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World Championship Wrestling Presents: Clash of the Champions II!
Thursday April 13
Des Moines, Iowa

The Z-Man vs Haku started the show off. Zenk was over with the crowd while Haku had some great heat. Z-man was able to fly around a little bit. He catches Haku off guard with a nasty top rope dropkick to finish things off to the delight of the fans!

Johnny Ace vs Kamala ends up being a simple showcase… mainly for Kamala who is trying to be rebuilt into a monster. He handles Ace with ease and finishes with a nasty big splash!

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Mark Madness is another showcase for Bam Bam who is rising back up in the ranks. He puts an end to Mark Madness here… nothing special but a nice solid ass whoopin for the Bammer. We get a huge powerslam to finish things off!

WCW Television Championship
Koko B Ware vs The Great Muta ©
is our first championship match of the night and Muta has risen to another level here in WCW. The special mask and the paint is just the top of the iceberg for this guy. He and Koko have a great match and it gets close to the 15-minute time limit. We near the end and Koko goes for the top rope dropkick but Muta side steps and hits the MYST! Muta winks at the crowd before he goes up top… Koko is slow to his feet and Muta with a moonsault on Koko and then the 3-count with just under a minute remaining in the match!

Konnan & Chris Benoit vs the Conquistadors was a good tag team match with some low key lucha moves by Konnan and the Conquistadors with Benoit fitting right in. When Konnan and Benoit seemed to have things bottled up the Conquistadors were able to turn the tide but the fight went out of the ring to the floor. All four men were outside the ring for a double countout.

Dusty Rhodes vs Dan Spivey ended up being kind of a messy situation. Dusty was busted open, again, early, and was a stuck pig most of the contest. Spivey looked strong here only for Dusty to fight back and no-sell. We saw a major ruckus take place when Spivey kicked Rhodes in the head and sent him to the ring floor. Out of the crowd - Ivan Koloff shows up and starts hammering away on Rhodes. Race comes over and he joins as well. It’s a 3 on 1 beatdown of Rhodes as officials and agents come out. 

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Killer Bees vs The Rockers ©
  is a nice - fast paced contest with lots of tags. The Killer Bees really do look good here and have some nice continuity. The Rockers seem to be working on a different level right now and get control of the match. We see a Jannetty superkick set up a Shawn Michaels fist drop for the win and the Rockers continue to roll… that is until the Twin Towers come out and get right in their faces. Slick is in the middle of all of it and this could explode at any time!

Jimmy Snuka vs Bob Orton Jr. is another fun little contest. Nothing crazy. Orton works well enough with Snuka and Jimmy is finding a way to be relevant again. He hits the Super Fly for the 3-count!

Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, & Mr. T vs The Fabulous Freebirds
is a messy affair… namely with Mr. T and Buddy Jack who don’t appear to be in any shape to wrestle. Gordy carries a lot of the match with his power. Hayes has the showmanship that keeps it interesting. As all hell breaks loose we end up with all six men fighting. Savage and Gordy take their brawl out on the stage. Steamboat hits a huge cross body on Hayes and puts him down. Mr. T finally gets Buddy Jack up for an airplane spin and drops him for Macho Man to come down with an elbow right through his heart for the 3-count! While Steamboat, Savage, and T celebrate… Hayes and Gordy argue… uh oh…



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Z-Man pops the crowd with what I consider to be a big upset.

Alas, Ace has no such luck against Kamala.

Bam Bam defangs the Predator.

Ware had his working boots on but Muta' Myst saves the title.

There's definitely more coming for Konnan & Benoit vs Los Conquistadors.

Race & co may have lost their Predator but they picked up a wiley Russian Bear.

The Rockers survive the Bees but The Towers may prove to big a challenge.

Snuka wins the battle of the journeymen.

A somewhat ugly main event ends with the faces standing tall and Hayes & Gordy perhaps taking up old arguments.

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I agree with the others, DDP on commentary is money! The guy is full of charisma. 

Z-Man gets the Clash crowd going with a bit of an upset over Haku. 

Zenk's buddy Ace doesn't have the same luck as Kamala pretty much squashes him. 

Bigelow's stock is rising again. 

Koko put on one heck of a show, but in the end, Muta gets the dynamic finish. 

Konnan and Benoit vs. the Conquistadors is becoming a hot little mid card feud. 

Look who showed up, Uncle Ivan! Race and Ivan together is bad news for Dusty.

Rockers look awesome but the Twin Towers await. BTW, I wish this was the version of the Twin Towers IRL. I think the OMG character works better in this unit than Akeem. 

