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                                                                                                                              The following statement was released by Jim Crockett Promotions.

Following the financial and critical success of Halloween Havoc we at Mid-Atlantic were excited to work with our fellow promoters in the NWA to present Starrcade. However problems immediately became apparent in the planning stages. More specifically it became clear that while Mr Watts had scheduled Starrcade to take place less then a full month after Halloween Havoc no effort had been put into planning Starrcade until Halloween Havoc had concluded. This was compounded by Mr Watts's increasingly unilateral decision making process, relegating  the Board of Directors to a purely advisory status and on occasion ignoring it's advise entirely in clear defiance of NWA guidelines. Mr Thatcher himself hindered matters by constantly hijacking what were scheduled to be meetings on booking decisions instead insisting on issuing complaints that CCW was somehow being shortchanged financially despite the fact that each of the three territories received an equal portion of the profits from Halloween Havoc. 

Regarding the conclusion of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship match. No rational person could deny that Butch Reed was cheated out of his title not that there was clear collusion between the Four Horsemen and referee Carl Fergie. However, there exists clear evidence of Mr Fergie's corruption from the moment he ceased to be an active wrestler and obtained his referee license through a program started by Mr Watts. Indeed earlier in the same night, Mr Fergie showed blatant bias in his refereeing of the Mid-South Tag Team Title match in favor of the Masked Superstars. As such the conspiracy between Mr Fergie and the Horsemen can be seen as clearly that, a conspiracy between those individuals. 

While the way Mr Reed was defeated for the title is truly unfortunate the fact is wrestling matches, including those contested for championships, are won through nefarious means on a nightly basis without the decision being reversed. Mr Crockett acting as the representative of Mid-Atlantic made clear that Mr Blanchard would be made available whenever Mr Watts requested so that Mr Reed could receive his rightful rematch. However Mr Watts refused, demanding the decision be reversed.  The Board promptly held a vote and while the decision was close it was ultimately decided the the matches decision would be upheld. Mr Watts furiously declared he would be withdrawing from the Alliance and while we disagree with this rash decision we respect Mr Watt's choice.

This and Mr Thatcher's withdrawal of CCW in favor of holding his own Thanksgiving event leaves MACW as the sole American promotion in the NWA. As such Mr Crockett in his newly appointed role as President has made the following decision. Effective immediately Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling be ceasing operations and te National Wrestling Alliance will be going forward as a single promotion. All MACW talent have been giving the option of signing new NWA contracts with the vast majority agreeing. 

The NWA will be proud to bring the very finest in pro wrestling to not only to the established MACW territory but new venues in West Virginia,Maryland, Ohio and anywhere else that is prepared to host us. The official launch of the new era of the NWA will occur with the debut of "NWA Power Hour" on Friday December 3rd. We can also announce that on Christmas night the NWA will host the first supershow of the new era called "Christmas Chaos" in the Greensboro Coliseum. Matches for the event will be announced on "NWA Power Hour" in the coming weeks.

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*Breaking news! New NWA World Jr Heavyweight Champion crowned in Japan!*

At a event held by the NWA's Japanese partner All Japan Pro Wrestling in Misawa, Kuniaki Kobayashi defeated Eric Embry to become the new NWA World Jr Heavyweight Champion.

This match was part of a world tour that was scheduled in advance of Starrcade. The decision was made to honor the commitments made despite the restructuring currently underway. 

The NWA congratulates Kobayashi-San on his victory. We are certain he will carry the title proudly.

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                                                                                                                 NWA 1985 (Power Hour Posted) | Wrestlingfigs.com WWE Figure Forums

NWA Power Hour #1

Commentary team:Bob Caudle & Tony Schiavone.

Ring Announcer:David Crockett 

Taped on Thursday December 2nd, 1986 at the Winthrop Coluseam in Rocky Hill SC and airing December 3 on WTBS Channel 17.

(A new intro slams on screen showing high speed action from all the top stars of the NWA set to "Rock Warrior" by The Rods. We freeze on a shot of NWA World Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard before cutting to Caudle & Schiavone at ringside)

The Best And Worst Of NWA Starrcade '85: The Gathering

BC:Wrestling fans welcome to the debut episode of NWA Power Hour! I'm Bob Caudle alongside Tony Schiavone and Tony what a historic night this is for the NWA.

