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Other 1995 worth watching


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As these things would be considered for a supplemental set, please only recommend things you have seen. We went through matchlists in putting together the yearbook the first time around, so this thread should not be for listing things that look intriguing on paper -- only for things you have seen and know are worth watching. Thanks. :)

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I kindly request the case to be made for anything posted here. Even a supplemental will have limited space, and we will probably get more recommendations than we have room for.


I have to say I'm a little disappointed that all the Joshi talk is centering around what's not included instead of what is included.

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Coming from you, words like that carry volumes.



And its not bad criticism to talk about matches that aren't tied to the set more than the matches that are, because the ebb and flow will be distributed in good time. It always does. Besides, we're given a space to comment solely on the matches and have threads to catch the stuff that got by, which is a good system to have, but when some matches that are being cut for space or whatever legit reason either you two have are big matches, I would hope that you could understand that comments and posts will be made addressing 'omissions'. We're wrestling fans, man. We always bitch. But personally speaking, it's all in good nature. I can easily pick up the scraps that got left off the plate elsewhere, but if I want the best and most organized single year compilation, I know the place to get one. However, I do wish that things were more open. I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but I don't need the shock value of opening up a new thread that Will has made with the listings to the new Yearbook. If that's asking for too much involvement that you cannot perform, I understand, but if striving for 'customer satisfaction' is your only concern, then not doing the thing in a more democratic fashion is not going to attain that goal, hence, outside jibber-jabber of what's been omitted and what's been included over top the omitted stuff. I don't want this comment to spark up a huge anger-filled semantic war, but it is eerily similar to former "complaints" against DVDVR '80s sets. Nevertheless, keep up the good work, gentlemen.

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Not Democratic? We have open threads asking for recommendations here and at DVDVR from as many people as possible. We use as many of them as we can. We usually end up with more recommendations than we have room for, so inevitably, things have to be cut. It's inherent with any project. Is there something not Democratic about that whole process?


Here is the source of my frustration. The people who recommended we put a specific match on a set complain when it gets included, because something else should have been there instead. Of course we want to include all the stuff that's supposed to be there. That's the whole point in asking for recommendations. How in the world are we supposed to know these things without the case being made in detail in advance?


In the case of the 1995 Yearbook, we had tons of recommendations. Tons. We also had more 60 minute draws than on any set so far. Those take up space. Lots of matches over 30 minutes, possibly more than on other sets. Those take up tons of space too.


I mentioned in the Asuka/Hotta thread that I will be asking people to tier their recommendations in the future. I think that will help all around. We welcome comments about things that should have gone on the set, but of course, we prefer knowing about them in advance. And maybe I should be more clear -- finding out what other people have liked is the easy part. The problem is rarely, if ever, that we don't know that great matches take place. This is why we ask people to defend their cases in the threads -- because at crunch time, when one show has three matches and one has to go, we can look at those and figure out what to put on and what not to put on.

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First off, thanks for the recommendations. They get considered and we try to put on as much as we can. Second, thanks for all the joshi recommendations because I know fuck all about joshi and it is currently my least favorite wrestling. Third, I would love to hear from the people who have bought the yearbooks because ultimately you guys are the ones I am trying to please after Loss and myself are satisfied with the list.


I now want to address a complaint smkelly had about not getting the shock treatment of a new thread with the final listings. That won't change. I don't want thirty people "tweaking" the list. Sometimes shit gets left off, and I apologize for that, but if we ever leave off somethig so historic, so great and so mind-numbingly obvious that it puts the whole idea of the project in doubt then we may change the process. This is a huge undertaking and the complaints are usually geared around what got left off. That has been the case with nearly every single set I have ever released in 6 years. However, Loss has given you guys a forum to talk about the 120 hours of stuff that IS on each set and a forum to add stuff for a possible Yearbook Addendum. I think that is enough.

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However, I do wish that things were more open. I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but I don't need the shock value of opening up a new thread that Will has made with the listings to the new Yearbook. If that's asking for too much involvement that you cannot perform, I understand, but if striving for 'customer satisfaction' is your only concern, then not doing the thing in a more democratic fashion is not going to attain that goal

Meh, gotta disagree, most of the stuff that's worthy of inclusion gets brought up in the rec threads and a fair amount of the major important stuff does get included. Things fall through the cracks but ppl should be used to that 4 sets in now.


Given other ways ppl have gone about putting together best of type comps i'd say if anything this is the most democratic method i've seen.


talk is centering around what's not included instead of what is included.

I think that happens more out of "necessity" then any genuine dislike or disinterest of how the final product turns out.


What I mean is, what makes the set has allready made the set (mission acomplished), it'll get seen and talked about in due time thus it doesn't need as much further attention paid to it as something not on that also may be worth checking out.

