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WWE TV 11/09 - 11/15 Luis Arce is Bolivia's president-elected!


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  On 11/14/2020 at 5:55 AM, C.S. said:

If WWE mattered to anyone outside the bubble, they'd immediately release anyone associated with this nonsense.

But it wouldn't surprise me if Linda herself was on it. 


"Trump supporters, conservatives, and Saudi nationalists." Sounds like WWE's policy actually. Can't do much more current WWE than this.

Zelina making *more money* outside WWE also is quite interesting, considering the company's stance of saying you basically can't survive without them.

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  On 11/14/2020 at 3:45 AM, Coffey said:

Interesting as just four hours ago on Twitter he said she was "let go for supporting unionization" which I think most people immediately knew that tweet wasn't why she got fired.


The story is she's been (less publicly) speaking in favour of unionisation for several weeks now. That's what Dave's referring to, not saying she got fired for that tweet.

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SAG involvement could very well be a game-changer. Unlike most wrestlers, their pockets are deep enough to go through protracted litigation without being ruined financially, which takes away WWE's trump card of bleeding the other side dry by dragging things out. And Linda surely did her husband no favors by jumping on the Stop the Steal crazy train. Vince could be in for a long 2021.

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I listened to Bryan Alvarez and Lance Storm's show the other day and they mentioned how shockingly low the pay is for most women in WWE, and with no house shows and little merch sales (most of that came from houseshows/TV tapings) it's not going to take much for them to make way more outside of WWE. 

Lance laid it out how most non-main eventers in WWE didn't care what their downside was since the live event and merch money usually dwarfed that, but now that folks have to live off that downside that isn't looking nearly as attractive. The top guys with the large guarantees are loving it since they work even less now and make the same money, but pretty much everyone else is taking a pretty big hit, moreso the women.

If this  takes off it certainly would put Steph in an awkward spot. How can the Creator of Women's Wrestling and All Other Feminism  spin it if the women start to bail on the company because they can make a better living playing video games and doing cosplay.

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  On 11/14/2020 at 11:47 PM, C.S. said:

I bet Vince really regrets encouraging and bankrolling Linda's empty political ambitions. 


I'm sure it sounded good at the time, it wasn't a completely crazy idea that she could win in a state like CT, but the state proved they didn't want to elect the rasslin' lady and they kept screwing that chicken.

I suppose he might consider it was worth it since she ended up getting a cabinet position. 

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  On 11/14/2020 at 10:36 PM, sek69 said:

I listened to Bryan Alvarez and Lance Storm's show the other day and they mentioned how shockingly low the pay is for most women in WWE, and with no house shows and little merch sales (most of that came from houseshows/TV tapings) it's not going to take much for them to make way more outside of WWE. 

Lance laid it out how most non-main eventers in WWE didn't care what their downside was since the live event and merch money usually dwarfed that, but now that folks have to live off that downside that isn't looking nearly as attractive. The top guys with the large guarantees are loving it since they work even less now and make the same money, but pretty much everyone else is taking a pretty big hit, moreso the women.

If this  takes off it certainly would put Steph in an awkward spot. How can the Creator of Women's Wrestling and All Other Feminism  spin it if the women start to bail on the company because they can make a better living playing video games and doing cosplay.


The economics are different now from when Lance was in WWE. According to the latest Observer, sales on WWE Shop have skyrocketed to the point where total merch sales are virtually identical to what they were pre-COVID. And house shows have been an overall money loser for a while now, so I'd be willing to bet that for most wrestlers, the lack of money from live gates is balanced out by fewer road expenses. But if they are taking a financial hit from no house shows, that would explain why someone like Vega is willing to walk since the Observer is also reporting that WWE is telling talent the old way of touring won't be coming back even post-COVID.

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Legit shocked at the Vega news.  She was great.  Great look, beautiful, good talker, athletic....only thing she lacks is size but who cares.  Her, Andrade and Garza had main event act potential IMO and they were totally wasted after Heyman was out of creative.  Same with Black.  If he's still dating her that's a perfect example of a guy who should be a license to print money who WWE is totally squandering.  Knowing WWE they'll refuse to release him if he asks for it and he'll end up getting a push out of it

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  On 11/15/2020 at 2:01 PM, NintendoLogic said:

The economics are different now from when Lance was in WWE. According to the latest Observer, sales on WWE Shop have skyrocketed to the point where total merch sales are virtually identical to what they were pre-COVID. And house shows have been an overall money loser for a while now, so I'd be willing to bet that for most wrestlers, the lack of money from live gates is balanced out by fewer road expenses. But if they are taking a financial hit from no house shows, that would explain why someone like Vega is willing to walk since the Observer is also reporting that WWE is telling talent the old way of touring won't be coming back even post-COVID.


One point on the march thing - the only report we have is that *total sales* are the same. But that doesn't mean the mix of sales is the same. Generally, the merch at the shows was for people on the shows. You go to a show, see, say, Alexa Bliss, and decide to buy her t-shirt. But the shop obviously carries a far wider range. Maybe now that sale is a vintage Macho Man t-shirt, or one more Fiend collectible. 

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This interview exposes what a disorganized hopeless mess WWE and even NXT are.

Alexa's NXT heel turn was last-minute, which - okay, whatever - but then she's asked the next day where her red highlights and hair extensions are, which no one told her to get, and then she had to get them at her own expense after recently paying a lot for blue highlights/extensions.

In any other entertainment company that isn't wrestling, all of that shit would be paid for and handled by professionals on site. 

Wrestlers really are treated like shit.  



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  On 11/15/2020 at 2:23 PM, cm funk said:

If he's still dating her that's a perfect example of a guy who should be a license to print money who WWE is totally squandering.  Knowing WWE they'll refuse to release him if he asks for it and he'll end up getting a push out of it


They're married now, which is why everyone is making the joke that he'll get put through a table 8 weeks in a row like Lana.

Also I love how when someone is truly deeply programmed like Alexa is (remember her "cancel culture" comments last week) ends up giving the most damning evidence how disorganized the whole company is.

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Man, remember how over Black was when they first called him up?  Him and Ricochet tagging together looked on the verge of being breakout stars.  And look where they are just a few years later.  It's really amazing how they manage to continually fuck up sure things.  With Black's look and in-ring style he should have been massive with kids, teens and adults and would have been selling tons of merch.  They killed his aura dead and I think him and Ricochet both need to go elsewhere to get back their mojo


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  On 11/16/2020 at 2:52 AM, cm funk said:

 I think Black and Ricochet both need to go elsewhere to get back their mojo



Black asked to be moved back to NXT recently but was denied. I guess that would be the closest to hitting 'refresh' button for him but that one isn't happening.

It's a pity AEW came about when it did. If this was 2010 going into 2011 I'd imagine the wrestling world would be a lot better than it is now. It's criminal how kneecapped WWE has left their talent in the last 10 years. Ricochet, Samoa Joe, Black, Cesaro, Banks, Bayley, Moxley, Keith Lee, Andrade/Sombra have all wasted years of their career with very little, relative to their upside, to show for it. I'm not going to ever think we'd be in a new boom period but Jesus Christ has WWE's last decade been an absolute blackhole.

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A lot of fans have largely gotten the Zelina news out of their systems over the course of the weekend. The modern news cycle is pretty rough and short. And it isn't like fans can protest in mass at Raw currently.

And as always with WWE the machine will just keep on rolling. WWE had three women in limbo waiting to be used on main roster TV - Chelsea Green, Vanessa Bourne and Santana Garrett and to replace a Zelina Vega. And modern WWE wrestlers are made to be interchangeable on screen on top of that.

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