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Other Matches from 1992 worth watching


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Debbie Malenko & Sakie Hasegawa vs. Mariko Yoshida & Takako Inoue, ?/?/92


I don't know which of these two I saw since the Youtube video didn't provide a date. Ten minutes shown with a highlight of Malenko doing an exploder/t-bone suplex off the top turnbuckle, if that helps. Fun look at what the AJW mid-carders were doing--they certainly don't hold back. Hasegawa works as the underdog/junior member role again and Debbie, someone I've never seen before, looks very impressive. They build nicely to a hot closing stretch in the time given (though I understand the AJW editors were the most skilled "match clippers" ever in terms of not making it look like you missed anything). This is another tag hurt by a horribly timed finish, with the referee arbitrarily stopping a count at two and signaling that a comatose Hasegawa got her shoulder up. That's an Angel Hernandez-level bad call.


Blue Panther vs. Ultimo Dragon, 1/5/92


I wouldn't call this a truly great match but Panther gives one of the most selflessly great performances I've ever seen. Dragon is still wet behind the ears, but his highspots are pretty spectacular for the time. This is designed as a Dragon showcase so Panther gives him the vast majority of the match, to its detriment as Dragon on the mat instead of throwing bombs and dives isn't all that interesting here. They do build well to some terrific near-falls and both guys hit some big moves, before Dragon pulls off a major upset. It's easy to give your opponent lots of offense when you're going over, but to put over a relative youngster as well was a very bold move by CMLL and Panther.

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I am a little shocked this did not make the '92 yearbook.

Dangerous Alliance (Larry Zbyszko, Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton) vs. Dont Step To Sweetwater (Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes & Ron Simmons) - Clash of the Champions XVIII

Barry Windham is BACK, BABY! He is coming for you Larry Z! Paul E. cuts a promo before the match saying one of the heroes of WCW will be going to the Magnum TA retirement home, but aint nobody gonna deny Barry. I loved the opening with Eaton rattling off a neckbreaker, big right and a superplex and Barry just no selling it. Crowd and I lost out shit for that. Windham hits a superplex of his own and then we get the triple figure-fours. Ron Simmons does the Ricky Morton/Shawn Michaels flip out of the double top wristlock and double shoulderblock, which is impressive given his size. He then catches Eaton mid-air into bearhug. The more I watch early WCW the more I understand the Simmons push. Then Dustin/Eaton tango and Dustin is awesome. He throws out Eaton onto the ramp and just hurls himself over the top rope onto Eaton. The babyfaces were fired up for this and I love it. Windham and Zbyszko the Reckoning! Big Barry chants. Where was the payoff singles match??? Larry Z sidesteps the lariat and Barry crashes and burns and when Barry tags Dustin he does the same thing. Jeez, Dustin you are supposed to learn from your mentor's mistakes not play Monkey See, Monkey Do. :)

Paul E. get his brick cell phone shot in Dustin, which means we get a Dustin FIP. O yes! Arn runs through his offense: spinebuser and wicked DDT, but cant keep the kid down. Eaton now hits his flying elbow, but Dustin's heart dont pump kool-aid. Eaton crotches himself on the middle turnbuckle -> HOT TAG TO BARRY!!! Melee ensues, but this time there ain't no Alabama Jam opportunity. Instead, Windham swats Eaton right out of the air with a right to pick up the win. What a great, high-energy six-man tag, definitely my favorite six-man tag. I am a big Windham fan, glad to see him back and kicking ass. The match was super tight and efficient no dead spots and everything served a purpose. The heat segment even included some cool heel moves, which is a nice treat. This was a perfect first match back for Windham. He wins, but does not exact full revenge from Larry "The Cruncher" Zbyszko setting up the bitchin SuperBrawl tag match. ***3/4

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1992 must have been stacked with the previous match and this one not making the cut.


