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Survivor Series Thoughts


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Rey, Sin Cara, Clay, Kidd, Slater vs. PTP, Puerto Ricans & Tensai

- Man, fun trainwreck leading to Brodus planting Tensai on his face. Oops! Now Tensai is out so it is down to the tag teams. Good enough for me. JBL mentions Colon still owing him money. Awesome. From a booking standpoint, I guess they don't care about their heel teams but it was fun seeing the faces clean up on the heels.

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The opener was fun. Don't know why Brodus was eliminated so early though, by Tensai of all people. Glad to see these guys get PPV time though.


I'm watching via a live stream which I obviously can't forward so I had to sit through a divas match for the first time in a long time. Bloody hell, how long has Eve been this great? Impressed by that match.


Antonio going over was the right result.


Now for the insulting AJ/Vicki shit nobody wants to see.

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Team Orton vs. Team Ziggler

- Another good Survivor Series match and it was nice of them to give Ziggler a pinfall victory. I enjoyed the match but as I said last month, until any of these guys begin to matter, it doesn't really make any difference who wins or loses. The only thing that would have shocked me was maybe DB or Miz going 4 on 1 and coming back to win.

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Team Orton vs. Team Ziggler

- Another good Survivor Series match and it was nice of them to give Ziggler a pinfall victory. I enjoyed the match but as I said last month, until any of these guys begin to matter, it doesn't really make any difference who wins or loses. The only thing that would have shocked me was maybe DB or Miz going 4 on 1 and coming back to win.

I enjoyed the match but it seemed like Even Stevens Booking: Survivor Series Edition.

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CM Punk vs. Ryback vs. John Cena

- Punk's facial expressions were the best part of the match prior to the taking out of Ryback. Also, if you are going to take Ryback out, good to introduce some NXT guys, call them NXT guys and take out the monster in a big way. Better finish than last month but they gotta get Punk away from Ryback and against someone he can beat in the ring so these finishes don't piss people off so much. Maybe Ryback can go 1 against 3 next month and destroy the NXT guys before they even have a shot.

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I only saw the last hour. What I saw was pretty good, but nothing great. What I will say is that I think the finish is interesting because if the exact same finish happens with guys the internet doesn't love I imagine it would be routinely shit on and considered horrible.

If it involved guys that had no talent then yeah, deservedly so. People want to see Ambrose cos he's a great talker and offers something the WWE doesn't have at the moment. Rollins is a good worker although I don't know what his promos are like. Roman Rains stinks but you can't win them all.

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So am I the only one who has very low expectations for this considering how Nexus played out? Not to mention Punk's track record with stables.

It's hard not to. They're probably just gone to be Ryback fodder. I'll never understand why WWE book their heels to be so weak. Present them as a genuine threat and people might actually give a shit.

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I think that the blown suplex hurt Brodus and his elimination was an audible so he could get checked out. It's way too random to have him be the only one to take a fall on the team.


Brodus seems to be falling fast in the eyes of the company. He's largely been reduced to jobber status the last few weeks and you have to think the only reason he's even on TV anymore is because his entrance includes hot chicks dancing.

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Ok, "punishing" Clay cause one of his chicks got in trouble? As if they couldn't find another hot chick who can dance so Brodus gets "punished"?


Come on. It's more of a "We established a guy strong, and then he's settled down into the mid card role he was always intended for." deal. They needed to start Brodus as huge as they did at first so he can be in the spot he's in now. It's just what they do now with certain guys.

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