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A Survey Of TNA's Greatest Matches

Superstar Sleeze

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It feels each promotion has a canon of all-time great matches that feels almost mandatory to see in order for you to truly understand the promotion. WWE has Hart/Austin, Michaels/Foley, Savage/Steamboat etc... NWA/WCW has Flair/Steamboat, Flair/Funk and Sting/Vader etc... All Japan has 6/3/94, 6/9/95, 1/20/97 among others. Throughout the history of TNA, it seems much like their fanbase and booking, their canon of great matches is in flux or ethereal. Some would chock this up to their nascent nature, but even promotions like ROH have developed a canon that fans can readily discover from sort survey of the internet (your Punk/Joe's and such). The reasons TNA doesn't have a canon is twofold. To the shock of no one, one of the reasons is that TNA is the drizzling shits of a promotions and cant develop any meaningful angles mostly due to the fact that TNA always feels like it is in reset mode until recently (the Hogan Era has at least given TNA a sense of stability). The other is that I dont feel like TNA fans don't have much of an internet presence to pimp their work. I could be wrong even though I am a long time wrestling fan, I have usually stuck to the "mainstream" wrestling sites like 411 and Online Onslaught so I dont know how well TNA is represented on the rest of the internet, but doesnt do too well on those platforms.


I watch a lot of wrestling a day, but I have a hard time sticking with one promotion and while looking for something to spice things up. I was watching an episode of Impact and I was marveling and how well AJ Styles was selling the current "Im distraught because Im not getting a title shot for a year" angle during his match. Everytime I watch Impact (which is probably once a month), I always feel like I should make a point to watch more because AJ is just that good. So I went on to watch some "classic" TNA (like that even exists :D ), but I really couldn't find a good list of what people thought was the best. Then it dawned on me, I could do that. I could be the TNA guy that has to be a step up from being the XPW guy. For the most part, I watched all these matches when they first came out, but havent watched them since, but my tastes have changed significantly.


I am not going to watch every TNA match ever because I am going to have some semblance of a life, but if it was recommended here, on 411, by Meltzer or pretty much anywhere. I will at least give it a shot if it is on youtube or in my collection. I am not about to spend money on TNA. :)


Just for the sake of Transparency, I opened the same thread up at Online Onslaught as Firebreaker Chip (ask 14 year old me why I thought that was a good username), but they thought it was "hipster" of me to use terms such as "heat segment", "powder", "Southern" and "All Japan" when describing the matches. To paraphrase the great David Lee Roth, "I dont feel hipster."


I know you guys dont like TNA much around these parts, but I think you would appreciate the analysis and effort I put into these. In addition, you all seem pretty open to revisionism so think of this same way you would think "Barbarian: Lost Worker", but instead "TNA: Lost Promotion"




Turning Point 2004: Tag Champions America's Most Wanted vs Triple X


I first watched this in 2006 and remember thinking it was a very good match. The first half of the match is worked excellently and fuckin love how they artificially created a heat segement in tornado tag settings by using the handcuffs. That was the true genius of the match. Then they got all fuckin dumb started hitting stupid shit off the top. For no other reason, then because they probably thought that was the only way to pop the crowd. I don't mind doing stuff off the top of the cage. Flair/Dusty did stuff off the top of the cage in 1986, but it was sensible because Flair was trying to escape Dusty, which is totally in character for Flair, who powdered in all of his matches. In this context, no one was trying to escape or hit one big bomb they were going up top for the express purpose of hitting spots. I hate when wrestling becomes an exhibition. That being said Skipper's iconic spot is still BATSHIT~! But the Tower of Doom spot blows. If they just finished the match they were working towards with the handcuffs this could have been an all-time classic. Instead, it was a disjointed match that couldnt decide if it wanted to be a Southern bloodbath or spot exhibition.