Both Orton and Snuka might be a little past their primes but they can still work. 

Well, maybe not the most fundamentally sound main event but it does the job as the faces stand tall. It's never a good thing when Hayes and Gordy get into it. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Gordy tear it up with a monster solo run. 

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SuperClash III, to me, served many purposes.  It allowed a few wrestlers to get some much needed wins but it also kept your big feuds white hot!  

Rhodes gets the 3-1 beatdown... We know he will rebound in a crazy match down the road!

Throwing Mr. T in with the Freebirds and allowing, in my mind, the third Freebird to take the lose, keeps this one going for a a while, along with selling tickets for a while.

I am interested in seeing your end game with Zenk and Haku.  Not necessarily with each other but as individuals.  Zenk was never my favorite but he had the look and could be big time and we all know what Haku becomes.  

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World Championship Wrestling 
Saturday April 15
Omaha, Nebraska

Currently on tour in Japan: Ricky Steamboat, The Road Warriors, Terry Gordy, Great Muta, Dan Spivey, and Chris Benoit. 


We open WCW this week with Tony Schiavone standing by alongside DDP! They put over the Clash of the Champions. They also talk about some of the talent being in Japan. We then see Ivan Koloff walk out with two huge masked men… Koloff says these are his Russian Pitbulls and he is going to unleash them tonight and then he’ll unleash them on Dusty Rhodes!

The Russian Pitbulls destroy Mark Jay and Hank Rogers via top rope Bulldog!

Here comes Harley Race and Bob Orton. They join Koloff and the Russians… they put over the issue with Dusty Rhodes and talk about putting an end to him once and for all. Race says that together this is an allied power to destroy Americana and Dusty Rhodes. They will finish what they started and it will be his end!


Haku kills Dwight Morton via the throat spike!

Jimmy Snuka comes over and he talks about beating Bob Orton the other night and now he is looking at what is next. He says there is plenty of gold out there and he plans to get his hands on it once again!


The Twin Towers destroy the Wallace Twins via the 747!

The Towers walk over and here come the Rockers! Slick says it is time to find out just who is the cream of the crop if you will. Michaels and Jannetty say they don’t work for peanuts and small crowds but rather for big money in sold out venues across the country. They say to offer up the contract and put some money on it to see who walks out on top!


Konnan vs Conquistador 1 turns into a 2 on 1 beatdown. Chris Benoit is in Japan and Konnan is left alone. The Conquistadors work him over before officials and agents come out to break things up. The Mexican champion looks to be in rough shape. 


Koko Ware flew to victory over Mike Newton via the top rope dropkick!

Macho Man and Liz then come out. Randy Savage says he has got to talk to Ricky Steamboat but Tony puts over how he’s in Japan defending the title. Savage asks if he’ll be back next week… Schiavone says yes and Macho says he’ll see him next week!


Kamala vs Taz turns out to be a DQ finish after these two brawl all over ringside. Here comes Sabu and now he is joining Taz as they beatdown on Kamala. Wait a minute… OMG… Off the stage here comes Jimmy Snuka! He is coming to the side of… Kamala? What in the hell is going on here. Snuka and Kamala fight off Taz and Sabu… then they look at one another… Kamala runs to the back… what in the hell was that?


Dusty Rhodes comes out to cut a scathing promo on Harley Race and his crew. Dusty says that he has been up against the odds before… he has had to fight for his life before… but this is going to be his final showdown. He says that Harley Race has set the stage but the American Dream is going to burn it down baby! He says that on May the 28th… WCW is going to hold an event… a special event called World at War… he is challenging Race for that event… he brings his crew and Dusty will bring his and we’ll see just who has it all when the smoke clears!


Michael Hayes defeated Johnny Ace after a nasty DDT! Ace and Michael put on a fun little 8-minute match. Ace gets some offense… looks good… but Hayes is cunning and fights back for the win. Hayes then comes over to DDP and Schiavone…


Hayes: Listen up and listen good… the other night they thought they clipped the wings of the Freebirds and maybe that did happen but there is one Freebird standing strong right here. If I leave here tomorrow… would you still remember me? Huh? This Bird you cannot change and brother I am coming with the passion of 1,000 fires up my back! Put WCW on notice… I may be the only one left but damnit I am standing tall and things will never be the same!



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Uncle Ivan unleashes his Pitbulls on WCW and alongside Race & Orton make a formidable anti-Rhodes coalition. Dream isn't backing down though and throws down a challenge for World at War.

Since it's Haku I have to ask, you're using "kills" metaphorically right?

