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[1989-04-24-NJPW-Super Powers Clash] Shinya Hashimoto vs Victor Zangiev


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Nice action packed sub-ten minute match. Zangiev was great in this with his suplexes and power spots plus I loved his reaction to Hash spitting at him. I liked Hash being more subdued in a sense since the danger Zangiev presented with all his suplexes and subs meant that one too many strikes could spell doom. But when he got his opening he laid it in, as expected. I feel like a Cesaro circa 2013 versus Hashimoto would look a bit like this.


EDIT: My initial review for this actually really undersells how great it is lol. Seeing moves like the head scissors that you're used to just being part of the "headlock-head scissors-staredown" sequence to open a match being put to practical use to actually break an armbar attempt and create drama is awesome. Then you've got Zangiev blocking submission attempts while he's on the mat by just standing up and carrying around Hash like he's nothing. Final transition with Hash stuffing Zangiev into the corner and then hitting the flying spin kick rules. MOTYC in a really stacked '89.

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I may be in the minority here, I always enjoyed the weird mixed style matches New Japan presented during this time. Sure there were some stinkers yet as I fan I always found enjoyment when styles clashed like this. I didn't judge them on match quality, just enjoyed seeing how these guys would match up in a working sense.

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  • 10 months later...

Yeah, this ruled. Zangiev was great here with his shoot suplexes and simple but effective counters. Hashimoto really sells him as a legitimate and unpredictable threat, which only adds to Zangiev's allure. I like how Hashimoto's frustration builds throughout the match as Zangiev has answers to a lot of Hashimoto's offense. That dosey-doe counter to the headscissors was awesome.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeah this fucking rules. What a special match - the unpredictability of the Russians and their weird shoot-style works perfect here. Zangief murders Hash with a few suplexes. As a big hockey fan, I'm familiar with the craziness of the 80s/90s Europeans coming over to the NHL and all the defections, signings, and unique personalities and incredible skill that came over. It's really interesting to see the wrestling version. What a unique atmosphere this must have been to be at live.

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  • 4 months later...

This is really something else. I went into this cold with only the reviews here to give me any thoughts on this match. But it was something else. An incredibly hot atmosphere with two large, tough men that created a fantastic and simple match. Every suplex popped me, the headscissors spinning escape looked fantastic, then you have that great moment when Hashimoto spits right at Zangiev to lead us into the finish. Intense, exciting, and dramatic.



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  • 1 month later...

Shinya Hashimoto vs Victor Zangiev - NJPW 4/24/89

Big night for Soviet Shooters as the main event of this Dome show, sees a tall Georgian Judoka beat Inoki clean for the WWF Martial Arts Championship. A very tall Judoka getting the mega-push to main eventing a Dome show, Inoki I think you got a type. :p

Ive seen this before and all I got to say is believe the hype. Definitely in contention for best sub-ten minute match ever. Soviet shooters rule and we need Fedor to go pro. Zangiev is the actual Russian Bear and his coach has one helluva unibrow. It is really to Hashimoto's credit that he never gets exposed by these shooters. He takes his licks but he never looks lost or unworthy of being in the ring. Zangiev takes him down at will. The overhead belly to belly into the side mount double wrist lock is positively RINGS. Hashimoto's sell is pitched perfectly. Besides catching Zangiev on the jaw with a kick this is all Zangiev with big throws like the Fisherman Suplex and Hashimoto avoiding the submission. Zangiev fun escape from a headscissors draws a big pop from the Japanese faithful. Hashimoto spits at Zangiev which on the surface seems like a bad idea. Zangiev is pissed and rips off another overhead belly to belly, but Hashimoto absorbs and rattles Zangiev in the corner to set up SPIN HEEL KICK. Zangiev is out and the Figure-4 leg lock gets a submission victory for young Hashimoto.

While Muta is getting over in America, Hashimoto made it to the finals of this Dome tournament going over Choshu and this Soviet badass. Not too bad for a kid. Amazing RINGS-style match, big win for Hashimoto! ****1/4


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  • 3 weeks later...

One of the most famous, and also one of the best, sub-10 minute matches ever. Zangiev's throws are absolutely AMAZING, the mat work is fantastic & Hash's strikes are as deadly as ever. What really stood out to me was the way the control shifted too - everything happened super naturally, and the match had a real wild feel to it because of Zangiev's terrific offense. And of course that spit spot, my goodness. So amazing. Such great storytelling in such short time. Such a tight, amazing package of a match. ****1/2

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  • GSR changed the title to [1989-04-24-NJPW-Super Powers Clash] Shinya Hashimoto vs Victor Zangiev
  • 3 years later...

Unlike the Hashimikov-Vader match I watched minutes ago, which was a mess, this is stellar. Still the best sub-10 minute match I can think of. Zangiev looks so natural in there, his throws and suplexes are crisp, the matwork looks mean. I applaud the gumption to have Hashimoto getting shown up again and again when he tries to grapple and when he tries to out strike Zangiev. That snarl and stare down are five stars on their own.  Hashimoto gets one chance to land that kick and he nails it. **** at least. 

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