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[1992-04-04-WWF-Superstars] Interview: Mrs Elizabeth


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Vince sits down with Elizabeth. Liz was in shock at first and didn't want to talk to anyone. Now she's mad. Savage is on his way to WWF Magazine headquarters as we speak to provide negatives for photos that will prove Flair was lying. She says the negatives will show that the pics were doctored and that Savage was in those pictures with her, not Flair. Liz is as close to pissed as she ever got, but still classy. She actually hits this pitch-perfect. I don't know if I should credit that to her or producers, but it's really well done.


This interview is surprisingly *really* good.

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I used to stare at those pictures for hours like it was one of those "spot the difference" games. I figured they just took the pictures twice. Even photoshop in 2013 can't look that good.


I remember the WWF magazine that came out afterwards EXPOSING Flair as a liar. I'd love to find it and scan it because even as a 9 year old I found their explanations laughable. "See the R on the towel that Ric says stands for RIC....well guess what? It stands for RANDY!!" like...yeah but it could also be R for Ric. :rolleyes: There was also some breakdown of the videos on the shelf that conclusively proved it was taken in Savage's house, I believe something like "Look World Tour 91 is on the shelf...Ric claims Liz was his BEFORE Savage, yet that's a new tape available now on Coliseum home video wherever fine videos are sold!"

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, Ric and Liz were seen watching TNT with things like Rampage '91 on the shelf, which was a pretty clever way to expose the truth.


I always thought Liz, as good as he looked, was a generally awful performer when she wasn't standing there looking concerned. But she's admittedly been consistently good in pre-taped and likely heavily scripted and rehearsed settings (the sitdown interviews with '96 heel Liz were good, too).


Randy Savage has compiled a HITLIST, which includes the publishers of WWF Magazine!

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  • 2 years later...

This was Liz's last interview before she left, and it was her best. Wisely, Vince decided not to have her cut a promo in the traditional style, which I don't think she could have done effectively. Instead, he guides her through a sitdown interview similar to the type you would find on a sports interview show, and she comes across as hurt and angry, but her hurt and anger seems to be directed toward those who would believe Flair's story more than Flair himself.


This is an interesting tack, as it means that the match at Mania doesn't really enter into things. In fact, it isn't even mentioned at all; this seems more like an interview that could be used to explain Liz's departure more than anything else, but I don't think they even mentioned that Liz was off the road when the time came. Savage just stopped talking about her and that was that. Did Savage or anyone else ever mention her after Mania, even in passing?


I thought that Liz was effective within the parameters of her character; there was no way in the world a screaming, vengeful Liz would have even been remotely plausible after all these years. She maintains her classy demeanor while effectively communicating her distress, and Vince keeps things cool and professional, which only surprised me because of how much he's slobbered all over her on commentary since her debut.


This may be a strange question, but where were Randy and Liz supposed to be living now? Randy was billed as living in Sarasota, and I know Liz went to the Hogans (who lived in Tampa) during her divorce. Also, Liz is in shorts during the interview. But Randy's supposedly on his way to the publishers of WWF Magazine to give them the negatives of the alleged photos, and inside the magazine it clearly stated that it was published in Connecticut. I know that they can make up any old bullshit they want, but this is one of those things that anyone with a brain can look at and say, "Hey, wait a second. How is this possible? The way Liz talked the magazine offices were close by, but Florida's a long way from Connecticut. Something's not on the up-and-up here......"


I liked Gene's "I knew it all along!" after the interview played. Let me ask you something, baldy: If you knew all along that the pictures were fakes, why did you push a madman like Savage to the breaking point a few weeks ago? You're just like all the other media jackals, looking for a good story regardless of the consequences. And guess what? We wrestling fans wouldn't want you any other way!


Can't wait to hear about Flair and Curt's alleged centerfold!

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  • GSR changed the title to [1992-04-04-WWF-Superstars] Interview: Mrs Elizabeth
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