The Rockers aren't ducking the Tower's but they are waiting till the money's right. I'm sure Slick can respect that.

Los Conquistadors take advantage of Benoit touring Japan.

Ware gets a showcase and Savage is looking for Steamboat.

Interesting scene with Snuka and Kamala.

Hayes may be alone for now but he's got some big plans.

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That is a lot of dislike for Dusty. I would not want to be him right about now ... unless of course he was booking it.

Dwight Morton related to Ricky in any way? He an SOM?

uNice to see Koko bounce back following his loss to Muta. Solid midcard hand who gets lost in the shuffle. To be honest, I think he'd be a better match for 88 Taz than Kamala who for all intents and purposes, Taz is more likely cannon fodder for the 88 Ugandan.


The lone Freebird puts everyone on notice and I like it!

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Damn! Koloff, Pitbulls, Orton and Race. Dusty has one big target on his back. However, Dusty gives one fired up promo and wants to settle things with Race once and for all. 

I can't wait to find out who really is the top tag team. Rockers or Twin Towers?

Conquistadors take advantage of Benoit being gone and give Konnan a beating. 

Savage has me intrigued. I wonder what he wants to ask Steamboat. 

Wait a minute! Kamala and Snuka, side by side? Wow! What's going on here?!?! 

Hayes might be the last Bird standing but he's serving notice and ready to rock. 

The next supercard World at War is already shaping up nicely. 


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World Championship Wrestling 
Saturday April 22
Kansas City, Missouri

Currently on tour in Japan: The Road Warriors, Terry Gordy, Great Muta, Dan Spivey, and Chris Benoit. 


WCW opens with Tony and DDP pumping up the big show. They are joined by Nick Bockwinkle who is holding the WCW Television Championship. He announces that the Great Muta has relinquished the television championship after winning the Japanese championship last week in Japan. Bockwinkle says that Muta will be here next week to address the fans. Tonight, we’ll see a special six-man battle royal and a new television champion will be crowned! The crowd is shocked but excited. Then the crowd pops… it is Randy Savage! He comes out and talks to Bockwinkle… they leave the area… what is happening here? Time to go into our opening match…


Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Mitchel Simpson via the top rope headbutt! 

Bigelow walks over and lets DDP and Tony know that he may be a man on his own… but on my own is the way I want to be. Alone, I will walk through the fire and come out hotter than ever! I want everyone to know that Bam Bam is coming and I’ve got a fire coming with me!


Jimmy Snuka vs Sabu ends in a DQ when Taz gets involved. Then… to the delight of the fans… here comes KAMALA! Kamala comes out and starts patting his belly and chopping away at Taz and Sabu! Snuka then with a big dropkick and Sabu goes out of the ring. Snuka then holds out his hand… Kamala…. He isn’t sure… but then he holds his hand up and Snuka with a high five! My gosh… is Kamala buddies with Snuka now? 


We’re back with WCW and DDP is putting over the tv title battle royal tonight. He announces that Haku, Z-Man, Mark Madness, Koko Ware, and Johnny Ace will be involved. Tony asks who the sixth man will be…DDP then shines and says that a secret he knows and the world is going to find out! We then see the debut of a newcomer… he hails from Tombstone, Arizona. The American Psycho… CRUSH!

Crush comes out to a lot of confusion. This guy is 6’6”... he’s over 300 pounds… the hair draped over his face… he is a monster. He destroys Mikey Conrad and finishes things with a choke… then a SLAM!Crush gets up and looks in the camera and then makes a slit the throat sign… oh my…


As Crush walks into the darkness… we see Randy Savage come back out and he’s got Nick Bockwinkle with him…. Savage then calls out Ricky Steamboat… he’ll join us when we come back!


We’re back… Ricky Steamboat comes out… Randy Savage then goes on…

Randy: Rick… I am very happy to have you come out tonight brother. You know the last couple of months… we’ve been hanging and banging brother. We’ve been running wild like nothing before. (Steamboat nods in agreement) But brother… things… things sometimes come to an end. (Steamboat looks surprised) This title right here… (US Title)... this is the title of the United States… but I want that title… the WORLD TITLE!


Steamboat shakes his head and asks why… Savage points out that he’s the number one contender and he is putting the US title up and cashing in his shot for the world title! Does Steamboat accept?! Bockwinkle then tries to pull Steamboat back… what in the world is he going to choose?

The Nasty Boys defeated Sam Wallace & Pauly Koons via the middle rope elbow! 

