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9/18 Prime Time Wrestling w/ Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan


Prime Time opens up this week with Gorilla and Bobby and Heenan is just all smiles. Gorilla asks him what’s going on… Heenan says that Brother Love is on the program this week and he will have the Macho Man Randy Savage… Gorilla says that Heenan and Brother Love and Savage are all just pieces of garbage trying to intimidate Hulk Hogan… but it won’t work. Heenan points out that Hogan has said everything and given away his hand… Gorilla says he hasn’t even responded… to which Heenan says… well that’s the point! Gorilla scoffs at him as we hear a run down of the card tonight… Tito Santana in a premiere match against Jacques Rougeau… we’ll see Demolition and the Powers of Pain from the SummerSlam… plus… newcomers Bad News Brown… the Ultimate Warrior… and… the team of the Outlanders… right now though we’ve got action with Terry Taylor!


Terry Taylor defeated Mike George via the flying forearm. He is really working the crowd and playing up his cocky persona. He looks like he’s the cock of the walk. 


Bobby and Gorilla talk about Taylor and Heenan says he’s lost himself… maybe he needs some managerial guidance… Gorilla thinks he needs a stiff kick in the pants. Bobby and Gorilla turn their attention to some newcomers here in the WWF… Heenan points out how Bad News Brown is maybe the toughest guy he’s ever seen outside of Haku. He wonders just how quickly he can rise to the top here. Gorilla says he’s kept his eyes on quite a few talents but one that really jumps out to him is this Ultimate Warrior. This guy is an animal and someone that looks to be an irresistible force!


Bad News Brown defeated Lyle Jacobs


Bobby and Gorilla go back and forth on whether Bad News would join the Heenan Family… consensus is no… speaking of Families… the Steiner Brothers… these two brothers from Michigan have made a nem for themselves already here in the WWF… they are in the running for the US Tag Team Championship… let’s go to the ring and see them in action. 


The Steiner Brothers defeated Ken Wallace and Mark Richards. Interestingly enough… we see Mike Rotundo come out and join the Brothers during their match. Rick doesn’t seem to mind while Scott seems pissed about it. First Sullivan and now Rotundo… what is happening here?


We’re back and Gorilla and Bobby highlight the US tag Title tournament from here on out… we’ve got the Rockers, the Rougeau Brothers, the Twin Towers, the Steiners, the Bulldogs, this new team the Outlanders and of course… the team of Haku and Hercules… plus Hillbilly Jim and his buddy Tugboat Thomas! We’ll see some special matches in the coming weeks with these teams… right now… one of the Rougeaus is in singles action… let’s go to the ring.


Jacques Rougeua vs Tito Santana - A pretty good contest here with both mean throwing it all out for the fans. Some chicanery with Raymond Rougeau who comes out to try and stir the shit… wait a second now Dino Bravo… and Greg Valentine… the entire Hart Foundation is out here and Tito is fighting for his life. In true Tito fashion… he hits a school boy for the 3-count out of nowhere and Jacques can’t believe it! The others members of the foundation pounce in the ring and lay the boots to Tito until the British Bulldogs run down to slow things up a bit. This has all the makings of an all out war!


Bobby and Gorilla put over the issue with Rick Martel and the Honky Tonk Man… Gorilla says that Martel will be in action next week and maybe he we will hear from him about the issue with the Hart Foundation.  Gorilla points out how a guy like our next competitor could take down any foundation or family here in the WWF… he is the Ultimate Warrior!


The Ultimate Warrior destroyed Sam Dukes


Brother Love is live and he is putting over the return of the one and the only… Macho Man Randy Savage. He then goes on to say that Hulk Hogan will be his special guest next week and he can’t wait to hear what Hogan has to say. Brother Love will have everything ready for Hulk Hogan to relinquish the WWF Championship to the Macho Man and the reign of Madness will rule FOREVER! Savage continues to berate Hogan saying that he is nothing but a paper champion with no chance of beating the Man. Savage says he has the challenge laid out for the Main Event on Saturday October 21st… Hogan… sign the line and seal your fate once and for all FOREVER!


