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I'm a fan of the Zenk/Koko pairing...that sounds like a very fun team on paper. 

The random tag matches are a great concept...that should be fun as well. Rick Martel is probably someone who never got quite got the run he deserved, so I'm rooting for him as we head into 1989. Perhaps he can get something going here.

Good to see Duggan get the huge moment at the end of the show with Andre helping out. I'm sure that will stick with a lot of people as a cherished memory.


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Couldn't get to pics this week... working on Survivor Series which will be huge.


11/20 Superstars of Wrestling w/ Vince McMahon & Jesse the Body Ventura - Survivor Series Showdown!


We get a fun set up…  Jesse and Vince are down by the ring…  Gorilla is up on the podium… Gorilla opens this one up and talks about the big survivor series this week. We’ll have four big matches tonight with some stand by matches as well. We’re going to pick a member of each team randomly for their contest…  plus the tag team survivor match… we’ll pick two people… from each team… we could see some interesting pairings! Let’s see who our first match will be…


Team Captains Rick Martel & Tito Santana lead Brutus Beefcake, Koko Ware, & Tom Zenk taking on Team Captains The Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo who will lead Greg Valentine, The Great Muta, and Terry Taylor… It's the Strike Force vs the Hart Foundation!


Gorilla selects… Greg The Hammer Valentine from the Hart Foundation. Gorilla then selects… Brutus Beefcake from the Stroke Force!


Greg the Hammer Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart vs Brutus Beefcake

A good matchup with both men getting in some offense. Valentine and Jimmy really work the fans while Brutus is getting a lot of love. We end up with a Brutus School Boy on Valentine for the 3-count! Brutus walks out with the win and the sheers… can he do it again this week?


Team Captains Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Andre the Giant lead team members Ultimate Warrior, ST Jones, & Maniac Matt to go up against Team Captains the Twin Towers along with Bad News Brown, Kevin Sullivan & Mike Rotundo! It’s Gigantic Powers against the Twin Towers!


Gorilla selects… The Big Bossman from the Twin Towers. Gorilla then selects… The Ultimate Warrior from the Gigantic Powers!


The Big Bossman w/ Slick vs The Ultimate Warrior

A big what if match here… kinda want to see if this one ever happened… regardless… here… Bossman and Warrior trade some big time blows. Neither man seems to be giving an inch for the other. We see the Warrior with some huge shoulder blocks and one sends the Bossman out of the ring to the floor! Slick hands him the Night Stick… wait a moment… Slick has the referee distracted while Bossman goes in the ring… Warrior goes for a plunge but Bossman strikes him with the Night Stick and Warrior stumbles out of the ring to the floor! The crowd can’t believe it. The referee continues the count and gets to 10. Warrior’s face is shown and he may have been busted wide open. Bossman with a count out victory… but there’s more to this one down the line. 


Team Captains Demolition lead the British Bulldogs, the Rockers, The Steiner Brothers, & The Killer Bees against Team Captains The Powers of Pain who will be joined by the Rougeaus, The Nasty Boys, the Conquistadors, & The Russians!


Gorilla selects… from the Powers of Pain… the Barbarian! Gorilla selects…from the British Bulldogs… Dynamite Kid! Gorilla then selects… Nikolai Volkoff from the Russians! Gorilla then selects… Rick Steiner from the Steiner Brothers!


Barbarian & Nikolai Volkoff w/ Mr. Fuji vs Dynamite Kid & Rick Steiner

A mismatched jumble of a match. Barb and Nikolai aren’t really the most fluid in the ring and it looks like Dynamite would rather be anywhere else. Rick Steiner on the other hands looks awesome and ready for war. He comes and brings the power. We even see a top rope bulldog on Nikolai that looks ugly and possibly injuring him. The finish sees Dynamite Kid go up to the top rope but Fuji hits the ropes and he nuts himself…  Kevin Sullivan is out here… what the hell is he doing to Steiner? Barbarian picks up Dynamite from the top rope and hits a middle rope powerslam! 1….2….3! Barb and Nikolai escape with a win… Steiner has chased off Sullivan… 


Team Captains Hulk Hogan & Jake the Snake Roberts lead Hillbilly Jim, Tugboat Thomas, & Hercules against Team Captains WWF Champion Randy Savage and Ravishing Rick Rude. They lead members of the Heenan Family King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd, & Haku… it’s the Hulkamaniacs vs the Royal Family!


