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Is Impact* the best wrestling promotion in history? *(Now TNA again, 2024)

Ricky Jackson

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Caught up on the first couple of Impact shows from the new AXS era, and a very nice start, particularly the first episode, culminating in a much deserved title win for Sami Callihan. Until he came to Impact I wasn't particularly a fan, but as a few others have said he's been a real MVP over the last year and a half, being in the most over programs in the company. I thought the cage (Cage) match was a really strong TV bout, with great intensity and fire from both guys and a great utilisation of the cage stip. Cage matches have been fairly blase in the last few years, but this felt like an old school 80s cage match in terms of the hatred between the two guys and the blood but with a new age action. Sami vs Tessa a very good way to go, although wonder where they go with Cage from here who never really got into his stride with the belt with all the injuries. 

Elsewhere, sleazy Ace Austin continues to progress in terms of both the in ring and character stuff outside it, and Eddie Edwards is super underrated, knocking out minimum 3* matches every time. As El-P says, douchebag veteran heel RVD cutting shoot promos from a hot tub with his porn star looking girl friend is the character I never knew I needed. 

Impact as a TV show can have some bits that don't click, but I think that's mainly due to them having to work with some guys not at the top tier level in terms of talent thanks to the arms race between WWE/AEW etc, but overall a really solid watch each week where they do a great job of building up anticipation for matches on the bigger shows. 

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Now that's a cosplay show I want to watch !

With IMPACT going full fledge with the dick spot, using ref Cameron Adamson who has no legs and Tessa working with men, they really are carving up a different spot for themselves. Mack vs Moose & Fallah vs Elgin were really good I thought last week. I like how they are mixing up really solid matches with the silliest aspect of pro-wrestling (that Ace Austin angle was pure cheese, with Aleshia classic bad acting).

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I attended Impact's show in Scranton Sunday night. Reasonable price ($20 for front row), close to my house, easy call. They were actually working with a local promotion called Pennsylvania Premier Wrestling. They set up at the Steamtown Mall. Really a minor league feel, PPW was running the show and venue and Impact provided the talent and ring. It was enjoyable. I'm trying to go to smaller shows and as long as it starts on time and everything is professional they're really quite enjoyable. I'm finding it more fun to sit close and root for talent you can correspond with. And I've really enjoyed Ethan Page as a live performer. 

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The AXS shows have been really strong I thought thus far. IMPACT is on a roll, they may be at their best since I've been catching up with them from Slammiversary 18. Honestly they are actually better at creating characters than AEW, who are indeed reliyng too much on the idea everyone is already familiar with their workers (it doesn't bother me, but it's the case). IMPACT delivers the little promos and silly vignettes that I want from my weekly US pro-wrestling. Also, the announcing is my favourite. Callis is awesome and he's got a great chemistry with Matthews. It's more relaxed and fun, and very efficient when it's time for actual big serious angles.

RVD having a total midlife crisis is brillant. The fact he now teases his big spots but doesn't deliver them is a great callback to Cactus anti-hardcore gimmick in ECW. Been having a lot of fun with Madison Raynes Locker Room Leader stuff. I hope Taya never leaves, she and John E Bravo have a great act and she's just awesome at this point.

Lot of good matches this week, and The North vs Marufuji & Edwards is actually my second favourite match of the week (behind Lawlor vs Thatcher on MLW). 

I just can't wait for the 1983 show… 

It'll never get emphazised enough, despite the discutable business pratices of the promotion and lack of hype, Callis & D'Amore have done an amazing job rehabing IMPACT in term of the actual product.

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This is the best episode of Impact in the AXS era to date and much is credited to the number one contender gauntlet. This thing was awesome, everyone got their shine in and propped Tessa as she should be but the star that came out of this was Rich Swann. Hope this leads to him being more in the championship title scene. 

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Yeah, the gauntlet match was fantastic. Total main event star performance from Rich Swann, and I actually look forward to the incoming program with Elgin, as this segment was pretty awesome and probably the best I've seen Elgin, as he was downright vicious. The final segment was very good too, and it's cool as hell to see a guy like Brian Cage give Tessa the nod, especially since she has referred to him as his big brother inside the ring, so it had to be special for the two of them. And of course, it leads to Sami putting her over. Loving what this company has been doing lately.

I can't wait to next week's show, from the teaser it looks like so much fun. 

The fact they are running an actual MILF angle with Trey's "mom" cracks me up. Glad IMPACT is keeping the sleaze aspect of pro-wrestling intact.

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I'm half-way through and it's the most absurd pro-wrestling show this year since the Penis Party during Mania Week-end. It's also actually the right way to pay tribute and have fun with the territory era. There's SO MANY little references beyond the obvious ones.

