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[1996-05-20-WCW-Nitro] Sting & Lex Luger vs Meng & Barbarian


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Super. Overhead. Belly-To-Belly. There is a new convert to the Church of Barbarian and I am sorry to have ever doubted his awesomeness. :)


This was a really good Nitro match that I have never seen. Good use of all those involved makes you wish they had a PPV match. I have always really dug the Sting-Luger angle from early 1996.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Ah, I see we've approached the start of announcers talking about everything except the match in the ring. Still, Flair and Bobby are having way too much fun for two people. I love Flair's justification for going after Kevin Greene being about Greene "coming into Carolina" (having signed with the Panthers) without Ric's permission. Barbarian and Sting put on a hell of a show here--Barb looks good but it takes two to do most of those big moves, and Sting takes some tremendous bumps and works a good FIP segment for a guy who didn't do that too often. Great flying splash at the finish, too.

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  • 1 month later...

Flair has run Mongo off from commentary and brought the dinner to the announce booth. Him and Bobby are pretty distracting during the match but are entertaining especially him goading bischoff. This match was a beefy spectacle. That belly to belly look like it killed Sting and really Sting in 96 has had one of his strongest in ring years from the snippets we have seen so far. Double headbutt from the FOF and Luger distracts the ref in a nice spot for a face of Lugers caliber to do. Really fun match overall. ***

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  • 2 years later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1996-05-20-WCW-Nitro] Sting & Lex Luger vs Meng & Barbarian
  • 6 years later...

Faces of Fear have been one of my favorite teams since I was watching in real time in 97.  Love to see them get a solid title shot on Nitro.  Did anyone else notice that Savage is wearing a completely different outfit from earlier in the show when he couldn't get in during the following segment?  Would WCW really have filmed 2 segments outside of two buildings without noticing that Savage wasn't wearing the same thing?

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