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What Would You Choose?


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I have narrowed it down to these out of some seasons to watch:



1981/82 Georgia Championship Wrestling

1985 World Wide TV

1986 AWA

1987 Memphis

1992 Saturday Night TV

2004 Smackdown



These shows are all things I have tasted but never in full context. Much as I would like to get them all, I think finances will likely force me to pick three of them -- out of the six listed. Besides, with the 1996 set factored in, I figure I'd be hard pressed to watch more than three of these at one time anyway.


For variety and just plain fun watching, what would you guys choose? Help me winnow it down, please. . .

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If he went for 1992 wouldn't he also get the Jesse Ventura arm wrestling tournament?


Kip Frey era WCW is awesome, as is early Watts. First 6 months of 1992 - in my opinion - is the peak period for WCW as a company.


Think Watts comes in around June, I think. Beach Blast was his first PPV, Wrestlewar Frey's last


Frey's 6-month run in WCW has got to rank as one of the best of all-time. Wonder how come noone else ever approached him.


Things don't start going bad until Halloween Havoc.

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1987 CWA is great for the first half and varies a lot for tue second half, but be warned that the Evansville set of shows floating around is missing some great Memphis-specific stuff. Still well worth watching but picking up WMC sourced episodes or comps in addition to the Evansville stuff gives a better picture of the first half, especially the Lawler vs Idol & Rich feud.

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1987 CWA is great for the first half and varies a lot for tue second half, but be warned that the Evansville set of shows floating around is missing some great Memphis-specific stuff. Still well worth watching but picking up WMC sourced episodes or comps in addition to the Evansville stuff gives a better picture of the first half, especially the Lawler vs Idol & Rich feud.

How much of the Memphis-specific stuff is available? I have Trent's set, and the following three discs that I got from Mortimer when he quit trading Memphis TV 05.30.87, Memphis TV 06.06.87, Memphis TV 06.13.87 & 06.20.87, all which he got from yourself. Is there anything else?
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I've just picked up the Trent's Memphis set, so looking forward to that, but you cant go wrong with Saturday Night 1992 set, each week there are some stellar matches involving the Dangerous Alliance and a great group of faces including, Sting, Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes etc. Id go with 1992 Saturday Night..

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1987 CWA is great for the first half and varies a lot for tue second half, but be warned that the Evansville set of shows floating around is missing some great Memphis-specific stuff. Still well worth watching but picking up WMC sourced episodes or comps in addition to the Evansville stuff gives a better picture of the first half, especially the Lawler vs Idol & Rich feud.

How much of the Memphis-specific stuff is available? I have Trent's set, and the following three discs that I got from Mortimer when he quit trading Memphis TV 05.30.87, Memphis TV 06.06.87, Memphis TV 06.13.87 & 06.20.87, all which he got from yourself. Is there anything else?


I have 2 comps from Steve F. in ok quality, one comp in pretty bad quality, and a few more eps I got later in ok quality.
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