From Callis being Sexton Hardcastle to Sami Callihan being basically Cornette and Ethan Page doing a better Ric Flair than Nick Aldis, to the big-ass stain on the mat, the squeaking sound of the ring, to four Horsewomen (basically) with Jessica Havoc cutting a female version of Flair-banging-rats promo, to the rare appearance of Bill Ding (so he WAS a thing) teaming with Jim Nasium, Tim Burr and Ray Strack, nods to Dusty promos & Austin promos, Fallah Bah & D-Lo paying hommage to Tazmaniac/TNT/HeadHunters while referencing the Demolition theme song, Cody Deaner being a perfect Fabulous One Steve Keirn (and he could be a Freebird too), Johnny Swinger being himself (of course) and an innovator of moves and maybe my favourite : Madison Rayne as Jazzy Fitbody in a classic angle (although that wicked second rope splash was way too dangerous for my likings, this diving shit is gonna kill the business, there's no need for this movez insanity, and then what do you do next ? Top rope splash ? Seriously...). And that's half-way through.

Seriously, IMPACT is killing it.

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23 hours ago, El-P said:

I'm half-way through and it's the most absurd pro-wrestling show this year since the Penis Party during Mania Week-end. It's also actually the right way to pay tribute and have fun with the territory era. There's SO MANY little references beyond the obvious ones.

From Callis being Sexton Hardcastle to Sami Callihan being basically Cornette and Ethan Page doing a better Ric Flair than Nick Aldis, to the big-ass stain on the mat, the squeaking sound of the ring, to four Horsewomen (basically) with Jessica Havoc cutting a female version of Flair-banging-rats promo, to the rare appearance of Bill Ding (so he WAS a thing) teaming with Jim Nasium, Tim Burr and Ray Strack, nods to Dusty promos & Austin promos, Fallah Bah & D-Lo paying hommage to Tazmaniac/TNT/HeadHunters while referencing the Demolition theme song, Cody Deaner being a perfect Fabulous One Steve Keirn (and he could be a Freebird too), Johnny Swinger being himself (of course) and an innovator of moves and maybe my favourite : Madison Rayne as Jazzy Fitbody in a classic angle (although that wicked second rope splash was way too dangerous for my likings, this diving shit is gonna kill the business, there's no need for this movez insanity, and then what do you do next ? Top rope splash ? Seriously...). And that's half-way through.

Seriously, IMPACT is killing it.

I've given up wrestling in 2019 after 30 years of fandom, but holy shit. You may have sold me on seeking out this show.

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5 minutes ago, SomethingSavage said:

I've given up wrestling in 2019 after 30 years of fandom, but holy shit. You may have sold me on seeking out this show.

Sorry to hear that. But hey, if you have to watch one last show, this is a love letter to old-school pro-wrestling and the camp of it. Yes, it's pastiche, but to do a good pastiche, you have to legit know and love what you are parodying, which is why this show is so awesome to me. There's as much fun stuff in the second half of the show, but I don't want to spoil anything anymore.

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One of my best friends is a diehard wrestling fan. Between him recommending things and the occasional podcasts I listen to, I'm still pretty aware of what's going on.

I just can't get into things without story arcs, characters, or progress of any sort. I always feel like I should be doing something better with my limited free time than watching guys pretend to fight - and stretch it out as long as possible, so they can humble brag about their cardio and their skillz on social media or whateverthefuck.

What's the date/title of the show you were referencing? I was actually a big fan of all Impact's big shows last year, and you've definitely sold me on at least giving this a look whenever I catch the time.

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6 hours ago, Migs said:

Yeah, I laughed out loud.

Callis was so great getting that one over. 

Also, Tessa invented the DDT. 

5 hours ago, Migs said:

The classic angle they swipe towards the end of the show is note perfect.

Yeah. Classic stuff. That's how you book a babyface.

(to me they all shined as performers in this, but I want to say how great Ethan Page was)

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A couple of weeks behind, so haven't got to the retro episode from this week that seems to be getting a lot of love...but to take it back two weeks ago, thought the Gauntlet match for the No. 1 contender spot was great. Lots of good interactions between the people involved, and thought Rich Swann came across like a total star - great selling and baby face fire, the only downside being that it was easy to get wrapped up in the storyline of him being the winner! I've always enjoyed Swann's work but he's taken it up a notch since signing with Impact. Both in their segment in this match and the singles matches they've had, him and Elgin have excellent chemistry. 

As I say, the only slight downside for me was that Swann's performance slightly overshadowed Tessa getting the big win, but I guess the fact that she got to pin as dominant a character as Cage helps to put her over. It's been a goof long term storyline they've been building with Sami and Tessa and I'm really excited for their title match.    

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  • Ricky Jackson changed the title to Is Impact* the best wrestling promotion in history? *(Now TNA again, 2024)

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