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Favourite Build-Ups Ever


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So for this week's podcast we're looking at the Best Build-Ups in Wrestling History, and would like to get some feedback on which ones really struck a chord with you and why.


The only criteria is that it can apply to a show, a match or a debut, but essentially it's simple - which hype jobs were the best ones you ever saw and truly worked to get you more excited to see something than you've ever been otherwise for wrestling? The more explanation on why you loved the build, the better.


As always, we'll be reading the best contributions on the show and crediting you accordingly, so what do you think?


EDIT - The show discussing your candidates for Best Build-Ups is now online and available to listen to at the following link:



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Easily the stuff with Mean Gene visiting Flair's home and rising in his car etc. in the run up to Starrcade 93 with Vader. That match really packs an emotional punch for me, and I don't think it would have gotten there without that build. One of the few truly great things WCW pulled off from start to finish.


The other one is DiBiase vs Duggan from Mid South, but I want Will or Kris to tell it.

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The WWE screwed up Randy Orton's ascension to main eventer but I really dug how they made up for it with the rise of the smarter than you think pimp suit wearing animal that is Batista. There is a reason why Batista is a bigger star than Orton could ever be.


Or how about Eddie Guerrero's rise to main eventer? He started clicking after he got rid of Chavo as a partner and started going for the US Title. They were very patient with him and yet they pulled the trigger at nearly the right time with the Brock match. Only gripe is I would have rather he had that at Mania instead of No Way Out but still good.

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The build up to the first Booker T/Goldust tag title run. Just the way that Booker started out not liking Goldust, then accepting him and finally becoming team mates is one thing, but I loved the way they then built up sympathy for Goldust via his self-doubt at being the "weak link" of the team. All the bits, with Booker refusing Goldust's offer to split the team before Goldie being the one to get the title winning pin over Jericho & Christian, was great.

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The build up to Survivor Series 1996 Between Steve Austin and Bret hart.


Austin vs Bret wAs already a bit of of dream match amongst smart fans in 1996. But the trAsh talking from Austin was on a whole other level that fans were used to at that time.


WhAt put it over the top was bret excepting it, like a good sportsmen to starts with, wanting to wrestle the best guy in the company. But end

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The build up to Survivor Series 1996 Between Steve Austin and Bret hart.


Austin vs Bret wAs already a bit of of dream match amongst smart fans in 1996. But the trAsh talking from Austin was on a whole other level that fans were used to at that time.


WhAt put it over the top was bret excepting a match with the best guy in the company. But ending up in a blood feud with a killer

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The accidental buildup of Daniel Bryan going into Wrestlemania 30 was such a perfect set of circumstances that could never really be duplicated. Even though it was mostly happenstance, it resulted in a three-month period where being a wrestling fan was awfully fun.


Going farther back, I'd throw out the build to the Rock & Roll Express vs Heavenly Bodies match at Bluegrass Brawl '94. Both sides did some great promos, with my favorite coming from Morton, as he said he'd get too choked up if he didn't think about what he wanted to say first, so he read a letter he wrote to his fans. That's such a great idea for making sure all the key points are hit in a promo that I wish would be used more often.


Hogan-Sting was intended to be blown off within a few months and ended up being an 18-month storyline that didn't have the best payoff, but the match was built up beautifully.


Flair-Vader at Starrcade '93 was mentioned. Anyone arguing Flair should have had "one last run" in the latter stages of his career couldn't have expected an outcome better than what we got here.


The year-long build between Hogan and Savage that culminated at Wrestlemania V was an outstanding piece of business.


The Final Conflict build in Mid Atlantic was also great stuff.

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I really enjoyed the 89 Flair-Funk series too.


Speaking of Terry Funk, all uppercard matches on Barely Legal were pretty hot going into the show. Raven had issues with all three possible opponents. Taz and Sabu had built for a year but they hadn't even touched. Shane Douglas and the Pibulls and Rick f'n Rude. Plus Shane was just starting a new feud against workrate, which had the ultimate payoff at the PPV.

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I want to thank everybody for the suggestions in this thread, we got to a lot of them on the show, which is now available to listen to at the following link:




Join us as talk about the all-time great build-ups in wrestling history, discussing the hype and storylines behind Hogan Vs. Sting, Sabu Vs. Taz, WrestleMania 3, Rock Vs. Austin, Austin Vs. Bret, Highway to Hell, Flair at Starrcade 93, Virgil and Batista's babyface turns, the journey of Book-Dust, Michaels Vs. Taker and many many more, as we break down some of the best jobs creating anticipation we've ever seen. A fun trip down memory lane this week, check it out and let us know what you think!

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