TS:It certainly is Bob. From here on out the NWA goes forward as one promotion and we're all determined it will be the greatest wrestling promotion in the world. Tonight is just the beginning, the first major step happens on Christmas day in Greensboro NC as we present Christmas Chaos which we can report that will be airing live on close circuit television. Matches will be announced in the coming weeks & we've got some big news for you later this broadcast.

BC: Indeed we do but it's time to get started, let's send it to the ring for our first match.

Match #1

"The Electrifying" Ben Bassarab defeats The Executioner with a Flying Bodypress.

Commercial-Bob Caudle runs down the NWA house shows for the coming week.

TS:Wrestling fans welcome back to NWA Power Hour. My guest at this time is the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion, "Handsome" Harley Race! *huge pop*Harley Race, Wrestling Legend And Champion, Has Died

HR:Thank you Tony. Folks this is something of a bittersweet moment for me. You see I was so proud to defeat Ric Flair for this title and prove that while I may be getting up there in years I still have what it takes to beat the very best. However one of the many changes of the NWA restructuring is that now that we're looking to establish a national presence it's been determined there is no longer a need for regional titles. As such the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship shall be contested in a title vs title match at Christmas Chaos & as a courtesy I've been given a choice between the United States title or the World Heavyweight title. If you know me you know that's not a choice at all. I truly believe I would have won the tournament at Halloween Havoc if not for Tully Blanchard's foolishness & at Christmas Chaos i shall prove it when I finally become NWA World Heavyweight Champion for the 8th time! (Race leaves to rousing cheers)

BC:Wrestling fans you heard it from the man himself Harley Race to challenge for the World Title at Christmas Chaos! Switching gears now, we've got a new face in the NWA the man they call "Maniac" Matt Borne with his manager, a man VERY familiar to Mid-Atlantic fans "Number One" Paul Jones!

Match #2

"Maniac" Matt Borne w/"Number One" Paul Jones defeats "Stray Cat" Brodie Chase with a "Stump Puller" During the match Jones joins the commentary booth and reveals he has purchased the contract of the Great Kabuki who'll be in the main event.

Matt Borne RIP My friend | Matt osborne, Beefy men, WrestlerPaul Jones Death - Wrestler Deaths

Commercial+Promo for Christmas Chaos 

(Caudle is joined by the Renegade Warriors. They confirm that the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles will also be retired at Christmas Chaos and they were given the same choice as Race. However while it was incredibly tempting to challenge for the World Titles they couldn't stand the idea of the United States Tag Titles being controlled by that anti-american blowhard JR Foley for one second longer. They swear that when 1987 dawns the U.S Tag Titles will be around the waist of a pair of true American patriots)

Non title

Match #3 

The Renegade Warriors (Chris & Mark Youngblood) defeat Cruel Connection (1&2) with a double knife edge chop to CC#2.


Commercial+Promo for Christmas Chaos

(Caudle announces that Christmas Chaos shall serve as the year end show for 1986 & that the new years eve edition of NWA Power Hour shall be a special episode highlighting the best action of 1986 including some matches airing on tv for the first time)

Match #4

"Pretty Boy" Doug Somers defeats Rocky King with a Brainbuster.

Pretty Boy' Doug Somers dead at 65 | Slam Wrestling

Commercial+Promo for Christmas Chaos 

(Before the main event Caudle explains that due to his actions at Starrcade, Kevin Sullivan was stripped of the NWA World Television Championship & suspended indefinitely. Sullivan was so enraged he actually quit. Regardless the main event shall be the first of a series of qualifing matches to take place over the next several weeks where the winners shall meet in a four corners elimination match to crown a new champion)

Main event 

The Great Kabuki w/"Number One" Paul Jones defeats El Santo Negro when a distraction from Jones lead to the "Asian mist"/Thrust kick combo.

The Great Kabuki | Wrestling stars, Pro wrestling, Pro wrestler

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NWA Live @ Dorton Arena in Raleigh NC 12/4/86

"British Magician" Steve Wright defeats Savanah Jack with the "Octopus Hold"

The Warlord defeats The Intern with a powerslam.

"Downtown" Denny Brown defeats "Dandy" Don Bass with a victory roll.

The Assassin defeats Mr Wrestling 2 with a second rope elbow drop.

"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel defeats Tiger Conway Jr with the Tomahawk chop.

The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) w/"Precious" Paul Ellering defeat Radiance (Gary Royal & Paul Roma) with the "Doomsday Device" on Roma.

