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Kevin Owens


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Sami Zayn has upstaged him as a heel in a way that I think he's becoming the star of the team. I just can't figure out if that's intentional or not. KO probably needs a babyface turn, which shouldn't be too hard. He's an every-man, he loves his family, he's quick-witted, and he doesn't seem like someone who should have succeeded.

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I think it is intentional. My guess is that we are getting Owens v Zayn at Mania and Zayn is playing heel. To me Owens has has always played the middle ground (be he "heel" or "face"). While he is naturally a better heel, the "tweener" position is generally comes off better from the position of face (particularly in the wwe). My feeling is that they are going to turn Owens - or more accurately have Zayn turn on Owens - and use the feud to elevate Zayn more securely into the main event.


Owens wont be hard to sell as a face, but he couldn't have come in that way. Dude has a punch you in the mouth swagger and a chip on his shoulder. He just looks like the kind of guy you probably don't like all that much at first, but he weirdly grows on you because you eventually respect that he works hard and he honestly cares about his family, even if he can be kind of a dick about it. Slow burning his career to reflect that is exactly the right move (intentional or not). I think - despite the hate for him in some internet wrestling circles, that his wwe career has more or less followed that. Generally, the fans seem to like Owens and want him on their TV. He has to work harder and harder to get boos. Fans will be more than ready to errupt for pissed off face Owens going after slimy annoying heel Zayn (if they go that direction).

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, he has been on a bit of a roll lately in the ring, especially in that Braun match. They need to mix up his character a bit. A face turn against a heel Sami to start could be really good for both. KO continues to be an integral part of the WWE fabric and continues to be a good week to week performer and even at his worst remains unoffensive to me.

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