Bobby and Gorilla really pump up the Macho Man. He is going to be a force here in the WWF and he hasn’t even stepped into the ring yet. Gorilla puts it out there… does Heenan manage Savage to which Heenan says he advises him. Gorilla wonders just what the Hulkster is going to say next week on the Brother Love show… here comes a croney… he hands something to Gorilla… wait just a second folks… it seems like we have something sent to us… from WWF Champion Hogan…Bobby can’t believe it… what does he have to say?


Hulk Hogan: Well you know something… all my Hulkamaniacs out there have been wondering where the Hulkster is… well I am here to tell you that I am back in the good ol USA and I have got the WWF Championship right here and Macho Man Randy Savage… I am telling you right now… Hulkamania is coming! I am coming to the Brother Love show to shut him up for good and then Randy Savage… I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!!


The Outlanders Skinner Steve and Maniac Matt defeated Los Conquistadors


Gorilla and Bobby bring us back for our final segment. They continue to pump up the Hulk Hogan announcement. He will be on Brother Love next week… Gorilla is pumped and Bobby is starting to sweat…They put over the WWF Tag Team Championship and how Demolition has had such a grip on the titles for so long… they wonder just who could try and take them. Bobby says that Bundy and Studd want their shot… so do Haku and Hercules… Gorilla says they need to go the back of the line because Demolition has serious contenders in their view already… let’s take a look at them from SummerSlam!


Demolition vs Powers of Pain w/ Mr. Fuji for the WWF Tag Team Championship

The Tag Titles on the line and it is the battle of the paint. Demolition are just so damn over. The POP look the part and they get some extra heat with Fuji. Ax and Smash… what sets them apart from other teams is their ability to sell… and they do it in amazing fashion. Barbarian and Warlord come out of this looking like monsters and they come this close to winning. Just when it looks like things are going to finish… Demolition comes back with a fire.Fuji is getting worried outside the ring… Warlord grabs Smash and holds him… Fuji is up on the apron and swings the cane but Smash moves and Warlord gets ROCKED. Ax clotheslines Barbarian out of the ring and then he and Smash with a double clothesline on Warlord and get the 3-count!


All American Wrestling with Gene Okerlund & Paul E Dangerously

In action… ST Jones, The British Bulldogs, Haku, The Big Bossman, plus…


Brutus Beefcake vs Boris Zhukov - An exciting contest here with Brutus coming out to Strut and Cut by the man across the ring from him doesn’t appear to be too enthused about the scissors. This is a decent little 6-minute match but we see Nikolai Volkoff and Ivan Koloff come down… wait just a minute… it is a 3 on 1 out here… Beefcake doesn’t seem to mind as he continues to bring the fight. It doesn’t take too long though and the Russians come from out of the ring into the ring and they are hammering away at Beefcake… 



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Not sure if it's good idea for the Hulkster to go on the Brother Love show.

Bad News & the Warrior are both getting serious hype treatments.

A Fuji missque leads to Demolition retaining.

Sullivan, Rotundo, and Steiner? Makings of a weird club there.

Major heat for the Russians with a beat down on brother Bruty.

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I'm really interested in what you do with Taylor. So much potential.

Brown and Warrior are already making their marks. 

Oh snap, will we see the Varsity Club in the WWF??? 

I could see some Tito/Bulldogs-Hart Foundation matches tearing up the house shows. 

I have a feeling we're going to see some fireworks next week with Hogan and Savage. 

The Russians are uniting. 

Once again, the action figures really bring your shows to life. What a great touch. 


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That is as solid a tag team division as any in the place. While Portland has garnered the Junior division, WWF has to be in contention for top tag division. It is solid from top to bottom as anyone.

Good slow build on the Hulkster/Macho Man feud. Going to be big when it happens thought there are some waiting in the wings tat might make it tough for these two to duke it out.

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9/25 Superstars of Wrestling w/ Vince McMahon & Jesse the Body Ventura


Jesse and Vince join us from the Green Screen to put over a big night of action. Perhaps the most action packed hour of wrestling anywhere on television. They talk about seeing a big match from SummerSlam with the Rougeaus taking on Hillbilly Jim and Tugboat Thomas. We’ll also see Haku and Hercules challenge the Rockers in the US Tag Title Tournament… plus…Boris Zhukov taking on Brutus Beefcake… and Hulk Hogan will be here for the Brother Love Show! Let’s take it to the ring!