The Rockers cut a promo on the Twin Towers who come out and challenge them to a brawl right now… The Rockers know better and get out alive this week. Slick says he has got the contract right here…  he is making some arrangements and wants this to be and smooth as he is. Schaivone tries to challenge them to sign it now but Slick says no way no how baby. 


We’re back on WCW and out walks Konnan and he’s got some buddies with him. He brings out Solar (Red), Silver King (Silver), and Blue Demon Jr! (Blue) He says that it is time for the invasion of WCW with some of the best talents from across the world and these three are going to show everyone what high flying is all about!

Solar - Silver King - Blue Demon Jr win a six-man tag against John & Mark Ryans and Vance Coolings via a triple dropkick!

Dusty Rhodes walks out to call out the Alliance… he says he is going to get some bad dudes from the Block to come down and whoop some booty baby! He is challenging Koloff… anytime… anywhere…


We’re back and out come Harley Race and Bob Orton. Then we see Koloff bring out the Russian Pitbulls. 

The Russian Pitbulls defeated Sam Joseph & Alvin Styliski via the Russian Hammer (Hart Breaker double finish). 

We then see everyone over by Schiavone and DDP. Harley Race says that the challenge for Rhodes is for the World at War pay per view next month. He says that these five men are going to put a beating on Dusty Rhodes that he’ll never be able to come back from! Ivan Koloff then says he is going to be here next week and he’s going to challenge Dusty Rhodes to come out and fight him…. He thinks he’ll be too yellow to accept it!


WCW is back… and out walks Ricky Steamboat.  He says that he and Randy Savage have been in the ring before but he prefers to fight alongside of him rather than against him. Savage then walks out… Steamboat says that he accepts the challenge of Randy Savage… next week for the World Title! They shake hands and Savage holds his arm up. We got a world title match next week!


We then see the entrants for the TV Title come out… over the top or pinfall/submission. Then we see the final entrant… The Freebird! Michael PS Hayes!

TV Title Battle Royal
Johnny Ace - Koko Ware - Z-Man - Haku - Mark Madness - Michael Hayes

This is a pretty quick and fun battle royal. We see the strength of Haku and Madness. The teamwork on Koko, Zenk, and Ace is on display. Haku and Madness then start in on one another and start going towards the ropes. On the other side of the ring, Michael Hayes with a clothesline on Ace and he goes out of the ring to the floor! Koko and Zenk then come over and double up to get Haku and Madness but here comes Hayes and he pulls everyone… we see a big tumble to the floor! Hayes thinks he won it… but wait… Koko… Koko goes up top and comes off with a huge dropkick right to the face of Hayes! Koko is one fire and Hayes is reeling from the shots! Koko then with a back body drop and Hayes is in a bad way. Koko then throws Hayes into the corner… Koko runs with a dropkick but Hayes moves and Koko gets caught up in the ropes. Oh my… Koko then falls but Hayes pulls him up for a DDT! Hayes covers for the 1…..2…..3!! We’ve got a NEW TELEVISION CHAMPION! Hayes holds up the belt! He walks over to Schiavone and DDP as DDP celebrates with him!

Michael Hayes: I told you! I wasn’t gone baby! I am here! Live and in living color! This title… this is the beginning! I am number one man in this business. I am the number one man in television. And next week… you will all see why I am the number one man in ROCK n ROLL BABAY!



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Oh snap! Steamboat vs. Savage for the world title on free TV! AWWWWWWWESOME! 

If there's one guy that can walk alone, it's Bam Bam.

Kamala and Snuka as friends? Never thought I would see that in this game. 

Crush gets a monstrous debut.

Rockers and Twin Towers are heading for a collision. 

Konan brings in some buddies. The Conquistadors are in trouble. 

Speaking of bringing in buddies, Dusty is calling in the calvary. I see some good brawls ahead. 

Muta relinquishes the TV title and 6 men get a chance to take it. Hayes backs up his talk and wins the battle royal. This title run is going to be a lot of fun. 

I love the variety of talent WCW has. 

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World Championship Wrestling 
Saturday April 29
St. Louis, Missouri

Bockwinkle joins Tony Schiavone and DDP for our opening this week. He says that he has the US title. Randy Savage relinquishes the US title in order to cash in his number one contendership. If he wins, there will be a match next week between the top two contenders for the US title. If he loses, Randy Savage must face the number one contender next week for the US title. 


The American Psycho Crush defeated Bobby Blaze via the top rope clothesline!


The Twin Towers defeated Geoffrey Mince and Kyle Longshark via the 747 Splash!