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With regards to this set, I don't think there's much reason to complain about Joshi. Yes, Bull/Kyoko is better than a lot of matches on the set. But Toyota/Kong (title switch) and Asuka/Hotta (higher regarded at the time) had to go on ahead of it. Hokuto/Toyota had to go on from 9/2. It's not an *essential* match. In 1993, there were a lot of notable omissions, though I hold myself partly responsible for not actually discovering the pimping threads until the set was in the can. I stated the case, gave a bunch of matches for any additional collection, and, besides, anyone looking into Joshi is going to turn to 1993 first and the "classics", as it were, were on the set and more than enough to whet people's appetites. So when this set was being put together, Loss PM'ed both myself and Flik (being, I'd wager, the two biggest Joshi watchers currently on here) with a list of however many matches. Some (I can't find Toyota/Shimoda JGP for instance which is a much bigger loss) fell through the cracks, but that's just the nature of the beast. Given that both myself and Flik have watched *everything* from AJW in 1990 and 1991 in the last year or so, (a much lesser known period traditionally and therefore more important to get right; also far more important for any Bull re-evaluating), and I'll have went through everything for 1994 by the time that sets getting made, perhaps Flik too (he's going through every company) we'll eventually get it as right as possible. The point is that every effort is being made on the part of GH/Loss to cover it as effectively as possible, and as it's much less a focus of puroresu-watching nowadays, it's not going to have as much stuff as '90s AJ or NJ. Besides, like Loss said, it's also worth bearing in mind that 1995 was a fucking loaded year.

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Back to the original topic. Like I mentioned in another thread, the biggest miss to me is easily Cactus vs Tarzan Goto which again, I completely spaced out on bringing up so no one to blame but myself :)


Thinking about it, it may be Cactus' best match of the year and is quite possibly Goto's best ever


Given that both myself and Flik have watched *everything* from AJW in 1990 and 1991 in the last year or so,

I haven't sorted it all out yet but just taking a quick glance at what Ginnety posted on the Death Valley boards he appears to have a fair bit of 90-91 stuff we haven't seen yet. TV w Hokuto vs Bison & Nish/Hotta vs Toyota/Yamada 2 out of 3 falls stands out immediatly from jan/feb 90. And a hand held from sometime in 90 (guessing late in the year) that has Kyoko/Yamada vs Bull/Hokuto. There's also that new AJW classics ep that recently poped up with the other Kyoko/Yamada 91 JGP match I really gotta get around to buying too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What's the reason Benoit/Regal 23/9 didn't make it?


Can't believe you didn't include Arn Anderson/Alex Wright from Slamboree of that year. Probably the single best finish I've seen.

Not everything can be on a yearbook. Both were considered. There wasn't room to include either.

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The stuff I'd want to make these are usually the weird, outlandish, "did this really happen?" sort of things that I don't think people are aware of.


and that's not the point of the sets at all. Nor should it be.


So that Big Sky vs Van Hammer didn't make the 93 set, or Dusty in a Witch's hat didn't make the 95 set, well.. that's okay.


I'd probably even be okay with Piper v Perfect not making the 90 set, because really, how important/essential IS a throw-away house show match that just happens to be one of the best matches either guy had in the Fed in the face of everything else that happened that year?

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

In the "General Thoughts" thread, Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog from October 6 was listed as something that had to be dropped from the set for space considerations. I think that's probably the best match the two had together.


I'd also list Bret vs. Bulldog from November 12, for the finish as much as anything else, but in the same thread it didn't sound like that was something that was even close to making it.

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  • 1 year later...

Bull Nakano vs. Kyoko Inoue, Wrestling Queendom


This is for Bull's WWF Women's title. Hot start as Bull attempts a superplex and Kyoko, accidentally or not, knocks her all the way to the floor in a sick bump. Then Kyoko pulls out her vault-up-and-spring-backwards counter using the guardrail in a cool spot. This is a solid, workmanlike match. I wouldn't call it essential, but it's well-laid-out and psychologically sound, and has a more stripped down, traditional shine-heat-comeback-finish layout than your average AJW bout. Kyoko gets some good hope spots and near-falls, kicks out at 1 on the Guillotine Legdrop, and Bull has to bust out the somersault variation to put her down. This felt like a traveling-champion bout, which it sort of was, and thus was unique to an AJW setting.

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Bull Nakano vs. Alundra Blayze, Monday Night Raw 4/2/95


Well, this is going to be the most balls-out TV match of the year, I expect. This is worked at a joshi-level pace the whole way, for better (the advanced moves, the pacing not seen on WWF TV) and for worse (Bull takes a German suplex on the floor and sells it like a hip toss). Not much of a psychological masterpiece but for a 7-minute TV sprint loaded with big moves, this is fun as hell and a must for any supplemental set. Blayze regains the Women's title and has her nose broken afterward by a debuting Rhonda Singh. Singles match of Madusa's career?

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Masahiro Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Hiro Saito, & Sabu vs. Shinya Hashimoto, Riki Choshu, Hiroshi Hase, & Junji Hirata, NJPW 3/13/95


Not much to say about this one, but it's an impressive 2/3 fall sprint in a match built for sprints. This gets a little TOO clusterfuck-y at the end, with Sabu doing more long furniture-arranging, but for whatever reason I'm surprised at how good he was in this setting overall.

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