Koko B Ware defeated Sam Stevens via the Ghostbuster. Throughout the contest, Vince and Jesse put Koko over as one of the highest fliers in the WWF. They talk about him coming from every angle to secure a victory. They put over his friendship with other wrestlers and how he might just be a wildcard when it comes to the Survivor Series in November!


From SummerSlam
Hillbilly Jim & Tugboat Thomas vs The Rougeau Brothers w/ Jimmy Hart

For all the good wrestling we’ve seen thus far… then we see this. It is a comedy match and has a place. Hillbilly and Tugboat fill that Bushwhacker role that is void right now. The Rougeaus are fast and smooth and use their speed and technique to outdo their opponents. Hillbilly Jim ends up chasing Jimmy Hart around while Tugboat Thomas is teamed up on the Rougeaus and they hit a double gut buster and then the 3-count. The Rougeaus have some good heat as they finish up here.


Ravishing Rick Rude w/ Bobby Heenan defeated Danny Drake via the Rude Awakening. We even get to see Rude lay a smooch on some unsuspecting women in the crowd. He’s being built back up but he is definitely the gem in the Heenan Family and Bobby is pampering him up as such. We hear Vince and Jesse argue about who has the best body in wrestling… Jesse says it is Rude… Vince wonders if it is Rick Martel or even the Ultimate Warrior. 


Intercontinental Champion, Rick Martel defeated George Jacobs via the Boston Crab. We got an inset interview from Martel where he openly challenges Honky Tonk Man to come and get his IC title. Jesse and Vince put over this feud brewing and somehow we’ve got Rick Martel turning babyface in front of our very eyes thanks to Honky and the Hart Foundation. 


Brother Love Show
Brother Love is out here and it doesn’t take long… he asks the question… where oh where is the WWF Champion… then we hear the music hit and the fans explode! The Hulkster is here and he looks to be in tremendous shape. Brother Love then goes right on and tells him to give up the WWF Championship now before someone gets hurt. Hogan tries to speak but Love says that his silence is defining and only the words of the Macho Man will have meaning in this kingdom… then Hogan grabs the microphone.


Hulk Hogan: Let me tell you something, Brother Love… I am sick and tired of hearing all the chatter about the Macho Man dude. There is no ruler of the WWF brother… just the big guy upstairs… but this is the crown jewel Brother Love… the WWF Championship is worth more than anything Randy Savage could find. You know something Savage… I saw the contract brother… I saw the fine print… you want to face me at Saturday Night’s Main Event… in front of a million people on live tv… there’s nothing more I would like than to have all of my millions of Hulkamaniacs cheer me on… SO WHATCHA GONNA DO Macho Man WHEN HULKAMANIA DESTROYS YOU!!!!!!


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Pauly Tompkins via the BIG SPLASH! The crowd is behind this new guy for the WWF. He has a lot of fire and power which helps. Vince and Jesse are on different sides… Jesse says he is worthless but Vince says he is the future of the WWF. We’ll see. 


Brutus Beefcake vs Boris Zhukov - An exciting contest here with Brutus coming out to Strut and Cut by the man across the ring from him doesn’t appear to be too enthused about the scissors. This is a decent little 6-minute match but we see Nikolai Volkoff and Ivan Koloff come down… wait just a minute… it is a 3 on 1 out here… Beefcake doesn’t seem to mind as he continues to bring the fight. It doesn’t take too long though and the Russians come from out of the ring into the ring and they are hammering away at Beefcake… 


Rockers defeated Haku & Hercules w/ Heenan in a US Tag Title Tournament matchup. The Rockers really showed out here and flew around the ring and gave the crowd some big pops. Haku and Hercules don’t play around and break these guys down pretty well but then we see the Rockers fight back with a fierce fire. The highlight is seeing Shawn Michaels leap over the top rope and tackling Haku! This sets up Hercules for a big superkick from Marty… Hercules turns around and Michaels off the top rope with a crossbody and Jannetty then goes on top for the 3-count! The Rockers look strong here… could they be the first US Tag Champions? We’ll find out in a matter of weeks. 


