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[2000-01-08-TWA-Total Impact TV] American Dragon & Spanky vs Rudy Boy Gonzales & Bonecrusher


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Probably the best of the TWA matches we have watched so far. Danielson looks green, mainly because he hasn't gained confidence yet, but even green Danielson is hardly a bad wrestler. It's just clear he's inexperienced. He and Spanky do a pair of great planchas in the highlight of this match while being carried to a solid traditional tag by unflashy but rock solid old school heels Rudy Boy Gonzales and Bonecrusher. ***1/4

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Shawn on commentary is hilarious here pulling his best David Crockett by just yelling Whoa over and over. I did think this was the best Dragon has looked as his dropkick was more crisp and he gets thrown around for the size of Crusher and Rudy Boy. I liked the tag structure of this with Spanky as the FIP since he has the most sympathy and charisma and it allows Dragon to come in with more stiffness on the hot tag. It is tough to forget that Dragon is 18 years old here and not one of the GOATs so him having a *** is pretty damn good. The back to back planchas were excellent and had the crowd popping. Finish is effective in making young babyfaces look strong while putting the heels over. ***

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know who Rudy Boy Gonzales is but he held this together really well. Spanky is just crazy with some of the moves he was doing and that sell from Bonecrusher's spear was incredible. I thought Dragon looked better here than in the singles match. That moonsault looked good and I got a laugh at how he kept trying to chop Bonecrusher by unzipping his outfit. Bonecrusher was no selling something fierce early on but got better. Fun match.

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Kind of a charming fun match but I thought it was a lot sloppier than has been mentioned. Spanky and Rudy Boy have some really ugly exchanges at different points and Bonecrusher was kind of awkward at least early in the match. I got the sense here that Dragon and Spanky were really trying ambitious things as much as possible and just couldn't integrate them perfectly all the time. It's that same ambition that makes the match fun though. The referee gets in the way of Dragon's dive so he just moves on and hits a crazy moonsault to the floor. Spanky looks to nearly kill himself on his own dive. Rudy Boy was better than Bonecrusher and I liked this less than some it would appear.

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Spanky & American Dragon look better here than in their previous match. This is a pretty good tag that I think is held together by Rudy Boy who was one of the trainers for TWA. I really enjoyed the reversal of Spanky's springboard into an electric chair. Spanky took some nasty looking bumps in this one and I think he still looks more impressive than American Dragon here.


Big botch from the referee here that detracts from the match. A few awkward exchanges here too, but overall this was a good match.



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Kind of a charming fun match but I thought it was a lot sloppier than has been mentioned. Spanky and Rudy Boy have some really ugly exchanges at different points and Bonecrusher was kind of awkward at least early in the match. I got the sense here that Dragon and Spanky were really trying ambitious things as much as possible and just couldn't integrate them perfectly all the time. It's that same ambition that makes the match fun though. The referee gets in the way of Dragon's dive so he just moves on and hits a crazy moonsault to the floor. Spanky looks to nearly kill himself on his own dive. Rudy Boy was better than Bonecrusher and I liked this less than some it would appear.


I'm with you - this felt very indy, and didn't have the spark of Dragon and Spanky working against each other. It was fine, competent, but nothing particularly special.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They might use the Midnight Express theme, but Rudy Boy and Bonecrusher sure aren't the Midnight Express. This was a slightly below average tag match. Rudy Boy's three students all had problems. Spanky almost fell jumping on the ropes. Bonecrusher didn't make any attempt at facial expression when selling. Danielson's spin kick looked bad, and he seemed overly obsessed with chopping Bonecrusher rather than selling Rudy Boy's attack. With the referee getting in his way on the dive, Danielson just didn't have a good night. They were rookies, so it's no big deal.