For our main event… Gorilla selects… King Kong Bundy from the Royal Family! Gorilla then selects… Jake the Snake Roberts from the Hulkamanaics! 


King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan vs Jake the Snake Roberts

Good main event… Bundy and Snake has some name power and tonight we see them leave it in the ring for a 12-minute contest. Bundy is looking dreadful near the end. Bundy sets up Jake for the AVALANCHE in the corner! He works the crowd and then he goes to do it AGAIN but Jake crumbles down and out of the ring. Bundy hits the buckle and falls backwards. Jake pulls out Damien and Heenan tries to get Bundy out of the ring. All hell breaks loose as Bundy and Heenan leave the ring and Jake holds up Damien for the crowd!


Event Center w/ Mean Gene… it is all about the Survivor Series and we see the lineups for all the teams… complete with a Vince McMahon voiceover…


Join us for the Survivor Series live on Pay Per View from Chicago, Illinois as teams of five strive to survive! 


Team Captains Demolition lead the British Bulldogs, the Rockers, The Steiner Brothers, & The Killer Bees against Team Captains The Powers of Pain who will be joined by the Rougeaus, The Nasty Boys, the Conquistadors, & The Russians!


Team Captains Rick Martel & Tito Santana lead Brutus Beefcake, Koko Ware, & Tom Zenk taking on Team Captains The Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo who will lead Greg Valentine, The Great Muta, and Terry Taylor… It's the Strike Force vs the Hart Foundation!


Team Captains Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Andre the Giant lead team members Ultimate Warrior, ST Jones, & Maniac Matt to go up against Team Captains the Twin Towers along with Bad News Brown, Kevin Sullivan & Mike Rotundo! It’s Gigantic Powers against the Twin Towers!


Team Captains Hulk Hogan & Jake the Snake Roberts lead Hillbilly Jim, Tugboat Thomas, & Hercules against Team Captains WWF Champion Randy Savage and Ravishing Rick Rude. They lead members of the Heenan Family King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd, & Haku… it’s the Hulkamaniacs vs the Royal Family!

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IMG_4396.thumb.jpeg.32304c56dfe9a0ae604d8804513d8106.jpegSurvivor Series November 24th


WELCOME TO THE SURVIVOR SERIES! Where teams of Five Strive to Survive… Tonight you will see… 


Team Captains Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Andre the Giant lead team members Ultimate Warrior, ST Jones, & Maniac Matt to go up against Team Captains the Twin Towers along with Bad News Brown, Kevin Sullivan & Mike Rotundo! It’s Gigantic Powers against the Twin Towers!


Team Captains Demolition lead the British Bulldogs, the Rockers, The Steiner Brothers, & The Killer Bees against Team Captains The Powers of Pain who will be joined by the Rougeaus, The Nasty Boys, the Conquistadors, & The Russians!


Team Captains Rick Martel & Tito Santana lead Brutus Beefcake, Koko Ware, & The Z-Man taking on Team Captains The Honky Tonk Man and Dino Bravo who will lead Greg Valentine, The Great Muta, and Terry Taylor… It's the Strike Force vs the Hart Foundation!


Team Captains Hulk Hogan & Jake the Snake Roberts lead Hillbilly Jim, Tugboat Thomas, & Hercules against Team Captains WWF Champion Randy Savage and Ravishing Rick Rude. They lead members of the Heenan Family King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd, & Haku… it’s the Hulkamaniacs vs the Royal Family!


