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[2000-01-28-CMLL] Olimpico & Tony Rivera & Tarzan Boy vs El Satanico & Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero


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We start backstage with Satanico teaching his Infernales the history of CMLL. The tecnicos show up and Satanico insults them,until they attack and leave the tecnicos laying. Weird little skit.


During the Infernales entrance Tarzan Boy jumps Satanico and he gets beat up until Rivera and Olimpico show up to even the match up. The rudos are just so bad ass here, holding Tarzan Boy for Satanico to get free shots in. Then when they toss him, they kick the other's asses too. Including picking up Olimpico and dumping him head first onto a char in the attendance. In the ring Los Infernales use rope to tie up Tarzan Boy so Satanico can beat the shit out of him, until they get DQ'ed to end the fall. To recap, Rivera and Olimpico are a mess on the floor with steel chairs all over them and Tarzan Boy just got beat up so badly the referee DQ'ed Los Infernales. It was short, but what a bad ass first fall.


Between falls the rudos continue to kick ass, but a commercial break happens and Olimpico is in control now and Satanico is slyly walking down the ramp with a bottle which he breaks over Tarzan Boy's head The referees have no idea why Tarzan Boy is dead, and the crowd is super pissed! HEAT!! The referees just stop things before someone dies.

Los Infernales rile the crowd up before cutting a promo.


As for a rating, this was short and maybe more of an angle? What we got was just really awesome though, so I'll go *** 3/4 for the whole thing.



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The skit was bizarre but kind of effective in what the heel unit of the Infernales is going for in that they are traditional rudos and think the pretty boy shit of Tarzan Boy is just a mirage to superficially win over the fans.


Make no mistake, Villano III vs. Atlantis has been GREAT in the build to their apuestas match but for my money this is the best feud in CMLL at the moment.


Things start chaotic and intense again with U Guerrero flying all over the place. The Infernales absolutely brutalize poor Olimpico by dumping his head right on top of the chairs in a brutal looking spot. They tie up TB in the ring with a rope and just waylay on him until they are DQ'd again. I even liked Satanico bullying the ref after he called the fall. Just an ultimate prick. Starting the second fall, Satanico retreats and he comes back with a devious look on his face. Right at that moment, he smashes a bottle over TB's head and he is knocked the fuck out. They bring out the stretcher and do the whole amazing sell job. The referee just calls for the bell and ends this as the crowd is raging over the rudos as they gloat in their post match promo. Satanico is taking a huge rep bump in GWE voting as he legit is one of the best wrestlers in the world so far in 2000 and Bucanero and U Guerrero aren't far behind. A magnificent trio. My rating of this is in the Tupelo Concession Brawl range as it wasn't much of a match per say but as storyline development and overall chaos, it was great stuff. ****

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This was a fantastic piece of wrestling cinema. A short match, but so much chaos as the feud of the year thus far continues between El Satanico and Tarzan Boy. Tarzan seems to have finally learned his lesson from being bushwhacked so many times and rushes the ring, going after Satanico before he can even take his ring jacket off, but that's just about the last moment of hope he has, as Los Infernales immediately overwhelm him and proceed to slaughter him and his partners. Olimpico takes a completely frightening skull first into a ringside seat while Tarzan is beaten up inside the ring while completely tied up in a rope. After losing a fall by DQ, Satanico decides to put the cherry on top and breaks a glass bottle over Tarzan's head, which loses them another fall. Tarzan does a stretcher job to sell this. How awesome. My version of a Schneider comp would totally have this match. I wish I could go higher, but with such a short match that was mostly angle driven, I didn't think I could justify higher than this. Still, it's great. Go out of your way to watch! ****

