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Best at specific aspects of wrestling


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Long time lurker here.  Just wanna know everyone's personal thoughts on who's the best wrestler in specific aspects of wrestling as opposed to general greatness.





Control Segments


Being a face

Being a heel

Face in Peril

Hot tags

On the mic

Adding intensity to feuds



Ring IQ

Highest floor

Highest ceiling

TV matches

Big matches

Best looking/most impactful offense



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I'll get the ball rolling. I know it's a somewhat reductive answer, but a good argument could be made that the correct choice for a lot of these categories is in fact Terry Funk. At least in terms of selling, comebacks, charisma, babyface, heel, FIP, hot tags, adding intensity to feuds(!!), brawling, ring IQ, highest floor/ceiling, and big matches (maybe not in terms of quantity on tape but at least quality).

I'll take a stab at some others or give an idea of what the board consensus may be:

Face: Martel, Santana, Steve Grey or Rey

Heel: Jim Breaks, Hansen, Flair

FIP: .....Ricky Morton

Charisma: Rock, Austin, Hogan, ...the list goes on

Brawling: Hansen, Sangre Chicana, Foley

Athleticism: Young Rey, Brock, Steve Williams(?), I feel like there's a ton of Japanese guys who participated in the Olympics, which reminds me - Kurt Angle, Kiyoshi Tamura(?)

TV Matches: Rey (again), Dundee

Big Matches: Kobashi, Misawa, Jumbo, Flair, Cena

Basing: Cesaro

On the mic: I want to shout out Bruno here. I think he's a pretty lousy commentator but he's an excellent promo

I don't know, feels like I'm missing a ton here to just reel them off the top of my head

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Ring IQ: Nishimura, Yoshinari Ogawa, Tenryu

Athleticism: Jumbo, Vader, Tiger Mask I

Control Segments: Hashimoto, Ogawa again (seriously that dude can work a arm or leg for 10+ minutes and still be fresh, somehow) Kensuke Sasaki

Selling: Ishii, Hansen again, Tenryu again, Satomura, Kikuchi

Highest Floor: Satoshi Kojima, Johnny Smith, Wilkins Jr, Jaguar Yokota (still outperforming talent even today)

Highest Peak: Takayama, Tamon Honda, Mariko Yoshida....this one goes for way too long



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2 hours ago, SAMS said:

FIP: .....Ricky Morton

This has been the one that has made me feel a little dumb lol.


2 hours ago, SAMS said:

I know it's a somewhat reductive answer, but a good argument could be made that the correct choice for a lot of these categories is in fact Terry Funk.

I have an incomplete spreadsheet based around ranking specific wrestlers' abilities in these skills (IMO), summing them, and then weighing the most important aspects (selling, floor, for example).  Funk is comfortably ahead, followed by Danielson in the NA one.

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5 hours ago, SAMS said:

I'll get the ball rolling. I know it's a somewhat reductive answer, but a good argument could be made that the correct choice for a lot of these categories is in fact Terry Funk.

This was my exact thought when I read this topic's title. Terry Funk is probably the undisputed GOAT when it comes to the emotional aspect of professional wrestling, as a face and as a heel.


Regarding athleticism, I honestly feel like Doug Furnas is one of the best, yet lesser known picks. He was strong as shit AND was able to throw those moon jumping dropkicks with ease. However, I feel like the top pick would be pre-broken neck Lesnar. A guy that size doing Shooting Star Presses with ease, and being able to carry big damn dudes like Big Show?


As for most impactful offense, should we take into consideration wrestlers just throwing potatoes or being reckless? 

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42 minutes ago, KawadaSmile said:

As for most impactful offense, should we take into consideration wrestlers just throwing potatoes or being reckless?

Lawler has better-looking offense than Cena thanks to his worked punches, for example. Variety and innovation also help. Making you pop with the moves in a vacuum.  Punk, for example, is poor here, he's more emotional and selling-based.  My 10s have been Shibata, Lesnar, Kurt and Hansen.

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Yeah, Hansen came to mind when I asked that. He wasn't really working with those punches most of the time, so that helps. In our current times, I rank Gunther pretty highly, and he has managed to turn even basic moves like a sleeper hold and a chop into finishing maneuvers. Everything looks like it hurt, but he's pretty damn safe.

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Yeah, Randy might be one of the guys with the best-looking offense. In fact, I think him being boring to some stems from that: he's so effortlessly good at those things like execution and timing, that he never really looks like he's putting in work or giving his all. It's all so natural to him.


Also, I believe we could get even more specific. 

Like, who's the best at chops? At dropkicks? Who has the gnarliest lariat ever? The sickest DDT? Likewise, who's great at selling those moves? Who sells a limb like no one else's business?

For instance, Rick Rude might be THE greatest Atomic Drop seller ever.

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I'm in as long as you add a European Uppercuts to that list (partial to Bret's).