Gorilla and Jesse welcome us to the Rosemont Horizon and we are live for the 1988 Survivor Series! The crowd is rocking as Gorilla and Jesse pump up the four big matches we’ll see tonight… plus… the big showdown with Hulk Hogan and Jake Roberts going up against Randy Savage and Rick Rude. It is going to be a happening. So much on the line and it is time to go to the ring! 


Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Andre the Giant, Ultimate Warrior, ST Jones, & Maniac Matt  versus Big Bossman, One Man Gang, Bad News Brown, Kevin Sullivan & Mike Rotundo w/ Slick


A very fun opener with the arrival of Andre the Giant setting the stage for what will be an amazing night of action. The Warrior garners some really nice cheers as well. Bad News doesn’t look like he wants to be there… the Varsity Club looks hyped and Bossman looks pissed. 


Maniac Matt was eliminated by the Big Bossman via a Bossman Slam!

ST Jones was eliminated via the One Man Gang via the 747!



Kevin Sullivan was eliminated by the Ultimate Warrior via the Warrior Splash!



Bad News Brown was counted out after being nailed with a huge Warrior shoulder block!


The One Man Gang was eliminated when Hacksaw nailed him with the 2x4 followed by a pin


Hacksaw Duggan and Big Bossman were both counted out following a brawl up the aisle


Mike Rotundo was eliminated by Andre the Giant via the chest crusher! 




Andre and Warrior were the survivors and looked like they had fun out there. The crowd gave them a lot of love and Andre pats Warrior on the back as they go up the aisle. 


Demolition, British Bulldogs, the Rockers, The Steiner Brothers, & The Killer Bees  versus The Powers of Pain, The Rougeaus, The Nasty Boys, the Conquistadors, & The Russians w/ Fuji, Jimmy Hart, & Paul Heyman


The Killer Bees were eliminated when Jacques pinned Brian Blair with a roll up.



The Russians were eliminated when Boris was nailed with a nasty German suplex from Scott Steiner




The British Bulldogs were eliminated when The Warlord destroyed Dynamite Kid with a shoulder breaker!




The Nasty Boys were eliminated via a double superkick from the Rockers




The Steiner Brothers were eliminated via the Powers of Pain and a misdirection involving Rick Steiner



The Conquistadors were eliminated by Ax via a powerslam!



The Rougeau Brothers were eliminated by Marty Jannetty with a high cross body off the top rope




The Powers of Pain were eliminated when the Rockers took out Barbarian and inside the ring, the Warlord fell to the Decapitation Device! 


Demolition and the Rockers are the Survivors… the crowd seems to be pleased… but what a tease to finish this one off… The Rockers hold the US tag Titles… Demo is holding the WWF Tag titles… and they are all looking at one another!





Rick Martel, Tito Santana Brutus Beefcake, Koko Ware, & The Z-Man versus The Honky Tonk Man, Dino Bravo, Greg Valentine, The Great Muta, and Terry Taylor w/ Jimmy Hart


Greg Valentine was eliminated via Tito Santana and the flying Forearm!




Terry Taylor and Brutus Beefcake were both counted out following a brawl that went into the crowd



Koko Ware was eliminated by the Great Muta via the Moonsault




The Z-man  was eliminated by the Great Muta via the Shining Wizard



Honky Tonk Man was eliminated by Rick Martel via a school boy



Rick Martel was eliminated by the Great Muta when he was hit with a nasty spinning heel kick



Tito Santana  was eliminated via the Great Muta and a spectacular moonsault across the ring! 






Dino Bravo and Muta are the winners… but damn… Muta has four eliminations including pinning the WWF Intercontinental Champion! A precedent has definitely been set here… Dino looked strong but Muta looked unstoppable! 



Hulk Hogan, Jake the Snake Roberts, Hillbilly Jim, Tugboat Thomas, & Hercules versus Randy Savage, Ravishing Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd, & Haku w/ Bobby Heenan


Tugboat Thomas was eliminated via Randy Savage following a Haku crescent kick and a flying Elbow Smash!




