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Chavo v Buzz and Gordy v Koko could both be pretty great (though I don't remember Koko ever being pushed all that strongly in Mid-South, so the latter might not be all that competitive). Count me among those that would be down for the whole tournament being released as a whole.

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That would be pretty cool to be able to watch the whole tournament at once. I'm pretty sure the tournament took up the entire card didn't it? I'd definitely enjoy being able to watch it all at once.


Some pretty cool matchups in the first round with Duggan vs. Buddy Roberts, Kamala vs. Blade Runner Flash (Sting), Chavo vs. Buzz Sawyer, Dr Death vs. Rick Steiner, Koko Ware vs. Terry Gordy, Terry Taylor vs. Michael Hayes, Jack Victory vs. Bart Sawyer and Blade Runner Rock (Ultimate Warrior) vs. DiBiase

It also had a Fantastics vs. Sheepherders in a Barbed Wire Cage. I don't know if this is the same one that was shown on UWF TV or not.

No that cage match was never shown.They only showed that 6 man with Taylor and Victory. I've been hoping that Bruce has this cage match in the archives since this service started.

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Midnight Express vs Mr.Wrestling 2/Magnum TA 2/10/84


This is the 2nd show this matchup has headlined SHC. The 1st show drew a 51,000 dollar house. This show drew a 45,000 house. This match up would headline Houston 4 times. We now have 3 of the 4 matches from this run.

We start with the babyfaces essentially mugging the heels to start. Bobby punches Dennis by mistake. This sets up the shine. Mr. Wrestling 2 is shucking and jiving. We see Mark Curtis/Brian Hildebrand shooting pictures. Condrey returns the favor to Bobby and nails him with a knee. Mr. Wrestling 2 nails both members of Midnight Express with the illion Dollar Knee lift. The Mr. Wrestling 2/Bobby Eaton arm drag/hip toss /Million dollar knee lift segment was about as good as it gets. Magnum gets tagged in and is a house of fire. He gets cut off after a 12 minute shine. The Midnight Express were methodically tagging in and out and wrecking the arm. Jimmy even gets in on the action. We get a hot tag to Mr. Wrestling 2, Million Dollar Knee Lift. Cornette throws powder in his eyes. Super heated beatdown of the faces post match.Cornette whipping TA with a strap which sets up the stip for the next match. The heat is getting nuclear during the beatdown. Paul Boesch comes out to try to diffuse it. Great stuff. 4*

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Tony Atlas vs Kamala



This was interesting. The crowd is totally with both wrestlers. Back in 1983 the wrestling was more character driven. Kamala was an incredible who drew money from 82-85. Tony Atlas was a big star and drew money everywhere he went . I liked Tony's psychology early of stick and moving against Kamala. He gets caught and Kamala is pretty violent in his beatdown. Then he transitions into a nerve hold. The crowd is totally into this. They're totally behind Atlas when he's making a comeback. Even on Atlas's comeback he's selling the nerve damage. Kamala cuts him off and goes back to the nerve hold. They're beginning to lose the crowd a bit. We get a ref bump and Duggan comes out to interfere on Kamala's behalf. It back fires and Atlas is kicking all sorts of ass . It looks like he's about to topple Kamala, but the rug is pulled out from under him, and we go to the finish. Post match we get Atlas and Duggan promos building to a future match. The crowd reactions was key for this match working

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Chavo Guerrero vs Larry Lane


This was your basic solid undercard match set up to highlight Chvo's strengths. This was a solid back and forth match. We saw Chavo work the arm, the leg, and even works the neck. Lane worked the arm, and used rough house tactics . Lane is a technically sound heel, who lacks charisma. This was a back and forth encounter that sees Chavo go over. 2 1/4*

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I really love that Debbie Combs vs Donna Day match and would highly recommend it. They were working to catcalls early and managed to flip it to build actual heat. They were also cutting a good pace and doing moves that weren't terribly common in 1983 Houston Wrestling like the rolling cradle and surfboard. Combs took an impressive bump outside at one point too, right on to Paul Boesch! Still, it's the way they structured this that makes it stand out above all else. A very good match and a nice accomplishment to win over a crowd like that.

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Haven't had a chance to watch that match yet but that was kind of a standard bump for Debbie Combs because I remember making a gif out of it when she popped up on an episode of 1986 Continental. And I know I saw her do it somewhere else but can't remember what promotion it was from. Actually was really impressed with Debbie Combs in that Continental match because she was working with Despina Montagues who looked really green but still had a good match with her. I need to eventually watch that match with Donna Day.

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Trial over guys - and just so you know - my right hand assistant who also uploads and edits most of the matches on NWAClassics.com - and has become a real fan of classic pro wrestling - is also my legal assistant - his name is JIM RATCLIFF and he is indispensable to us here - probably the closest thing to a Vice President the NWA has other than James Beard.


Anyway - we have been involved in a major trial - but as of 6:00pm today the trial is over - so we will have three MAJOR uploads in the next three days - then I will start doubling up and releasing two matches at a time for a few days perhaps with some good mid card action. But the matches to be released tomorrow - Friday - and Saturday are as follows:








Thanks for being patient with us.

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