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[1992-01-15-PWFG] Naoki Sano vs Jerry Flynn


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  • 3 weeks later...

This was better than every single PWFG match in 1993 from where I sit. Feels more UWFI than PWFG at times due to the hot crowd and more dynamic style. I love Sano driving his forearm into Flynn's face, and also somehow maneuvering him into a sharpshooter in a great spot. During a standoff, Flynn gets a great kick right in Sano's face. Sano is mostly outwrestling Flynn, but Flynn is bringing the awesome kicks, before Sano finally takes him down with a half crab, almost like he wanted him to kick him so he could catch him off guard. Great match!

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  • 11 months later...

I noticed the while Flynn had some nice reach and speed with his kicks he could be erratic at times with accuracy (just missed a couple times on head kicks). Sano ends using this to benefit by catching one of them and putting a submission on. Sano's wrestling was the difference. Thought match was alright.

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  • 1 month later...

Flynn throws a bunch of kicks, and I like the fact that the enzuigiri is treated like a somewhat lethal strike, the way Sano went down from it and seemed to be dazed. Cool finish with Sano scouting the enzuigiri and getting a crab hold for the submission. It was rather fun to watch, but reminds me why I'm not a huge fan of shootstyle.

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  • 5 months later...

Really fun, different match from everything else going on. Flynn's kicks were the story here with Sano selling them as destructive strikes. There was good work on the ground trading leg locks and working for armbars before Flynn went back to his kicks, with Sano capitalizing and catching an enzuigiri for a crab finish.



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  • 4 months later...

If you like kicking, then this is the match for you. Flynn goes high, Sano goes low. There are a few suplexes and some other broad spots that bely these guys' pro-style background, with Flynn attempting one enzuigiri too many in the end. Not really a high-end shootstyle match but one I liked more than some others I've seen on the Yearbooks.

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  • 2 years later...

As is the case with all PWFG matches, I had to work so hard scoring it that it took away from the enjoyment a lot. What I saw was Flynn dominating until he went to the well once too often with the enzugiri in an effort to put Sano away, which led to Sano locking on the half-crab for the submission. I'm glad to know that what I saw wasn't too far off from the rest of you. For heaven's sake, guys, put your scores on the screen like everyone else does!

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  • 1 year later...

Good match that was elevated by the clear strategy that was going to be utilized. Flynn relied on his kicks and he went for broke with them. Sano slowed him down and tried to ground him in order to not create any distance making him susceptible to those kicks. It was a simple narrative but executed really well and the match never let up until the culmination. ***3/4 (7.4)

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  • 6 months later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1992-01-15-PWFG] Naoki Sano vs Jerry Flynn

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