Hillbilly Jim was eliminated via the Rude Awakening from Rick Rude!



Big John Studd  was eliminated via the powerslam by Hercules!




Hercules was eliminated via King Kong Bundy and the Avalanche!





King Kong Bundy was eliminated following a bodyslam and leg drop from Hulk Hogan!





Rick Rude was eliminated via the DDT from Jake Roberts



Jake Roberts was eliminated via the hand full of tights roll up from the Macho Man




Randy Savage  was counted out after he and Hulk Hogan got into it. Hogan ended up with a nasty overhead press slam sending Savage out of the ring to the floor on Haku and Heenan. Savage was irate and took the WWF championship and went to the back for the count out!







Haku was eliminated by Hulk Hogan via the hulk up, big boot, and leg drop of doom!



Hogan must pose brother and he does so with the crowd going wild. We then see Randy Savage come back out and he is looking to attack Hogan with the title but officials run down and break it up. We’ve got a couple other guys out there now. Hogan is making the sign for the WWF title and begging Savage to come back in! Savage holds the title high as he is being escorted to the back. Hogan then has the ring cleared and he poses some more and the crowd is giving it up for the big fella. Thank you for joining us for the Survivor Series!









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Survivor Series is here! Let's get into it.

Warrior looks strong in the opener and gets to share the spotlight with Andre.Good job protecting the Towers too. OMG can honestly say Duggan cheated while Bossman can say nobody technically beat him.

Demolition & The Rockers prove that the cream does indeed always rise to the top. Do we have a title vs title match in our future?

Muta goes on a tear and really carries his team to victory.

Hogan must pose indeed! But seriously, the Hulkster is the sole survivor and looks primed and ready for his rematch with Savage.

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Survivor Series! Let's do this! 

Warrior is getting the massive push and shines here. Andre has the respect and gets a feel good moment. I'm sure this was a big thank you from the WWF for all he's done. Great way to start the show. 

Demolition and the Rockers put on an impressive display. Loved that ending with all the champs holding their belts high. We'll see if this was just a moment or if seeds were planted for something big. 

Ok, Muta is definitely the MVP of the show! His performance was epic! 

It is a big pay per view in the 80s, so yes, Hogan must pose. This was a great way to keep the Hogan/Savage heat going. Do another tease at the Rumble and we could see these guys headlining WrestleMania. I do have to mention Herc powerslamming Studd, that was impressive. 

The action figures brought a lot of life to this show. It looked like a lot of fun putting all this together. 

Outstanding job! 

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11/27 Prime Time Wrestling w/ Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan


Prime Time opens with Gorilla and Bobby at the set. They both put over the huge night we had at Survivor Series. Bobby points out how dominant his team was but Gorilla also points out how no member of the Heenan Family survived. Bobby says it isn’t about survival. Gorilla yells at him that it is the name of the event! Regardless… lots of action tonight… we’ll see Brother Love… that disgusting piece of trash… he is going to have a special guest… the tag team champions… Demolition! Plus we’ll see the Rockers, Twin Towers, Bad News Brown, Terry Taylor and so much more… let's head to the ring for our opening contest.


The Z-Man & Koko Ware defeated Lukas Williams & Ryane Sims via the top rope drop kick!


Gorilla and Bobbby put over the tag division and Heenan says he is on the cusp of the greatest signing in the history of the Heenan Family. Gorilla questions who it will be but Heenan won’t budge. Heenan says this is a signing that will change the scope of 1989 for the Heenan Family and get them right where they belong. We’ll see… let’s go to the ring!


Terry Taylor defeated Mike Roberts - Inset interview from Brutus Beefcake who says that the Survivor Series was simply another step in the long line of getting his hands on Terry Taylor. He says he will do exactly what he wants when he puts Taylor to sleep and not even the roosters will wake him up!


