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Sheepherders vs Guerreros is amazing. I have no idea how a riot didn't break out. So much heat, so much support. The very best jingoistic BS to start for the first five minutes before they even lock up, and when they do, the crowd is going absolutely nuts for every tiny bit of the shine. I should probably write more about this later. It's not a 5 star match. The heat's a little short. Everything's sort of sloppy (but in a good way, just not a great one) for the finishing stretch. Luke didn't entirely maximize the selling of his leg at certain points (Butch was selling the USA chants in his body language like only he could. He's hugely underrated in that regard). None of that matters though. There's nothing better in wrestling than a molten crowd during a tag match.


Everyone should drop what they're doing and watch it.

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This was some great tag wrestling, and a reminder that the Sheepherders were some heat magnets. The Sheepherders just stoked the fire for about the 1st five minutes. Chavo starts out on top. He gets cut off quickly. Then the Guerreros make a quick come back on the Sheepherders. The faces are just fantastic working over the heels legs with quick tags. This went on for a bit. The focus, and work was really good. Eventually the Sheepherders cut them off and work the faces over. The heat here was really good. I also loved the finish. 3 3/4*

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Online now - the Rematch! From March 14, 1986: DICK MURDOCH / MASKED SUPERSTAR vs. DiBIASE / DR. DEATH! Very bloody.



The site has the date wrong. You have the right date though.


This was a pretty damn good match. We get some back and forth early on. Both teams trying to get the advantage. The big moment was when Ted takes a chair right on the noggin. This was wicked and busts him open something fierce. The heels just get the heat on him by working over the cut. Just wrestling 101 stuff. Ted hot tags to Doc and he's just murdering the heels. They cut him off and work him over a good bit. The crowd gets pretty hot for this. We get a pretty hot finish. Then a fun post match brawl where the faces want the mask and they get it!!!! 4*

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Two of my favorite teams of all-time. All four wrestlers are very experienced, have their own individual styles and know each other very well. Ring announcer did a pretty god job.


To me the Sheepherders gimmick is so much more memorable than the comedic-era Bushwackers - and I love to see them in action during that part of their career. And against the multi-talented 3rd generation Guerreros who grew up wrestling in their backyard and watching their father compete in Texas and Mexico - you know this has to be an amazing and entertaining contest.


The initial walk and talk with the falg was brilliant. They ate up over 6 minutes of time after the bell sounded without touching each other. And I love seeing wrestlers transition from babyface to heel (and vice versa) on the network. We've seen it with Butch Reed - Dr. Death - DiBiase - Duggan - and now the Guerreros.


Chavo starts the match and the Sheepherders immediately go into a quick heat segment but the cutoff by the Guerreros with three dropkicks is nothing short of spectacular. Sheepherders clear the ring as the Guerreros stand strong.


Hilarious that the Guerreros encourage the fans to chant USA - USA! Sheepherders work well with that. Guerreros now with some quick tags and a shine segment that really lasts. Guerreros with some great babyface doubleteam work on the heels. You can tell that referee Carl Fergie is really having a blast working with these guys. Awesome selling by Luke.


Heels finally take over at about the 13:00 mark. Butch tags in to take the offense - get the heat. Butch awesome with his body language as the crowd chants USA - USA! Chavo sells great - has a few hope spots. Sheepherders effectively choking Chavo on the ropes. Chairshot on Chavo behind the ref's back at about 16:00. False finish - foot on ropes - hot tag by Chavo at 17:00. Hector on fire with a great comeback - dropkicks.


Multiple false finishes - flag involved - surprise ending. Super hot finish - crowd on their feet at the end - look at the ringsiders and the raw emotion on their faces. This is the type of match in which the heels had to fight their way back to the dressing room - the type of match in which the Sheepherders have been in all over the world. Amazing match. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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Sheepherders vs Terry Taylor/Steve Williams 4/11/86


This is Texas Tornado rules. This was totally a wild brawl. It had some interesting moments. Like Doc taking the blind over the top bump to the floor. The crowd was hot throughout , would get white hot during the babyface comebacks. A really spirited brawl. 3 1/4*

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Wahoo from Tully is pretty much everything you'd want from a 10 minute Wahoo vs Tully match where Wahoo took 85% of the match. Tully bumps around the ring for him like a madman and Wahoo is completely unsympathetic. A lot of fun plus it's cool to see Wahoo and JYD interact in the post match promo.

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These guys had a feud over in SWCW. At the time Blanchard supplied talent to Houston. This is pretty much a fight. I loved the opening sequence where the pay off was a Wahoo chop. Tully was ducking and moving. Taking his spots on Wahoo. Wahoo just attacked Tully with vigor and a ruggidness. I'm really digging the fighting. Tully sucks Wahoo in, and Tully works the leg. Wahoo fights and trys to bully his way out. They take it outside and Tully rams the leg again. In a revenge spot Wahoo smashes Tully's forehead on the apron. Wahoo pins Tully but his foots on the rope. It's restarted and Tully stuns Wahoo and pins him with his feet on the rope. Crowd is booing big tim here. Gino is out. 3 1/4* We get a JYD/Wahoo promo afterwards and JYD is such a dynamic promo.

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This was another classic from the Sam Houston Coliseum. The Jose and Gino feud is really becoming one of my all time favorite feuds, and I haven't even seen that many angles and promos. What they convey though with their interactions is hate. Spoiler their is this headlock spot that I have never seen before.


We go old school right off the bat. Gino is wearing a I shaved Jose bald. This incites Jose to attack and they're brawling all over the floor. The match is on. The 1st fall was all action. We incorporated brawling, with some americanized lucha spots. The heels did a tremendous job shining up the faces.At one point all 3 heels fed Jose . Jose and Gino were the stars here, but I loved Halacon and Markus interactions as well. Goliath was good in spots as well. Mil was kinda of just there.


The 2nd fall was all about the heels getting heat. They were great here.


The 3rd fall was great. Normally we get a little break in between falls. Not here. Jose and Gino are just beating on one another. This rolls right into the final fall and everyone is involved. Everyone is on point and we build to a great finish. Post match we got more hate filled fighting from Gino and Jose. Hot Damn this was really good. The narrative was so great here. We get this great match, and Jose and Gino were this force of nature that at times were too strong for the rest of the wrestlers to control. 4*

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Because past brief moments of lucha no one's seen in decades popping up on dataintcash, the WWE happening to find Last Battle of Atlanta, and something crazy getting unveiled by one of Our Friends in Japan, there's nothing more exciting in wrestling over the last few years than this? I don't know. It makes sense to have a central place due to the relatively poor archiving on the site (Sorry, but it's true. If you don't know to look for a specific match, you might miss it completely).


I loved the six-man, though. Lothario/Hernandez is one of the absolute best feuds I've ever seen. This was billed as a Mexican attraction trios and it had plenty of moments including the multi-man headlock spot I'd never seen before. It was one ring, 2/3 falls, with Mascaras being giving, Gino great in delaying gratification of Lothario getting his hands on him (and every time he did, it was a big moment), and everyone else doing their part. We haven't seen a ton of Goliath and he was solidly stooging, doing a lot of little things in interesting ways.


Another great chapter in the feud.

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Any reason this thread is still pinned? Seems like most of it is covered in the MDA.

For the history. A lot of these matches aren't available in trading circles . We can keep it isolated and preserved. The service has also given us feuds that in the past we could only read about or see in clips. An example of this is JYD vs Butch Reed .

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