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Whatever happened to the "old timers?"


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Workrate Cru



I've lurked around wrestling boards for nearly ten years and there are names you constantly run across, but I never hear anyone mention these guys.


When I first noticed them (2000ish) I thought they were arrogant asshole's and I'm surprised I've never heard any criticism of this site or praise for that matter.



I see that Snowden does MMA commentaries on the WON site but as far as wrestling goes ... he seems M.I.A.


This is just a start, I was curious of thoughts/memories of those who've came and gone in regards to wrestling boards/chats in the past 12 or 13 years.

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I'd be interested to see what Shaunas is up too, but no one has spoken to him in years so far as I know.


John The Baptist/Matthew Randazzo is another guy I used to chat up a lot that I lost touch with. I heard from Mike Oles that he is still lurking around on some sites. He also apparently has written a book on the Benoit murders, which is funny considering the fact that last I talked to him he was working on a novel.

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Snowden is Evil Clown over at DVDVR, or at least was back when the WWF 80s dicussions were going on. He was talking wrestling at the time. Bix probably could say if he's still there or elsewhere.


Sanchez was on the DVDVR for a stretch after the Cru. Don't recall seeing him in ages.


Ganc is still Ganc.


Old School John is still around, I think on the DVDVR Boards and probably elsewhere.


I think other than Sanchez, none of them ever left wrestling message board permanently.




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Snowden has his own site now (more or less his own, anyway. He seems to be the key guy there... but that might just be my impressions of things), Total-MMA. It's the most readable and enjoyable of the online MMA sites that I'm aware of. Sort of like a Smark's Choice or a Pro Wrestling Only for MMA in the sense that there's a fair bit of actual discussion among knowledgeable fans and relatively little empty blah blah blah. It's mainly ex-"Them's Fighting Words" posters, mixed in with former Total MMA newsletter guys and some others.

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I just find myself depressed at how much the newer generation of smark websites these days seem like a watered-down copy of the old stuff. Way too many guys seem content to just recap a show instead of actually reviewing it. Say what you want about Scott Keith, and I'd probably say more, but at least he had his own distinct voice and opinions. Same thing with guys like, say, Chris Hyatte; not necessarily the most proficient intellectual analysist of all time, but had an engaging and entertaining writing style. But nowadays, we're stuck with guys like the interchangeable idiots over at the Observer site, most of which reads like some rookie smark who just discovered the IWC a year ago.

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Snowden is Evil Clown over at DVDVR, or at least was back when the WWF 80s dicussions were going on. He was talking wrestling at the time. Bix probably could say if he's still there or elsewhere.

Holy crap! Looking for info about a Randy Savage DVD and find this. I don't post at DVDVRMB anymore, more do to lack of interest than any big blow up or anything. I haven't watched wrestling regularly in a couple of years, the Benoit incident putting the stake in my already lagging interest. I buy many of the bio/historical WWE DVD's based on what I read about them here. We did watch Wrestlemania this year and I really liked the Shawn Michaels-Undertaker match, although I'm sure many of you did not. ;)


I have been busy writing about MMA: my first book came out late last year and Meltzer called it:


"The best book on the real history of MMA that I've seen. . . . This book really is so great I couldn't put it down . . . it's a thorough history dating back to the turn of the 20th century, covering the heydays in Brazil, Japan, and major UFC opposition groups over the past 15 years in North America."




We are about to push out a second printing soon, so that is good news, and the next book is in the works. I guess I am MMA's Scott Keith!


Hope you are all well. I hope jdw finally understands the Workrate Cru was a rib. Actually, I don't hope that! I love jdw just the way he is.


While we are doing this: where is Frank Jewett? Is Ganc really still at DVDVR? What happened to CRZ? Mike Palij?

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CRZ has his own site at the-w.com


Ganc is still an admin at DVDVR, but he hasn't posted in two months or so. His username is ^..^ or something like that. Last I remember his name was filtered on the site because I think he worked for one of Sun Myung Moon's newspapers and he didn't want his bosses finding out about his wrestling-mod hobby.

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While we are doing this: where is Frank Jewett?

Still in San Jose, still watching wrestling. Likes Dailymotion and Youtube quite a bit.



What happened to CRZ?

Married, moved but still at the W. Easy enough to get more there.


Mike Palij?

Still teaching the last I talked to him. Seemed to be doing well.



Now that I'm thinking, what ever happened to the Dark Cheetah?




The kid that got into the fight with Francine on RSPW?

Francine was on RSPW?



Travis Beaven from tOA?

Heard recently that he was doing some stuff with the fWo again, which is good.




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