Final Resolution 2005: X-Division Champion Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin vs AJ Styles in an Ultimate X Match


I watched this match because it made someone's Top Ten TNA matches and I have to say I am pretty sure can write for 411 if this made your Top Ten. This is a fun spot exhibition, but it is nowhere near the best match of a promotion. What I like about above average matches is that certain things become pronounced. One of those things is how much better is AJ is at everything than your standard X-Division wrestler. He sells better, he punches better, he bumps better, he makes everything you watch count. From the iconic flip bump off the turnbuckle to actually selling his hand during the match, AJ totally outclassed these guys.


Against All Odds 2005: X-Division Champion AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


Wow, way better than I remembered and a true joy to go back and watch. The opening is really well done and makes AJ looks like a million bucks. Daniels sells the arm so well even during his heat segment and puts on a clinic working over AJ's mid-section. AJ, for what is worth, not holds his ribs, but actually sells it like he is sucking air. The only time I have seen that is in Japan. AJ is fuckin good. The finish to the first fall may be one of my favorite finishes ever. AJ goes for a big bomb to polish off Daniels, but on the 450 he eats knees, which plays right into the mid-section work and Angel Wings (AJ with a full layout because he is ALL MAN~!) sees Daniels goes up 1-0 in sublime fashion. The rest of the match is well-worked and AJ times his hopes spots so well and keeps the crowd constantly heated. Im ok with AJ getting the pin in a quick rollup, but I would have liked it better done Steamboat style with a ton of desperation cradles rather than kinda out of nowhere.


My main critique is that match is structured weirdly down the stretch because you have Daniels in desperation to get the last pin and AJ just trying to hang on (emphasized by his bladejob). They do the Koji Clutch and AJ is saved by the bell. I hate this because I think the babyface should be the guy doing this down the finishing stretch. Daniels needed to really heel this portion up to save it. Then of course AJ pulls it out in OT in really weird booking. It was like they wanted to protect AJ due to weak as finish in regulation, but then they cut off Daniels' balls. Classic match until last 5 minutes, which leads to believe there will be better matches.


Lockdown 2005: AJ Styles vs Abyss - Number One Contender's Match


HOLY FUCK, WHERE HAS THIS MATCH BEEN ALL MY LIFE??? I will be shocked if this doesnt end up in my Top 5 TNA matches of all time. This is the match that caused me to worship at the Altar of AJ in earnest.


So in a card full of cage matches, what do AJ and Abyss do to ensure differentiation they spend the first half brawling outside. GENIUS! The spots AJ hits during the babyface shine are ridiculously awesome and breath-taking. It was the perfect way to establish AJ's speed as a threat to Abyss' unmitgated power. When Abyss took over with those vicious cage door shots on AJ, AJ went into Ricky Morton mode and I knew we were entering classic match territory. Once in the cage, Abyss did some great power offense and a classic Southern-style, bloodbath cage match developed with AJ timing each hope spot for maximum effect. I even liked the inclusion of thumbtacks because it played into the sadism of the match. The finish has everyone on their feet cheering for AJ.


One of the better David vs Goliath type matches because AJ never tried to out power Abyss or force Abyss to look weak. AJ shined through his speed offense and wrestling a smart match. Of all the matches, I have seen so far, seek this one out!


Sacrifice 2005: Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles Finals of the Super X Cup


This is what I am talking in terms of non-memorable. I totally forgot this match and its circumstances. Basically, the winner gets a shot at Daniels' X-Division Title. I forgot how good 2005 Joe was. Joe was so explosive in a way that very few were. I would say on the level of a Dr. Death. Those two men are the very few who wrestle with such a lethal combination of quickness and power. This match does not touch Williams' best work because Joe doesnt always work with urgency in the match. AJ is a great pinball for Joe (an absolutely sick bump onto the floor off a kick and then slides into the announce table). Joe, for his part goes overboard much like Vader, goes a little overboard in bumping for AJ (a German suplex would have been perfect in a latter bout to pop the crowd instead it is thrown out in the first match).


Also since I am in full All Japan mode, I loved the direct All Japan cosplay as Joe plays Kawada and AJ plays a great version of Misawa with a flurry of elbows. While they outright steal All Japan spots it doesn't feel like an All Japan match instead a weird mish-mash of America and Japan. This match never reaches that level, but it is a very good first installment. The finish was smart as it protected AJ and made Joe still look like a beast. The musclebuster was so fuckin sick. I would say this one the level of the Against All Odds match in that is a very good match, but not something I would put in the Top 10 of a decade (with TNA we are looking at a decade).