The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair & The Andersons) defeat The Posse (Black Bart & The Hangmen) when Ole pinned Rhodes with his infamous kneedrop. But what had the fans buzzing was what happened towards the end when Paul Jones came down with RON BASS which got the attention of Black Bart. When Bart approached them Bass greeted his former partner warmly before signing Jones to open a briefcase...reveling it to be filled with money! Jones pressed the case into Bart's hands while Bass threw his arm over Bart's shoulder and together the two lead Bart to the back leaving The Highwaymen high & dry!


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Great first edition of the Power Hour.  It seems great minds think a like as we both have gotten rid of our regional titles in similar fashion.  It will be fun to watch Race go for the gold again and to see the Youngbloods go after Foley's men.  I think Matt Borne is going to be be great here in the NWA.  Can't wait to see what you do with him.

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Huge news in the NWA as the regional titles are gone. But hey, we're getting Race vs. Tully for the world title. Sounds like a great Christmas gift for the fans. 

Trouble has arrived! Paul Jones brings in Matt Borne and also signs Kabuki. WOW! 

Foley might be in trouble because the Renegade Warriors can't stand him so much that they're going after the US titles. 

Sullivan's out and this will lead to a 4 corners match for the TV title. Sullivan's lucky Luger didn't get a hold of him before he bailed. 

Jones man Kabuki ends the show with a win. That mist is some bad stuff.

Oh man, Paul Jones isn't wasting any time. Now he has Bass and Bart. That's one strong stable! 

The NWA is off and running! 


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I like the way you are switching the titles around. Harley vs Tully should be a great main event.

Paul Jones is putting together a great stable. I hope Borne finds a nice home here! 

Fuck Yeah on putting Bass and Bart back together!!

Looking forward to seeing who else qualifies for the TV Title 4 way.

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The regional titles are out. This is an interesting development.

Tully has a tough challenge right out of the gate, Flair lost to Harley, will Tully meet the same fate?

Paul Jones being back here just feels right, he has quickly built up an impressive Army and he may not be done yet!

Sullivan is gone....but is it for good? That remains to be seen. Can't wait to see who manages to take the Television title!

Christmas Chaos in Greensboro is going to put the new NWA on course for a wild 1987!

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NWA House Shows results for 12/5/1986

NWA @ Memorial Auditorium in Columbus GA

Mr Wrestling 2 defeats The Warlord with the Knee Lift.

"The Electrifying" Ben Bassarab defeats Missing Link with a Flying Bodypress.

"Pretty Boy" Doug Somers defeats "Crippler" Ray Stevens with a inside cradle with a handful of tights.

The Assassins (1&2) defeat Spartanburg Vice (Jerry Bryant & "Big" Lou Winston) when Assassin #1 made Bryant submit to the "Assassin Lock"

"The Missouri Tiger" Jeff Gaylord defeats Soldat Ustinov with a spear.

NWA World Tag Team Title Match 

The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn & Ole Anderson) w/JJ Dillon defeat The Midnight Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) when Dillon passed Ole one of the tag title belts which he struck Michaels with as Dillon distracted the ref.


NWA Live @ Hampton Roads Coluseam in Hampton VA

Earthquake Ferris defeats "Pretty" Paul Roma will a big splash.

The Great Kabuki w/"Number One" Paul Jones defeats "Downtown" Denny Brown with a thrust kick.

"Dangerous" Dan Spivey defeats "The Ugandan Giant" Kamala w/JR Foley & Friday by dq when Kamala chopped the referee while he was attempting to back the Wildman up so Spivey could get out of the corner.

The Outlaws (Ron Bass & Black Bart) w/"Number One" Paul Jones defeats Harts Afire (Bruce & Keith Hart) when Keith passed out while Bass had him in a claw hold.

NWA United States Championship 

"The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff & "Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Ms Elizabeth wrestled to a double c.o 

NWA World Heavyweight Championship 

Tully Blanchard(c) defeats "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel with a slingshot suplex following a mule kick.

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NWA Live @ the Memorial Auditorium in Greenville SC 12/8/1986

The Hangmen (Bobby Jagers & Dirty Rhodes) defeat Cruel Connection (1&2) when Jagers pinned CC#2 with a running elbowdrop.

"British Magician" Steve Wright defeats Executioner with the "Octopus Hold"

"Downtown" Denny Brown vs Chris Benoit w/JR Foley ends in a 15 minute time limit draw.

"Black Bullet" Shaska Whatley defeats Keith Hart with the "Flying Willie"

"Maniac" Matt Borne w/"Number One" Paul Jones defeats El Santo Negro after Jones shoved Santo off the top rope allowing Borne to hit a bridging German suplex.

