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One thing I don't like about the way Bryan and Dave are running the site is that they don't seem to have any concept for how to run a successful website in the year 2011. Forget for a minute that they paywall such random stories. They have no idea, for instance, the best times to post their daily news updates or their newsletters. I know there's some East Coast bias at work here, but most "normal" folks on the East Coast work 8 AM to 5 PM, and sometimes you'll see daily news updates go up at 6, or newsletters that go up at 8. People like to surf the internet at work, but because Dave and Bryan post their updates so late in the day, folks on the East Coast can sometimes completely miss out on a daily update and a newsletter because it goes up after they leave work, and by the time they get back to work the next day, it's buried underneath stuff like "Joe Babinsack reviews Women's Extreme Wrestling" or the latest audio show. I know not everybody works on East Coast time (heck, even I don't and I work on the East Coast) but there should be some sort of content that goes up around 9-10 AM every day for the East Coast folks, and maybe something else that goes up around 2 that keeps people on both coasts occupied throughout the day. Posting newsletters as late as Dave does is counter-productive.


For that matter, I'm not even sure the concept of a newsletter in this day and age works on the internet. I am guessing that Dave and Bryan probably don't write everything the night before the newsletter is due. Some things, sure, but not everything. Why not release certain news and tidbits throughout the week in subscriber-only updates When Dave started the WON 30 years ago, it made sense to have a news section that recapped a week's worth of news in one shot, but that's passe now with the internet. A lot of the scoops Dave is reporting in the WWE section of the WON can sometimes be up to a week old thanks to other reporting. If, say, Randy Savage dies on a Friday, and if the obituary is completed by Monday, why not post it as a subscriber-only update on Monday instead of waiting until Wednesday when it goes up with the rest of the WON Why does the F4W site need three Raw recaps (Todd Martin's on Monday, Bryan's on Tuesday as part of F4W, Dave's on Wednesday as part of the WON) I understand that Todd's serves as a free update for those who don't subscribe, but a WON subscriber can read three similar takes on the same wrestling program over the course of three days if they chose to (granted, I don't really read Todd's recaps or Bryan's recaps, and I've started skimming through Dave's as well). The execution of their site could be so much better than it is, and it just reeks of people who don't understand how the internet works in the year 2011. Granted, they seem to be making money regardless, but I suspect they're leaving money on the table as well.

Ok now ppl are just bitching for the sake of bitching. Seriously, the time of day they post content is all wrong? SERIOUSLY?? WTF???


That's actually a really important aspect of running a news site of any kind.

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Bryan has now ranted on two shows in a row (daily WON update w/ Dave and the Sunday WOL Radio show) about Bischoff being "trapped by the bird" on Impact, still completely missing/ignoring the part where Sting showed he had the key to the room and locked Eric in. However don't dare tell Bryan he doesn't pay attention to what he watches or he'll cut another promo on the next show he does.

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Bryan has now ranted on two shows in a row (daily WON update w/ Dave and the Sunday WOL Radio show) about Bischoff being "trapped by the bird" on Impact, still completely missing/ignoring the part where Sting showed he had the key to the room and locked Eric in. However don't dare tell Bryan he doesn't pay attention to what he watches or he'll cut another promo on the next show he does.

No, he mentioned the key on the Sunday WOL. Predictably, he no-sold being corrected. But he did go on to bring up two good points: 1.how the hell do you lock someone into their own office from the outside? And, 2.why the hell was Sting bothering to lock up Bischoff in the first place, as if he were afraid that Eric would single-handedly interfere in the main event, somehow get past the lumberjacks and the steel cage, and beat up Kurt Angle by himself?
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I think I mentioned before I don't go on THE BOARD~!~!~!(~!) very often, but I did check out the forum for the audio shows recently. It cracked me up that the thread for every show seems to have someone posting a timestamp to skip stuff like the Granny segment in Bryan and Vinny shows and MMA talk on the post-Raw Dave shows. Things like that just make it even funnier when anyone involved with those shows goes on a rant about any wrestling/MMA company not knowing what their fanbases want.

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Such a timestamp would be very helpful. I do honestly like Bryan's audio shows; I think he's sort of a dimestore version of Kevin Smith, in that he can sit down with his friends and talk about practically anything and it's usually entertaining. But I listen to these shows in the first place for the wrestling coverage, and don't give much of a shit about all the time he wastes on various tangents.


Granted I haven't seen the segment, but assuming Sting takes the key with him, my point still stands. Hell, I seem to spend five minutes every other day trying to find my key in order to leave the house.

But how does it physically work that he could lock Eric inside? Unless it's one of those security doors which needs a key to open from either side, but most locked doors aren't built like that. In general, you need a key to get in from outside, but on the inside all you have to do is turn a latch. So Bischoff should've easily been able to let himself out, no matter what key Sting had.
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Buddy Wayne was Terry Fiero's podcast last night. He seems really happy and healthy. Which is great news in my book. Just doing his usual thing of training guys and sending them to OVW.





For those who dont watch Impact:


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Ravens are in the Crow/Corvus family.


Strangely, this wasn't easy to find when it should have been since I had been looking at the crow/corvus family on wiki earlier:







Pretty close, though the lower legs and feet look a little different.


Here's another Pied Crow where the lower legs and feet are a little closer:



Maybe we can cut Bryan some slack on this. Looks like it's a way cool crow. :)



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But how does it physically work that he could lock Eric inside? Unless it's one of those security doors which needs a key to open from either side, but most locked doors aren't built like that. In general, you need a key to get in from outside, but on the inside all you have to do is turn a latch. So Bischoff should've easily been able to let himself out, no matter what key Sting had.

I guess mortise locks are more common here or something? I hardly frequent offices but they were all - or at least had and could be used - mortise locks last time I was (I'm guessing they're harder to smash/pick?). You'd need a key to open the door from either side then. And, yeah, I know we're beating a dead horse here :).

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