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[1991-06-07-USWA Texas] Eric Embry vs Danny Davis


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  • 2 months later...

Danny Davis in a full-length match, how about that? This is really a tremendous showcase for Embry, as he's working with a lower rung guy and puts him over in a really big way. He can't seem to quite put him away, and Davis builds heat with every nearfall. Top guys working against midcarders with the midcarder making a surprise showing are my favorite type of match, and this fits that bill. Another terrific match. USWA Texas is going out with a bang!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This had some usual heel bullshit with the chain and mic spots that probably weren't necessary, but picked up big-time into a bomb-fest with Davis looking great both selling and on offense. Embry's cheating to win comes off as desperation rather than cheating because that's what heels do, which is refreshing. One of the better USWA-TX matches on this set for sure.

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Davis delivered a spirited performance here as the midcarder getting his shot and Embry did a nice job of treating him as a greater and greater threat throughout the match. Pete's right about Embry resorting to some cliched Memphis heel stuff, but he didn't make that the whole focus of his performance. And his offense looked great once he got down to winning time. Very good match.

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I've always liked Davis as a worker. I've liked him as a Galaxian, a Nightmare, etc. Whenever, he gets the time he seems to hold his end of the match. Embry does a great in making Davis credible. I liked Embry working over Davis neck. A lot of great near falls. I didn't think we needed the hide the chain in this match. I also loved the finish. I really liked this match.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Refreshing to see USWA-TX do a match without gimmicks. I wasn’t thrilled with the chain use earlier in match but it doesn’t remain a focus. Not much of a fan of Davis but he gives a good effort. Embry hits a couple big moves but Davis keeps coming back. Eric ends up getting a desperation pin with the use of the ropes. I was able to enjoy the second part of match without the useless gimmicks from some of the previous USWA-TX matches.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

The finish to this was fine, but I'm not a fan of Davis doing the Hulk-Up after two DDTs and a piledriver, which Prichard just finished putting over as Embry's killer move on commentary.


The hide-the-chain and talking spots are part of the package with Embry (and most other USWA heels) by now, so not liking them is almost the same as not liking the style in general.


The match was built around Embry not being able to put away the pesky Davis no matter what he tries, and it was told as effectively as possible given the guys involved. Davis really showed that he could hang with someone like Embry in a fair fight, so it made the standard cheap finish almost necessary. Embry helped make the moment with his superb selling, which I wish he'd put himself in a position to do more of.


Michael and Dr. Tom were good on commentary, but Prichard doing an Embry match allows for just a little too much bragging. Still, he's showed that he'd have been quite a good commentator if he'd chosen to stick with it. Unfortunately, he didn't get an opportunity with Dallas closing (at least as far as Jarrett was concerned).


And so ends USWA Texas, at least on the Yearbooks. Kudos to Papa Jarrett for trying to revive it after the KTVT disaster, but having to eliminate blood in order to remain on ESPN made what could have been tremendous TV matches rather pointless. You could say that it was his own fault for having too much male/female violence and getting kicked off of KTVT in the first place, but bloodless promotions generally lack something, especially when most of their money matches are gimmick brawls such as cage and strap matches. Having a World champion who barely appeared didn't help either, although guys like Jeff and Dundee got much bigger pushes as a result and lived up to them. Still, this promotion's heart is and always will be in Memphis, so it's good to see that all of its efforts will be concentrated there moving forward.

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  • 2 years later...

I liked the underdog vs. champ setup and most of the execution a lot. Two things about the crowd. That crowd shot they went to early was ill-advised. Those middle aged ladies were simply not that into it. And that elderly gentleman in the front row was pretty hot after Embry's cheap rollup.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1991-06-07-USWA Texas] Eric Embry vs Danny Davis

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