Rockers come out and cut a promo. They discuss the issue with the Twin Towers and say that the dotted line needs to be signed… but not by them… but by Slick! Slick walks over with the Towers and he holds the contract. He starts to smile and walks away with the Towers. He has the contract but doesn’t sign? What’s his play here?


We see a quick video recap of the Savage and Steamboat issue. We then cut to the ring. We’ve got over 60-minutes with tv time remaining. This is literally the biggest match in the history of WCW. We get grand entrances from both men. They get in the ring and shake hands and here we go!

Ricky Steamboat © vs Randy Macho Man Savage w/ Elizabeth

  • These two feel one another out early on

  • The crowd is really digging this one early on and appear to be split 50/50

  • Steamboat is first to get some offense in and he takes control

  • Savage is cunning and smooth and he finds a way to counter himself into control and now he’s working on Steamboat who sells like there is no tomorrow! 

  • Savage with his signature top rope hangman on Steamboat and he goes crashing back into the ring.

  • It’s the 15-minute mark and Savage is up top for a big DOUBLE AX HANDLE SMASH! 

  • Can you feel it? Is Savage going to do this?

  • Savage goes up top and lines up for an ELBOW DROP but Steamboat moves! 

  • Savage goes crashing down and he looks to be in a bad way.

  • Steamboat then goes into a series and he is holding off Savage but when Steamboat runs by him Savage tosses Steamboat out of the ring to the floor!

  • Savage then goes up top and sets up… Steamboat struggles to get up but here comes Savage with another ax-handle smash but Steamboat moves and Savage goes crashing into the guardrail! 

  • Savage is down and he’s clinching his elbow!

  • Steamboat rolls into the ring

  • Elizabeth is over there checking on Savage… the referee is counting 

  • 8….9….10!

  • Steamboat has won the match but he goes out to check on Savage as well!

  • We have officials and agents come out… Savage appears to have severely hurt his elbow.  

  • They are carrying him to the back - Elizabeth is crying - Savage is in serious pain!


We’re back on WCW and DDP and Schiavone are putting over the happening with Savage. They hope to have a word soon. We see Michael Hayes come out a cut an impromptu promo. He puts himself over and talks about the TV title being the only title right now in WCW that has true meaning and value. He is going to defend this title week in and week out and he’ll start next week!

Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jim Knight via the top rope headbutt!


We’re back on WCW and Schiavone has word that Randy Savage has possibly broken his elbow or dislocated it. They are taking him to a local medical facility. Rick Steamboat is currently with him. We’ll have more next week… now it is time for our main event!

Dusty vs Ivan Koloff is a cluster of a main event but these two know how to work the crowd. This match is full of outside interference with The Pitbulls getting involved with the chain… Orton and Race putting the boots to Rhodes. Ivan plays the game and keeps the referee out of the loop. Dusty is able to make a sort of comeback before the Pitbulls enter the ring and the DQ finish. It is a 5 on 1…. Then… HOOOOOOOO! Hacksaw Jim Duggan comes out of the back with the 2x4! Hacksaw comes out and starts swinging away and the Russians, Orton, and Race all make haste. Duggan helps up Dusty… looks like his initial reinforcement is here but will it be enough? Find out next week!




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Steamboat and Savage on TV is pretty big. Steamboat gets the win but an injury to Savage of any magnitude shakes up things even more. If he is out for any extended period of time, who is going to step into the vacuum?Does Michael Hayes turn out to prophetic and his title becomes the most important belt out there?. 

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Steamboat and Savage go toe to toe in WCW's biggest TV match ever! Savage is seriously hurt. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out because Savage is so unpredictable in his thinking. 

Not going to lie, I'm going to enjoy Hayes's TV title reign. 

I do wonder what Slick is up to???

HOOOOOOOOOO! Big ending to the show as Hacksaw Duggan arrives to help Dusty. Dusty and Duggan going up against the Russians is big money. 

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Savage and Steamboat + Koloff/Rhodes all on TV... can't wait to see what the next big event is going to be like.

Interesting that Savage is out... can't wait to see what is next.  

And the other question is ... What is Slick up do.  Don't trust a man named Slick.  

Hacksaw with Dusty seems so natural to me.  

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World Championship Wrestling 
Saturday May 6
Peoria, Illinois

WCW opens this week… right away we’vve got Savage and Bockwinkle… Bock says that due to the US title cash in last week… Randy Savage must defend the title this week against the number one contender. Savage says he hasn’t been cleared. Bockwinkle says he has to defend the title or it will be forfeit. Savage works the crowd… asks who the contender is… Bock says he is waiting on his arrival… he’ll be here tonight though…  Savage works the crowd and grabs the belt… he says he’ll defend it! Who will be his challenger? We find out later on tonight!

