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1 hour ago, KawadaSmile said:

I'd honestly put him against Jacob Fatu. In any case, it's likely they'll push the "multi man clusterfuck" button.

I’m kind of hoping for a continuation of the relationship breakdown between Jacob Fatu and Solo, with those two guys facing off at Wrestlemania. With the continued loud positive crowd reactions Fatu is getting, you have to assume they will pretty much have to turn him face sooner rather than later.

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53 minutes ago, sek69 said:

Jacob seems more over every time he shows up and I love to see it.

If he wasn’t a massive choad, I would almost feel bad for Braun Strowman (but he is, so I don’t.) I got the distinct impression that he was meant to be the sympathetic character when they did that angle on Saturday Night’s Main Event with Jacob Fatu brutalizing him…but I’m pretty sure the fans really aren’t supposed to be chanting “One More Time!” when a heel repeatedly attacks you. :lol: And in pretty much every interaction the two of them have had since, the fans seem clearly on the side of Fatu. It’s not even that they don’t like Strowman as much as it just seems to be that Jacob Fatu is too exciting to boo.

The fans were even chanting Fatu’s name when he squared off with Cody, FFS. If you-know-who was still in charge, I’m sure this would all be ignored, but hopefully the current creative team is smart enough to realize what’s happening here and capitalize on it. Because Jacob Fatu is freaking awesome and they need to push him to the moon. They have already laid the groundwork of problems between Solo and Fatu, and Lord knows the fans hate Solo, so I hope they continue in the direction they are going and we get to see them fight soon.

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Fightful is reporting that Jeff Cobb either has signed, or is about to sign with WWE. I remember reading that he was one of those guys that Vince had no interest in, for some reason. Considering the AEW/New Japan relationship, I always figured he’d end up in AEW, but I guess we’ll see how this shakes out. 42 seems a little bit old to be making the jump, even considering the average age of the WWE Main Event level guys now, as well.

Then again…Cobb vs. Jacob Fatu? Or Solo? Or Bronson Reed? Yes please.

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So…that vignette before the Nakamura vs. Priest match on Smackdown…that was Fenix, right?

EDIT: Apparently some intrepid viewers have already replayed the vignette and thanks to judiciously freeze framing at the precisely right moment, were able to identify a couple of tattoos that confirm that it was definitely Fenix, no doubt about it.

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Cobb is still announced for NJPW Chicago show in April. And he doesn't have any title to not drop (like Vaquer and Ricky Saints. BTW, Omos never made his way back on TV, so him not dropping the NOAH title was just typical WWE fuckery) so he should probably finish his dates. I will sure miss him on NJPW cards. I was always surprised he wasn't pushed a bit stronger than he was. At 42, it's now or never to get a contract in a major US company. He would have fit better in AEW stylistically. I guess WWE thinks anyone from an island can be put in the Bloodline or something.... Hey, it was fun, from Matanza Cueto to a bunch of great G1 Climax.

Fénix, I don't see it happening. They have done jackshit with Dragon Lee (and no, Speed doesn't count, who the fuck cares about working 2 minutes matches on the nazi network ?) and he's younger (and at this point better) than Fénix. Putting him with Penta makes them the old Lucha Brothers, and in WWE they are going nowhere great. In single, he'll probably have a 6 months honeymoon period, but after that point, it probably gonna be a nothing special run.

I most probably have seen the best of them for the last ten years. Damn, LU was a long ass time ago. 

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Also, if Nakamura is done soon, like it seems to be the case, what's next ? The guy had exactly ONE great match when he debuted in 2016, against Sami Zayn, then apparently coasted for his entire WWE career (I mean, he had two disappointing matches with AJ Styles and that was like 8 years ago). Last time I saw him was against Mutoh in NOAH and he looked completely toasted.

If anything, that makes one last Tanahashi vs Nakamura match possible, which probably would be quite the event (also possibly quite sad to watch, despite Tana just having a great match against Goto). AEW ? Don't think so. Unless Nak actually wants to have a last ride in the sunset working his ass off one last time, which I really don't think is credible at this point. He always was a "big match only" kinda guy anyway. Okada vs Nakamura grimacing their way into a comedy match in 2026 would certainly be *something*. Not sure anyone really wants to see that though.

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The Punk/Rollins cage match flirted with greatness, but it was brought down to Earth by finisher spam and the inherent silliness of winning a match by running away from your opponent. Regardless, I appreciate that Punk is seemingly the only guy today who can make exchanging blows feel like a fight rather than sadomasochistic performance art.

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4 hours ago, El-P said:

Not sure anyone really wants to see that though.

I know I fucking would. Nakamura already looked cooked nearly 10 years ago when he made his NXT debut (horror crept in as I wrote that sentence). Okada spent the last like 12 years as the ace carrying New Japan. 

Them just having a bullshit match with bullshit comedy would be the best and ony thing I'd want to watch from them at this point. Both are just REALLY good at that. 

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Nak always had the ability to coast. He knew at some point with WWE that he could essentially just earn a paycheck and surf all the damn time and that’s what he did. Also, like Okada, dude was banged up due to the previous 15 or so years, so it’s not a surprise that he waned AND coasted a bit. Good on him for getting paid, but I think we all should have had lower expectations. 

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