The Twin Towers defeated the Killer Bees 


Brother Love Show w/ Demolition - Brother Love brings out the tag champions. They put over the Survivor Series match, they put over the tag team division… but then Brother Love starts to push a couple of subjects. One being the Twin Towers as possible contenders for the titles. Demolition say they would love to see the Towers in the ring so they could break them both down one by one! Love then puts over The Rougeau Brothers… Demolition says they will crunch them up and ship em back to where they belong in no time flat… Then Brother Love points out the Rockers. Demolition hmm and hawww… but then put over the Rockers as a great team but they aren’t the best team. The best team is the ones who hold these belts. They are solid gold. Rockers… what you’ve got was earned through blood, sweat, and tears but if you want these… it is going to take a lot more than that!


The Rockers defeated Los Conquistadors


Gorilla and Bobby are back putting over the Survivor Series and this impending showdown with the Rockers and Demolition. Gorilla thinks the speed of the Rockers is unwavering… Bobby says the strength of Demolition will be too much… time will tell… right now we have Bad News Brown in action!


Bad News Brown defeated Bob Holly - Inset interview from the Ultimate Warrior who pumps up this issue with Bad News. Warrior says Bad News lives by no rules and has no boundaries therefore he can travel through space and time without consequence but I, the Ultimate Warrior, the officers of justice in the outer realm will do whatever needs to be done in order to achieve safety for all the little warriors!


The British Bulldog defeated Ken Simmons - Interesting one here… Jesse and Vince are on commentary and they put over the British Bulldog as trying his hand in singles competition. They talk about him wanting to branch out and become a great singles wrestler!


Gorilla and Bobby talk about Bulldog being on his own. Gorilla says he got word that Bobby has one less family member… Heenan takes a moment to tell Big John Studd that he has been fired from the Heenan Family and his services will no longer be needed. Gorilla is flabbergasted… let’s go to the ring


 King Kong Bundy w/ Heenan defeated Brady Roberts & George Wright - Bundy with the 2 on 1 victory but then we see John Studd come out and he grabs Heenan by the shirt. Wait a minute. Here comes Haku and Rude! They attack Studd! Bundy gets out of the ring and they toss Studd in. They are putting the boots to him and Bundy goes for an Avalanche! Wait a minute… Hercules runs down to the ring with the chain and he breaks up the action. The crowd is going wild here as Studd is hurt in the middle of the ring and Hercules has come to save him. Heenan is making it known who is with him and who is against him!


Gorilla is back and Heenan is nowhere to be found... Gorilla says we'll hear from John Studd next week... we got a big main event though to cap off the night... let's go to the ring!


Dino Bravo, Honky Tonk Man, & Greg Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart vs Hillbilly Jim, Tugboat Thomas, & Maniac Matt - A fun six man with the crowd eating everything up. We see Hillbilly really work the fans as Maniac Matt and Tugboat do more of the in ring work if you want to call it that. Dino is the one who shines here and really looks good. Honky gets the heat. Valentine gets the work in. In the end, we see Jimmy Hart toss in the megaphone to Honky who nails Tugboat on the back of the head and then Bravo picks him up for the big SIDEWALK SLAM! The Hart Foundation celebrate with Jimmy as Tugboat looks to be in a bad way... we see Hillbilly talking to a very goofy looking fellow in the crowd... oh man... the hillbillies have arrived!



No pictures again this week - sorry... so overwhelmed and busy.

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Ware and the Z-Man could make an option exciting tag team.

I sense a hair vs hair match in the making between Brutus and Taylor.

Demolition actually seemed a bit...shaken at the thought of facing the Rockers.

Heenan has another big signing for the Family and decides to make room by letting Studd go. The big man doesn't take it well and joins up with fellow disgruntled former employee Hercules.

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If you're looking for a high flying team, Zenk and Koko definitely fit the bill. 

Did Brutus throw out a rooster reference? Hahahahaha

Only a matter of time before the Rockers and Demolition collide. 