Nasty Boys defeat Mark Constance & Erick Smith via the top middle rope elbow!

Michael Hayes comes out with the TV title and is asking where Bockwinkle is? Hayes says he is going to put an end to Macho Man…get the US title… then beat Ricky Steamboat for the world title… it’s gonna happen baby!


Konnan and Silver King join us when we come back from break. They put over the lucha division here in WCW. Konnan says that competition is key and next week he will defend the Mexican title against Silver King. They shake hands

Blue Demon and Solar in action against Bobby Knight & Ricky Paterno

Conquistadors come out and speak with Eric Bischoff… they speak in Spanish but Eric is able to say that they are going to get Konnan back for his betrayal. They are going to bring the pain and bring it down swiftly!


{We see a special video showcasing some new talent coming to WCW… all the way from Japan, Tiger Mask II will be here to show the world his skills. We also see clips of Azure Dragon who is originally from Japan but has been competing in Mexico! These two highlight reel superstars will be joining WCW soon!}

We’re back and we see Gary Hart of all people come out and he gets Tony Schiavone’s attention… Hart goes on to say…


Gary: Tony… close your mouth for a minute and understand what is happening right now. I am here to represent certain members of WCW and professional wrestling who have been wrongly done by the executive committee of World Championship Wrestling. I am talk specifically about the Great Muta! A little while ago, I was with Muta in Japan when we received a message from the WCW offices that said they needed the television title back. Muta was contracted to perform in Japan, his home country, in front of thousands. Muta had a shot at the Japanese title that night… I accompanied him to the ring with a special friend… we he won that Japanese title. When we got back… Muta grabbed that Television Title and tossed it to me to send back to America. Now it lays on the waist of Michael PS Hayes… a man more deserving I could not imagine but understand that there was an injustice here. Muta was unfairly treated by this company and for that he is coming with a vengeance. Next week… we will be in that ring for an open challenge… that open challenge is for any man who thinks they can step in the ring and beat him… and trust me when I say no one will answer that call. Understand this Schiavone… and all the executives of WCW… Muta has the power to put everything together and with myself and our team… we will unify the greatness of Muta and the Japanese stars of WCW and take complete control!

Taz with Sabu in his corner, defeated Chael Kingsly via the Taz-Plex!

Taz and Sabu then come over to Eric Bischoff and cut some kind of a promo. Neither man really says much… but they put over how they are going to destroy Kamala and Snuka! 


The Alliance comes out and Harley Race leads the charge to let everyone know what they plan to do to Dusty Rhodes. They talk about who they are not worried who Rhodes will get and come World at War… it really won’t matter. They talk about Jim Duggan being a 2x4 carrying buffoon who is going to see the power of mother Russia! 

Orton and Ivan v Zenk and Ace is a fun little contest with a little bit of offense from both teams. The team of Zenk and Ace do look good here but Ivan and Orton have got their cronies around ringside who are helping them take control. In the end; we see Johnny Ace get NAILED with a chain when he hits the ropes… this leads to Orton hitting a piledriver for the 3-count!

Chris Benoit joins Eric Bischoff and he puts over the European title and says he doesn’t have a crew of guys to bring in as backup. He doesn’t have anyone who can watch his back out there and he doesn’t want them. He says that Muta… Muta can make the challenges but will he face the toughest competition in WCW… We’ll find out next week!


{We return to WCW with a special video… the camera is panning through a jungle… we see the camera pan up a tree and then a huge python is shown. We hear the word Damien…}

Dusty and Duggan come out and join Biscoff to put over their big contest with the Alliance coming up at World at War! Dusty says that next week… the third member of their team will be revealed and he can’t wait to see the look on Harley Race’s face! He also says that he will soon get to reveal exactly what kind of match they will be having at World at War! 

Bam Bam Bigelow gets a nice win over Tank Thomas via the powerslam!

The Rockers come out and they are calling out the Towers who come down with Slick. They want to know why Slick hasn’t accepted the contract yet. Slick says that he will do so when he damn well pleases partner. He wants to make sure that the Rockers are up for the challenge if you will. Marty says something and then Bossman with the nightstick right to the side of the head! Gang attacks Michaels! Officials and agents come out and try to break this up. Slick watches on as Gang and Bossman work these two guys over and leave them laying. Slick then signs the contract and throws it at them… he tells them to tell the titles goooooodbbbbbyyyyyeeee!