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I'm in the "this was really sloppy" camp. Pretty much every strike thrown in this match looked back and although Dragon's moonsault on the outside looked good it was lame because he just completely ignored that Rudy Boy was actively engaged in trying to stop him from climbing to the top rope and then had to make himself look like a geek by stepping back and getting into position to catch Dragon. The spear by Bonecrusher at the end was pretty awesome though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Spanky and Rudy Boy start the match off and exchange some hammerlock reversals. Spanky with a rough arm drag off the ropes, he then completely misses a headscissors before dropkicking Rudy through the ropes to the floor. High dropkick by Dragon, Rudy with an eye poke and he tags out to Bonecrusher. Dragon escapes a press slam and lays in some chops (which don’t have the same effect as usual due to the prison garb that BC is wearing), drop toe hold, modified camel clutch and Spanky is in to dropkick Bonecrusher in the face. Blind tag to Rudy, Spanky slams BC, climbs to the middle rope and Rudy with an Electric chair as Crusher rolls out of there. Texas tarantula by Rudy, he then drapes Spanky over the top rope and BC comes off the middle with a double axe handle to the back. Press slam and a leg drop for a two. Superbomb attempt that Spanky reverses into a ‘Spankensteiner’ on Crusher. Hot tag to Dragon and he unloads with forearms on his opponents. Rudy whips Dragon into the corner but he leaps to the top rope, backflips over him and dropkicks him to the outside. Bit of a miscommunication as the referee gets in the way of a dive, so Dragon steps out and comes off the top with a moonsault to the floor instead! Bonecrusher is round to attack him and Spanky with a flip dive onto them all. Dragon with a tornado DDT to Gonzales and he tags in Spanky. Rudy accidentally superkicks the official in the back when Spanky moves and a huracanrana but no ref. Bonecrusher with an awesome looking spear to Spanky and Dragon them throws him to the floor. As the two fight on the outside Rudy crawls over and covers Spanky, the referee comes to and counts the three.


A bit different seeing Spanky and Dragon as a team and I liked them as Spanky is a pretty good FIP. I thought Dragon looked the better of the two here and Spanky seemed a lot greener than in the singles match they had together (botched headscissors, rough arm drag and there was a tentative backdrop too). Bonecrusher didn’t show much but I enjoyed Rudy’s work. The ref bump that led to the finish looked terrible.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought this was a fun little tag, but there were a few pretty rough spots as mentioned. I thought Dragon looked really good for his level of experience and Spanky was pretty good too, thoughseemed to be the sloppier of the pair. Rudy Boy and Bonecrusher were just there, not offensive in any way just a solid heel team as mentioned.


Looking forward to seeing how both Dragon and Spanky progress throughout the year. **1/2

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  • 4 months later...

Right I'm finally jumping in on this at last. Goes without saying but that doesn't mean that saying it doesn't get appreciated. Huge thanks to Loss for all the time and effort he's put into this just for the enjoyment of others.


This was fun more for the novelty of early Danielson and Kendrick than it was for being good. Spanky looked pretty sloppy. There were times when he was going for cool shit and it worked and times when it didn't. Guy looked lucky not to break his neck in a handful of spots. Dragon looked a lot smoother but the match was structured to give him a few isolated spots rather than anything more complex to see where his work level was at this point. But he looked good playing the high flying babyface hitting his highspots. The ref fucking up his dive was hilarious. HOLY FUCK at that spear by Bone Crusher. Spanky being so skinny and scrawny is hit and miss for certain spots but it was a huge hit for selling that awesome looking spear. Rudy Boy worked well as a base for Spanky and Dragon bringing the excitement.

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  • 1 month later...

A simple but effective little tag match with some perfectly fine heeling and some perfectly fine babyfacing. You can definitely see the potential in Spanky and Dragon and Danielson adapts really quickly to the ref fucking up his dive by moving onto a moonsault which I thought showed some good instinct for a rookie. I agree that Spanky's bumping is pretty fantastic; I think he landed just about vertically from his dive and folding up on the spear looked fantastic. It really looked like the move had just completely wiped all energy and will out of him. For 3 rookies and a trainer, I thought this was a neat little match that would serve it's purpose on the undercard.

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  • 1 month later...

This was a pretty standard heel vs. babyface tag match. That ref. botch was pretty bad, but that didn't stop Dragon from hitting the massive moonsault from the top rope followed by the massive dive over the top from Spanky. He's lucky he didn't pull a Taker and land on his head, because it looked like he was going to. That spear from Bonecrusher was beautiful. He rightfully manhandled flimsy Spanky with it.


Nothing really going out of your way worth seeing.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-01-08-TWA-Total Impact TV] American Dragon & Spanky vs Rudy Boy Gonzales & Bonecrusher

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