Unbreakable 2005: X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


I would hazard to say this is the most famous match in TNA history and is very much a product of its time period. There is a lot of excellent stuff in this match, but there is a lot of weird booking issues in this match. For my money, AJ vs Abyss is still a level above this match.


Joe could be a better wrestler than AJ, but his instincts are awful. He lets people get way too much shit on him and he kills his unqiueness. You can defend letting AJ getting him into a Torture Rack because he is letting the babyface shine, but I think there are plenty ways of letting AJ shine without that. Indefensibly, he lets Daniels Death Valley Driver him. Why would you ever let a heel shine like that? In Joe's defense, he had the hardest role in the match, he had to be a heel for AJ and a babyface for Daniels. He was clearly more comfortable working with AJ.


Which brings me to my next point, Daniels is a horrible heel. This match proves in my mind pretty definitively that Daniels is a step below both AJ and Joe. It isnt that much of a knock because AJ and Joe were probably the two best wrestlers in 2005 in North America. It is just Daniels is pretty good at everything, but excellent at nothing. He cant fly or bump as well as AJ and he cant be as violent as Joe. Instead of differentiating himself in an obvious fashion by cheating like a muthafucker doing anything it takes to keep his belt, he just wrestles this poor man's AJ/Joe hybrid style that does nobody any favors. He gets a heat segment that should have been Joe's. Daniels looked way too strong in this match and it was a detriment to the story. Some people turn off selling, well Daniels turns off heeling.


Of course, there were some incredible sequences. The opening was pitch perfect and set up for Daniels to play a bitch boy that has to cheat (ala Flair) to keep his title, but he dropped that. I LOVE AJ's quick rollups it was a perfect way to show how AJ could be a threat to Joe. The springboard Shooting Star by AJ was sublime. The All Japan sequence from Joe/AJ ending with an amazing German by Joe was the best sequence in the match. Pretty much everything from Joe/AJ was fucking amazing. Joe had some pretty fun combinations back in the day. I miss Joe. I would say the first 20 minutes or so, I would said this was an easy Top 5 match for TNA, but the last 5 or so kinda soured me when Daniels took over the match. Why was Joe doing desperation cover? Ugh that should have been Daniels. The finish was booked so fuckin weird. I would still say it has an outside shot at Top 5 right now because how well the action was packed.


AJ has the prettiest right hand of someone who debuted post-Attitude Era. Why the guy uses shivers at all is beyond me because his right hand looks great!


What I liked was even though they didnt really use a heat segment in a conventional sense, it never felt like "your turn, my turn", which irks me to end when I see that. What I meant by a product of the time period is that it was very en vogue to have shades of grey wrestling matches where everyone looks good and everyone is kept strong usually at the expense of the babyface (though in this case it was Joe). I think it was the best possible match of that type and was really well-executed.


I am really looking forward to the next AJ/Joe singles match from 2005!


Bound For Glory 2005 - X-Division Champion AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels


I like how they knew they werent going to top their previous efforts so they tried to do a totally different match by using the classic build with the side-headlocks to start. I liked how Styles kiboshed Daniels on his Stampede roll-through on an armdrag back into the headlock and how Styles punted Daniels in the ribs on a drop down. However, things never really got off the ground floor even though the first ten minutes were well-worked. The next ten or so really felt like "Let me hit my modified slam, now you hit your modified slam" there was no sense of struggle and thus zero heat. The best sequence of this period of a great fired-up AJ and Daniels' selling of it. Daniels is wrestling 8 million times better in this match and makes AJ look a lot better. I actually think this was an off night for AJ as he wasnt showing his usual level of charisma.


In the last ten minutes, they start hitting their dives and everyone wakes up. They go through a nice exchange of rollups and AJ even does an All Japan no-sell off a German into a wicked lariat to really get the place rocking. The finish is a tame one as it is just the Styles Clash at the buzzer.