We’re back with WCW and here comes Randy Savage. His elbow is braced up. He looks to be in a bad way. Bock comes out and he names Savage’s challenger as…. Dangerous Dan Spivey!


Randy Savage v Dan Spivey starts off hot as Savage runs right after Spivey and gets going on him. The big man take control of the match from the beginning and really doesn’t let go. He beats the tar out of Savage. We see a nasty toss over the top rope to the floor. Spivey gets out there and rams Savage's Shoulder into the ringpost! Savage is in dire pain… Elizabeth is selling it in a big way… Spivey picks up Savage and POWERBOMB! Savage is hurt… Schiavone is calling for the referee to call the match… Spivey picks him up again… POWERBOMB! 1…..2…..3!!!


Spivey is the NEW WCW United States Champion! The holds the belt high… Bock looks a little happy? What is the deal here? We’ve got a new champ and more to come next week!

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Hayes certainly is aiming high.

Between the match between Konnan & Silver King next week, as well as the Conquistadors, Lucha Libre is represented very well.

Tiger Mask 2 & Azure Dragon are coming to represent Japan.

Speaking of Japan, Muta returns next week and he's bringing Gary Hart with him. But they may have already hit a roadblock in Benoit.

Dusty promises he's found another partner to stand with him at World at War.

Looks like WCW is about to have a snake problem.

I smell collusion going on between Bockwinkel & Spivey.

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Very enjoyable show.  

-Good setup to get the belt off of Savage.  The uncleared wrestler angle always works to keep your man strong.

-I always thought Gary Hart was awesome on the mic.  Good job capturing that.  Through in an angry Muta and we have a nice angle going.  

- I think the contract signing has a place in wrestling and it is for the giant promotions looking to sell tickets to large arenas.  That fits well with you and Den.  Nice job.

- Only is the sport of wrestling would the Rockers call out the TOWERS.  Nice booking.

For me the Dusty-Race angle is still my favorite.  Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.  



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I love that WCW is pushing international stars. They have acquired top names from Japan and Mexico. So cool to see Gary Hart as the mouthpiece for Japan. I'm with Kev, Hart was awesome on the mic. 

Michael Hayes wants it all.

Harley vs. Dusty proves that the old vets still have a lot to offer. Can't wait for the big six man tag. 

Slick is the man with the plan. You nailed his promos. This will be a fun match up. How can the Rockers overcome this colossal challenge??? 

The show closes with a shocker as Spivey dethrones Savage for the US title! This was set up so well. The injury keeps Savage strong. I must admit, I like Spivey's push here. He deserved this IRL. I wonder what's up with Bock? 

Great week! 


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World Championship Wrestling 
Saturday May 13
Rockford, Illinois

WCW Opens this week with Dusty Rhodes walking out to the set… he’s got his buddy Hacksaw with him and wait just a moment… Bam Bam Bigelow! Dusty puts over how Bam Bam is going to join them for the big match at World at War. Race and his crew come out…. The Russians are challenging these three to a six-man later tonight. Race then starts to question what kind of match they’ll be having… Dusty… in all his glory puts over this war and says there is only one place for it to happen… THE MATCH BEYOND! Race looks shocked! He is saying no no no but the fans are screaming yes yes yes! Dusty says his last two partners will be here directly! 

The Great Muta defeats Kyle Loosebrock via the Moonsault! 

Muta comes over with Gary Hart as Hart brings out… Masa Chono. One of Muta’s best friends from Japan. They put over how the Japanese is just one of the many contingents that will be taking over the world of wrestling in the year 1988. 


{We see a special video showcasing some new talent coming to WCW… all the way from Japan, Tiger Mask II will be here to show the world his skills. We also see clips of Azure Dragon who is originally from Japan but has been competing in Mexico! These two highlight reel superstars will be joining WCW soon!}

Chris Benoit comes out to cut a promo saying that he has got a match at World at War against Chono for the European Title. He wonders how Gary Hart got that contract so quickly! He says that this title is something he holds near and dear and that Chono is going to have to pry it from his hands to get it!

Konnan © vs Silver King is a fun contest. We get some cool Lucha Spots and even a suicide dive through the ropes that ignites the crowd. Konnan seems to be in control here and he is able to make Silver King look good. The finish sees Konnan duck a clothesline and then come back with a huge single leg drop kick from the middle rope for the 3-count! 