Non Title 

The Renegade Warriors (Chris & Mark Youngblood) defeat The Red Tide (Ivan Koloff & Soldat Ustinov) by dq when Jonathan Boyd & George Barnes attacked the Youngbloods.

"The Unpredictable" Dick Slater defeats The Assassin with a spinning neckbreaker.

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The NWA continues to put out some solid house shows. 

It's nice seeing Wrestling 2 get a win in Georgia as he nears retirement.

Huge wins for Bassarab and Sommers.

It's hard enough competing with the Andersons while also dealing with Dillon. 

Ferris is making a splash in the NWA.

Jones has a good night as his men pull out the wins. 

I think there's a lot of potential in a Kamala/Spivey feud.

Nikita and Savage is a match that would bring in a crowd.

New champ Tully gets instant credibility with that win over Wahoo.

The British Magician has racked up a good number of wins.

Once again, a member of the Paul Jones Army gets a win. 

Heat added to the upcoming Warriors/Commonwealth title match.

Slater sends the fans home happy with his spinning neckbreaker. 





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From the Memorial Auditorium in Spartanburg SC it's....

NWA 1985 (Power Hour Posted) | Wrestlingfigs.com WWE Figure Forums


Previously Recorded/Airing on 12/10/1986

Commentary:Bob Caudle & Tony Schiavone 

Ring Announcer:David Crockett

(We see a series of clips from the past week of NWA events throughout the country. We cut to the new opening video set to "Rock Warrior" by The Rods ending on a still shot of NWA World Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard before cutting to Caudle & Schiavone at ringside)

The Best And Worst Of NWA Starrcade '85: The Gathering


BC:Wrestling fans welcome to another episode of NWA Power Hour, professional wrestling's most exciting hour. I'm Bob Caudle alongside Tony Schiavone and Tony Christmas Chaos is just over 2 weeks away and what an event it's shaping up to be.

TS:It certainly is Bob. We've already signed two huge title unification bouts AND a Four Corners elimination match to determine a new NWA World Television Champion. Well now we can announce that all titles will be defended at that event with the challengers to be announced in the coming weeks. Furthermore just signed for the event, What we're calling the "Merry Christmas" battle royal. 20 men will compete in a over the top rope battle royal and the winner will receive a title shot of his choosing in the new year.

BC:Well that's a merry Christmas if I ever heard one. But that's all In the future. We've got a great night of wrestling here for you tonight. Let's head to the ring for our opening contest.

Match #1

Spartanburg Vice (Jerry Bryant & "Big" Lou Winston) defeat Will the Thrill and Boogaloo Shrimp when Winston pinned Shrimp after the "Spartanburg Special"

(Post match Spartanburg Vice cut a promo promising that 1987 is the year the Vice wins gold in the NWA. Big "hometown" pop)


Commercial-Bob Caudle runs down the NWA house shows for the coming week.

(We return to footage from last weeks show in Hampton VA showing the chaotic finish the NWA United States Championship match)

BC:Wrestling fans as you just saw Nikita Koloff defended the NWA United States Championship against "Macho Man" Randy Savage this past week in Hampton with the match ending in a double c.o. It's my pleasure to report that the NWA Championship Commetie has determined that the rematch will take place at Christmas Chaos airing live on close circuit television from the Greensboro Coluseam! Switching gears now, 1986 may be coming to a close but the NWA is still on the hunt for the very finest pro wrestling talent in the world. One such man who's about to make his debut is a man they call "The Natural" Mark Fleming who's considered one of the finest scientific wrestlers in the sport today. Let's head to the ring and see what he can do.

Match #2

"The Natural" Mark Fleming defeats Mike "Action" Jackson with a Rear naked choke.

Mark Fleming – Online World of Wrestling

(Post match Fleming cuts a promo boasting being taught "real professional wrestling by the great Lou Thez" which he states is being "debased by this southern wrasslin garbage" nearly as bad as "those cartoon characters up in New England". Says he won't tolerate the SPORT that he loves be disrespected by a bunch of "drunken hillbillies & Disney rejects". Says the campaign to "restore wrestling to it's rightful glory begins NOW" before storming off to a rather heated reaction)

Match #3

"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel defeats Mick Foley with a Tomahawk Chop.