No sense of struggle or urgency throughout this match killed the heat for me. I thought the beginning was going to go somewhere interesting, but nada. This was AJ's weakest performance all year by far. Daniels worked hard in this match, but it was not enough to get this match over the hump, a good match, but in a lot ways disappointing.


Turning Point 2005 - X-Division Champion AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe


Greatest AJ Styles Performance Ever? I am willing to hear arguments against, but I dont think I can be convinced.


When Styles does a float-over off a Joe suplex attempt onto the apron instead of doing it fluidly he lands on the ropes to sell the exhaustion. I was in awe. Consequently instead of immediately following his forearm on the apron he sold more exhaustion before finally to trying to hit a springboard and ate a Joe powerbomb. Sublime.


What I think stands out the most about this match compared to so many X-Division matches is the physicality. My biggest issue with a lot of the flippy guys is how light they work (Kofi, Morrison). This match was a fuckin war and AJ got a nice busted up lip for it. AJ did that sick bump off the apron onto the floor again and took Joe's offense like a champ. Unlike the previous match, AJ seemed game throughout the match and still made Joe work for all his moves.


I loved the transition to AJ's comeback as it was Joe being overzealous and AJ having the presence of mind to back body drop outside the ring. Then he capitalized with a beautiful shooting star press dive. I love how after each move AJ was going after pins because he knew he was weak and this was his shot. It really sold the urgency, you could feel that his time was fleeting and if he didnt capitalize now everything was lost.


I loved the cat and mouse game they did late in the match with AJ duckin and diving before Joe caught him in the corner with a couple bear paws. The busted lip happens here and it really had a big fight feel and that moment epitomized it. AJ follows that up with early kicks out off a wicked lariat and wicked Tiger Driver. FIGHTING SPIRIT~!


The one flaw is the fact that AJ tried twice to setup Joe for moves on the top turnbuckle. The second time it led to an awkward sequence and a lame AJ powerbomb, which only existed to give AJ a way to hit the Styles Clash. It was a minor flaw.


AJ goes for a victory roll, but Joe traps him in the clutch and it is Goodnight Irene for AJ. After the match, Joe beats up AJ and tries to give him a musclebuster on a chair, but Daniels saves.


I liked this match a whole lot, but I think I liked AJ/Abyss a hair more, but both are neck and neck for Best TNA match ever at this point. I have no idea why the Unbreakable match is the more famous match. This match blows that match outta the water. Tremendous effort by both men, this is definitely one to watch.


Maybe this would be better done in a blog because it looks clunky this way. I look forward to some feedback and of course recommendations on anything I should go see. I will be starting 2006 tomorrow.

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The high-level or highly-hyped matches that are exclusive to them and that I've always heard about are the two Styles-Daniels-Joe matches, the Angle-Joe match and the Sabu-Abyss barbed wire match. The next things I would think to look for would be the best Ultimate X match, and bests from Beer Money and MCMG.

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I almost never actually post here since most people say what needs to be said or there is to be said already, but I think I may be able to point you to some other stuff. It's not all blowaway great and some of it might not even be great outside the confines of TNA, but here's some more stuff from the, I guess, glory days of TNA in 2005-6 before Russo took over that you should look into:


-AMW vs. Bobby Roode/Eric Young, Final Resolution 2005

-AMW vs. The Naturals, Bound For Glory 2005 (there's lots of fun TV matches between these two from 2005-6 after the AMW heel turn too)

-Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels, Final Resolution 2006 and the TV match in April 2006

-Around late 2005-early 2006, there's a lot of fun sub 10 minute sprints involving guys like Shelley, Strong, Aries, Sabin, etc. on Impacts. Standout ones are the one in January or February 2006 where TNA briefly did a Generation Next reunion vs. AJ/Daniels/I think Sabin, and the eight man elimination match a PPV in late 2005

-AMW vs. AJ/Daniels, which I think is arguably the best tag series in TNA history. Good matches on TV at points in 2006, and then at Slammiversary and the PPV before that in longer matches

-The AJ/Daniels vs. LAX stuff gets hyped a lot and rightfully so too. Combined with the angles, it's probably the best TNA feud ever


Then after the Russo takeover, it gets unwatchable, but the Harris/Storm LMS match in mid 2007 is probably TNA's GOAT match.