All American Wrestling with Mean Gene and Paul E… featured Tito Santaa, The Steiner Brothers, Los Boricuas, John Studd, Terry Taylor, Great Muta, ST Jones, & Bad News Brown!

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9/27 WWF Live at Madison Square Garden shown on the MSG Network. Gorilla Monsoon and Paul E Dangerously are on commentary. 




ST Jones vs Honky Tonk Man w/ Jimmy Hart - A good contest to get the crowd going . ST Jones has got some decent momentum but Honky Tonk is destined for something here in 1988. He and Jimmy Hart work together and we see the Shake Rattle and Roll to start things off for the night but finish off ST Jones!




The Ultimate Warrior vs The Iron Sheik- The Warrior comes out to a great pop. He looks decent in the ring… even though the Sheik can barely keep up with him. Some big shoulder blocks and then a big splash around 3 minutes and Warrior gets the crowd back on their feet. 



The Rockers vs The Powers of Pain w/ Mr. Fuji- This is a great showcase for both teams. The Powers of Pain exert some serious power and the Rockers sell like none other. The best part is seeing the comeback of the Rockers who are throwing some big rights and lefts. The finish sees a double superkick on Barbarian… he goes out of the ring… then the Rockers set up Warlord and hit a double dropkick that sends him out of the ring to the floor and he takes down Barb. Fuji is trying to get them up but the referee hits 10 and the Rockers get the victory.



Koko Ware vs Haku w/ Bobby Heenan -Another MSG style match. These guys go about 11 of the 15-minutes. Koko looks strong but Haku seems to be on a different level right now. He is vicious and mean and seems to be impervious. We see Koko go for a high cross body off the top rope but Haku catches him… he then runs him into the turnbuckle… Koko slowly gets up and here comes Haku with a nasty Superkick right to Koko’s throat! A 3-count spells the end and Haku has some good things on the horizon. 



Andre The Giant & Jimmy Snuka vs The Russians- Cool the crowd down but give em what they want in Andre. He is able to get in the ring for a couple of shots but Snuka does most of the work. This is only about 9-minutes and the finish sees Andre bodyslam Ivan Koloff…  Andre then kicks Nikolai in the mush and he goes out of the ring to the floor. Andre goes to the corner and Snuka goes up on his shoulders and leaps for the SuperFly Splash! 1…2….3! These Dynamic Duo is something special… could they be in line for a title shot?



Tito Santana vs Rick Rude w/ Bobby Heenan- A very solid 20-minute contest. Tito looks to give Rude all he can handle but the Ravishing one has the Brain outside the ring to do his bidding and that makes all the difference. We see a slick trip from Heenan to set Santana up for a school boy and a handful of tights by Rude for the 3-count! 



WWF Intercontinental Championship - Rick Martel defends against Greg Valentine Another good singles contest here as Martel is seemingly going to defend the title against anyone in his path. He and Valentine embark on another good 17-minute contest as both men leave it all in the ring. Martel is really getting some love from the fans and Valentine does so well to get some heat. Just as Martel is looking to get the upperhand… wait a moment… Honky Tonk Man… Martel goes for the Boston Crab but here comes Honky with the guitar and SMASH! Right over Martel’s head and there’s the DQ. Honky and Valentine are really working him over but out runs Tito and by golly Honky and Valentine flee. Martel doesn’t take his help though… grabs the title and leaves…



Jake Roberts vs Hercules w/ Bobby Heenan -A different style match with these two as Roberts and Hercules give the fans some more brawling during their 12-minutes. Heenan is really letting Hercules have it out there and screaming at him to break Roberts down. The finish is slick though… Hercules goes for the Torture Rack but Roberts rolls over top of him and then locks in a DDT out of nowhere! 1…..2…..3!!! 




WWF Tag Team Championship - The Twin Towers w/ Slick vs Demolition -The big boys aren’t playing here. 16-minutes of straight up chaos with these four men. Slick tries to play a role outside the ring but it is Smash that nails him with a right hand that sends him crashing to the floor. Bossman and Gang give Demolition about as much as they can handle. We see Bossman with a clothesline on Smash and they both go over the top rope to the floor. Gang comes around and hammers Smash but here comes Ax! The referee is counting but this is completely out of hand… now Bossman with the night stick while Smash hits OMG with the chair! This is pure chaos! We’ve got a double DQ out there… these guys are brawling all the way to the back!