Warrior gives the Ultimate promo but can he withstand the ghetto blaster? 

Davey Boy going solo? Yea, I can see that. 

I like the feud being set up between the Heenan Family and Ex members. Very creative. 

Fun main event. Oh man is right, the Hillbillies are coming LOL. 

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12/4 Prime Time Wrestling w/ Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan

Prime Time opens with Gorilla and Bobby celebrating the holiday season. Gorilla goes right into Heenan and asks about the situation with John Studd to which Heenan says he is trimming the fat of the Heenan Family and he’s going to make sure that the 1989 Heenan Family is unbeatable. Gorilla wonders what Heenan’s going to do when Hercules and Studd come after the family?!?! Heenan plays dumb but we’ll see. We’ve got a fun night of action headlined by Demolition taking on the Russians… right now it is time or the one… the only…. Ultimate Warrior!


The Ultimate Warrior defeated Ryan Browne - Bad News Brown was interviewed and let the Warrior know that his little facepaint is going to be dripping like blood when all is said and done. He isn’t afraid of spooks and specters… he has got all he needs to put the Warrior and his little demons down for good!


Honky Tonk Man w/ Jimmy Hart defeated Bobby Matthews - Rick Martel was interviewed as he put over the issue with Honky Tonk Man. They will meet at Saturday Night’s Main Event at the end of the month and Rick Martel says he is going to be the one taking Honky to heartbreak hotel! 


The Steiner Brothers  defeated Los Conquistadors - Sullivan and Rotundo cut a promo about Rick and Scott saying that if they won’t join the Varsity Club and do what they want they will beat the idea into them. 


Event Center:  Gene puts over a couple of big weeks of WWF action as we head into 1989 and the Royal Rumble in January. 30-Men all for themselves and what a night it will be. Our next stop is going to be Saturday Night’s Main Event though and on that night we’ll see WWF Champion Randy Savage defend the title against the 8th Wonder of the World Andre the Giant!


Randy Savage - Fee - fi - fo - fum… I smell the end of the Giant one. I am the true Giant of the WWF Andre and this title right here says I am on top of the mountain and the one who rules the roost. I am going to put this elbow right into your chest and destroy every sense of your life. I am the Giant. I am the Ruler of the WWF. I am the WWF Champion. I am the MACHO MAN!


Andre the Giant: Randy Savage… I am going to say it simple… once I get my hands on you… I will never let go!


Mean Gene puts over the SNME coming up and we’ll see Rick Rude taking on none other than Jake the Snake Roberts….


Rick Rude: You may walk around with that python in the bag but understand this Jake Roberts… I am the one who is going to choke you out… I am the one who’s going to wrap the sexiest bicep in the world around your throat and when you wake up it will be nothing but a Rude Awakening!


Jake Roberts: You know its funny what the human mind can come up with. I mean here’s Rick Rude… the most Ravishing Man in wrestling right… well Rick Rude I am no man to be trifled… I am no man to be intimidated and Rick Rude you will find out I am no man to be played with… you want to talk about Rude Awakenings… brother wait until you see the lights from the DDT and then you tell me what it is all about!


Mean Gene then talks about another big match for SNME as Hulk Hogan will go up against Dino Bravo!


Jimmy Hart and Dino Bravo - put over their match with Hulk Hogan and say they are going to break every rule in the book to put an end to Hulkamania once and for all… FOREVER!


Hulk Hogan: Well you know something… all my Hulkamaniacs out there have seen what 1988 has done to Hulkamania but now is the time to end the year on a bright note and start 1989 with the biggest bang we can. I can’t think of a better way to do that than to beat the living tar out of that good for nothing Dino Bravo. Jimmy Hart you and your Foundation better be ready to be shaken to the core so WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOUR!


