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Global Force Wrestling

Mad Dog

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Outside of advertisement shares and licensing of the program, I am guessing TNA doesn't make any real money anywhere else. If WWE lost all of the TV rights today, other aspects of the business will keep WWE afloat. Merch, ticket sales, DVD/Media sales etc.

I don't TNA is making damn near ANY money on their TV deal with Pop TV. Pop isn't paying them money and I can't imagine they are making a lot of ad revenue considering the ratings they draw and the fact that advertisers pay less for spots on wrestling anyway. The whole issue that caused them to leave Destination America is that DA was having problems selling any ads leading to some weird cult being one of the main advertisers you'd see during Impact commercials.


I think the only money they are making off TV is from international deals like the one with Sony Six in India.

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Actually, I think WWE would be in big trouble without their TV revenue.


You are correct . The WWE TV deal with Comcast/ NBC Universal their bread and butter.. ROH is in good shape because Sinclair owns over 100 TV stations and is buying the Tribune Company . Plus Sinclair runs ROH like a real business , not a vanity project. GFW / TNA has a barter deal with POP TV..and their TV taping are a free attraction in a theme park. I believe Anthem is losing major bucks and they want out. It would take someone like Paul Heyman to save this sinking ship. Just don't let Paul E. handle the money and you got a good shot a turnaround

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I believe Anthem is losing major bucks and they want out. It would take someone like Paul Heyman to save this sinking ship. Just don't let Paul E. handle the money and you got a good shot a turnaround

There isn't anyone who can somehow magically turn things around for this company. It's BEEN dead ever since Spike kicked them off. They had to take a much smaller deal from Destination America to get on with them and then they got downgraded again to a barter deal just to get on Pop TV.


There just isn't a way for the company to make enough money to fund TV tapings on a network that isn't paying them to produce the show. And there isn't even enough of a fanbase now to viably do touring house shows and there certainly wouldn't be one if they stopped doing TV because they can't afford it.


And Lucha Underground is really in the same boat because as soon as the people shoveling money into the furnace get tired of seeing it all go up in smoke, that's gonna go away too.

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The weirdness with the Jarrett/GFW story continues. Apparently he updated his Twitter and Instagram profile talking about how he has new projects coming and is looking forward to things to come. He also posted a bunch of inspirational slogans about working hard, etc. Basically all giving the general impression that he is moving on to a new project or projects of some kind.

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Not sure whether it was best to post this in the GFW or TNA thread, which I think sums up a company with a thoroughly confused identity, but over here in the UK, as part of the deal to show Impact on Spike, they also show the monthly 'One Night Only' shows but thankfully without paying for them. Usually these shows are beyond horrendous but out of curiosity, when I saw they were running blocks of GFW Amped (the pilot shows they recorded in Vegas a couple of years ago) I thought I'd see what they look like.


Overall, and if you were watching it weekly as was intended then it seems like it would have been a fairly decent, if somewhat uninspiring wrestling show. Certainly no worse than Impact. Because it's such a random collection of guys, it's filmed in a Vega casino with clearly lots of day trippers and it's all tournament matches without any real rivalries and back stories it all has a pretty unorganic and soulless feel to it, but then I guess, that's pretty much Impact most of the time. The matches themselves range from boring to solid but nothing was actively bad. The most enjoyable matches were the ones in what they were calling the Next Gen division which I guess was going to be their version of the X Division. TJ Perkins in particular looked good in all his showings.


There are an absolute ton of video packages, which in the main are pretty good and filmed nicely, helping to flesh out a lot of the characters, which people on this board would know, but would help a casual viewer. However, while the vibe they were clearly going for in the packages is 'this is reality based' it's that really odd reality tv version of normal, where no-one appears natural and everyone talks in clichés and generic platitudes about how hard they are training and the sacrifices they have made over montages of them in the gym or walking moodily down corridors.


The weirdest part of the shows though is the bizarre announcing which has clearly been re-recorded as it openly talks about the guys and girls on the show that are now in WWE/NXT. It's so odd to hear commentary on a 2015 Eric Young match while they are talking about him being the leader of Sanity, or that Bobby Roode is basically invading from NXT rather than TNA which is what I think was meant to be the storyline, or that TJP is looking to win the GFW Next Gen title to add to his resume of being the first CWC winner. It's just so odd.

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The weirdest part of the shows though is the bizarre announcing which has clearly been re-recorded as it openly talks about the guys and girls on the show that are now in WWE/NXT. It's so odd to hear commentary on a 2015 Eric Young match while they are talking about him being the leader of Sanity, or that Bobby Roode is basically invading from NXT rather than TNA which is what I think was meant to be the storyline, or that TJP is looking to win the GFW Next Gen title to add to his resume of being the first CWC winner. It's just so odd.


Could WWE have a legal issue with them doing this (presenting them as WWE stars)? This is a genuine question, I don't really know anything about that stuff.

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I'm not sure either, but think they toned it down between shows as they might have been sailing close to the wind. The first batch of shows was shown a few months ago and that was where they seemed to be trying to get across that Bobby Roode was coming from NXT without directly saying it, whereas on the last batch of shows which was just shown here at the weekend, they are mentioning them being in the WWE by way of accolades which I guess isn't against any sort of rules? They might also be helped by the fact that people like Mickie James, Bobby Roode, Eric Young, TJP all use the same names in WWE as they were doing here so less need for the old TNA classic of "we all know who that is, formerly (insert name) who used to be known as (insert name) in the WWE!"


It's all just so odd. Like, it has Gallows and Anderson in their tag tournament, and yet you have the announcers - one of whom is Chael Sonnen - saying things like "didn't they hold the tag belts for a while" as if we are meant to think we are watching something in real time rather than something filmed two years ago.

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