Brutus Beefcake & The Bulldogs vs Dino Bravo & The Rougeau Brothers w/ Jimmy Hart -Here is a fun six-man.. A lot of juice with all of these guys. Dynamite… well he’s seen better days. Davey Boy looks like he is ready for a big rise in the WWF. Dino on the other side of the ring also looks great. These guys go about 14-minutes… everyone gets involved… the finish sees Dynamite hit a snap suplex on Jacques but here comes Bravo with a big double ax-handle smash! Bravo picks him up and SIDEWALK SLAM! 1…2….3! 





WWF Championship - Hulk Hogan defends against Big John Studd w/ Bobby Heenan
When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside… the Hulkster shows up and blows the roof off of MSG! Hogan is in the white and he is jawing up Big John Studd who is looking fierce but has had better days. These guys have a simple 10-minute match. Hogan gets the go ahead by brawling… then Heenan and Studd turn the tide… Studd works the back and the neck of Hogan all leading to the big hulk up moment. Hogan throws Studd and hits a big boot… but Studd doesn’t go down… then Hogan comes with a BODYSLAM and then the leg drop! 1….2…..3!!! Hogan must pose brother… and he does it right here for the MSG Crowd!




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Between their tournament win & beating the PoP at MSG, The Rockers are on a roll.

The Hulkster bites back at Savage and proves his point by taking down Big John Studd.

Even MSG couldn't handle the Towers and Demolition in the same ring!

Martel doesn't seem particularly grateful for Tito lending him a hand.

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Awesome week for the WWF.

I never was able to understand why growing up in NY, I always loved Southern Wrestling more that the WWF but your explanation of the comedy match hit the nail on the head and I never realized it.  I just was never into that type of match and the WWF always seemed to go over the top with some of their ideas like the Hillbillies and Donk the Clown.  Maybe I am just forgetting some of the nonsense that Georgia put out there but I just remember there being more realistic feuds and angles.

Anyway... loved the whole week.  Very WWF!  You really showed your pecking order in the card at the Garden.  I forgot how quickly it went south for the Sheik but your 3 minute defeat to Warrior reminded me of that.  I forget the year, might have been 89 or 90 but WCW actually paid him for a whole year not to wrestle.  Also this match proved that the Warrior is moving up quickly.

Huge win for the Rockers!

Also, perfect WWF booking to have Hogan defeat Studd on a big card while we all wait for Hogan-Savage.

I really enjoyed this show as it was classic WWF.  

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Things are happening in the WWF! 

The big news is the upcoming SNME world title bout. Hogan vs. Savage will bring in the ratings! 

After this week, the Rockers have to be the favorites to win the US tag titles. 

I like the slow face turn booking of Martel. If there is one guy who can turn a heel, it's HTM.

Warrior and Brown are the hot newcomers and you can tell big plans are in store for both. 

The MSG card was a lot of fun. I hope you do more of these. Like Kev mentioned, you get a good feel of the pecking order here. Hogan looked strong as he awaits Savage. 

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WWF Live from the Philadelphia Spectrum


Hosted by Gorilla Monsoon & Brother Love




Opening contest - Terry Taylor defeated Koko Ware



Six-Man Tag Team Match - The British Bulldogs & Special Guest Partner Jim Duggan defeated Dino Bravo & The Rougeaus


Jake the Snake Roberts defeated Haku




The Ultimate Warrior defeated Brian Knobbs



Demolition vs Big John Studd & Hercules went to a double count out


Rick Rude defeated Jimmy Snuka


Randy Macho Man Savage defeated Tito Santana


Andre the Giant defeated Greg the Hammer Valentine



20-Man Battle Royal!





Came down to Jake Roberts, British Bulldog, Dino Bravo, John Studd, and Randy Savage





Savage played coy before coming up from behind and eliminating Jake Roberts for the victory!




But the night wasn't over... someone else had to join the match






Andre got the "Final" Elimination and sent the crowd home happy!




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Taylor gets the crowd heated.