Did you know former pro wrestler Wahoo McDaniel blasted a 91-yard punt in  college | Wrestling | postandcourier.com

(VTR- We see a sweeping shot of a trendy nightclub. Loud music, flashing lights & fashionably dressed people. We then cut to what seems to be a V.I.P section where the Four Horsemen are dressed to the nines. Expensive looking food and alcohol are on a table where the NWA World Heavyweight Title & the World Tag Team Titles are displayed front and center. Blanchard,Dillon & The Andersons are seated on a couch together while Flair is on a chair to the side. Blanchard speaks first. Says the party hasn't stopped since Starrcade. The Horsemen promised to rule the NWA and they kept their word,though he admits with a laugh not quite how they initially envisioned. Says he can't believe he wasted years with "that ungrateful floozy" Baby Doll only for her to lose her nerve during the biggest match of his life. Thankfully he had some real friends to watch his back. Declares himself "the only REAL World Champion. Not that meat head crybaby who had to get daddy to make him a new title. Not that 5th rate Ric Flair impersonator down in that Alabama hell hole *Flair,whos been rather stoic until now smirks at this* Not Ricky "i have all the charisma of white picket fence" Steamboat and certainly not that children's entertainer up in New York". Ole takes over saying it doesn't matter who management sends at Christmas Chaos, The Andersons are holding onto the World Tag Team Titles "however long we damnwell please cause there sure as hell isn't any team that can take these belts from us". Dillon closes the segment telling the fans at home to get used to this sight, The Four Horsemen on top of the wrestling world because they'll be seeing it for years to come. End VTR)

Commercial+Promo for Halloween Havoc & Starrcade 86 on NWA Home Video with a special holiday discount if you buy both!

Match #4

The Outlaws (Ron Bass & Black Bart) w/"Number One" Paul Jones defeat The Gladiators (1&2) when Bart pinned Gladiator #1 with the "Texas Trash Compacter"

(Jones,Bass & Bart join Tony Schiavone at ringside. Jones is dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and dress pants and is carrying a riding crop)

GBXvVyV.png?1Paul Jones Death - Wrestler Deaths

TS:Paul Jones you've only been in the NWA for about a week now but you've amassed quite the collection of talent.

PJ:You know Schiavone, I don't call myself "Number One" because it's catchy or good a marketing strategy. I call myself "Number One" because whether it was as a wrestler or a manager i expect nothing but the best not just from myself but from those I associate with. And if there's one thing I can't stand it's wasted potential. That's why I took over the career of "Maniac" Matt Borne who was getting himself beat half to death in Florida with only a self-proclaimed "Mad Dog" as backup. It's why I purchased the contract of The Great Kabuki who was wasting his talent as a flunky for a lunatic. And it's why I had to get this man (he points at Bart) away from those John Wayne wannabes in the Posse. This man won the Bunkhouse Brawl at Starrcade for them but were they fighting for him to get a title shot?

BB:(snatches the mic) Hell No!

PJ:But you better believe i will especially now that he's back in his rightful place alongside Ron Bass as the most physically dominant tag team in wrestling. And if you doubt my word, I'll let them tell you themselves.

RB:Thank ya Paul. If any of y'all don't know who we are let me splain to ya. We're the greatest AWA World Tag Team champions of all time.


RB:We done beat every team in Texas.


RB:We done beat every team in Mid-South.


RB:We done beat every team in Continental.


RB:Now we come to the NWA and look around and don't see nobody to worry.


RB:We ain't scared of no Injuns.


RB:We ain't scared of no Canadians.


RB:We ain't scared of no Ruskies


RB:And we sure ain't scared of no long haired sissy boys.


RB:1987 is gonna be the year of The Outlaws and The Paul Jones Army and if anybody's got something to say about it they can tell it to Miss Betsy! (Bass gives his bullwhip a good crack before the villainous trio depart to loud boos)

Commercial+Promo for Christmas Chaos airing live on close circuit television! Check your local listing.

Match #5

Main Event winner advances to the NWA World Television Title Four Corners elimination match at Christmas Chaos.

"British Magician" Steve Wright defeats "Pretty Boy" Doug Somers with the "Octopus Hold"

Steve Wright: Profile & Match Listing - Internet Wrestling Database (IWD)

Matches signed for Christmas Chaos 

Title Unification match 

NWA World Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard w/JJ Dillon vs Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion "Handsome" Harley Race 

NWA United States Title Match 

'The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff(c) vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Ms Elizabeth 

Title Unification Match 

NWA United States Tag Team Champions The Commonwealth (George Barnes & Jonathan Boyd) w/JR Foley vs Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions The Renegade Warriors (Chris & Mark Youngblood)

NWA World Television Title Four Corners Elimination Match 

The Great Kabuki w/"Number One" Paul Jones vs "British Magician" Steve Wright vs ? vs ?

