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[1992-03-04-AJPW-Excite Series] Steve Williams & Terry Gordy vs Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue


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  • 4 weeks later...

Really good match. Jumbo secures the win, but Taue gained a lot from this win himself, as he was put in a position to fight valiantly pretty often. Jumbo's selling at the finish rocked. If Doc/Gordy had a weakness as a team, it's that their matches sometimes ran together. So this was good, but I doubt I'll remember much about it five minutes from now.

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If Doc/Gordy had a weakness as a team, it's that their matches sometimes ran together.

I don't find that to apply just to Doc/Gordy. At least to me, most of these All Japan 90's matches run together. Sure it's a good match but what's different about it compared to the other tags. Doc sure liked to throw clotheslines as he hit about 50 of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I thought they were cutting right to the finish with Taue taking powerbombs but match goes on longer. Wasn't as high on this as you guys as the timing seemed off a few instances such as Jumbo being late to break up a pinfall attempt. Other wise Jumbo was the better man in this match and continues his strong 92 year. Good final moments with him and Williams.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Great match as we're basically now fully locked into the era when All Japan at Budokan means a pair of excellent matches on top. There's a jump cut after the intros with Jumbo showing great fire and the gaijins with some strong heeling on him. After Jumbo & Taue play FIP for brief periods we get a truly fantastic finishing sequence with an Oklahoma Stempede and Jumbo hitting a Thesz Press for near falls and Taue delivering a tope to take out Gordy which allows Jumbo to hit a pair of backdrop suplexes for the title change.


I know this wasn't complete but what we got was strong enough for me mto put it ahead of Misawa/Hansen.



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  • 4 months later...

JIP, as I lament all the snooze-inducing half crabs and chinlocks from the MVC that we missed. We join Taue getting annihilated, but withstanding two Gordy power bombs and this already feels like a Taue showcase. Jumbo gets the spotlight towards the end, however, getting beaten down before more or less making his own comeback with Taue providing bits of help. This, from what we saw, was better than some of the '91 MVC matches but not as good as the high-end ones.

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  • 6 months later...

Four big dudes beating each other up. I know it happens in every tag match ever but Gordy standing outside the ring while Dr Death was getting double teamed was driving me crazy. There were a few clumsy spots and even the finish seemed a little weird. Still, I enjoyed this enough. The tope by Taue alone made this worth watching.

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  • 2 years later...

What we saw was great, as Jumbo took the best the MVC could throw and came back to score the big win. Doc in particular looked marvelous, hitting every big power move in his repertoire. Taue was great as Jumbo's helpful partner, who contributed to the festivities by taking Bamm Bamm out with a dive so Jumbo could hit the second Jumbo Driver on Doc and pin him.


Misawa and friends have been getting the best of Jumbo lately, so it's good to see him looking so strong here, and also to hear the crowd universally behind him and Taue. There will be better days ahead for the MVC, both in Japan and in the U.S.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1992-03-04-AJPW-Excite Series] Steve Williams & Terry Gordy vs Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue
  • 1 year later...

Jumbo and Taue both came out of this match looking great, which says a lot for MVC.  Speaking of the lengthy period of half crabs, we did get really close to super boring MVC when they were working over Jumbo with submissions.  I thought both Gordy and Williams could have sold better for the Taue "hot tag", but we got what we got.  Taue and Jumbo did a double team version of the atomic drop/backdrop, which was pretty awesome.  Anytime Taue does a dive I am immediately happy, so I was glad he busted out the tope.  Jumbo carrying the team to the win against the MVC was huge, and I actually liked the match as a whole despite my MVC bias.  They are starting to remind me of the Choshu/Yatsu/Hara/Tenryu/Jumbo days of AJPW, but with more tendency to be super boring at times.

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