The fun doesn’t stop there though… wait a moment… Here come the Conquistadors! I and II are out here and they attack Konnan and Silver King. Here comes Solar and Blue Demon to even up the odds but out of the crowd… what in the hell is going on here?! Three men jump out of the crowd and attack Solar and Demon! The crowd is unsure of what is going on. Officials and agents come out and try to break this up…


We’re back and we see Vega, Castillio, & Perez standing by with Schiavone. They talk about Konnan and how he took that Mexican title to WCW and doesn’t dare to defend it against real competition! The Conquistadors come back out and it seems like these guys are about to have words as well. Vega says he is challenging Konnan for the title and if he has any guts he will accept it and see just how bad he can get beaten. 

The Z-Man defeated Larry McHugh via the top rope dropkick!

Michael Hayes comes out and works the crowd. He talks about the television title being the hottest thing going today. He says that at World At War he is going to defend the title against The Z-Man! He questions if Zenk has the heart and the style to take him on in the ring but if he isn’t careful - Hayes will Moonwalk to Glory! 


{We return to WCW with a special video… the camera is panning through a jungle… we see the camera pan up a tree and then a huge python is shown. We hear the word Damien… then the camera pans to some snake skin boots and comes up… Jake the Snake Roberts is shown smiling as he holds his snake!}

WCW is back and we see Randy Savage come out. His arm is in bad shape. He tells the fans that he may have to be out of action for sometime. Steamboat comes out while Randy Savage is at ringside. Steamboat tell him how sorry he was to see him get hurt. He says that Randy Savage is one of his toughest competitors and that he knows he’ll be back in the title hunt sooner than later. Steamboat then tells Savage to let him know if there’s anything he can do for him to let him know. Savage shakes his hand and works the crowd. 

Taz & Sabu defeated Ryan Skiles & Frank Mitchell via the Taz-Plex!

Dan Spivey then comes out with the US title and he is looking like a monster. He puts over beating Savage so bad last week that he may have to retire. He talks about defending the US title against all comers and says that Johnny Ace is going to be the first on the list come World at War and it won’t be a nice night for him. Spivey says this title is a stepping stone to the World Title and he is done walking… he is making leaps and bounds and soon… Ricky Steamboat… you’ll be looking him straight in the eye with the title on the line!


The Rockers are out with Eric Bischoff as we come back. They are sporting some bandages and wrap. Bischoff asks how they will stand up to the size and strength of the Towers? The Rockers come back asking how the Towers are going to handle their speed and tenacity! This isn’t going to be a simple 1,2,3… it’s going to be a fight… a fight the Rockers are not only prepared to fight but also win!

Haku defeated Tim Williams via the Superkick to the throat

Randy Savage then comes back out with Elizabeth trying to hold him back… Savage says… if Ricky Steamboat really wants to be a man of his word… then Randy Savage challenges him for the World Title at World at War! The crowd pops… what does this mean?!


Time for our main event as we see the Russians come out to the ring… we then get a big entrance from Bigelow, Duggan, and the American Dream! We see Race and Orton come out as well. This one is decent enough to get the fans psyched up. We get some good action with Rhodes really working the crowd. Duggan has some nice power and pizazz. Bigelow is just on the cusp of something special. Ivan and the Russians play fodder only for Race and Orton to get involved! The referee calls for a DQ… but then the lights go out…

PAUL ELLERING IS HERE?!?! He raises his arms and then pulls them down… OH MY! THE ROAD WARRIORS! THE ROAD WARRIORS ARE HERE! Hawk and Animal run down to the ring and clean house! Rhodes, Duggan, Bigelow, Hawk, & Animal… what a team!!!


WCW is back with DDP and Schiavone putting over everything that has happened tonight… they talk about World At War and run down the card… just a moment… Ricky Steamboat walks out… he holds the World Title up and looks in the camera…

Ricky Steamboat: Randy Savage… I am a man of my word… I am a man of honor and I am a fighting champion. This title is the most prestigious title in this sport and I will defend it every chance I get… so that means… YES! I will give you a shot at World At War!

World At War - May 28th!

The Match Beyond: Dusty Rhodes,  Hacksaw Duggan, Bam Bam, & The Road Warriors take on Harley Race, Bob Orton, Ivan Koloff, & The Russian Pitbulls

WCW - WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Ricky Steamboat defends against Randy Savage

WCW - Mexican Championship - Konnan defends against Vega

WCW - European Championship - Chris Benoit defends against Masa Chono

WCW - Japanese Championship - The Great Muta defends against Azul Dragon

WCW - Tag Team Championship Unification - The Rockers take on the Twin Towers

WCW - Television Championship - Michael Hayes defends against The Z-Man

WCW - United States Championship - Dan Spivey defends against Johnny Ace

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