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Benoit brain examination findings to be released tomorrow


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Except my guess is that they didn't lie.


They probably told the truth which is that a member of management knocked an employee unconscious within the regular performance of his job, and no medical examination was done.


They could have lied and spun there way around it, but they were too busy trying to reject the brain exam results that they did'n't think about how their rejection dug themselves into deeper hole.


whoops, breakdown in communication between our medical staff and our spin doctors, sorry, we were very careful to give Benoit all the medical treatment he required

You say that and his father can request the paperwork/trail on his medical treatment which means you better have it.

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Allowing Mick Foley and Kurt Angle to finish their performances after being clearly knocked unconscious after a stunt went wrong at King Of The Ring '98 and Summerslam 2000 respectively, won't look good either. I'm sure they are not the only examples of that happening too.

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That's one of those things which is sorta difficult to explain to people who don't know wrestling. "Well, they said they were okay to finish the match, and why wouldn't we trust the judgement of a man who'd just let himself be thrown off a giant steel cage twice? You have to man up and be tough enough to always PHINISH TEH MACH~!" Also difficult to explain is how if matches simply stopped when a guy got hurt it could legit harm their cash flow, since the fans are preconditioned to expect a wrestler who has his arm cut off to tape it back on and go the distance, and tend to be less than pleased when a match goes home early for injury reasons (see: the worked-but-coulda-been-shoot finish for Sabu/Rey at ONS2).

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That link was in today's WON update and it's about an NHL enforcer who retired due to concussions and almost beat up his 4 year old daughter. Some more grist for the mill when it comes to the "do concussions make you attack your family" debate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meanwhile, the latest from Tracy Smothers' girlfriend (posted at WC):


How's this for tough?


When Tracy had his MRI on Friday we found out he's been having small strokes. He had one early Christmas morning but after spending the day in bed he still did a double shot that night in Kingsport and Bristol.


Wednesday he worked Sevierville and had two marks ready to hit the ring on him. Then he drove 2 hours back to my Mom's with just Ruthie to keep him alert.


Thursday he was supposed to work a show near Knoxville on the way back to Nashville but I talked him into taking a much needed day off.


Friday he had the MRI, got the news about the strokes and still made a show that night for Mike Porter. He even got there early to train a kid in the ring.


Last night he worked Evansville and today he will spend four hours in the ring with his trainee. He doesn't just sit and observer when he's training someone. He gets in the ring and teaches with a hands on approach.


He's only taking the next three days off because he as to wear a monitor on his head for 72 hours.


Thursday he'll be back to his usual schedule of working almost daily, training in the gym, and training sessions with his new student.


Not bad for a 45 year old "washed up has been"!

What the heck!?!?!
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I think I've mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating here. I've been the ring announcer for at least a couple dozen Tracey Smothers matches, have worked with him in at least three different indy feds. And every single time I've ever talked to him, he never once remembers that he's ever seen me before in his entire life. Every time it's been, "Nice to meet you, man". What's he had, something like, 30 concussions?

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Smothers is kind of sad, because on one hand, he has no business being in the ring at this point, but what's he going to do? Hasn't he been wrestling since his mid-teens? He's not exactly prepared for a job in the regular work-force, and with indy promoters willing to pay him pretty much whatever he wants, he would probably have trouble making even the meager living he makes through making indy shots in the "real world." It's kind of a sad situation, but what can you do?

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Man all these stories like the Benoit/HHH thing and Tracy Smothers becoming the guy from memento makes me sad. :(


Then I think about other stuff like Micky Whipwreck basically jumping up and down cause he managed to remember what he needed to get from a store or the Angle at Summerslam thing where he staggered back to the ring and wrestled a good length all messed up.


It's just sad stuff. I know concussions are part of the game, but I'm hoping some things will change like more info about recognizing the warning signs and mandatory time off instead of Man-ing up. There was one thread about how a guy was sick of the injured Nigel McGuiness being the champ cause he wouldn't make more defenses, then he goes out and kills himself against Austin Aries. I think thats one of the problems, fans really need to recognize how dangerous this fake sport really is and not a video game.

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  • 3 months later...



