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I feel like everything that could be accomplished with cruiserweights would be better with tag teams. At least then it doesn't hurt guys' careers later on when they're seen as beneath the top guys.


A good old fashioned tag team division, with teams, doing team moves & team strategy could work.

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  On 6/16/2014 at 7:01 PM, Strummer said:

I don't know if its because of her family name but the creative team seems to go out of their way to humiliate Nattie. She comes across poorly on Total Divas so maybe it has to do with her personality but I doubt it

wasn't her first gimmick in WWE literally that she farted in every segment?

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  On 6/16/2014 at 8:10 PM, Russellmania said:


  On 6/16/2014 at 7:01 PM, Strummer said:


I don't know if its because of her family name but the creative team seems to go out of their way to humiliate Nattie. She comes across poorly on Total Divas so maybe it has to do with her personality but I doubt it

wasn't her first gimmick in WWE literally that she farted in every segment?
It wasn't her first gimmick, but there was a farting Natty gimmick for awhile. Probably based on some backstage stuff. I remember she went on twitter to defend it saying she was having fun with it. I'd imagine that the progeny of Jim Neidhardt would be a prodigious farter.
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Natalya was around for years before the "farting Nattie" gimmick. She debuted on SD! in 08 and got the standard WWE women's wrestler treatment (this was back when RAW and SD! each had a women's title iirc). Then she got moved to ECW and was paired up with Tyson Kidd. Then DH Smith came in and they did the Hart Dynasty gimmick. Hart Dynasty got a push when Bret came back in the fold, were tag champs for a while, then it kinda tapered off and they did a lame breakup that led to nothing. Then Nattie had that pairing with Beth Phoenix as the two "monster" divas that lasted for a while. When that stopped they kinda moved on to other girls and weren't really using her, which is when the farting gimmick started and it was the only way she was getting on tv. Then they paired her with Great Khali and she would come out dancing with him and be ringside for his matches.


That was one of the most awful and humiliating gimmicks they've given anyone, male or female. It's up there with the legendary "Molly has a fat ass" and "Jillian has a giant mole on her face" shit. Vince loves this type of comedy and loves to rib talent on air with shitty gimmicks. Natalya to her credit is a good soldier and realized that a) it was better than not being used on tv and that she might have been on the chopping block (she's been around longer than any diva at this point and women in the company don't typically have long runs), and B) doing what's asked with a smile on your face, even something that shitty and dumb and potentially career ruining, gets you brownie points. Who knows why they gave her that gimmick? Maybe Natalya farted backstage once. Maybe Vince had a disagreement with Bret and decided to take it out on her. Could be anything

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  On 6/17/2014 at 12:50 AM, Strummer said:

Oh my God Reigns put pepper in the coffee. What is this?



Vickie sneezing is an inside joke since Vince is a weirdo who thinks involuntary body functions are signs of weakness.

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  On 6/17/2014 at 1:16 AM, Strummer said:

Oh my god they are doing a poop joke with Stephanie. Oh Vince


The rest of this RAW is so good so far that I could half imagine Vince giving up creative control of this one episode, on the condition that one idea of his had to stay. He chose the one he felt most strongly about, of course.

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