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[1992-07-12-UWFi-Ruling the World: Shizuoka Live] Kiyoshi Tamura & Kazuo Yamazaki vs Gary Albright & Mark Silver


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  • 1 month later...

This had an awesome finish that put Tamura over strong, even though Albright and Silver won. Tamura kept getting up when you thought he was going to stay down and it made for some great heat. Albright and Yamazaki also ceded most of the spotlight to Tamura and Silver, who worked more of the match than their teammates and made the most of it. Good stuff. I like Mark Silver every time I see him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I think tag bouts are kinda dumb in a worked shoot where most of the bout is spent on the mat. Still even with my feelings I like this. I thought everyone looked good here. Silver has impressed me with his hard work. Albright's suplexes are awesome. For a while I thought they were building to an Albright/Silver match because of how Silver took forever to tag out. All 4 guys looked good, and Silver's tag to Albright is about an awesome of a "hot tag" as it comes. I really enjoyed this.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Silver is the guy who came across the best here. Yamazaki got in some rather cheap shots a couple of times (once while the ref was checking him during the standing count, and once after knocking him down but before the count started) that looked like they'd do Silver in, and he kept coming back. He also kept on fighting when he had opportunities to tag in Albright, and the decision comes across as courageous rather than dumb. Of course, once he gets down to 2 points, he makes his big comeback and the big tag. Albright was built up to great as this lurking force on the apron, and the crowd loses it when he gets back in. Tamura just gets leveled with a German suplex and the match is stopped instantly. I agree that shootstyle tags are kind of wonky but this is one of the peaks of the style.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm in the minority here but I really dig these shootstyle tags. Or maybe it's just that this one was incredibly well-designed, with Albright dominating in his first sequence, then sidelined as Yamazaki and Tamura destroy Silver, building to the definitive hot tag. And the no-interference rules were used well during the "FIP" sequence, with Yamazaki/Tamura jumping on Silver quickly after breaks and knockdowns, preventing him from getting to Albright.

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  • 9 months later...

I wasn't as high on this as most of you seem to be. Put me down in the "Silver looked like a fool for not tagging out" camp, particularly when the first few tags were executed off of rope breaks. He could have simply walked over and tagged Albright after any of them; it's not like a regular pro match where the other team could beat on him without letup. Then we get a TKO without a count? At least Tamura sold his wooziness well to make that decision partially understandable.


On the plus side, Albright certainly looked like a monster, and his suplexes were devastating. If Silver's seeming refusal to tag out was a way to build anticipation for Albright's entrance, it certainly succeeded in that respect, since I for one was beyond relieved when he finally got in. Most shoot-style bouts don't have the theatrical touches you find in regular bouts, so it's not always easy to tell when one's being employed. Maybe I need to look more closely in the future in order to be able to find them.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1992-07-12-UWFi-Ruling the World: Shizuoka Live] Kiyoshi Tamura & Kazuo Yamazaki vs Gary Albright & Mark Silver
  • 2 weeks later...

Really awesome shoot-style tag because it definitely blurs the lines between shoot and pro-wrestling very well. Mark Silver, really representing 1992 in all its glory, won me over and became quite the fighting underdog when the fans turned on Tamura who basically bullies SIlver on the mat throughout the match. Really rides that back mount and at one point, SIlver lifts his hands and asks "why?". Things get really heated when SIlver tries to retaliate but Tamura goes back to dominating him and sending him to the ropes. Yamazaki's "I don't want to be here" energy is so good. He definitely gives Silver something more to work with and their exchanges felt gritty and seamless. Love Yamazaki's go behind German suplex. Yamazaki gives him some big kicks and Silver sells them great but it looks he was supposed to take Yamazaki's spinning heel kick counter, doesn't, stands there awkwardly trying to figure out what to do, and then Yamazaki, clearly pissed, shoot stomps him in the face and tags in Tamura. So now Tamura and Yamazaki are both shooting on Silver, Silver just wants some retribution against these assholes, the fans want Silver to tag in Albright, and Albright is ready to fucking kill somebody. We get the finish everyone was waiting for. Tamura tries to do his thing against Silver but Silver immediately goes to the ropes, drops Tamura with a uranage, and finally tags in Albright, whose like "f this a-hole" and annihilates Tamura with suplexes for the KO. Not a happy man at the way Tamura humiliated Silver and boy, did Tamura pay. Yikes. 

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  • 1 year later...

If you're going to build a monster, I would say this is the way to do it.  Silver looked like he was trying to salvage his pride after that beating he took for a bit there and I wondered how wise that was.  But it did work out in the end.

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