Duggan and The Bulldogs put a crack in the Hart Foundation.

Roberts DDT is so devastating even Haku's head can't take it.

Warrior with another impressive showing.

Demolition and the Heenan Family get out of control.

Rude and Savage each strengthen their case of a title shot.

The Hammer couldn't break down the giant.

Savage must have been so pissed seeing Andre walking to the ring after he'd already "won".

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10/2 Prime Time Wrestling w/ Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan


Prime Time opens this week with Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan putting over the big Saturday Night’s Main Event from Baltimore coming up on October the 21st. The match has been signed… Hulk Hogan defending the WWF Championship against the Macho Man Randy Savage. We’ll hear from both men later on tonight. We’ll also see a big US Tag Title tournament match… plus a six-man with Tito and the Bulldogs taking on Dino Bravo and the Rougeaus. Let’s head to the ring right now for our opening contest…


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hank Johnson via the Big Splash! The Warrior has some big momentum right now and the crowd is getting behind him. 


Terry Taylor defeated George Perkins via the PILEDRIVER! Taylor is full on heel… the crowd is giving him the business something special. 


The Rockers defeated Red Tyler & Bob Milton via the Double Fist Drop! We hear from the Rockers during the match and they are talking about the US tag titles and say they will do whatever it takes to get the gold and walk away with the titles!


Hillbilly Jim & Tugboat Thomas vs Twin Towers  w/ Slick - This is a pretty ugly tag team affair but we do see the highlight of the Twin Towers being perhaps the most dominant team in the WWF right now. Hillbilly and Tugboat are a fun team… they have some comedy… but the Towers are all about business tonight… and that’s what we see when Bossman hits the Bossman Slam on Tugboat for the 3-count! The Towers are now moving on in the US tag Title tournament… who will they face next?


Koko Ware defeated Tommy Fireside via the Ghostbuster! Koko getting some momentum here. The crowd is solidly behind him. He shows off some great skills in the ring. 


The Nasty Boys w/ Paul Heyman defeated Ash Ashford and Steve Gibson! Heyman gives us an inset promo and let’s everyone know that the Nasty Boys are going to walk out there every single night and embarrass whomever is across from them in the ring… and take them straight to Nastiville!


Event Center:





Savage: Uh huh… yeah… Hulk Hogan accepts the challenge of the Macho Man… yeah… like he had a choice. Hogan! Saturday Night’s Main Event will be seen by Millions of People all over the world and they will see the Macho Man in PRIME TIME DIG IT! But Hogan… ahhh… Hulk Hogan… you say you read the fine print but did you really huh? Did you see that this isn’t a normal match Hulk Hogan… it is going to be inside the 15’ Foot High STEEL CAGE! There is nowhere for you to run Hogan! I AM COMING TO DESTROY HULKAMANIA! I AM GOING TO PILLAGE AND PLUNDER EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR!


Hogan: Well Randy Savage… you thought you could sneak one in on me brother but I had all the reason in the world to sign that contract dude. The Steel Cage is something that is supposed to keep others out but Randy Savage… this steel cage is to keep you in so that I can destroy your Kingdom in front the millions of Hulkamaniacs brother. Everyone is going to see that the crown on your head is nothing but paper and the largest arms in the world are going to tie you up like a pretzel and tear down your Kingdom WALL BY WALL and WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN THE HULKAMANIACS CROWN YOU!!!!


Tito and the Bulldogs in a six-man against the Rougeaus and Bravo w/ Jimmy Hart ends up being a big schmozz match with things breaking loose early on. The Bulldogs and Rougeaus are fighting in the aisle while Tito and Bravo go toe to toe inside the ring. We then see Valentine and Honky come out and they are laying the boots in as officials and agents come out and break things up. Hopefully we can see this one come to a head soon…


The Great Muta defeated Ken Fredricks via the Shining Wizard! Muta is a mysterious man in the WWF and the crowd seem to be in awe of him.