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's way more of an angle than anything but I absolutely loved this. I thought the pre match skit was a nice touch because it gave even more reason for Tarzan Boy to be so fired up and I wish these type of lead ins were used more often in lucha. It's something I really liked in the Rush vs Maximo Sexy feud from 2016. The way Los Infernales dispatch of Olimpico and Rivera so they can dismantle Tarzan Boy is super convincing because not only were they thrown in to chairs, in Rivera's case his leg literally got stuck in the chairs. The beatdown on Tarzan Boy is wonderful because Los Infernales is so compelling, especially Satanico as their diabolical ringleader. Would implore everyone to seek this out. Very short, but very impactful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another perfect lead-in match. The Infernales with the Horsemen beatdown in the corridor. Anybody else notice the extra length to Satanico's hair? The Infernales do an absolute number on the tecnicos to start with. I loved the way Satanico's minions took out Rivera and Olimpico with the chairs. Ultimo Guerrero impressed me with the amount of dirty work he got through. He's never been a guy I've warmed to, but he's done an excellent job as Satanico's lieutenant. Tarzan Boy is getting killed in this feud. The only thing keeping his spirit from breaking are the constant disqualifications. Otherwise he'd run off home and never show his face again. Folks keep mentioning how short these matches are, but it's clear that they're clipped. After the Satanico interview there are highlights of a dive train we never saw prior to Satanico bottling Tarzan Boy. They cut large chunks out of the Villano vs. Atlantis trios the week before and it's the same here. Tarzan Boy gets stretchered out and we have ourselves a hell of an apuesta build right here. I'm not sure the hair match can live up to the build as Satanico keeps murdering Tarzan Boy and our pretty young friend doesn't have a lot to come back with, but this is a really memorable lead-in.

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Holy shit. This was like a wild gang brawl in an arena setting. I loved Tarzan Boy just coming right out for the kill immediately before the rudos start to divide and conquer. Olimpico gets spiked right on his head and they do an amazing number on Tarzan Boy in the ring. It should be noted that the booking and performances of everyone have helped in this feud to present Tarzan Boy like a real badass who is always willing to throw down but just always outnumbered. Great stuff.


Ultimo Guerrero is just wailing on Rivera at one point with dangerous looking shots outside the ring. I thought what we got here with the stretcher job and chaos of an ending was perfect. This was completely awesome. Satanico has come off like a real killer all through this month of footage.

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The skit had a very Monterrey feel where the rudos just beat up the tecnicos in the lobby. Then the match happened and it was much the same. I feel so bad for Tarzan boy in this feud. That beer bottle shot was nasty and then his leg gets caught in the coliseo chair. The most painful looking spot was Olimpico being thrown in the chairs head first. Based on what I've seen in January 2000, Satanico is my wrestler of the month. No doubt. Great beatdown.

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This is less of a match and more of an angle. That being said, this is pure awesomeness. The rudos just beat the shit out of the technicos and are DQ'ed almost from the very start. Olimpico getting spiked into the chairs is a must-see sickening bump. This is something that I could watch multiple times and is one of my favorite things from this month so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Infernales continue their streak of destruction, and Tarzan Boy and friends take another beating. That press throwing Olimpico into the seats was amazing. The Infernales were so vicious in choking and tying up Tarzan Boy. The middle of this seemed to be unfortunately clipped out. Satanico finishes Tarzan Boy off by shattering a bottle over his head. This feud has been must-see material.

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  • 7 months later...

This was awesome while it lasted. Tarzan Boy comes in full of fire, but soon succumbs to the best rudo beatdown of 2000 so far. Really great aggression and intensity. The rudo beatdown in the first fall of a CMLL match is so standard that I judge them by how much they're intense, violent, exciting, out of control, etc. The commerical doesn't allow us to see how the tecnicos made a comeback in the segunda, but Satanico blasts Tarzan Boy with a bottle and this feud is really off and running.

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  • 1 month later...

How about that for a rudo mugging? That first caida wasn't long, but good grief did the Infernales do a number of the tecnicos or what? The way they lawn darted Olimpico into the fixed seats was unbelievable, especially on the slow-mo replay. Satanico has been outrageous throughout the month and I can't think of a wrestler more suited to gang warfare. He's in his element and Ultimo/Bucanero seem to up their game even higher every time out. Bucanero was absolutely drilling Tony Rivera with body shots at one point and all Rivera could do was meekly curl up on the floor. It's a bummer that we lost the dive train and the tecnico comeback (I'd also like to see how Tarzan Boy extricated himself from whatever the Infernales had tied him to), but Satanico bottling TB was incredible. I never expected him to do him like that. Awesome scrap. I'm glad I held off on watching the Satanico/TB apuestas for so long because the build has been sensational.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-28-CMLL] Olimpico & Tony Rivera & Tarzan Boy vs El Satanico & Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero

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