"Merry Christmas" battle royal, winner gets a title shot of his choosing.

And much more!


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The announcers put Christmas Chaos over in a big way. 

Things get going in a good way with hometown boys Spartanburg Vice racking up a win. 

Flemming should do well here. Always liked the scientific wrestling heel gimmick. And Flemming defiantly can back up his words. 

Wahoo gets in a good TV win. 

The Horsemen continue to party like only they can. Looks like Baby Doll was given the boot. LOL, now Tully is talking smack about all the other world champs. HMMMMMM, Flair was very, very, very unusually quiet. I'm liking this twist with Tully at the top. 

Great promo by Jones, Bart and Bass. I felt every word. These guys could be huge here. 

Wright is having a solid run thus far. When he applies the Octopus Hold, game over! He advances to the 4 corners elimination match. I think he would be a great choice for a TV title run. 

I like the direction the NWA is going. Keep up the great work. 





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Solid TV heading towards Christmas Chaos that looks to have potential to be a great show.

I like what your doing with Mark Fleming, a ton of potential there!

Good promo from Tully.  My main takeaway is Baby Doll is gone and as mentioned Flair was uncharacteristically quiet here. Honestly since the fans always wanted to cheer Flair in this era and seemed to genuinely hate Tully, there's a lot of fresh stories to tell with Tully as the Champ and Flair chasing him...if things were to fall that way.

Macho vs. Nikita is a match we never got IRL that I'm super excited about!

Christmas is going to be a huge day here in the game! Can't wait!

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Nice TV show with a big push to Christmas Chaos.

Must say that one of my favorite moments was the name of your jobbers in the first match with Will The Thrill and Boogaloo Shrimp

I am glad you picked up Mark Fleming.  From what I have read about him, he was a really good technician with a good appearance.  Wonder why he never made it bigger?  Maybe he was awful on the mic... not sure but glad he is part of the NWA.

Enjoyed the segment with the Horseman at the Night Club.  Ole in the club must be a sight to see.  

Promo of the night was Paul Jones, Bass and Bart.  Nice job.

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NWA House Show results for 12/11/1986

NWA Live @ Albany James H Gray Sr Civic Center in Albany GA

"Gorgeous" Gary Royal defeats George South with his feet on the ropes.

Earthquake Ferris defeats "Pretty" Paul Roma with a big splash 

"Downtown" Denny Brown defeats Billy Two Eagles with a Oklahoma Roll.

"Black Bullet" Shaska Whatley vs "The Electrifying" Ben Bassarab ends in a 15 minute time limit draw.

"Chief" Wahoo McDaniel defeats "Pretty Boy" Doug Somers with a Tomahawk Chop.

NWA World Tag Team Titles 

The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn & Ole Anderson) defeat The Midnight Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) when Ole pulled a set of Brass Knuckles out of his jacket pocket and decked Michaels.


NWA Live @ Norfolk Scope in Norfolk VA

"The Natural" Mark Fleming defeats Rocky King with a Rear Naked Choke.

"Dandy" Don Bass defeats "Bronco" Bruce Hart with a lariat.

The Warlord defeats "Crippler" Ray Stevens with a Powerslam.

The debuting True Grit ("Bulldog" Bob Brown & Al Tomko) defeat The Red Tide ( Ivan Koloff & Soldat Ustinov) when Brown pinned Ustinov with a "Exploder" Suplex.

"Dangerous" Dan Spivey & Mid-Atlantic Tag Team champions The Renegade Warriors (Chris & Mark Youngblood) vs The Commonwealth (Kamala & NWA United States Tag Team Champions George Barnes & Jonathan Boyd) w/JR Foley & Friday ends in a double DQ when all 6 men started brawling and the referee couldn't restore order.

NWA United States Title 

"The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff(c) defeats "The Unpredictable" Dick Slater with the "Russian Sickle". Koloff went to continue attacking Slater with the Russian chain but Randy Savage ran out to intercepte. After a brief brawl, Savage knocked Koloff through the ropes. Nikita went to reenter the ring but "Uncle" Ivan & Ustinov came down & guided him to the back. Savage helped Slater up and the faces stood tall to send the fans home happy.

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