Not best but a few faves:


Chops: Benoit (cause he always chopped like it was the last chop he'll ever do with his yells) and Walter


Dropkicks: Jumbo (no grace, 6 foot 6 dropkick)


Lariat: Cena has such a nasty lariat that it carried most of his offense score for him cause his punches suck


DDT: I like Kobashi's DDT.  It feels, for lack of a better word, sincere.


Kawada already has a reputation as the best leg seller of all time.



Other elements I'd add (and some of my thoughts)


Best rope runner: For as much flack as we give him, Taker always seemed to be running at full speed


Best planchas or suicidas: Santito or Manami Toyota


Best entrance: Stan Hansen


Most creative/best improviser: doesn't count for much but Shawn's blade job in the WM XX triple threat is so discreet because he does it before the slingshot and he hides as part of the struggle to reverse it.  In my rewatch I thought he bled the hard way.


Best arena: no clue

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First name that came to mind for Ring IQ was Playboy Buddy Rose. One of the smartest workers ever.

Highest floor...he's not a favorite here nor is he a favorite of mine, but this screams Triple H. A guy with that look could sustain a push in the Big Two while being mediocre.

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Okada's dropkick is so smooth it became a big spot in his matches. He's a pretty tall guy too which makes it even more impressive.

I've mentioned it before, but Miz is the greatest Sports Entertainer I've ever seen. He does all the things WWE wants their folks to do better than anyone else. 


46 minutes ago, ChrisDrakkar said:

Best arena: no clue

Arena Mexico, and no other place comes close imo. History,  legendary matches, great atmosphere. It's called the cathedral of lucha for a reason. Plus it's been doing it every week since 1933.  MSG could have been a strong contender but other than that NJPW/ROH show there hasn't been any show of note there in like 20 years.

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limiting myself to just one per 

Selling -  Sangre Chicana

Comebacks - Bruno

Basing - Pass

Control Segments - Pass

Charisma - 1977 Superstar Graham

Being a face - Bruno

Being a heel - Dump Matsumoto

Face in Peril - Ricky Morton

Hot tags - Terry Funk

On the mic - Dusty

Adding intensity to feuds - Dump Matsumoto

Brawling - Terry Funk

Athleticism - Kiyoshi Tamura 

Ring IQ - Jerry Lawler

Highest floor - Jerry Lawler

Highest ceiling - Dump Matsumoto

TV matches - I guess Rey 

Big matches - Dump Matsumoto

Best looking/most impactful offense - Stan Hansen 

who's the best at chops? - I guess Flair. Chops suck. 

At dropkicks? - Jim Brunzell

Who has the gnarliest lariat ever? - Stan Hansen

The sickest DDT? - Jake Roberts

Likewise, who's great at selling those moves? - Dunno 

Who sells a limb like no one else's business? - Roddy Piper selling the ear is my favorite body part selling. 

Best Rope Runner - Ricky Morton

Best planchas or suicidas: El Hijo del Santo

Best entrance - Dump Matsumoto

Most Creative - Lawler maybe

Best Arena -Mid South Coliseum 

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7 hours ago, elliott said:

Being a heel - Dump Matsumoto

Adding intensity to feuds - Dump Matsumoto

Highest ceiling - Dump Matsumoto

Big matches - Dump Matsumoto

Best entrance - Dump Matsumoto

 @elliott's continued pimping of Dump has led to her body of work being what I'm most excited in exploring as I get into the mid-80s!

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8 hours ago, sek69 said:

Arena Mexico, and no other place comes close imo. History,  legendary matches, great atmosphere. It's called the cathedral of lucha for a reason. Plus it's been doing it every week since 1933.  MSG could have been a strong contender but other than that NJPW/ROH show there hasn't been any show of note there in like 20 years.

Absolutely. No complaints here.


Even though MSG is seen as THE place for NA, I think the Allstate Arena/Rosemont Horizon has already surpassed it.


Japan: the TD is the go-to answeer but nothing has matched the consistency of the Nippon Buddokan.



I wanna add more basic moves


Best chin lock

Arm lock

Abdominal stretch


Best collar and elbow 

Arm drag


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9 hours ago, PeteF3 said:

Highest floor...he's not a favorite here nor is he a favorite of mine, but this screams Triple H. A guy with that look could sustain a push in the Big Two while being mediocre.

I guess what I mean is: who's worst stuff is the best of the worst stuff?


I only have Rey and Terry at 10 in NA

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I will add Austin's name to adding intensity to feuds and for babyface comebacks, shitty punches and stomps aside. Also I feel he was a very underrated babyface seller, which is why he was able to get the audience to root for him despite being booked fairly dominantly. 

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Best DDT to me would have to be Arn Anderson. I know Jake's is considered the original and the best by most, but the way Arn could snap that thing off from out of no where and change the tide of a match was a thing of beauty.

For Armdrag, I mean, it has to be Ricky Steamboat, right?

and when it comes to punches, I'd like to throw out a name that might get overlooked for being newer..... 

Chris Hero.

I know he throws a ton of elbows, but when he does throw straight punches, they sound fucking brutal and I never see him slapping a thigh.

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