April 7, 2008


When I decided to end my four year relationship with Tracy Smothers I ordered a three month supply of all his medications before I took him off my insurance.

I also made sure he would have the COBRA forms to be able to extend his insurance.


After I moved out of our home I left all his things in a storage closet in the back of our townhouse for his friend to pick up for him. His friend did that but Tracy has not bothered to go get anything from him.

That means he has none of his medications or the paperwork that he needed to extend his insurance.


I found out yesterday that Tracy has not taken his medicine in close to a month.

He is taking borrowed blood pressure pills and what he called nerve pills. He is still getting drunk every Monday and smoking pot daily.


I know for a fact that he has been having mini strokes since early Christmas morning.

It's happened to him in the ring and when he has been driving to shows.

He told me himself that he had one over a week ago and in the car on Saturday.

They are getting more frequent because he is off his seizure medication.


He has brain damage and post concusssion syndrome to the point where his neurologists told him that he should have gotten out of the ring ten years ago.


Anyone who steps into the ring with him is now taking their life in their own hands.

Any promoter who would consider booking him for a show is insane unless they want to see him die in their ring.


When Tracy is off his medications he is delusional, irrational, and has violent blackouts as well as the seizures and mini strokes.


Without his mediciations he will be the next Chris Benoit!


I got out because I refuse to wind up like Nancy.


If anyone sees him in public or at a show please encourage him to go get his medications that I have already paid for.

His friend has them waiting for him here in Nashville.


I am curently writing a book on dealing with his insanity. I just hope he lives until it is ready to go to press.

It will be a miracle if he survives much longer.


For more information about that please visit my website at http://www.reneepayne.com


I plan on donating most of the profits from the book to the

Nancy and Daniel Benoit Foundation for Abused Women and Children in Atlanta.


I'm not posting this to be mean or spiteful. I am trying to save his life!


Please feel free to repost this information on as many websites as possible.

Tracy has given his life to the wrestling business and now has absolutely nothing to show for it in return.

If anyone cares about saving his life please get him to start taking his medication and get out of the ring for good.


The wrestling business does not need the stigma of yet another untimely death.


Thank You!


Renee Payne



Since we weren't legally married I can't do anything. His family won't have any contact with him because of his illness. My Mom has talked to his Mom and begged her to take those steps but she is afraid of him and won't help.


His former social worker told me that if I can tell her where to find him in this county she can issue a mental health

check. But she can't do anything unless he is in Nashville since he is no longer in the mental health program.

He got the standard letter last year from the WWE offering assistance. One of the reasons I went public was maybe it would get their attention and do an intervention.


He's alienated just about every friend he has in Nashville because very few of them understand his condition.


If anyone knows how to get in touch with Bob Armstrong please PM me or let him know what's going on. He might be the one person Tracy would listen to since he considers Bob to be more of a father to him than his own deceased father ever was.

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Guest BilJim2

I'm sure the book she's planning on writing has zero to do with her "concern" for his well being. Anyone with genuine concern wouldn't be blogging on the Net about this.

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Guest BilJim2

Then how come no one else has come forward and mentioned that Tracy's having problems? He wrestles all the time all over the place, no one sees this except her?

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Guest BilJim2

It's two articles, the first starting in January. Sorry I'm not up to date on the personal life of Tracy Smothers, I have other things going on. :)


There's a letter milling about by Beau James that discredits her and I read elsewhere that she's pretty much despised by more than one person. In this case, I'd consider the source before doing something rash or flat out stupid.


And no one answered the question- how come no one else is talking about this except her?

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I'm pretty sure the question has been answered. Just because nobody is talking about it with you, James Cornelius Brambilla, does not mean that the topic has not been brought up. A friend of mine who has worked with Smothers repeatedly in the past told me back in October that he called a wrestler who was now promoting shows, and at the start of the conversation threatened to kill the guy, and by the end of the call was asking to get booked on the next show, while still saying he was going to kill the guy. This is not rational behavior.


Also, while I won't doubt that she is trying to capitalize on the craziness of Tracy Smothers, that doesn't mean that Smothers isn't crazy, either. The two are not mutually exclusive. She can be out to try to squeeze money out of Smothers while Smothers is still a guy who is in desperate need of help.

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