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Donald Trump: The Art of the Draw


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If he wasn't such an obvious heel, I'd use today to compare Trump to Sting as a stupid babyface. Two years ago his new press secretary, Anthony Scaramucci, who once complained about Obama picking on poor widdle ol hedge fund managers, called Trump "anti American" and a "hack politician" who "would probably make Elizabeth Warren his VP nomination" and would be "president of the bully association."


Today he called Trump a "genuinely wonderful human being" with "good karma."


Which made me have to look up the words "genuinely, wonderful, human being, good and karma" to make sure I haven't been using them incorrectly my entire life. I know when I was first learning to talk my older sister would do things like point at a table and say "kitty." But I thought I was past the point of not knowing the simple words.


I smell burning toast.

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Scaramucci isn't Russo - because he's not running things.


But the damage he's doing in just a matter of days reminds me of the TNA thread that talks about how Russo managed to destroy anything good that TNA had going in 2006-07 -- in about 4 weeks.


That doesn't quite work, though, because this is more of a dumpster fire. There's gotta be something from WCW 1999-2000 that fits Scaramucci's actions.

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The Mooch is Ultimate Warrior in WCW. When Donald Hogan looks in the mirror he sees The Warrior/The Mooch.


Because his brain broke.


And its been such a disaster so quickly, even for this administration/that company, the plug will end up getting pulled quickly. Its just a matter of how many people get taken out by Mooch's trap door.

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That New Yorker interview was Mooch raising his eyebrow to give the signal to kick Faareibus out of the Nation of Trumpination.



I really want him to start a press briefing with "THE MOOCH SAYS KNOW YOUR DAMN ROLE", and from what we've seen from him so far there's a nonzero chance he might actually do it.

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