is determined to get his career back on track. Reno Riggins was unfortunate enough to find himself directly in the path of the Bulldozer's frustration. Lee battered the Playboy Club member from pillar to post before driving him to the mat with the Prime Time Slam. Here's hoping that Lee is able to regain his previous momentum.


Interview : Don Coss stands in the ring


Coss : Ladies and gentlemen, my next guests have been bringing their reign of terror in PCW to a new level … the Sinister Minister and the Wild Things.


The crowd boos loudly as the Sinister Minister, the Jackal , Beetlejuice, and Big Juice head to the ring. The Wild Things respond with maniacal cackling, with only Big Juice maintaining a stoic pose.


Coss : Errrrr, Mr. Minister … you and the Wild Things have been committing more and more unspeakable acts of late. You even burned Ricky Steamboat with a fireball ! How dare you!


SM : How dare YOU, Mister Coss! You will be treating me with respect, sir! First of all, the Wild Things are no more … we are the Sinister Ministry! The so-called Dragon could not withstand the flame. This false dragon is a pretender to the throne that will soon be rightfully assumed by the Jackal . I rain down a thousand curses on him and his family! He and everything he loves will be the first to be exorcised by the Sinister Ministry!


California Title Match : Steve Austin © vs. Steven Regal


In a mirror image of a couple of weeks ago, this match did not even get started. Austin was on his way to the ring when he was savagely ambushed by Bret Hart. The Hitman had not been seen ever since he himself was attacked by Austin before a Television Title match, and was now re-emerging to take his pound of flesh in retaliation. Unlike Buddy Rose, Regal attempted to separate the two, but wound up being shoved back hard by both men. It took a full squadron of PCW security to pull them apart and force them back to the locker rooms. Something has to break in this blood feud between former friends, and it is likely to break soon.


Barry Windham & Billy Gunn vs. The Oregon Wrecking Crew (Gary Albright & David Young)


Much like Brian Lee, Barry Windham has had a rough go of it at the hands of the Terror Collective. Even with the Brigade now rallying behind him, Ted Dibiase and his assemblage have proved to be an incredibly tough nut to crack. Although Albright and Young are the least experienced members of the Collective, they have greatly grown in confidence and ruthlessness during their time with the group. The result was a pitched battle that took a lot out of both sides. While Windham was able to finally put down Young with the Western Lariat, it took a tremendous effort of the part of both him and Gunn. The Brigade certainly have their cut out for them with this new and imposing threat.


Golden State Tag Team Title Match : The Midnight Express © vs. The Dreamboats (Tommy Dreamer & Glamour Boy Shane)


The evening capped off with a classic tag title match. While the Midnight Express are at a career peak, having recently held the WWF US Tag Team Titles and maintaining a firm grip on the Golden State belts, they have stumbling block in the rookie team of the Dreamboats. Dreamer and Shane have scored falls on the Express in Squadron Battle and six man matches, and are now gunning for the titles themselves. While the Dreamboats were quite a handful for Lane and Eaton to try to control, much of the drama came from ringside. While Jim Cornette did what he could to get Trisa Hayes riled up, the Dreamboats' manager fired back with sharp barbs of her own that made Cornette red in the face. It came to a climax when Cornette tried to throw his tennis racquet in the ring to Bobby Eaton, only for a slap to the face from Ms. Hayes to cause him to fumble the toss. As a result, the racquet ended up in the hands of Shane, who used it to clobber Eaton. The ref caught this and called for the DQ, but that didn't stop the Dreamboats from causing some mayhem on the Express before Cornette and his men fled from the ring. It seems like the Dreamboats may well have the number of the Express, and it will take all they have for Cornette's men to keep a hold of the titles.

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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Cow Palace , San Francisco,  on Pacific Super Cards on ESPN / TSN, August 17th


Steve Blackman vs. Masahiro Chono


Dan Severn and Genichiro Tenryu were both in their respective men's corners for this match, and watched in concern as the two tore into each other like rabid wolverines. Chono was able to pin Blackman after a top rope flying shoulderblock, but both men were willing to keep going after the bell, with Severn and Tenryu having to pull their partners apart.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Steve Williams


Dr. Death's dominance over young Dustin continued, defeating the son of a Son Of A Plumber with the Oklahoma Stampede


Brian Pillman vs. Scotty The Body


This was another hot match in a series of exciting bouts between these two rising stars, with Flyin' Brian coming out on top with the Air Pillman.