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If you do Styles/Daniels vs. LAX you need to try and track down all the segments for the actual angle. That was just an awesome feud.


There are some good matches from the early days.






AMW/XXX - first cage match

Hart/Guerrera and Sabin/Guerrera from the first X Cup


It's not an all time match but Sting/Jarrett from Bound for Glory 2006 is a must see moment for the promotion as it's the door being closed on the Jarrett era in a very satisfying way.

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Sting/Samoa Joe is really good, it would be great if not for the shitty finish. One of Sting's best single performances ever. He takes a tremendous beating from Joe and gets him over as a killer.




Match reminded me a whole lot of a Bigelow/Taz match from ECW. Really good atmosphere, with both guys feeding off of it to some extent and busting out really insane/impressive spots. The crowd brawling was so obviously being done to set up the big spot with the dropkick that it was kind of ridiculous, but it was such a nutty spot I didn't really mind it. I thought Sting put fourth a lot of effort, but to me Joe was clearly the better guy in the match as his offense looked a lot better and his mannerisms really carried the day at times. The spot where both guys blow off the execution of their own finish was pretty silly, but also in keeping with Taz/Bammer theme. Finish sucked, but was not as bad as I remembered to be honest.


Very much worth watching.

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Sting/Samoa Joe is really good, it would be great if not for the shitty finish. One of Sting's best single performances ever. He takes a tremendous beating from Joe and gets him over as a killer.




Match reminded me a whole lot of a Bigelow/Taz match from ECW. Really good atmosphere, with both guys feeding off of it to some extent and busting out really insane/impressive spots. The crowd brawling was so obviously being done to set up the big spot with the dropkick that it was kind of ridiculous, but it was such a nutty spot I didn't really mind it. I thought Sting put fourth a lot of effort, but to me Joe was clearly the better guy in the match as his offense looked a lot better and his mannerisms really carried the day at times. The spot where both guys blow off the execution of their own finish was pretty silly, but also in keeping with Taz/Bammer theme. Finish sucked, but was not as bad as I remembered to be honest.


Very much worth watching.


Thanks for the recommendations so far. To address some of them, there are actually 4 PPV AJ/Joe/Daniels triple threat matches. The Unbreakable one gets the most hype, but I think the Against All Odds one is a step above because of Daniels' performance as a sympathetic babyface due to the concussion angle. The Destination X Ultimate X match between the three is pretty good, but up to the level of the best two. What I liked the most about was the ability for Daniels to get his big win as per the storyline without having to sacrifice Joe's streak. Not to get into fantasy booking, but I think a Daniels singles victory over Joe at Slammiversary was the way to capitalize on the heat of that angle.


I didnt know Abyss/Sabu barbed wire was considered a classic. I will have to track that one down.


Joe/Daniels Final Resolution was a great angle that was ruined by the fans. The match up until the finish was pretty pedestrian stuff in terms of structure and storyline. Things got red hot once Joe attempted to basically end Daniels' career. Instead of emotional outcry of support from the fans for Daniels against this sadistic beast, they chant "One More Time!" after Joe hits a musclebuster on a chair. The Impact match was really well-done and felt like an old-school match with the typical X-Division moves. Thus everything had way more heat on it.


I was wondering what Sting matches in TNA would be worth watching. I planned on just the Bound For Glory Ones: Jarrett, Angle, and Joe so if there are any others, let me know. I am definitely looking forward to Angle/Jarrett because I remember the hype, but I didn't bother seeking them out at the time because I was tired of both of them.


Having watched all the AJ/Joe/Daniels stuff up to the point of April 2006, I am really excited about the AJ/Daniels tag team. I feel like Daniels suffers from Brian Pillman syndrome. Where as a character and on promos, he is more interesting as a heel, but he wrestles way better as a babyface.