Great Muta  defeated Kyle Williams - Tito Santana pipes in on the match and talks about the mystery of Muta but the consistency of Santana… he says that anyone can flash a pan but very few can keep it is hot as he has for as long as he has…


Twin Towers defeated Bobby Holly & Savio Vega -  Slick cuts a promo on Demolition to let them know that the Towers are next in line for a tag team title shot and if anyone is in their way they will put them down to get the gold!


Terry Taylor defeated Mac Thompson- Brutus Beefcake chimes in to let us know that Terry Taylor could use a cut here… a trim there… maybe some color… ome volume… one way or another… Terry Taylor has a date with the barber!


Brother Love Show w/ The Rockers is a pretty fun segment with the Rockers playing the opposite of Demolition a couple weeks ago. This time they put over their US tag titles and talk about the challenges of the Rougeaus, the Russians, the Powers of Pain, and then the world champions, Demolition. The Rockers say that these titles mean a lot and silver tastes good… but gold tastes better and they can’t wait to have their chance in the ring with the champs!


Demolition vs the Russians

-A good main event with the Russians getting in just enough offense to keep it interesting - but Ax and Smash are on another level. We get a lot of back and forth between Gorilla and Bobby about how the Rockers and Demo would be a main event anywhere in the country. Bobby doesn’t think the teenie boppers could pull it off but Gorilla says their speed is unmatched. The decapitation device is all she wrote and the tag champs reign supreme. When will these two teams come to head?



No pictures again - Influenza A is kicking my ass. I am sorry about the lack of content and feedback.

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Bad News and the Warrior will make for an exciting brawl.

HTM gets his shot at the IC title at SNME. 

Sullivan and Rotunda are getting aggressive with their recruitment drive.

Savage has a Giant challenge ahead.

Rude and Roberts could trade promos every week and I'd be happy.

Hart and Bravo just straight up admitting they're planning to cheat their asses off really got me.

Santana doesn't seem as impressed with Muta as the rest of us.

The Towers are marching to gold.

Beefcake can't wait to get Taylor in the chair.

The Rockers are already looking to double up. But Demolition is laying waste to everyone in their path.

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Total 80s WWF. I missed those side bar promos during a match. 

SNME is heating up. This will be a great stop towards the Royal Rumble. 

I can only imagine the chaos in the Savage/Andre match. And with Hogan there, you never know what'll happen. 

The seeds have been planted and things are being mentioned in promos. Demolition vs. The Rockers must happen. 

1989 will be a great year for the WWF.

Get well soon brother! 

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I am on the mendish...


12/11Superstars of Wrestling w/ Vince McMahon & Jesse the Body Ventura


Hot opening this week on Superstars as Jesse and Vince are going back and forth on who the rightful number one contender is. Vince says it is Hogan but Jesse says it is Andre… Andre gets the shot in a couple of weeks but we’ve got a huge night of action lined up including a Brother Love segment with the Macho Man!


Greg Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart defeated Kenny Phillips via the Figure Four Leg Lock


The Powers of Pain w/ Mr. Fuji defeated The Darby Brothers via top rope shoulder block.


Hercules defeated George Hill via the Torture Rack


Brutus Beefcake defeated Bob Jacobs. We got an inset interview from Terry Taylor who said he is going to be the one who does the strutting and cutting on Beefcake if he’d ever sign to fight him in the ring!


Tito Santana defeated Hiro Tanaka. Tito talked turn the match towards Muta and how this will be a true test of his abilities and how he won’t stop until he shows Muta who the rightful champion in the people’s eyes is!


Davey Boy Smith is riding solo and defeated Erick Strong. 


Haku & King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan vs Z-Man & Koko Ware is a pretty fun tag team encounter. Bundy has a little bit of a resurgence here in the later part of 1988 due to LowBlow getting his wrestling figure from Zombie Sailor. With that… he and Haku make a formidable team while the speed of Zenk and Koko is almost too much to be matched. In the end, Heenan finds a way to distract Koko which leads to Bundy avalanching Zenk in the corner before Haku nails him with a savat kick and gets the 3-count! 


