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That promo peaked with the Fandangoing, then went too long. Based on that video package I think HHH has Seven-style marble notebooks filled with everything he's ever read about himself on the internet that he's using as the bible for this whole angle.

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that video package proves that the real draw here is the fans vs the company and the company knows that. That was 15 years worth of burials there (well probably not in all cases)



I would agree they probably need to stop doing these long verbal duels every week. They are starting to lose their significance after so many of them. The crowd seemed deflated at the end there

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if they put the title on Bryan I fail to see how they can keep it fresh with him v Hunter and Steph post mania. It's featured some great stuff but everything they do after mania would seem like a rehash unless they add some fresh faces. I'm actually hoping Vince does come back and shake things up

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If Bryan wins, the story is the McMahon obsession to get the belt off Bryan. They should put Batista and Orton on ice for a couple of months as title contenders. You throw out corporate sellout heel Mark Henry who can cut a sweet promo and let him destroy guys for three weeks leading into the next PPV and you have a program. You an recruit Cesaro or Swagger or both and have Bryan go through them. You revisit Bray Wyatt with the belt on the line this time. At the very least, they have awesome matches in them. You have the Brock matchup. They have plenty of options. It will be all about the booking and the little mini-angles surrounding the belt.

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It'd have to be a strong contrast to Summerslam, and I think the way to do it is to have Bryan as dominant as Austin was in 98, on the idea that HHH created this populist monster out of just a wrestler, that he forged him in fire over the last 9 months.

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definitely they can keep the HHH/Steph dynamic if they start adding fresh faces. I have a feeling that Bryan/Batista will be the post Mania program though




It'd have to be a strong contrast to Summerslam, and I think the way to do it is to have Bryan as dominant as Austin was in 98, on the idea that HHH created this populist monster out of just a wrestler, that he forged him in fire over the last 9 months.



yep it has to be different than Summerslam to avoid a rehash

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If Wyatt wins at Mania, I would say they take the long build approach with him going after the title. Let Bryan have a long reign, and come out the victor in a bunch of feuds. Meanwhile have Wyatt do the same thing until finally you reach the point where they are the two guys who have to face each other for the title. I'd love for it to be a Mania to Mania sort of deal, but none of this will ever happen probably.

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HHH video package was hilarious.


Re: The Chris Benoit/Daniel Bryan thing, the difference is that Chris Benoit was seen as the hard working, deserving guy who deserved his Wrestlemania moment, but was getting sidelined to portray the HHH/HBK feud the WWE wanted you to care about it. HBK was still seen as a conniving, whining politician backstage at that time.


in 2014 Daniel Bryan is the current hard working, deserving guy who deserves his Wrestlemania moment, and Orton/Batista are the HHH/HBK of the situation, corporate guys who aren't nearly as popular or interesting as the booking tries to make you believe.


So really the two situations are completely equatable - the internet getting behind the person they feel deserves it on merit, ranting against those who don't. The complaints weren't particularly about plot holes in 2004, more about the plot even existing when it should be a definitive one on one victory for Benoit, so it isn't really double standards.


The biggest difference is the self awareness this time round; if 2004 was 2014 we'd have HHH giving promos about how Benoit wasn't good enough on the mic to be the top guy, how he didn't shift merchandise and wasn't considered a major player by the office. Instead it was unsaid.

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The ending to Raw is a bit damaging for Daniel Bryan's Wrestlemania chances, with him cleaning house and looking good for once. Hopefully that is just another way they are working the fans to believe he won't win, the whole feud has been booked backwards, partly for those reasons and partly because of all the fuck ups.


But tonight made me realize what a mess this card is. They are wasting Mysterio, Ziggler, Big E, Sheamus, Goldust, Cody, Henry and others in some boring throwaway battle royal when they could have actually built some decent feuds, and had some Wrestlemania moments. There are seven fucking matches booked for this show, that shows the lack of effort and thought that has gone into planning it. The attitude seems to be 'throw on a big Lesnar match, an Undertaker match, John Cena and a title match and the show will sell'.


In comparison Wrestlemania XX has twelve matches. The last nine shows:


XX: 12

XXI: 8

XXII: 11



XXV: 8

XXVI: 10




The shows with eight matches tended to have big, epic matches that went thirty minutes with special entrances, build up packages etc. There is no match on this show that can conceivably go half an hour without sucking, there is no epic blow off to a feud that deserves a lot of time and focus, there is no 'dream match' to focus the show on.


How the fuck are they going to fill all the time?

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