Is there anything from Christian that is really good? For some reason, I feel Christian/Abyss could be really good.

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Christian's run is worth tracking down.


He has a borderline great match with Angle that has a shitty finish.


A Triple Threat vs Angle vs Sting


A ppv match with Samoa Joe.


There is a ladder challenge from Impact vs Joe that I like a lot, but can see others being turned off.


I thought Sting put fourth a lot of effort, but to me Joe was clearly the better guy in the match as his offense looked a lot better and his mannerisms really carried the day at times

I was really impressed by how giving Sting was. Especially with that finish.
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I actually think you are right Flik.


Anyway I watched Christian v. Kaz. It's actually from Genesis 07. Not the best Ladder Match you'll ever see, but very much a good match. Christian gets busted open early in a really nasty way which adds to it. Christian is actually really good throughout and takes a few lunatic bumps, including one where he tumbles wildly through the ropes and then smacks on the floor. Watching this stuff makes me really miss Don West who is ten thousand times better than any current commentator not named William Regal. Finish to this one was predictable but fun.

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I remember liking a TV cage match vs. Rhino a lot

On that note, anyone remember the Christian vs Rhino vs Angle 3 way whear they got the entire hour of tv (TNA only had 1 at the time) for the match?


Don't recall ever hearing much talk about it good or bad. I've always wanted to see it and did tape it when it aired but it's in a massive pile of unlabled stuff so I no longer recall what tape I put it on.

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Christian had a great run in TNA. His match with Samoa Joe at the one PPV was awesome until the typical stupid TNA finish.


As for TNA's best matches, the two that pop into my head are:

XXX vs AMW - 6 Sides of Steel

LAX vs XXX - Ultimate X match


I've been watching TNA since like 2005, so its not good when I can only think of two great matches off the top of my head. One other one that I thought was pretty good but not great was Rhyno vs AJ Styles in Elevation X. Probably the only non-japanese scaffold match I've enjoyed.


As for AJ, I've seen him live a countless number of times and I really don't think I've ever seen a bad AJ match and if I did, I'm sure it had nothing to do with AJ. He's really been great since 2002 and while he does get praise, he deserves more.

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Here's an offhand list of some of my faves:


Generation ME vs. Motor City Machineguns - Empty Arena Match - TNA ReACTION 11/18


This was pretty insane.  The fast-paced, high flying style of these guys is often most criticized for its lack of stiffness.  But here, with no crowd, etc. you could really hear the shots landing, air getting knocked out, and so on, and both teams kept ratcheting up the intensity and its easily the most physical match I can remember either team in.  At first, seeing how it was shot, the usual ReACTION method of random close-ups, racking the focus, etc. made me unsure, but as it progressed and got more and more violent and hate-filled it totally won me over and really wowed me.


Bully Ray vs. AJ Styles - Last Man Standing Match - TNA Slammiversary IX


Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me - Full Metal Mayhem Match - TNA Final Resolution '10


Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle - TNA Turning Point '09


AJ Styles vs. Booker T - TNA Destination X '09


Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt - Black Tie Brawl and Chain Match - TNA Hard Justice '08


AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle - Last Man Standing Match - TNA Hard Justice '08


Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe - TNA Bound for Glory ‘07

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Don't know how long they've been offering this but on TNA's youtube page they have almost all their ppvs from 2004 - 2012 for sale for 99c each

A much cheaper option is getting a 30 day sub to TNA on Demand for 3.99. So, if you watched a minimum of one a day for the length of your subscription you would save $26.


I've watched all the PPV's via TNA On Demand up to the end of 2007 and only a few had buffering issues. I highly recommend the service.

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Did anyone mention the Jeff Jarrett vs Jay Lethal tv match? I don't know the date or year even, I'm thinking maybe 2005? I think Jarrett was champion. It was a really great Flair-esque caught off guard champion vs lower ranked guy type match. That is still my favorite match from this fucking place.


I agree with Will about Angle/Jarrett. And the Joe/Daniels tv match.

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