Cactus Jack & Wings Of Fire (Vic Steamboat & The Eagle) vs. The Jackal & The Juice Crew (Beetlejuice & Big Juice)


There was more than the usual quota of insanity in this match with both the Wild - , errr, Sinister Ministry and the always dangerous Cactus Jack on opposing sides. Things got even crazier when the arena went dark, and a spotlight went to the entrance of the runway. It was Ricky Steamboat! The Pacific champ was making his first appearance since the Sinister Minister burned him with a fireball a few weeks ago. He was wearing white bandages over the burns on his chest and was bearing a large flaming torch. The Dragon brought the flame to his mouth, breathing out a large stream of fire before the lights went back out and he was gone. This proved a sufficient distraction to rattle the Ministry, leaving Beetlejuice prey to be pinned following a flying elbow smash by Cactus.


Pacific Tag Team Title Match : The Can-Am Express © vs. The Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido & Louie Spicolli)


The Can-Ams held off a tremendous challenge from the Blondes, with Furnas pinning Candido following an incredibly impressive rana.


Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose © vs. Toshiaki Kawada


Once again, Rose relied on Mike Awesome to tip the scales in his favour, with the Awesome one clotheslining Kawada outside the ring and the Playboy getting the win by countout. They didn't have long to celebrate, as Scott Hall charged out shortly afterwards and chased them out of the ring.


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Pacific Coast Wrestling show from the Selland Arena, Fresno,  August 18th


Stormfront (Al Snow & Alex Porteau) vs. Iron & Steel (Tony Atlas & Larry Cameron)


Iron & Steel showed that they are truly back, getting the win over the former tag champs with a spike piledriver on Porteau.


Jerry Lynn vs. Dennis Condrey


Lynn pulled off a shocking upset when he blocked an attempted Full Nelson Facebuster and countered with an inside cradle on Loverboy Dennis that got the three count. An enraged Jim Cornette tried to get his bodyguard Big Bully Busick to attack Lynn after the match, but once again a steely glare from Busick shut that down.


Scott Hall vs. Mike Awesome


Hall finally caught up with Awesome that wound up being a chaotic brawl with the ref ultimately declaring a No Contest after completely failing to maintain any semblance of order in the ring.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Mark Starr


The Beast From The East handily trounced the Sin City Superstar, capping the match off with a spectacular Nuclear Splash on Starr.


Shane Douglas vs. Chris Adams


Douglas put in a game effort but his fate was sealed when Jim Cornette and Dennis Condrey made their way to ringside. Cornette and Condrey both tripped Douglas coming off the ropes, leaving him easy prey for a Superkick that got Adams the one two three. After the match, all three men continued to attack Douglas until Jerry Lynn rushed in and ran them off.


2/3 Falls Pacific Light Heavyweight Title Match : Dean Malenko © vs. Dragon Azul


As so frequently happens, the Light Heavyweights closed out the night with a classic. The first fall ended up in a battle of rollups with Malenko coming out on top with a Natural Bridge. Dragon came roaring back in the second fall with a Dragon Suplex to even things up. Malenko finally got the decisive fall following a Brainbuster.


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Busick has become a truly terrifying presence.

Lee tries to correct coarse.

Mitchell renames the Wild Things after himself. Classic.

Regal should probably give Austin & Hart their space.

The Brigade with a win over the collective's Jr members.

The Midnight's may have had some rough luck lately but they win where it counts.

Severn & Tenryu are struggling to control their students.

Williams has Rhodes' number without a doubt.

Pillman wins the latest chapter with Scotty.

The Dragon makes a dramatic return.

The Can-Am's and Rose hang on.


Iron & Steel make waves by beating former champs.

Busick really isn't a team player is he?

Hall v Awesome was too much to handle.

Bigelow makes Starr fall.

It's safe to say Douglas has found a friend.

Malenko retains in another barnburner.

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Well, we are a few weeks away from the big event of the Summer on the Pacific Coast, Phoenix Firestorm from Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum. PCW is now able to announce the dual main events for the show, and both are bound to be real barn burners :

Night One

Pacific Television Title Match : Buddy Rose (c) vs. Shinya Hashimoto

Night Two

Pacific Heavyweight Title Match : Ricky Steamboat (c) vs. The Jackal


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