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[1996-04-29-WCW-Nitro] Steven Regal vs Fit Finlay (Parking Lot Brawl)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

I guess this was inspired by Goldust vs Piper at Mania. Cool setup, these kind of things were really fresh and unique at the time before the endless list of boring and bad hardcore matches in the late 90's. Not as good as the other matches I agree, and the wide angle kinda hurts the viewing pleasure once again, but it's still one hell of a brawl.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Within seconds Finlay had put his boot through a car door window. The Parking Lot Brawl was an extremely dangerous scenario with steel, glass and concrete replacing a padded ring. It was just begging for injuries. Bischoff kept imploring the cameraman to keep a wide shot in case, heaven forbid, there was any blood. What kind of things was he expecting to happen putting these two in a match like this? It was short, brutal and they weren't holding back. For a 6m TV segment I thought this was spot on.

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  • 11 months later...

Something only the Yearbook can provide: we fade out on Shawn and Davey getting into a brawl, and fade in on Finlay and Regal doing the same thing. Cool effect. And this was of course awesome--tighter than the Uncensored match but totally unique. These guys pretty much topped every crazy ECW brawl for sheer intensity. I also love that they actually managed to build a match in this setting, with a really well-done build to the finish considering what they were doing.

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  • 1 month later...

Agree with PEte that this effect made this night feel really big for both shows which wasn't always the case early on in the MNW. This brawl was great while it lasted with hate, stiff shots, and using the cars as weapons. The finish was built to well and it felt like a conclusive blowoff to a fine feud. ***1/2

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  • 1 month later...

Steven Regal vs Fit Finlay - WCW Nitro 4/29/96 Parking Lot Brawl


Really cool, unique set up with these two bitter rivals surrounded by park cars. Finlay wastes no time putting his foot through a window. Finlay uses a tire and a bumper to fuck up Regal. I loved the build to the climax with all the teases of doing moves from the top of the car. You know we all wanted to see it. They delivered in spades and I will let the viewer see it for themselves because it is quite the exclamation point on a great undercard feud. Bischoff was trying to get this match over by calling for wide angles and saying this is too violent, but it just came off as more annoying. I wish we had Tony calling this match. That being Bischoff or whoever in WCW came up with this match was really smart. This is cutting edge shit that takes ECW puts a new twist on it and is applied to a feud that fit it well. It comes off as super fresh and really makes WCW seem must see. Great and entertaining match, but does not touch the sheer awesomeness of the Uncensored match. ***1/2

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  • 2 years later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1996-04-29-WCW-Nitro] Steven Regal vs Fit Finlay (Parking Lot Brawl)
  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...

Did not see this at the time.  It's almost like Vince 2 or more years later was just basically doing all the cool stuff that happened on Nitro when they were winning, but with even more of an edge to it.  You can see the influence Nitro had on the Attitude era in segments like this.

I dug this a lot though, I had watched all 3 of their previous matches leading up to it in a row and they varied it up enough to make them all really good.  Would have been nice if they had built Finlay up a bit and maybe had Regal go over somebody bigger a couple of weeks before starting this whole deal.  Could have been something really special.  What we did get was a really fun, super-stiff feud that should have gotten more attention at the time than it did.

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  • 2 months later...

One thing I love about this match is that there is an inordinately huge crowd watching it. What? How? Did they tape it after the show (this Nitro was indeed taped the previous week) and get people on the way out, or did thousands of people show up just to watch this?

Unfortunately this is perhaps the apex of Eric Bischoff being a worrywart spoil-sport. Not just demanding the long camera shots in the most obnoxious way possible ("If this gets too much for our viewers, I'm gonna demand we pull so far wide all we can see is the skyline!" Well fuck you too, Eric!), but in acting like he just does not have the stomach or the clearance from TNT S&P to witness the violence and action we all came to see. He also loved to clutch pearls about mild swear words and Randy Savage around the same time.

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  • 1 year later...

This wasn't dissimilar to their tremendous Uncensored match, albeit with more weapon shots and less no-nonsense grappling. Cars came into play almost immediately. Finlay introduces a brick, and Regal grinds his face into it. It's all incredibly grotesque and fierce without being bloody. Regal's kicks look fantastic, with strikes and punches being his primary weapons of choice. Finlay plays a little more dirty, using glass, metal, and just about anything he can find in the vicinity of the parking lot. Finlay takes control, dropping Regal across a guard rail, but Regal counters by throwing him through a window. Regal thens decides to give Finlay a bit of comeuppance, using a bumper for good measure. Regal takes a backdrop on top of a car, but powers through the pain and piledrives Finlay through the hood for the win. Five minutes of pure, chaotic brutality.  


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  • 2 years later...

I think this is better than the WWF version of it now that I have watched both in such close proximity.  Goldust and Piper brought it back to the ring inexplicably where these guys kept it in the parking lot and actually built a match out of it.  Great stuff and I honestly with these guys had feuded for a few years in WCW.

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