From Madison Square Garden: WWF Intercontinental Championship - Rick Martel defends against Greg Valentine - Another good singles contest here as Martel is seemingly going to defend the title against anyone in his path. He and Valentine embark on another good 17-minute contest as both men leave it all in the ring. Martel is really getting some love from the fans and Valentine does so well to get some heat. Just as Martel is looking to get the upper hand… wait a moment… Honky Tonk Man… Martel goes for the Boston Crab but here comes Honky with the guitar and SMASH! Right over Martel’s head and there’s the DQ. Honky and Valentine are really working him over but out runs Tito and by golly Honky and Valentine flee. Martel doesn’t take his help though… grabs the title and leaves…


All American Wrestling featured two huge US tag title matches plus we saw Jake Roberts, Hercules, Rick Rude, and Bad News Brown in action! 







The Outlanders vs Rougeaus is a fun contest with the Rougeaus overselling the stink of the Outlanders. Steve and Matt do get in some offense. They do take control of the match. That snake in the grass Jimmy Hart makes his presence known and takes Maniac Matt out of order for the Rougeaus to come and hit a nasty double backdrop on Steve for the 3-count! The Rougeaus move forward in the US tag Title Tournament!



The Steiner Brothers vs The British Bulldogs… the definition of hidden gem… these guys go out there and tear the fucking house down. The best part is seeing Rick… he gives no quarter to the Bulldogs and they take non… Scotty comes in and needless to say there is plenty of testosterone in the ring. The four of them leave it out in the ring but it is Mike Rotundo who plays the role. He and Rick are jawing with one another but it leads to Scott getting down and now he and Rotundo are jawing outside of the ring. This sets up Rick… who gets a nasty German suplex from Davey Boy and then a diving headbutt from Dynamite Kid for the 3-count! Rotundo then clotheslines Scott and runs him into the ringpost! What is going on here?!? The Bulldogs are moving on in the US Tag Title Tournament.


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WWF Live from Providence Rhode Island


The Steiner Brothers destroyed Los Conquistadors


Bad News Brow defeated Bob Holly


Mike Rotudo defeated Ivan Koloff



The Great Muta defeated Matt Borne





The Rockers defeated The Russians



Big Bossman defeated ST Jones



Rick Martel defeated the Honky Tonk Man via DQ



The Powers of Pain defeated Hillbilly Jim & Tugboat Thomas


Hulk Hogan defeated One Man Gang in a WWF Title match











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WWF Live from Baltimore


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Brian Knobbs


Hacksaw Duggan defeated the Iron Sheik


Rick Rude defeated Jimmy Snuka


Demolition defeated Haku and Hercules... Heenan was busy arguing with Hercules



Terry Taylor beat Brutus Beefcake... but Beefer tries to cut his hair!


The Steiners and Mike Rotundo w/ Kevin Sullivan defeated the Russians



Randy Savage & John Studd defeated Andre and Jake via Count Out











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WWF Live from Albany New York

Bob Holly & Matt Borne defeated Los Conquistadors



The Rockers defeated The Powers of Pain





Muta defeated ST Jones


The Twin Towers defeated Hillbilly Jim & Tugboat Thomas


Rick Martel, Tito Santana, Koko Ware, & The British Bulldogs defeated The Hart Foundation in a 10-man tag!




Hulk Hogan defeated Bad News Brown











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Solid wins for the Steiners and Bad News.

Rotundo with the all-American win over Ivan.

Muta continues to shine.

Bad night for the Russians.

ST find out who's Boss.

Honky gets caught with El Kabong.

The Powers take down the big boys.

Hogan has an OMG moment in Rhode Island.


Warrior goes 2-0 against the Nasties.

Duggan vs Shiek, a classic.

Rude with a huge win over the Superfly.

Miscommunication costs the Heenan Family.

Taylor escapes with the win and his hair.

I imagine things were tense between Scott and Rotundo.

Savage and Studd get a cheap win but Andre & Roberts make them pay.


Rockers endure the Pain.

Muta can not be stopped.

The Towers win the Battle of the Biggun's.

An all-star team topples the Hart Foundation.

Takes more then a little Bad News to derail the Hulkster.

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I think it is awesome that we all have a different way of formatting our shows.  Your use of the figures is really cool and is a great way for us to get that real in ring feeling of what is going on.  Your 20 -Man Battle Royal was so well done as we see the number of wrestlers dwindling throughout the match!

How long does this take to do?  

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