WCW World Tag Team Champions Dangerous Alliance (Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton) w/ Mad USA vs The Steiner Brothers - SuperBrawl II


On paper, Anderson & Eaton versus The Steiners is a dream match, but like so many it falls short of expectations. It is not a bad match per se, but when you have two greatest heel tag team workers paired up against one of the most over babyface tag teams the expectations are high. The story of the K. Allen Frye regime in early 1992 WCW are matches dripping with effort due to monetary incentives. However, Arn and Eaton who never needed bonuses to compete at high level actually turned in a rather lukewarm performance. There was very little of the characteristic big bumps from Eaton or Arn's stooging and cowering. In fact, the timing seemed off and a little bit awkward such as the outside bit and the double suplex hope spot. They seemed more synchronized once the heat segment on Scott kicked in, but it was a little too late to salvage a classic. The Steiners were their usual bomb throwing selves. It was clear that Scott had no idea how to follow up any of his spots. He looked like an early UFC wrestler who knew how to take his opponent down, but had not clue what to do with him once he got him there. So you get a lot of really cool, power amateur spots taking Eaton, but he just kinda lets him back up. In some ways, it is the Steiners' fault for not knowing how to wrestle a complete match, but Anderson and Eaton have carried lesser teams to great matches so I am putting the blame on them for not being more into match and feeding the Steiners. I really liked Scotty's tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the ramp, Rick being a goofball and the Doomsday Device. However, these are just spots and there was no real flow to the match. They tease a Dogface Gremlin in Peril section before settling into one with Scotty based off Arn running Scott's head into Eaton's head, which is such a bitchin' transitions. From there, the match picks up with the Dangerous Alliance hitting their bombs on Scotty like Eaton's kneedrop, Arn's DDT and the Rocket Launcher on the ramp. The last move takes a lot of Eaton and he tags into Arn who gets sent into Eaton's foot. The hot tag to Rick is short and features an awkward attempt at Rick trying to slam Eaton while hoisted on Arn's shoulders. Rick looks to have secured the victory with a Steiner Bulldog, but Eaton saves and Madusa hands powder to Arn throw into Rick's face. The temporarily blinded Rick Steiner suplexes the ref, which Jesse says should trigger the DQ. Scott runs through his finishing sequence hitting a Tiger Driver and Frankensteiner to seemingly win the WCW World Tag Team Titles. However, the refs convene and it is decided that belts be returned to the Dangerous Alliance since Rick suplexed the original ref. Scott Steiner was an offensive dynamo, but a definite spot monkey that really had no idea how to connect his spots. Rick is a fun hard hitting wrestler. You would think with two ring generals and capable heels like Anderson and Eaton they would be the glue to fill in between the Steiners spots, but the match felt cold and awkward at times. I am not the only who felt that way as the crowd was lukewarm until the hot finish run even chanting "We Want Flair". It is not classic that you would think it should be, but it is still a pretty decent match. ***1/4

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That makes sense you want the yearbook to be more of a survey than just a concentration of good stuff.

Bobby Eaton w/ Paul E. vs. Dustin Rhodes - WCW Power Hour 5/8/92

Wow! This one should not have snuck up on me given who is involved, but when I saw the 9 minute length on the video I thought I would I get a fun, but uneventful bout. Instead, Dustin and Bobby brought their A games and packed about as much as they could in less than 9 minutes. Stone Cold is so right it all begins with the lockup. They have an intense lockup and everything falls into place. Bobby hits his big right hand only for Dustin to return the favor. You are not going to intimidate this youngster. Bobby takes a huge bump off a shoulderblock to the floor. It is little things like that transform the otherwise ordinary shoulderblock into a spot. Dustin somehow starts bleeding hardway from his nose and in retaliation throws Eaton's head into the post, hits a huge dropkick on the floor and lariat on the outside. Dustin is PUMPED! Back in the ring, Eaton is able to chopblock Dustin and take over on the knee with some really good work including busting out a spinning toehold. I need to watch some Ricky Morton because I am really starting to think that '91-'94 Dustin cant be touched in the selling department. The ref gets bumped off a push off on the spinning toehold attempt. Dustin gets a sort of half bulldog/cross body on Eaton because he is selling the leg. Dangerously calls for help. Austin tears Dustin's head off with a wicked clothesline. If you are only going to have one move make it a badass one. Austin just so happens to be facing Dustin's partner Windham in a TV title match later that same weekend. Windham makes the save and the Lonestar Blonds clear house. Dustin was on fire here and Eaton matched him with great bumping early and knee work here. About as good of a 8ish minute match as you will get. ***1/4

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