Brother Love show with WWF Champion Randy Savage is quite the doozy. Savage is decked out and looks amazing as the champion. He and Brother Love highlight all the top stars from Hulk Hogan to Jim Duggan to the Ultimate Warrior then to Andre the Giant. Savage says he has got a big present for Hulk Hogan at Saturday Night’s Main Event. It is going to be something that he’s been wanting to give him for a LONG time! Savage tells Andre to listen up closely… maybe the words take a while to get through that giant skull of his but he better understand that the time of the Madness has come. The reign of Madness is upon all the world and the world has to bow down to the champion. I am a giant of a man not only in stature but also is attitude. My presence is bigger than the presence of any one man or group of men in the entire world. Andre the Giant is going to find out that the Macho Mean is the true giant of the WWF… the true warrior of wrestling… and the only champion there ever has been or ever will be… DIG IT! That brings out the big man who shows no emotion towards Savage… he even pushes Brother Love aside and grabs the microphone…


Andre: I do my talking in the ring… but I will say this to you now… oh boy you are in trouble!


Andre throws the microphone at Savage who sells it huge… Andre and Savage at SNME… what a night it is going to be and what is this present that Savage has got for Hogan?!?


Event Center with Mean Gene… he is highlighting SNME coming up in a couple of weeks. 


Rick Rude: Jake Roberts… you are nothing but a snake in the grass… well it is just too bad that the Ravishing one will mow it all down just I like I do with the ladies and show the world what you really are. A long… pathetic… worm. You know something Jake Roberts… i don’t even know if you’re worth the Rude Awakening when the time comes… it may be best to just cut your head off and leave you lay in the middle of the ring!


Jake Roberts: Cut my head off huh… well Rick Rude it wouldn’t surprise me if you knew the head from the tail… but don’t worry… there won’t be any sneaking… slithering… nothing… just me walking down the aisle… going face to face with you and brother only one man will be left standing… I just don't know if you got the legs for what Damien and the DDT will do to you. 


Dino Bravo w/ Jimmy Hart - Hulk Hogan says he has the power of all the Hulkamaniacs…well too bad that is all harnessed in the palm of my hand. Hogan… I am going to smash you up into millions of pieces so all of your little Hulkamaniacs can share a piece of what is left!


Hulk Hogan: The power of the Hulkamaniacs is immeasurable Bravo… at Saturday Night’s Main Event… I am going to harness that power and show you a fraction of what Hulkamania truly is. Know that when all is said and done… I am going to Rock the Hart Foundation to it very core and Jimmy Hart… don’t think for a second I am going to forget about you. But when the foundation crumbles… and you’re about to be sucked into the unforgiving earth… reach up Dino Bravo and Jimmy Hart and see if you have what it takes to be saved like all my Hulkamaniac because WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA DESTROYS THE WORLD AROUND YOU!!!


Bad News Brown: Haha… the Ultimate Maniac… paints his face… yells… screams…  you got all those little ropes around your arms… well Warrior… I don’t play none of these games boy. You want to chant and holler for your gods… well when you look at me you are looking at the man who is going to bring you face to face with him. I have no plans to take it easy. I have no plans to make it fun. I have one plan and that is to END YOU!


Ultimate Warrior: Behold the power in the palm of my hand… the power of the warriors has no limits or boundaries… the hatred that fills your heart Bad News Brown is just the seed… the fuel that drives the love in all of my warriors and it is that love that will be the ultimate sacrifice…. For Saturday Night’s Main Event will be the arena that all the wrongs in the world will be made right and I will show the world that I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO RISE TO THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!

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The Brother Love show was the highlight for me. I could totally see Macho Man's reaction when Andre threw the mic at him. Classic. 

The promos really hyped up SNME well. I see Warrior's stock rapidly rising. 

Things are shaping up well for 1989 and the Royal Rumble is going to kick things off with a bang. Can't wait!

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